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毕节死亡儿童家长被指未尽监护责任 依法追责难--亲稳网络舆情监测室

毕节死亡儿童家长被指未尽监护责任 依法追责难  11月24日,贵州毕节,山沟里的孩子父母靠捡垃圾养家糊口,5个孩子由年迈的奶奶来照顾。 新京报记者 周岗峰 摄 On November 24,,Guizhou bijie,The children in the valley.Parents rely on picking up litter support a family,Five children by old grandma to take care of. The Beijing news reporter ZhouGang peak perturbation


On November 20th,The world"Children's rights,"eve,Guizhou bijie five children in the garbage lit the fire,Accidental poisoning death.


In the domestic,Due to the child care dereliction of duty happen tragedy is not the case.


For custody of the children,current[Criminal law]Provisions have"Crime of abandonment"and"Crime of abuse",To bring up to or maltreatment of family members,To be investigated for criminal responsibility,But the charges in the reality facing the difficulty of the implementation.In civil law determine the guardianship system,However specific provision is not clear.


In addition,[The law on the protection of minors]provisions,The court may, according to relevant personnel and related units application deprivation parents custody,But how to deprive,Who is the person making the request,After deprived by who to monitor and other supporting regulations is not clear.


November 16,Guizhou bijie 5 boy was found dead in the trash,It is understood,Five death boys are Cousins,Were from three families,A parents at home soil,The rest of the two parents are out work in shenzhen.


The five children,Or drop out,Or because of no account couldn't go to school,Only one child in reading.


The children go to school on November 5, was found not to school,Parents also don't know where is the child.


Media reports say,The dead man's uncle said:"Originally farm work is busy,I have seven grandchildren,Really don't come over to them."He gave out the younger brother of workers/Sister in law call,Tell their children away from home,Telephone that head answer:"Not really tube is whether the,Tube they are dead or alive."


Accordingly put forward some,Whether can parents shall be investigated for criminal responsibility?Because of the criminal law"Crime of abandonment".


Nov. 23,,Guizhou province politics and law committee secretary/The public security director CuiYaDong said,For parents or other guardians not to perform their guardianship liability or enroach on minors rights and if the circumstances are serious,The public security organ to be admonished,Shall order them to rectify the situation;Constitutes a violation of public security management regulations,To shall be given administrative punishment.


this,Beijing youth legal aid and research center deputy director wang said interpretation,Be reprimanded basis may come from[The law on the protection of minors]about"Criticism education"regulations,The basis for administrative penalty is[The security administration punishment law].


but,Wang, think,This kind of punishment and not enough,Stay in"declare"and"declare"level,For lack of legal custody behavior,Intervention strength is small,Real punished less and less.


刑法的规定“很滑稽” The provisions of the criminal law"Very funny"


相关规定源于缺乏“儿童视角”,立法没有考虑到儿童作为未成年人的特殊性 The relevant provisions from the lack of"Children perspective",Legislation did not consider that children as the particularity of minors


If there are parents to minor children refused to raise,Or beating children,Serious consequences,According to the[Criminal law]How to punish the?


[Criminal law]Provisions have"Crime of abandonment"and"Crime of abuse":To bring up to or maltreatment of family members,To be investigated for criminal responsibility.In law,This is the parents or other guardians of the heaviest punishment.


but,The charges in the reality facing the difficulty of the implementation.Crime of abuse,Unless cause serious injury or death,Otherwise, will be a case of private prosecution,That is the public security and procuratorate generally does not involve the,The victims need directly to the court.


In her eyes,The provisions of this"Very funny",Also lead to impossible to implement.


Wang said,Parents are his legal guardian,At the same time, people who hurt him."Just think,A few years old children,How could he conscious have the ability to collect evidence,To prove his parents constitute a crime of abuse?"


Wang, think,The original intention of private prosecution criminal law,Is given to family members a option,Try not to break the family relationship,After all, children with parents or good,The old man still follow good children.


but,The design for minor children caused the insurmountable obstacle.


To parents don't raising a child,Shall be investigated for their"Crime of abandonment"It's harder to.Wang said,The domestic population information management is very extensive,Population flow and frequent,Some of the children are not born in hospital,So it is difficult to find his natural parents.


Even if find his natural parents,If the abandoned children parents sentence,Also will have a new problem:No man raising a child.The public security organ investigates similar cases often face a dilemma.


Wang, think,[Criminal law]The relevant provisions from the lack of"Children perspective",Legislation did not consider that children as the particularity of minors.


民法留下空白 Civil law leave blank


张文娟说,这导致很多孩子在父母死亡、监护不称职时,政府很少出面,形成监护真空 Wang said,This led to many children in their parents' death/Monitoring the incompetent,The administration has seldom had to,Formation monitoring vacuum


In addition to[Criminal law]The implementation of relevant regulations meet the difficult,The parents to the child care does not reach the designated position,Provisions of civil law how to?


A professor at China university of political WuChangZhen experience of the civil code draft out and[Marriage law]Formulation and modification.


In WuChangZhen seems,Although the civil law determines the guardianship system,But in the specific provisions,The current marriage law general principles of the civil law and almost blank.


WuChangZhen said,in[Marriage law]in,To family relationship only mention the YiLiangTiao.For what is a custody?The content of the custody is what?If the parents do not raise?Abandoned sin than/The behavior of the crime of abuse lighter how to deal with?These are not provided.


Wang said,[The general principles of the civil law]Did not mention if the parents incompetence or damage the child do.


Zhang explained,The conventional monitoring system is in the government/Family and children established between rights and obligations,China in the parents and between the government,For the rest of the people set the obligation.


[The general principles of the civil law]The grandparents/grandparents/brother/Elder sister,And other close relatives of the relationship as the second order legal guardian,But the law does not say,If these men have no ability to care,The government should not give them help?Their obligations and parents' rights and obligations as is?


[The general principles of the civil law]provisions,Not the guardian,The minor's father/Mother's place unit or minor the locality of the residents' committees/The village committee shall act as his guardian.


In wang, it seems,It is not possible,"Now which unit can do guardian?"It is impossible to set the obligation,In fact they are lack of.


Wang said,This led to many children in their parents' death/The loss of monitoring ability or not when competent,The administration has seldom had to,Formation monitoring vacuum.


未成年人保护法的缺陷 The defects of protection of minors


规定相当空泛,如何剥夺,谁是请求人、剥夺以后由谁来监护等配套规定不明确 Rules are quite vague,How to deprive,Who is the person making the request/After deprived by who to monitor and other supporting rule are not clear about


To children's legal rights,Wang said,[The United Nations convention on the rights of children]Establishment of the principle is,The government and the society to support the children healthy growth in the family,For poor families to give intervention.And now,There are many weak family,They need help from the government;And some families do not assume responsibility,Abandon or neglect the child,The government should supervise.


In 2010,,The general office of the state council[On strengthening the orphan security work opinion]The welfare safeguard scope extended to social scattered orphans,Help raise the children.


Wang, think this is not enough,The existing child welfare level and the development level of economy and society don't match,The government supporting and supervision and doing are not good,Appeared a lot of"Helpless parents"and"Arrogant parents".


For serious ineptitude parents,[The law on the protection of minors]provisions,The court may, according to relevant personnel and related units application deprivation parents custody.


A professor at China university of political XiaYin balaam said,but,The provisions of the law on the protection of minors is quite vague,How to deprive,Who is the person making the request/After deprived by who to monitor and other supporting rule are not clear about.


In wang, it seems,The government welfare help does not reach the designated position,Let deprivation ineptitude parental monitoring qualification becomes more difficult."Who filed application,Who will bring up."Wang said,Don't solve"keep"problems,Court generally can't easily found.


Wang said,The international usual practice,The general is the government puts forward application deprivation incompetent custody of the parents,Because only the government ability to prove the parents of the children lack of care,Can also provide benefits to help.


Wang said,in[The general principles of the civil law]Set the guardian of the order,Civil affairs departments were placed in the last.Now the government intervention,Part of the reason is the family support is not enough.


孩子不只是属于父母 Children not only belongs to parents


在一些国家,出现遗弃儿童会及时被发现,因为有报告制度,普通公民发现后,会立刻报警 In some countries,Appear abandoned children can be found in time,Because there are reporting system,Ordinary citizens discovered,Will immediately alarm


In the face of the roadside street children,Most people would be a bystander.Marriage law under China law society, research board vice-chairman,Hubei officer, dean of the college of CaoShiQuan said,China in the minor custody system design,Heavy family responsibilities/Relatives and friends care/Private force autonomy;Light state responsibility/Social care/Male force intervention.


CaoShiQuan think,This is the idea behind monitoring,Means that minors is still in"Family man"/"Relative people"/"Unit people"In the traditional concept,and"National people"/"Social man"Modern identity has not been confirmed.


It makes a lot of people,To the child's care and treatment,More is parents' personal housework,Stranger inconvenience intervene in.


Media reports said,In bijie five children before the accident,There have been people find that they always wear a garment of single layer,Night live in the tower/Underground passage or street abandoned enclosed space.


Suffer from hunger and cold when,They often steal some solid food and small money.But and no one alarm,Tragedy is also not be avoided.


Wang said,In some countries,Because there are reporting system,In the circumstance such as abandoned children will be found in time,Ordinary citizens discovered,Will immediately alarm.


According to[Guangzhou daily]Reported before,The United States law stipulate children must go to a certain age can be alone in the house or car.Parents have the responsibility to care to look after their children.If the parents will children at home alone,Results the accident,Local police or children's rights agency personnel may visit your house.In many states,Parents' this behavior belongs to the custody or neglect of nursing,Is regarded as a crime.


Wang is a comfort,Folk to child protection concept in enhancement,For example:Before from"Random shot"Save begging children's micro bo action,To a child abuse event of zhejiang reflection.


"Only by promoting from top to bottom,Process will slow".Wang said,"Should turn concept,Children not only belong to the parents,But also of the country/social.Everyone should take responsibility."


相关背景 Relevant background


1986[The general principles of the civil law]The provisions of the order of the guardian,Established the guardianship system.


Set in 1980/In 2001 the modification[Marriage law]provisions,The parents have raised their children's compulsory education.


In 2006 the modification[The law on the protection of minors]provisions,If a guardian does not fulfill their duties of guardianship or encroach upon the monitoring of the legitimate rights and interests of the minors,May revoke the guardianship qualification.

  新京报记者 宋识径 北京报道

The Beijing news reporter song general diameter reports from Beijing
