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家长坦言考驾照买车就为接送 成两代人每天功课--亲稳网络舆情监控室

家长坦言考驾照买车就为接送 成两代人每天功课

  连日来,一些人们原以为理所当然的社会现象在被贴上了 “中国式”的标签后,一跃成为社会各界讨论的焦点,并引起无数人的关注和反省,一如“中国式接送”:每逢放学时间,家长们开着各种交通工具,扎堆中小学校门口翘首以待,导致学校附近交通堵塞。

For the last few days,Some people thought of course in has been labeled as a social phenomenon "Chinese"Tag after,The social from all walks of life has become the focus of debate,Countless people and cause attention and reflection,as"Chinese transportation":Every time after school,Parents open all kinds of transportation,Gathers together perked up school primary and secondary schools,Cause traffic jams near our school.


In LuDao,"Xiamen type"Is also"Chinese"The shuttle children phenomenon in ShangXiaXue every day on time on time,And become two generations lessons every day.


没条件也要创造条件接送 No conditions will create conditions transfers


At noon the day before yesterday,The xiamen primary grade three students after school Yang,Take up bag will go straight to the school gate.but,He did not suddenly into the crowd,But on the gate ladder looks around.


The Yang,Many eyes to gather at the school gate try so hard for the children to appear parents is already commonplace.For a while,In the midst of the noisiest crowds came familiar voice:"Yang,Grandpa here!"Follow the voice direction find after grandpa,Yang jumped down the stair,Through the crowd,Very not easy ran to his bedside.


Grandpa said,Every day he would come to meet Yang,Go home again and Yang."Yang parents work favour,Took me from their hometown took it specifically responsible for the shuttle children ShangXiaXue.Actually walking home from school is ten minutes,But we still feel secure."


Almost all elementary school in xiamen,Such a scene on every day.For most parents speaking,Conditional basically will shuttle,No condition also to create conditions for transfers.And according to not complete count,The proportion of primary school students was shuttle above ninety percent.As for the reason,The main or security issues.Many parents have said:Get on the road so much,Which dare to let the child go yourself!Now home have only one child,Can not stand a bit error.


Lotus elementary school students parents make a gentleman, said,Often heard before there are many children had been abducted news,"Now my in the mind have a shadow,Or oneself meet feel more dependable."

  此外,也有家长表示担心孩子受学校附近不良小店的影响而学坏,或者在学校附近乱买 “三无”零食吃坏了肚子。

In addition,Also have the parents worried about kids to receive the school shop near the influence of bad and that which is evil,Or near the school disorderly buy "neutral"Snacks to eat bad the belly.


考驾照买车就是为接孩子 A car driver's license is to pick up the kids


There HuangReXin since junior high school students on after,Home to her with a"Full-time driver",But in just the mount guard,The driver technology is not good.but,She is still the position of two candidate,Because she is HuangReXin mother ms. Chen!


In HuangReXin top junior high school before the summer holidays,Ms. Chen regardless of the sun,Every day bubble in the st,For is cast in before the start of the HuangReXin got his driver's license.Since then,Yellow dad to ms. Chen bought a two small cars,For ms. Chen joint with children.Ms. Chen to do every day one of the most important thing,Is the HuangReXin sent to school on time,In her again before school on time and meet her at the school gate.


"Before elementary school,School and home are closer,Now the far gone,Shuttle is necessary."Ms. Chen said,this"homework",She plans to continue until HuangReXin graduated from high school.


Junior high school students by parent shuttle phenomenon in xiamen is also very common.In addition to the security problems,Parents say a,This is to prevent children in the running after school,"Shuttle can prevent they go to do some more dangerous things,Such as swimming, etc".


And a wang parents said,"Junior high school students are in adolescence,Easy to produce good to the opposite sex,I will always on the road, see one-on-one to of junior middle school students in love.On the way from school to school children contact is the longest time,I don't want children learn distraction,So every day I adhere to pick up the kids."


Also have parents said,Shuttle children's way is to know the best time to children,"This time children are usually willing to the school tell me what happened,And I also can pass and children exchange know the child's learning state and its idea".Save time to let children sleep a short while more


As early as in March this year,Xiamen a middle school students is launched"No shuttle,",That in every Wednesday refused to parents to go to school and car shuttle school.At that time,After a survey of xiamen middle school students,They found that the school in xiamen one,Average every five students in one person sit private cars to go to school.There seem to be too had become"School plugging"The most main reason.


Although many parents also know they open private car gather at the school gate at will cause traffic jams,But reporter interviews in several high school students after parents found,they"Would rather plugging for a while,Also to take the children home.Anyway, so every day,Has been used".


And primary and junior high school student than,High school students parents transfers the child's reason is main and high school heavy schoolwork relevant.Even if some students think"They can go",But parents insisted on transfers.


As parents forest double river said,"On the high school,Children learn so tired,And let him every day crowded bus to go to school or go home,We are sorry.Besides the,We drive transfers,Even if the plugging for a while,Than children home on your own faster.These the time saved,It is used to make the child much sleep also worthy of."


So now,Every normal ShangXiaXue arching over time and after school time,In some school gate,Private cars gathered phenomenon became"unshakable"scene."Rainy days,More plugging in a big mess."


观点授之以鱼不如授之以渔 View give fish is better than to give fish


Xiamen one in moral education, deputy director of LinZongJin teacher said,In xiamen one,Since the advocate"No shuttle,"since,Most parents can fit.But what is worth mentioning,"No shuttle,"Only one day a week,If you want to persuade parents everyday not shuttle children said,It's not too realistic.


LinZongJin teacher think,In xiamen, resulting in a large number of parents transfers the child's phenomenon,There are three major reasons,One is now the child is an only child seedlings,Parents are very distressed children,For children placed high expectations;The second is that currently the whole xiamen excellent education resources distribution is uneven,Door did not have a good school,In order not to let children lose in the starting line,Some parents would rather every day"Remote trudge"Also want to let children the right school;The third is xiamen bus system is not perfect,Route design needs to be improved,Some children live in a little bit and far place,There is no direct bus.


LinZongJin teacher said,If the school is not far from home words,Suggested that parents or try not to shuttle children,so,It can not only reduce the surrounding traffic pressure,Also can cultivate children's independent ability,After all"Give the fish is better than to give fish,To give is better than gold silver to skill body".But if parents not meet do not,Please also device good time,Don't early car in a nearby school,Avoid to cause traffic jams.


In addition,Have a teacher to think,The parents of a series of concern and apprehension behind,Is a helpless social reality.Have such a set of data:In 2011,,Because of the traffic accident death of primary and middle school students altogether 4205 people,Is that every 3 or 4-day,The national have a class children disappeared!In addition,The ministry of public security of a bulletin also showed,In 2011,,The cracked on the abduction of children's case 5320,A total of 3195 out of a criminal gang,Save the kidnapping children's 8660 people.

  试想,在这些数据面前,即使父母也希望孩子能自行上下学,但谁能保证孩子自己回家的道路是顺畅的?(海峡导报 记者 梁静/文 张向阳/图)

Just think,In front of these data,Even if the parents hope children can ShangXiaXue itself,But who can guarantee that the child home on your own way is smooth?(Channel reporter gaining LiangJing/text ZhangXiangYang/diagram)


(Sources: southeast news network)
