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Although outside economic environment is not optimistic,But for the past two years,The number of millionaires in China grew by an average of 18% a year.This is China merchants bank yesterday(600036,stocks)Joint release at bain[China's private wealth report 2013]According to the data.However, under strict property tightening measures,35% of the rich plan to reduce real estate short-term investments.
个人可投资产增速有所放缓 Personal investment growth slowed production
Although has experienced 2011 years of economic adjustment,Major investment markets such as real estate and capital market growth are falling,However, benefit from the bank financial products/The rapid growth of the territory of foreign investment and other investments,The scale of China's private wealth market still increase.
According to the report,2012 China personal investible assets held by the overall size reached 80 trillion yuan,Personal investible assets compared with 2008,Has doubled.but,China personal investible assets held by the overall size of 2010-2012 average annual compound growth rate of 14%,In 2008-2010 average annual compound growth rate of 28% slower.
Judging from the number,China's high net worth population(Personal investible assets of more than 10 million yuan)The scale is expanding year by year.In 2012,,In China's high net worth population more than 700000 people;Compared with 2010,Increased by about 200000 people,Average annual compound growth rate of 18%,And has more than twice the number of people in 2008.
对房地产投资热情明显下降 Enthusiasm for real estate investment dropped significantly
The real estate investment occupy a larger proportion of investment in Chinese assets,But since 2010,Government issued a series of real estate market regulation policy in succession,More specify a secondary transfer deal strictly this year 20% of income tax shall be levied according to the difference,This series of measures to affect the rich enthusiasm for real estate investment in the short term.
According to the report,In the government under the new round of adjustment on the real estate market,High net worth people to invest in real estate markets wait-and-see mood.Close to 60% of the respondents said,Is in no hurry to increase or reduce their holdings of real estate investment income,Hope in the next year or two real estate market policy and price movements,And other investment opportunities before judgment.About 35% of the respondents expressed a desire to reduce real estate investment.
They said,From the exit of the residential real estate market,Between 15% and 20% would consider doing overseas real estate investment,15% to 20% would consider turned to commercial real estate,About 15% would consider buying real estate trusts/fund,About 50% of the money will be considered for other kinds of investment financial products.According to the report,This shows that affected by the policy,High net worth population investment enthusiasm on the real estate market is significantly lower in the short term,Exit the money flows are expected to relatively scattered.
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