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  美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,CFIUS)是一个跨部门行政机构,职能是监督和评估外国投资或兼并收购美国企业交易,并根据交易对美国国家安全的影响程度展开初步审查或正式调查,提出建议,直至视情况交由总统决定是否批准交易。

The committee on foreign investment in the United States(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,CFIUS)Is a cross-sectoral administrative institutions,Function is to supervise and evaluate foreign investment and merger and acquisition enterprises trading in the United States,And according to trade impact on the national security degree in preliminary review or formal investigation,Put forward the proposal,Until the circumstances to the President to decide whether to approve a deal.


CFIUS according to ford's 1975 executive order no. 11858 is set up,At the beginning of the established power relatively limited,Until 1988, the United States congress[Comprehensive trade and competition law],Authorized the President of the United States"The national security"Block the foreign capital merger and acquisition of domestic enterprises,And will review m&a project responsibility endowed by CFIUS.In 2007,,President bush has signed[Foreign investment and national security law],Requiring foreign acquirers and target materials trading American companies jointly submitted for CFIUS review or survey,And enlarge the CFIUS members scope,For the sake of their regular work report to congress.


At present,CFIUS, led by the ministry of finance,The finance minister, served as chairman of the committee,Office is located in the ministry of finance.CFIUS members include the following 11, head of the department:The ministry of finance/The justice department/The department of homeland security/The ministry of commerce/Department of defense/The state council/Department of energy (doe)/Trade representative's office/Science and technology policy office/National intelligence service/The department of labor.Among them,National intelligence service/The department does not have the right to vote.In addition,Office of management and budget/The council of economic advisers/The national security council/The national economic council/Five departments such as homeland security committee can work according to the need to participate in the CFIUS.
