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在中国的金融图谱中,似乎没有其他哪类新型非银行金融机构会像消费金融公司(Consumer Finance Co.,以下简称“CFC”)这么纠结。
In China's financial map,There seems to be no other what type of new non-bank financial institutions like consumer finance companies(Consumer Finance Co.,Hereinafter referred to as the"CFC")So entanglements.
On stage,Promulgated in accordance with the previous pilot management measures,"Without the approval of the CBRC,Consumer finance company shall not conduct business outside the registered in the administrative area".On the,As scholars have pointed out,"No size,it(CFC)Profit model is very difficult to realize".
so,Operating for more than three years,With billions of assets scale and the scale of hundreds of thousands of customers,Holding a scarce license plates four CFC obtained regulatory officials cautious evaluation only:"The current count up to share the economic transformation,To promote their own development,Or participate in personal consumption."At the same time,It is because of"The relatively small size"But has yet to win"Relevant policy attention".
然而,在四家试点CFC揣度下一步将何去何从之际,面对这一蓝海市场——有预测称,“十二五”时期我国消费信贷增速将保持24%的增长速度,2015年消费信贷的规模将突破20万亿元人民币——多家机构已经实质性切入。近期最为惹眼的便是三井住友旗下的消费金融公司SMBC Consumer Finance,今年以来,其不仅频频与多个地方政府接洽,更已在多个省市借门槛更低的小贷暗线布局,而日本永旺、中国香港亚联财等外资机构更已跑马圈地多时。
however,In four pilot CFC circle will go next,Facing the blue ocean market - there are predicted,"The 12th five-year"Period our country consumer credit growth to maintain a 24% growth rate,Consumer credit scale will exceed 20 trillion yuan in 2015 yuan - multiple agencies have substantial cuts.Recently the most eye-catching is sumitomo mitsui's Consumer Finance companies SMBC Consumer Finance,Since the beginning of this year,It is not only frequently consult with various local governments,Have been in many provinces small loans wiring layout of threshold is lower,While Japan aeon/Hong Kong, China and the united fiscal and other foreign institutions have their long more.
"Regardless of foreign investment, such as curve into the outfits will in the future by the China banking regulatory commission regulation,More to see,In order to ali financial's newly minted‘Virtual credit CARDS’Represented by various financial forms are glued to the consumer the meat,No matter whether CFC pilot will promote and how to proceed,The market itself has been accelerating evolution."One industry veteran said.
消费金融公司盈利面临“规模困局” Consumer finance companies earnings face"Scale problems"
The size of the consumer credit in China in the 2015, 20 trillion forecast total plate,Consumer finance company's mainstream business belongs to the room/The car/Besides the credit card,Represented by electrical appliances consumer durables loans and to the wedding/tourism/General consumer loans such as education.Compared to mature markets such as Singapore 10% or even higher permeability,Now the domestic general consumer credit in total consumption accounted for only about 4% of the total amount of the credit,The potential can be seen.
After many years,Domestic Banks to develop this part of the low-end consumer business running out of steam,But at the macro and industry environment situation of profound change,Already, some Banks increase the importance of this plate,As at the end of the citic bank(601998,stocks)Set up the consumer banking,And very optimistic about the general consumer credit market prospect.According to reports,Banking regulatory commission recently issued a guidance about banking service the real economy,Require Banks to expand domestic demand on the supply of credit support,Promote the development of consumer credit business,Support households large consumer durables/education/culture/Tourism consumption demand for credit.
In the face of economic transformation/Consumption upgrade/The urbanization/Demographic change/Many factors such as policy to promote produce consumer finance market"The historic development opportunity",Various agencies already would come and kill.
日前,邦民日本财务(香港)有限公司全资子公司——天津普罗米斯小贷公司在津开业,面向个人推出用于装修、教育、旅游、娱乐、购物等无须担保、抵押的小贷业务。引人注目的是,邦民香港的母公司SMBC Consumer Finance Co.,Ltd为日本消费金融巨头,大股东则为Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group(三井住友)。
recently,Japan's financial state people(In Hong Kong)Co., LTD., a wholly owned subsidiary - tianjin street, small loan companies opened for business in tianjin,For personal used to decorate/education/tourism/entertainment/Shopping without guarantee, etc/Small mortgage loan business.remarkably,State the people of Hong Kong's parent SMBC Consumer Finance Co.,Ltd as the Japanese consumer finance giants,Large shareholders is Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group(Sumitomo mitsui).
According to media reports,The next three years,The company will invest 300 million yuan in tianjin,Proposed 10 outlets.In fact,,In June 2010 set up joint venture with peng yuan credit rating co., LTD., since the small loan company in shenzhen,SMBC consumer finance which accelerated the pace of market in the mainland to develop,Before in tianjin,It has been move later in shenyang,Earlier this year also has worked with wuchang/Related government officials in chongqing and other places have been approached.
More than SMBC,Highlighted their people and the Japanese retail giants AEON group AEON credit and as members of the Hong Kong's sun hung kai of the goods.In addition to those from common institutions,Also have a lot of Hong Kong background of small and medium-sized agencies in low-key wiring,And they invariably adopt set small loan or guarantee company mode rapidly expanding city and even the whole country.
Era of change,Spoiler is not limit conventional forces.In April,With a large customer base and the database of ali financial helped to launch again"Virtual credit CARDS",Ali not only stressed the consumption credit credit payment functions,This flexible according to the taobao transaction data to give the user credit model,Also attract market attention for its may trigger a demonstration effect.
The other side of the coin,today,Saw the start point closest small loans company blossom everywhere/Financing lease industry attention,Even the Internet financial started to re-examine their bank,Only in a single acquisition of four pilot cities is still like a consumer finance company"Jogging is a snail",Regardless of size or industry influence,There is quite a distance are related to the parties previously expected.
As of late last year,Only three of four pilot companies realize a small profit.In the"2012 consumer finance BBS"On the,A local branch officials to the present domestic credit card circulation of more than 300 million copies/Third party deposit scale of over $50 billion and net lending of all kinds of emerging platforms, for example,These extensions of essentially with the aid of consumer market development business,Are potential and realistic competitors consumer finance companies.
"And we temporarily no intersection,They picked out the upper middle of the part,In fact now is the time to the cake bigger,Does not exist the life-and-death."For more market participants,A pilot consumer finance company said.
but,Even if there is no adversary rivalry,Consumer finance companies still need to run its own business as soon as possible.IT systems require high fixed costs/A typical consumer loans to smaller single line and shorter repayment periods,All large volumes to the consumer finance companies need to produce enough reward.Macroeconomic research institute researcher at the national development and reform commission (NDRC) Chen Xinnian namely in the BBS said,Consumer finance company's future development direction is likely to be to scale,"Because there is no size,Its profit mode of this difficult to achieve".
"Allow consumer finance companies reach a certain size is critical to their survival.Scale can be performed in two ways,Is a geographically,One is the expansion of product portfolio."Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific financial institutions group co-head of Derek Stan will think,With the development of the industry,Higher funding costs/More intense competition and higher cost of business development,Can bring more profit to consumer finance companies.
监管框架待定 A regulatory framework to be determined
But it is the problem,From the perspective of regulators,Compared with"Gratifying progress",Several pilot companies of exemplary role remains to be breakthrough.Such as the"What kind of group and the level of development should be in",Operating more than two years of pilot companies seem to still need to the CBRC"Propose some".
Cai Esheng, vice President of the China banking regulatory commission in the consumer finance BBS speech pointed out,The purpose of the pilot is hope consumer finance companies in small scattered/Geared to the needs of low-income people in make greater progress in the loan business,But now there is still the company is not out of the retail business of commercial Banks business ideas,One-sided pursuit of business scale,There are also large single loan/Product class bank/Owe characterization of the problem.moreover,Function orientation/Wind control also the balance of the relationship between business development and grasp of the poor.
After a pilot CFC executives told reporters,Transfer the information from policy makers,The question is not whether expansion of consumer finance companies,But when expansion/How to expand,But there is no specific timetable.recently,There is also a close to regulators told reporters,This year is expected to realize interregional consumer finance company,And this extends not only including the introduction of more market participants,Grant a new batch of licences,Or also include allowing existing pilot company business network will extend to other areas.
The people close to the regulators did not disclose a new batch of plates the selected list and specific inter-district mode,Such as gradually open or can be"One pace reachs the designated position"Acquisition in the national scope,But it said,From the trend of the market operation(Include more participants to take card)Judging and audience acceptance,"The advance shall be a very natural."
[China business news(blog,weibo)]The reporter called the China banking regulatory commission,Said now the related department"Not good answer".The industry speculation,If make new card,guangdong/chongqing/Hubei three"Winning the lottery"More likely to.Implicit clue is,Chongqing branch bureau HongPeiLi once"Chongqing financial work in 2013"In the said,Company will strive for the financial consumption this year in chongqing pilot.And according to the hubei local media,Wuhan is also actively apply,For the second batch of pilot cities.Industry insiders believe otherwise,The first license plate after the election,Guangdong has been"Heart has unwilling",Is expected to be before opportunity not miss 2 degrees.
but,For licensed CFC and hope to get a new ticket to wait for the side,The regulatory framework remains elusive.
"The banking regulatory commission recently issued guidelines about banking service the real economy,Specifically mentioned the will‘Promote pilot consumer finance company’,This was supposed to be a positive signal,It is strange that,After a few days,A few lesser-known stock is almost the same time appeared in the BBS‘Regulators plan to suspend pilot expanding consumer finance companies’The news of the,We feel very confused."A long-term focus on consumer finance market insiders said.
But whether the second batch"The door card"Who will pilot and will be how to carry out,For the first four CFC,Before the market pattern to be decided is due to hard wings, as soon as possible.As the silver inspect bureau official said,"The financial sector,As long as involved in the consumer finance,Are scrambling to acquire the big cake,How to seize the opportunity,Make us(A pilot consumer finance company)For us to be able to realize the regulators and the public's expectations,Is indeed a problem worth thinking about."
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