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Look from the history of financial regulatory reform,Although countries in developing and perfecting financial regulation,But on the whole,Degree of financial regulatory reform is driven with different crisis problem oriented,Is given priority to with the improvement of the later,A lack of prospective.
面临的挑战 The challenge for
In recent years,With the financial globalization/The rapid development of liberalization and financial innovation,Deepening financial institutions business innovation and cross fusion,Significant changes in the regulatory environment,But our country supervision mechanism and regulatory reform relative lag,Obviously not adapt to the developing situation of financial requirements,Financial safety and financial efficiency are facing challenges,Regulatory effectiveness in question.Embodied in the following aspects:
(a)Financial institutions across the field/The growing financial business and product innovation,Regulation is still in a state of separation,Formation of the potential risks in the regulatory system.
First of all,Due to business innovation and product innovation,The function of financial institutions gradually blurred border,Different types of financial institutions tend to provide functionality similar to financial products and services,Supervised respectively according to body type to do not have a unified regulatory standards and regulatory vacuum phenomenon,And lead to unfair competition"Regulatory arbitrage"Problems such as,Form a potential risks around the financial system.In asset management, for example,Asset management is the traditional business securities industry,But in recent years the rapid development the asset management business of bank and trust,Assets under management more than securities fund industry.Such as the size of the asset management business of securities companies at the end of 2011 280 billion dollars only,The trust company asset management business scale of 4.8 trillion,Bank wealth management products balance of 4 trillion yuan,Size of the asset management business of securities companies as a fraction of the bank trust industry.But due to the securities regulatory commission (CSRC) actively promote the innovation in securities company business recently,Asset management, investment scope,At the same time due to the China banking regulatory commission to Banks and off-balance-sheet business continuously strengthen regulatory norms,Rapid development of the asset management business of securities companies,In one year from the end of 2011 2800 one hundred million yuan rose to 1.89 trillion yuan by the end of 2012,Securities directional asset management business as the bank will credit class assets transferred to the table in the table outside the main channel.
The second,Business degree of crossover and integration between different types of financial institutions,Relatively integral regulation system is difficult to identify and effectively guard against financial risk across domains.Such as Banks are widely involved in securities fund and trust products sales,And provide funds for securities and futures clearing and depository services,Securities and fund of insurance assets and bank financial products offer investment services.Independent to see,Related businesses are risk-free entrusted management business in the middle of the business or assets,But after business whether there is damage the interests of consumers,Whether can produce risk transfer infection,Through relatively segmentation is difficult to effectively identify and guard against financial regulatory system.
Once again,,Based on independent prudential supervision of financial institutions it is difficult to identify financial holding group's overall risk profile.In order to meet the financial business cross and integration trend,More effectively play a synergistic effect,In the form of holding group and parent-subsidiary financial integrated management of financial holding group.Comprehensive management in financial institutions to provide""One-stop" work style"The financial services,Improve the service efficiency and quality at the same time,Also contains the new risks,The relative integral regulation system to form a new challenge.Such as micro prudential supervision of financial holding group members can effectively guard against financial group's overall risk?How systemic risk in financial holding group internal conduction?Regulatory arbitrage in the financial holding group is convenient?
In addition,In the process of business innovation of financial institutions,The boundaries between direct finance and indirect finance is gradually tends to blur,But regulation on information disclosure and transparency requirements did not improve,Financial market potential moral hazard and adverse selection risk.Bank wealth management products, for example,By the end of 2012,Bank wealth management products balance of 7.4 trillion yuan,More than 10% of the bank lending in the table,Inadequate supervision of bank financial products could lead to the accumulation of financial risks.Look from the investment and financing the relationship,Over bank wealth management products to the public to raise funds,To invest in bonds/Money market instruments/Project finance assets and equity asset class,Investment risk borne by the product buyer,Has a direct financial attributes.But on the regulation,For according to the requirement of the direct financial bank financial products for which the force and the continuous information disclosure,Money supply is lack of effective use of funds supervision and control,Moral hazard problem.
((2))Across the financial reform and innovation in the field of increasing demand,And relatively fragmented financial regulatory system in the form of administrative division,Affect the reform continues to advance.
In the bond market development, for example,The interbank market and exchange market, respectively, by the people's bank and securities regulation,The issue of corporate bonds must be for examination and approval of the national development and reform commission,In market access conditions/Information disclosure standards/Credit evaluation requirements and appropriate institutional investors/Investors are not unified in the protection system,Affect the function of bonds market further development.In addition,Advance in interest rate liberalization and capital account convertibility requirements form a complete set of financial reforms in the process of synchronization,Residents for financial institutions and enterprises to provide effective risk management tools and the market,And our country related to interest rate and exchange rate of the spot market is regulated by the central bank,Treasury bonds/When women want to get a sense of security, one of the simple and easy way is shopping, shopping can h,while[Securities laws]Regulation of financial derivatives market supervision main body to the CSRC,Relatively fragmented regulatory system reform in the field of advancing across inconsistencies exist in the target,Even the goal conflict situations,In the whole advancement, in turn, affects the financial reform.
(three)Economic and social development of the flexible adjustment of financial structure is put forward higher request,And financial regulation is still used to traditional regulatory approaches such as administrative examination and approval and access restrictions,Restrict the exertion of financial function and financial innovation development.
Under the government regulation of financial regulatory system,Regulators through market access restrictions/License restrictions/Restrictions on business innovation/To direct financial activities strict measures of the administrative examination and approval,Affect the effective supply of financial services,Hindered the flexible adjustment of financial structure,Restricts the financial function.Such as micro, small and medium enterprises, and for China"Agriculture, rural areas and farmers"Provide financial services to small and medium sized financial institutions has been a lack of,On the financial institutions set up a new approval has been difficult to meet the market demand;Limit for private capital to finance industry,Affects the operating efficiency of financial institutions and vitality,Also restricts the depth and breadth of financial services entity economy;To direct financial tools such as stocks and bonds issuance of administrative examination and approval strictly,Restrict the exertion of function of financial and capital market development.
(four)With the developed countries constantly strengthening macro-prudential in contrast to financial regulation reform,The systemic financial risk prevention mechanism construction and reform progress is slow.
China's financial sector development and reform"The 12th five-year"Planning is clearly put forward the building of macro-prudential regulation framework of goals,But at the moment"A line of three will be"The regulatory framework,Without a financial regulators have to monitor the market information and authority necessary to systemic risk,Regulators also difficult to achieve effective coordination.so,Relative to Europe and the United States and other developed markets,Review China's macro regulatory reform has been slow,At present has not yet been determined and the main responsibility of the regulatory means,Has yet to establish macro prudential supervision and effective information communication between the micro-prudential supervision and coordination mechanism.
(five)Emerge with a large number of emerging local financial institutions and local financial market is contradictory,China's local financial management supervision law blank,Supervisory methods and means lag behind,Difficult to effectively control financial risks.
In recent years,The towns and villages around the bank of China/Small loan companies/Guarantee companies and all kinds of new financial institutions, such as local equity/Commodity trading market rapid development,A lot of new financial institutions actually part of the play"The shadow banking"The role of,Local businesses and government financing credit intermediary function,Partial equity markets and commodities trading market with financial market attribute,But at the moment, the central financial supervision and regulation department due to regulatory restrictions of power,It difficult for many small and medium-sized financial institutions and decentralized local market to implement effective supervision,Place due to the lack of legal basis of the financial management and supervisory methods and means lag behind,Attaches great importance to the access link for examination and approval regulation and risk regulation and despise,May become the potential financial risks accumulated points.
改革的思路 The thinking of reform
Look from the history of financial regulatory reform,Although countries in developing and perfecting financial regulation,But on the whole,Financial regulatory reform is varying levels of crisis and problem oriented,Is given priority to with the improvement of the later,A lack of prospective.
The history of financial regulatory reform law determines the financial regulatory reform in China is need to more, from the perspective of the problem oriented,Should be carried out under a strong external force.In terms of current reform,
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- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
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