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年薪15万男子选择考公务员 称曾看不起考公同学--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:孙远毕业于国内名牌大学计算机专业,因是家中独子,毕业后选择回山西老家求职。目前他在一家IT公司工作,工作短短几年,IT产业飞速发展,孙远的薪水也水涨船高,年薪约15万。孙远坦言,目前的生活并不是他向往的,“毕业的时候,看不起那帮考公务员的同学,但是这么多年在社会打拼,让我明白稳定而且长期有保障的生活,才是我需要的。” SunYuan graduated from domestic famous university computer professional,Only because is home,After the graduation choice back to shanxi hometown to apply for a job.He is currently a IT company work,Work just a few short years,The rapid development of IT industry,SunYuan salary is rising,About 150000 annual salary.SunYuan said,The present life and not his yearning,"graduated,Look down on that help students take an examination of civil servants,But so many years in social fight,Let me understand the long-term stability and security of life,Is what I need."更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>> 年薪15万男子选择考公务员 称曾看不起考公同学 太原市成成中学考点,考生结束考试,走出考场 Taiyuan city into into high school examination site,Students finish the test,Walked out of the room


我省包括党群机关在内的三项公务员招录考试昨开考,57884名考生走进考场 Our province including the party and the masses, authority three civil servants ZhaoLu examination KaiKao yesterday,57884 students went into the examination room

  本报11月3日讯 今日,2012年山西省党群机关(单位)考录公务员(参照公务员)、面向国有企业正式职工考试录用县(市、区)公务员、从优秀村(社区)干部中考录乡镇(街道)公务员和县乡事业单位工作人员三项考试进行笔试。来自全省的57884名考生通过资格审查,走进考场角逐1902个岗位,几乎是30人竞争1个岗位。考试在3日、4日进行,分别展开行政职业能力测验、申论和专业科目考试。

This newspaper on November 3 - today,In 2012, the party and the masses authority in Shanxi Province(unit)KaoLu civil servants(Reference civil servants)/Facing the state-owned enterprise formal worker examinations county(city/area)Civil servants/From good village(community)Cadres KaoLu in villages and towns(street)Civil servants and staff of county and township government institutions three tests written examination.From the province's 57884 candidates through the qualification examination,You go into the exam room for 1902 jobs,Almost 30 people competition 1 jobs.Examination in 3 days/4 for,On administrative aptitude test respectively/Explain theory and professional examination.


The test in the province and city set points examination district,A total of 57 examination site.Before KaiKao,Reporter in the examination site found,The examinees are early came to the examination room.In taiyuan city into into high school examination invigilation of one teacher said,Only the university entrance exam to have such atmosphere,The examinee absence rate is also all kinds of professional examination of the lowest.


After carefully check the examinee identity card/After admission ticket,Students are allowed to approach.For some tried to the examinee to examination room of the gate PeiKao personnel,Security politely stop,"Will the KaiKao,Please avoid."An examiner is introduced,"This year examination operation more strictly,Every candidate from start into the examination room,At least three times to control identity photos."The examiner said,Candidates into the door,The supervisor will on the test examinee's photos appearance with a contrast,The examinee after take the second control,In addition two examiner will also control their each other the examinee of validation appearance and picture information.


The reporter understands,The examination all enable video monitoring,And set the signal shielding device, etc,The supervisor before the exam in the examination room when set,Cellular phone in.In addition,The examination room inside and outside are equipped with humanity,Such as the examination room with the door items depository/The examination room wall hanging timing clock,The examination room the construction noise is strictly prohibited/Security examination room lighting/Heating, etc.


This year,Organs of the party and the masses in Shanxi Province(unit)ZhaoLu plan 1112 civil servants(Reference civil servants),ZhaoLu scope includes province/city/County level 3 part organ between the party and the masses,Reference civil servant law management unit;Part township authorities.These positions including ShengZhi authority(unit)70,Municipal authorities(unit)224,Authorities at or above the county level(unit)699,Township authorities 119.


After the written examination,Provincial party committee organization department will according to written examination scores overall situation and the position distribution of written examination results,Determine the minimum qualified fractional line.Qualification review(Physical assessment)After passing,According to the written examination results from high to low order,ShengZhi authority(unit)According to the number of interview and quasi employment number 3:The proportion of 1 to determine enter interview candidates;city/county/Township authorities(unit)According to the number of interview and quasi employment number 2:The proportion of 1 to determine enter interview candidates.

  1【考情扫描】 1[Exam feeling scanning]

  职位设置兼顾“上得来”“下得去” Position setting of give attention to two or morethings"Come on""Bottom go to"


Admit by examination this year a characteristic is,"More than two years work experience at the grass-roots level"Be to enter oneself for an examination ShengZhi agency unit of civil servants"Hard underlined",Enter oneself for an examination ShengZhi and public management unit,Also must have more than two years work experience at the grass-roots level.Enter oneself for an examination the municipal authority of civil servants,In principle also requires has more than 2 year working experience at the grass-roots level.This is in recent years"three"(house/school/Authority door)Cadre increase/Do not understand the basic and special a threshold.


Provincial party committee organization department in the civil servants in analysis,This setting position,On the one hand to ensure the basic-level talents"Come on",To further improve the civil servants source and experience structure;On the other hand,Also for college graduates"Bottom go to"Created conditions,To build a line from the grassroots and production of civil servants selection culture chain.


"For fresh college graduates and other social workers,Can pass an entrance examination of county and township government authority positions,Purpose is to lead them to sink down from the basic exercise."This person in charge said.


有基层经历者将占考录总数一半 Have basic experience is KaoLu will account for half of the total number


This year admit by examination another characteristic is,Our province to continue from good village(community)Cadres, directional KaoLu villages and towns(street)Civil servants and staff of county and township government institutions,From the state-owned enterprise workers directional ZhaoLu civil servants at or above the county level,plus"Service at the special position"Level 4 entrance exam,These have rich experience at the grass-roots level personnel will account for half of the total number of ZhaoLu.


The recruitment will put the party and the masses system KaoLu civil servants and the orientation ZhaoLu organization at the same time/At the same time.This entrance exam,On the one hand the effective integration of resources,Save test cost,Improve work efficiency;On the other hand,Effectively avoid the waste of position,Make the choice of the examinee more rational.Especially for the college students"Village official"in,Not only can choose directional ZhaoLu towns civil servants and business unit personnel,The party and the masses can also choose to admit by examination system of AD hoc service base project orientation position,The scope of the choice is bigger/More scientific.

  2【考题扫描】 2[Examination questions scanning]

  行测数学类题目减少言语类题目增加 Line measuring mathematical class subject to reduce speech class subject increase


"I am the fourth time to take a civil service examination,Feel difficulty can also,Feel numerical reasoning class subject has decreased,Province a little bit of time,But I still haven't finished it."Walked out of the room,The examinee ZhangXiaoSong told reporters.


And usual,This year's administrative aptitude test(Referred to as line measurement)Subject is still a race against time to test,Can within the prescribed time solid finish all the topic the examinee after all not be the majority,Many candidates are even have belt guess.Reporters after several candidates summary,This year's line measuring the topic is the biggest change"Mathematics class subject to reduce,Speech class subject increase".


The first is numerical reasoning topic by last year's 10 problem is reduced to 5 problem.Numerical reasoning,That is given to a series of Numbers,Candidates need to find this series digital rule,In accordance with the law and work out the last should be much,This topic,Most candidates call"much"."Mathematical reasoning is the hardest,Looks be like simple,But it always curved around,Both lose time does not guarantee the accuracy."ZhangXiaoSong said.


meanwhile,Mathematics problem from last year's 15 problem is reduced to 10 problem."Mathematics problem,It is commonly‘Chicken with rabbit cage’And so on questions,A bit like Olympic math subject,The topic is relatively more difficult,Also charge time."An examinee is introduced,The topic of this topic quantity reduce,Really for the examinee"relax"A lot.


With the corresponding is,Speech class topic topic quantity increased.This topic,In the examinee then Chinese type of reading comprehension.In the examinee in,Reporter discovery for the math class topics"shrink",Speech class subject increase,The school of arts living generally more welcome,But for the school of science living the concerned,Advantage project was reduced,Many people shout"There is no need to"."It is liberal arts class more questions,Now pour good,The school of arts living more objectively the advantage."A science department examinee said.


In addition,History class/The current politics class title also accounted for more than a lot of.


申论立足社区医院谈“看病难看病贵” Explain theory based on community hospitals to talk about"See a doctor to see a doctor difficult your"


Take an exam before,The examinee LiYun own forecast of explain theory for examination"Different college entrance examination".July,The state council outgoing mail says,The college entrance examination system reform as an important content,Children of the floating population in defined the city to participate in college entrance examination."This is called‘Different college entrance examination’The reform finally official start."LiYun said,"Different college entrance examination"Crack problem,Involved in rural and urban areas of the household registration system/Education resources according to census register population configuration management system/Floating population management system improvement and breakthrough, etc,It is easy to take an examination of.


"But in fact,Examination questions involving topic a little commonplace see a doctor difficult/The doctor your."LiYun said,This essay is the breakthrough point of the community hospital and general practitioners."See a doctor difficult/The doctor your"history,Now do still plagued by the public."Why the public not to community hospital looking for general practitioners to see a doctor,But must strike into large hospital queue?"She thinks,Write an essay on the last 50 points composition,Must be on this question examines,She is focusing on the problem will be discussed.


"Write an essay on such a subject is very good,This in itself is each examinee's side."A candidates said,This will let every examinee think title not strange,Thus more fair."General practitioners income is very low,No one is willing to do,Therefore lead to community general practitioners short of hands."The examinee's argument is,General practitioners low income,It is because of general practitioners main is to provide basic medical service,Makes its medical treatment"value"Co., LTD.,,In the medical market in the value chain,Seems to be in the most at the bottom of the position,In the"into"Distribution today,No doubt it is difficult to get satisfactory compensation.

  3【考生扫描】 3[Examinee scanning]

  原工作压力大没保障所以来参考 The original work pressure big no security since the reference


Morning at about 8,Into middle school in taiyuan city into the door,Dressed in his business suit portable SunYuan briefcase(alias)Side pace,Side of the mouth with a list of meditation.


孙远毕业于国内名牌大学计算机专业,因是家中独子,毕业后选择回山西老家求职。目前他在一家IT公司工作,工作短短几年,IT产业飞速发展,孙远的薪水也水涨船高,年薪约15万。 SunYuan graduated from domestic famous university computer professional,Only because is home,After the graduation choice back to shanxi hometown to apply for a job.He is currently a IT company work,Work just a few short years,The rapid development of IT industry,SunYuan salary is rising,About 150000 annual salary.


From outsider's point of view,SunYuan income in the provincial capital taiyuan already belongs to high income,But he decided to take part in the civil service examination organ of Shanxi Province is the party and the masses.


"Although there is a high income,But I feel can't see into the future,Life is hard to say have a stable security."SunYuan said,The IT industry competition is very fierce,All night to work overtime/Almost every box lunch is a life of portraiture,"We do this is to eat meal youth,Along with the age increase,Pressure will also is more and more big,No time to take care of the children and family.The IT industry is rapidly changing industry,Once there is a crisis,Immediately will be unemployed."


孙远坦言,目前的生活并不是他向往的,“毕业的时候,看不起那帮考公务员的同学,但是这么多年在社会打拼,让我明白稳定而且长期有保障的生活,才是我需要的。” SunYuan said,The present life and not his yearning,"graduated,Look down on that help students take an examination of civil servants,But so many years in social fight,Let me understand the long-term stability and security of life,Is what I need."孙远这样解释自己为何参加公务员考试。

SunYuan so explain why you participate in the civil service examinations.


即使这次通不过也会继续考下去 Even if the pass will also continue to take an examination of down


The civil service examination reignite the HuXiao(alias)hope,Three consecutive years of failure test experience did not kill her vision of the civil service examination.


When that day and 30 points,HuXiao walked out of the room,A deep breath,Glad to tell reporter,"Morning written examination feel play is good,Results should be low less than where to go,The afternoon essay also feel good."HuXiao openly said,"My side there are many like me‘Stable job seeker’,Purpose is to take an examination of to relatively more superior‘Iron rice bowl’."


HuXiao initial career planning is clear and bright,And hold up dreams take off fulcrum,Pass the first civil servants.2008 when I finished college,She is not anxious to job,But the house in the home,To note the civil service examination.


The first civil service examination after failed,In parents' on the run down,HuXiao soon in a business unit to seek a temporary job,Work simple boring,Insipid life excitation not any let her move of the ripples.Solved the trouble back at home of work,The civil servants HuXiao dream more firm,Amateur time basically all used to prepare for the exam,Participated in the central/province/City civil service examination,But without success.


"Now don't worry about food and clothing,But I still afraid to lose the pursuit of the ideal passion and impulse."HuXiao wryly told reporters,"If the pass,Will continue to take an examination of down."


This article:Our reporter LiFei fly wang bin


photography:Our reporter wu six red


补充阅读:哈尔滨3000大学生争考清洁工 称没勇气拒绝(图) Supplementary reading:Harbin 3000 college students for exams dustman says no courage to refuse(diagram)


recently,Harbin recruitment 457 cleaner draws more than 10000 people signed up,Nearly three thousand people have bachelor's degree,25 people have TongZhao master graduate student degree.Career preparation is the recruitment biggest luminescent spot.Three copies of college graduate TongPeng,In view of recruitment news feeling"No refused to courage and strength".TongPeng mother says,Sweeping the street is also working to the government.[detailed]
