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在家迷电脑出门路滑 寒假宝贝计划成家长难题--亲稳网络舆情监控室
The New Year's day New Year,Primary and middle school students to find the final exam,Holiday will come.Parents also busy about specific holiday time,And how to arrange the child's holiday,make"Baby plan"Although it is an old topic,They became round but the problem.
各区期末考试时间略有不同 Each time the final exam are slightly different
Reporters yesterday(8)From the district education bureau to know,The district on the final time are determined,General arrangement almost,Only a slight difference.The furong district of primary school children 1 month and day for final testing,High school students in the final detection is 21 and 22.Yuhua district of students in the 21st day after test.Tianxin district of the students are 21 and 22 for the final exam.Kaifu district elementary school a/three/Five grade and date at the end of the test,two/four/Due to grade 6, and for the final exam,High school students in 21,/22 two days the final exam.The district official holiday time is January 27,.And the new semester is scheduled for February 22,,That is the 13 students to report for duty,On February 25,,That is the official class 16.
安排孩子成了家长的难题 Arrangement for their children become the problem of parents
From the test and nearly half a month of time,Parents have begun to arrange for the holidays how children and worry.Net friend"Table table"Then spit tank:"At the end of a holiday to the end of February,True don't want to let the child in grandpa's grandmother home,It sure is watching TV every day/Playing computer,But both of us have to work,One child at home are not safe,To training,,But the holiday is too short,And don't want to let the children too hard,How much more will the day is cold/slippery,Safety coefficient is,Really don't know what to do."Works in a bank LiFangFang also worry about it,She considered this year especially cold weather,Children in the countryside will worry about your parents' home likely to get sick,But stay in changsha and frightened children learn unconsciously,Worry about the children safety problems.
私人托管大都寒假不收学生 Private trust most of the winter vacation don't accept students
Because the work schedule,Parents cannot at the same time"the",Many parents ask in nearby or custodian unit near the school.Silver in the port wang to several private trust institutions find out,Found for winter vacation between the lunar New Year,Artificial cost is higher,long,Private trust mechanism in the holidays doesn't accept children.
部分培训机构则在假期推出短训班,周期多为十天左右,收费方面显然要高于平时。谭英姿女士在一家英语培训机构了解到,这家机构针对孩子推出的假期班,一门课的收费为800元,共学习7天,每天两个课时,她觉得,相比平时一个学期不到千元的收费,假期的培训班显得贵了很多。(记者 周辉霞)
Part of the training institutions is in holiday out short course,Cycle for more than ten days or so,Charge apparently higher than usual.TanYingZi lady in a English training institution to know,The agency for children out vacation class,A course fee is 800 yuan,Common learning 7 days,Two hours every day,She felt,At ordinary times compared to a term of less than one thousand yuan fee,Is your holiday a lot of training.(Reporter an)
(长沙晚报 周辉霞)
(Changsha evening news of an)
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