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中国最年轻大学教授用甄嬛体迎新 网友直呼太潮--亲稳舆论引导监测室

中国最年轻大学教授用甄嬛体迎新 网友直呼太潮  这个教授有点潮。 The professor is a bit tide.


"If no parental rearing/Teachers education/Friends care/The social and economic order and safety and health security,No men packed today,Common including celebration!If no home countries,Without you I will!Light to see the world in smoke,Remember the kindness like blood……"


yesterday,Electronic hkust 2012 freshmen opening ceremony,In 2010, China's most young professor ZhouTao first website electronic hkust's opening ceremony rostrum,Not only chapter and verse/Witticism renju,Also with qiao zhen 嬛 body encourage new,Every time you can say"arouse"A piece of applause,Popularity even surpass the principal WangJinSong.


他够幽默 He is humorous


工科男教授大玩甄嬛体 Engineering male professor play zhen 嬛 body


"You the most deep and eternal life/The most impassioned/The toss and turn/The most painful depressed time,Will be in this four years the elaborate."Yesterday morning,A dress ZhouTao just on the rostrum,He draw a piece of cheering.It is understood,Although 2010 was appointed electronic university computer science and engineering college professor,And that is China's most young professor,But this is his first time attend the opening ceremony,Genteel speech,And engineering male identity"Vary widely".


"Standing in a new chapter on the first page,Maybe you apprehensive is terrible and the ratio of man to female."ZhouTao said,But he would like to remind is,University is not taught"Detailed exegesis of/Ming sentences and phrases"Primary school,but"Cultivate one's morality/its/governing/Flat world"Gentleman of the study of.While the students thought that this is a"Drop book bag"When professor,ZhouTao are starting to"play"Zhen 嬛 body.

  “诸位一生中必须铭记于心,须臾不可懈忘”、“ 若无父母养育、师长教化、朋友关爱、社会经济秩序和安全健康保障,绝无诸君今日济济一堂,共襄盛典!若无家国,便无你我!淡看世事如烟,铭记恩情如血。”……热门甄嬛体,在周涛的发言中“驾轻就熟”,每一句“诸君”都引来阵阵掌声。

"In life you must remember in heart,Instant not slack forget"/" If no parental rearing/Teachers education/Friends care/The social and economic order and safety and health security,No men packed today,Common including celebration!If no home countries,Without you I will!Light to see the world in smoke,Remember the kindness like blood."……Hot zhen 嬛 body,In ZhouTao presentation"Become adept",Each sentence"men"From burst of applause.


"True light you dream of youth,Is not money, status,But your love for problems and tireless pursuit!"ZhouTao said,Fame and wealth status/Everything a person of extraordinary powers curtilage is for lack of self-confidence/Mind fragile people brace face,As college students,Jealousy can but don't intrigue against each other,Can you after I cast but can't be jealous of real talent,In a word is"Hope years still good".


他很特别 He is very special


不用手机的“钻石王老五” Don't cell phone"A great catch"


In 2010,,ZhouTao begins to be well known,Was appointed electronic university professor he,Only 27 years old,Known as China's most young professor.Said to his previous life,is"legend".According to introducing,He 4 years old start the mahjong when the game play,5 years old start reading the WuXiaShu adapting,Six years ago self-study completed four years of primary school curriculum.15 we admitted to chengdu science class,After the physics competition and computer competition results are excellent,By China university of science and technology zero zero class admission.Study in Switzerland after,Getting a Ph.D..


now,In the ZhouTao electronic hkust science and engineering teaching,Although many students,But he has been a habit:Don't cell phone,Students can only face to face or by email to ask his advice."After having a cell phone,May every day someone to disturb,Influence research."ZhouTao said,Don't cell phone is also in order to escape some chores,To concentrate on my work.According to electronic hkust other teacher introduction,ZhouTao has single,Sometimes eat to live in laboratory,Work hard.


In addition to does not carry a cell phone,ZhouTao don't wear a suit.Sometimes attend overseas seminars,He also only wear a shirt.Due to the opening ceremony in the office for a long time,He had to find their own students borrowed a dress.The reporter sees,A suit of ZhouTao,Feet was wearing a pair of highly take tone gray casual shoes,Said to GaoXingChu,dancing,No shelf.


"I am also the school of science living the,Just began to think that university teachers are the scrupulous,But professor zhou the humor and wit humor."Freshmen LiuQuan told reporters,Professor zhou overturned his science teacher's impression,Zhen 嬛 body but also Narrows the gap between the students' distance,"University teachers should so tide."


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22岁刘路 22 years old LiuLu


成中国最年轻教授 As China's most young professor


This year on March 20,,LiuLu students by central south university of abnormality is of the researchers,The 22-year-old him one night to become the most young"University professor".


校长汪劲松寄语学生 The headmaster WangJinSong message students


要从“年龄成人” From the"Age adults"


变为“精神成人” into"Spirit adult"


yesterday,Electronic university President WangJinSong is the first time and 8312 new official meeting,Just one appearance will cause intermittently cheer,Popularity is instant"Befriending the".He thinks,After entering the university,The new college entrance examination should be honor to clear,rethink/Planning the future life,Study hard many domain knowledge,from"Age adults"Gradually into"Spirit adult".


"Feel the life the first big test of mixed emotions,You'll soon find,Years of close watch the line does not mean that end,And just is a brand new start."then,WangJinSong topic of conversation a turn,"Such as many years‘The whole class best,The school the’Aura or pressure,The university entrance exam to bring glory or regret and so on all might as well make a decisive reset."WangJinSong said,Reviewing self/Accurate positioning,Will you enter the university met after the first challenge,Is the life of university"The first lesson".


It is reported,Electronic university this year recruited 5500 undergraduates/2712 graduate students and more than 100 international students.After the opening ceremony,5500 undergraduate course will be officially welcomed new military training.

  成都晚报记者 董亮 摄影 王浩儒

Chengdu evening news reporter DongLiang photography WangHaoRu
