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中国赴美留学人数世界第一 美校长指出四大误区--亲稳网络舆情监控室

中国赴美留学人数世界第一 美校长指出四大误区6月7日,在杭州学军中学考点,高二时已留学美国的陈易之为参加考试的同学拉横幅加油。 新华社发 June 7,In hangzhou learning military affairs middle school examination site,When high has ChenYiZhi study in the United States for the examination of classmate pull banners refueling. The xinhua news agency hair

  据新华社北京10月14日专电 中国连续两年超过印度,成为美国留学生第一大生源国。一直从事中国留学生招生工作的美国旧金山大学副校长史丹利·奈尔告诉新华社记者,中国学生在选择留学美国时存在四大认识误区。

Xinhua Beijing on October 14,, special telegram Chinese for two years more than India,As American students first big germ kingdom.We have been engaged in Chinese students enrollment work of American San Francisco vice-chancellor Stanley · neel told xinhua,Chinese students in choosing a study in the United States have four big misunderstanding.


误区1 Erroneous zone 1


找什么工作 就选什么专业 Seek what job would choose what major


According to Stanley is introduced,American education system and China has the difference.Undergraduate course phase,The United States education system is the purpose of"Cultivate one's morality",Let the students know how to learn,How to collaborate/Get along with people, etc;According to the work of study is the graduate student stage task.


The Chinese students psychological expectations different.The students are preparing for a lobules"American college entrance examination",She study abroad for future home to find a good job.For undergraduate professional choice,Lobular just began to want to learn music,Then don't feel easy to obtain employment,And want to turn to physics.


Lobular idea represents part of the preparation of high school students go abroad.They think,In the choice of the American university undergraduate majors,The future what want to be engaged in work,Should choose what major.


Stanley told reporters,This undergraduate course phase with the United States education of the original intention of the deviation."We don't want to in the undergraduate stage cultivate some only know how to press the button/Let the machine to work of college students."Stanley Suggestions,Undergraduate course phase professional choice should consider two points,He is good at what to do and what to do.For good at doing things,Study up it won't be difficult,Easy to build confidence;And to enjoy doing,There will be a learning power.


误区2 Erroneous zone 2


多听讲少发言 Listen more to speak less


In the traditional Chinese thinking,The teacher's lecture easily don't interrupt,Class to listen more to speak less.But this kind of situation in the American classroom is not popular.


Stanley suggest Chinese students"Do in Rome as Rome does".Constantly ask ourselves questions training,Professor to ask questions,Let him know that to a certain interest in the area,This is also a good way to class points.


误区3 Error 3


先生活后读书 First read after life


Some students to early after the United States,Busy with everyone party,Enjoy happy.Stanley remind,The American college of course is very close and nervous,Step down,At every step backward.Some students may begin to fall in the steps,Will never have a chance to catch up with the progress of the course.therefore,For course of study must start soon,Do not first life after reading.


误区4 Error 4


到美国再学英语 To the United States and learn English


A lot of parents and students think,Is because English is not good,Didn't want to go to study abroad.In China as long as master English test capabilities is ok,To the United States and further study.


"English ability weak,Directly determine the classroom accept ability is poor."Stanley said,"This can lead to students from the beginning to lose the confidence of learning."
