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Zhao yan/article
North American time on April 23,The Associated Press(AP)Twitter account has been"The hacker"attack,1 p.m. eastern time 07 distribute alerts,"Breaking news,The White House two explosions occurred,Barack Obama was injured."
Although the ap was almost immediately suspend his own Twitter lines,Weibo and announcement was black,The attack of the White House is false news,But because killed three people/Boston, injuring more than 200 bombing last more than a week,This news is clearly skillfully takes advantage of the American investors panic psychology keypad did not disappear,The dow Jones industrial average fell nearly 150 points.
13 years ago"9.11 event",Eventually evolved into a financial and economic cold snap;And when the social networking sites to rewrite human information dissemination way,inadvertently,Also began gradually started to set up in dissolution"Trusted information"On the stock/So that the foundations of the financial sector.If your wealth hurt in the fracas,Heart is up and down,You'd better prepare for the future often have this encounter.Most analysts/traders/Market participants are the consensus:Regulators now powerless, I'm afraid.
Along with the social network into the thick of life,Anyone who has the opportunity to gain a valuable news,As long as he has the ability to best word essay,Even a few dozens of words clearly,Are likely to drive the market,Even affect the world;With the help of a credibility and influence of media platforms,Of course more.
The incident shows that,In high-frequency trading, after the stock market ecology,With the aid of technological change,Fake news can be completely"Impossible to a willing heart"As a financial attack weapons,And the cats in the cat and mouse game underdog for a long time, I'm afraid.
这仅仅是一个境外的黑客攻击吗?期货投资管理公司Cronus Futures Management总裁Kevin Ferry称,观察标普500迷你期权合约会发现明显的异动,显示有交易员通过此次事件赢利,按照常规,有深入调查的必要,但现实中,却很可能时过境迁。
This is just an outside hacker attacks?Futures investment Management co., Cronus Futures Management, Kevin Ferry said,Observe the s&p 500 mini options contracts will find obvious changes,Showing traders profit through this event,According to the conventional,Necessary to further investigation,But in reality,May have changed.
So far,U.S. officials didn't comment anything about would conduct an investigation.
This is quite different from traditional causes of similar incidents of indulgence,Will inspire traders don't walk unusual way?Was inspired terrorist organization will more carefully to fake news for financial effective weapon attacks?
The media asked,What should I do,You can expect the next stock market plunge of false information may come from where?Uzbekistan urchin?India's hedge funds?Or terrorist organization?If you can't,How to prevent?
And through facebook(fb)And the influence of the social-networking site Twitter news release,Just an example,These sites not only brought the information disclosure system of listed companies in the United States,Will also affect the information disclosure of listed companies of global ecology,Relying on the information of the financial industry in times of change.How to regulate?This is the world common proposition.
美国证监会(SEC)稍早允许上市公司用社交网站披露信息,这个代称为 “Reg FD.”的新规,预留很多被诟病对小投资人不公的灰色空间。
The securities and exchange commission(The SEC)Allow earlier use social networking sites disclosed information of listed companies,The generation is called "Reg the FD."The new rules,Set aside a lot was criticized for small investors unfair gray space.
The The SEC announced,The listed company to investors before they are allowed,Direct information disclosure on social networking sites,The policy change is derived from the Netflix streaming company management on fb released the price sensitive information,Securities regulatory commission (CSRC) announced that in the end,Enterprise social networking websites all investors can be fair and log in,So make the rules.
But it cannot be denied,Large institutional investors/The rich/Establishment, relative to ordinary people had preferred channels of information,Information disclosure of the relevant traditional rules meant to suppress information privileged to profit,Create equal competition investment platform,But the social networks of mass carnival,I'm afraid finally become a minority investment carnival.
Someone called,Social networking is a person with group of points,If the CEO of frustrated/brokenhearted/Drink up,With their group of friends to share the next quarter of company performance,Though it is public information,The investors of the company don't like the vast Lin hai fall tree quietly,Estimates that will hurt innocent people.
When in the past 10 years ecological after high-frequency trading has changed the stock market trading,In the next 10 years ecological community sites may change again the stock market trading.All change seem to is pointing in the direction of small investors increasingly see injustice,Hope lagging regulation of catching up to change.
The author graduated from Beijing university
Institute of international relations and China center for economic research of Peking University
Now living in San Francisco
Your email:HTTP: / / yanina.zhao@gmail.com
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