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The ministry of education minister yuan guiren indicated in the 2013 national education work conference made an important speech.The following is the full text speech:


today,Here we are at the 2013 national education work conference.The main task is to further study and implement the spirit of the party's eighteen,Job summary,Analysis the situation,Arrange the deployment of 2013 education work.

  一、关于当前教育改革发展形势 a/About the current education reform and development situation


The state council under the leadership of the central committee of the strong,Party committees at all levels of government support,The whole society joint efforts,Education system strenuous enterprising,Our country education reform steadily,The rapid development of education cause.Review of the education planning outline has been issued and implemented especially last year's work,In many aspects have made a notable achievement.


One is to strengthen the priority development,Education security level obviously improved.The departments of the central government/Local party committees at all levels of government,Attaches great importance to/Indeed concerned about/Support education reform, development and stability.To increase the education investment,School running conditions have improved considerably,All funds are improved greatly,Start implementing a number of major policy/Major projects,Do a few years to do and not be things.


The second is to stress the livelihood of the people oriented,Education fair to make substantial progress.2012 graduate students on reward policy,So far China has established an from preschool education to the graduate student education complete family economic difficulties the student financial assistance system.In the implementation of urban and rural free nine-year compulsory education based on,In 2012 began to implement the rural free secondary vocational education,This is a Chinese education history the second free tuition policy.Start state shall rural compulsory education students destitute areas nutrition improvement plan,Covering 699 counties,Benefit more than 3000 students.Complete primary and middle school school safety engineering.In recent years the east increasing enrollment cooperation plan/Acceptance rates at the top colleges were significantly reduced in the college entrance examination based on the disparity,In order to improve the Midwest rural students college entrance quality,For the first time for implementation of the state shall destitute areas directional recruit students to plan,In 2012, more than 10000 undergraduate students admitted,These areas on the number of key university increased by 10% or so.On migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education after the local to the opinions of the entrance examination,So far,31 provinces(Area city)In addition to the requirements of the state council in Tibet on the concrete implementation plan.Focus on the development of rural preschool education,Three years RuYuanLv 62.3% wool,Early realization"1025"60% target,More rural children have the chance to kindergarten.


Three is to pay attention to the connotation development,Compaction quality foundation of ascension.The implementation of the higher education quality article 30,start"2011 plan",And twenty ministries and commissions/Seven industry association joint training talents.Effectively promoting vocational education teaching fusion production,Perfect industry guidance education teaching system,The establishment[Modern vocational education system construction of special planning].Sound quality standard,Promulgation and implementation of 3-6 years old children's learning and development guidelines/Compulsory education 19 curriculum standard,Develop career education 410 professional standard and"1025"Vocational education teaching material construction opinion,Research ordinary high school curriculum standard implementation status,Higher education revised degree awarding and talent training course catalogue/Undergraduate professional directory,Language medium and long term development plan outline issued by the reform.To strengthen the supervisory monitoring,The state council issued for the first time[Education supervision regulations]/Education steering committee of the state council was established,Strengthen the supervisory function/Expand the scope of supervision/Improve supervision authority.The county education balanced development and obligation to supervise the interim measures for the evaluation,To carry out compulsory education balanced development supervision acceptance.The quality of undergraduate teaching by annual report"985"The expanded to"211"the,Further standardize report content.Reinforcing the construction of teachers' team,The state council convened for the first time full aperture the national teachers working conference,Issued by the[On strengthening the construction of teachers' team opinion].Promulgation and implementation of the kindergarten teachers/Primary school teacher/Middle school teachers' professional standards and teacher education curriculum standard.


The fourth is to deepen reform and opening up,Education development further stimulate vitality.According to the top design/Unified deployment/pilot/Orderly propulsion principle,Some key areas new steps have been taken in the reform,Emerging around many good experience and practice.In the development of modern school system construction,Promulgated by corresponding to the implementation of the program,Significant progress was made in the articles of association of the university for,A group of college establish the board of directors(The board of directors),Primary and secondary school kindergarten parents committee set up,Various and of all kinds school teach a workers congress the system construction further.Strengthen major decision of social participation/publicity,A year a total of 13 important education policy documents,Through the portal website of ministry of education to the public to solicit their opinions.Actively promote institutional reform and adjustment function,The vocational education as a whole,The higher vocational education/Distance education and continuing professional education and adjust to function after JiaoYuSi adults,Teachers' work and established company,As a whole at various levels and of teachers' work.In order to strengthen macro guidance and supervision function,Set up integrated reform department/Tour office and preschool education office/Special education office/Continue to education office.Further broaden the field of vision,After the first two subordinates at home and abroad to open selection after university presidents,Recently completed three university principal public selection.Expand education open,Approved the establishment of Shanghai New York university,Wenzhou Ken approval letter from the university/Kunshan duke university/The Chinese university of Hong Kong(shenzhen)And a number of high starting point of a chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school and project.For the first time promulgation and implementation of the Confucius institute development planning,At present the global Confucius institute has reached 400/Confucius classroom 535,650000 registered students,Become the Chinese culture to go out successful model.


Five is to maintain harmony and stability,For the service of the party and country make important contribution to the overall situation.Education system according to the central deployment,Further carry out activities to excel,Do solid work harmony and stability,Become the whole society maintain stable positive energy.


Look at the,Our country education career development trend is good,Achievement be obvious to all,Improve people's satisfaction,The international community has give high evaluation.but,We clearly understand that,We work with the central requirements/National needs and people expect compared,There are still many deficiencies.In the international competition under the background of China's education at large,We see clearly,The competitiveness of our country education is not strong,Open degree is not high,Talent is not well adapt to the need of internationalization;In the overall strategy of the national development and the education,We see clearly,To realize the basic education modernization in 2020/In comprehensive well-off society,We in the education concept/Education content/Education mode/Education management and education insurance, and so on have quite a gap;In people's expectation analysis education,We see clearly,Some education hot difficulty is not a good solution,Can't satisfy the people's quality education fair to diverse demand.


The party's eighteen big to our country education work were major deployment,Puts forward the specific requirements,We need to further study appreciate/Comprehensive implementation of the.One is the development road,Is to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Insist on giving priority to the development of education,We will fully implement the party's education policy,Adhere to the education for the socialist modernization construction service/To serve the people,Unswervingly take the socialism with Chinese characteristics education development road.Second is the goal,Is by the education degree and the innovative talents training level obviously improved,Reinvigorating China through human resource development and human resources into the ranks of power,Education modernization basic realization.Three is the overall requirements,Is to work hard to improve education quality,Vigorously promote the education fair,Improve the family economic difficulties students funding level,Actively promote the children of peasant workers equal accept education,Do good to the people's satisfactory education.The fourth is basic task,Is khalid ents,Full implementation of quality education,Cultivate virtue, wisdom, body, beauty of the all-round development of the socialist builders and successors,Let every child can become good.Five is a fundamental way,Is reasonable allocation of education resources,To promote the harmonious development of all kinds of education at all levels,Encourage guide social forces by education.Six is to develop power,Is deepening education field comprehensive reform,Continuous improvement to promote education career scientific development system mechanism.Seven is the key work,To further strengthen the construction of teachers' team,Enhance teachers impart knowledge and educate people's sense of honor and responsibility,This is the education development of the most important basic work.

  在十八大精神学习贯彻中看待教育,我们清醒地看到,当前,中国教育正面临着新的形势,发展机遇和发展难题都前所未有,许多新情况新问题亟待我们去正视,去调研,去思考,去解决。一是办好人民满意的教育是中央要求、人民期待,社会十分关注,如何坚持教育为人民服务、为国家服务,用什么方式全面了解、积极回应广大人民群众所思所想所盼?满意是一种复杂现象,包括相互关联的重要因素,我们如何设计衡量满意的综合框架,做好人民群众教育满意度的测评工作?如何守住底线、突出重点、完善制度、引导舆论,既尽力而为又量力而行?二是立德树人是教育工作的根本任务,当前社会环境复杂、思想文化多样,如何进一步加强和完善学校党的建设工作,如何进一步加强和改进思想政治教育工作,不断提高教师特别是青年教师的师德水平和业务能力,增强教师教书育人的荣誉感和责任感,培养学生的社会责任感、创新精神、实践能力?三是改革开放是坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的关键抉择,经过30多年的努力,我们哪些教育体制臻于成熟,哪些可以基本定型,哪些还没有实质性进展,哪些还没去触动?我们应该如何广泛深入开展教育教学改革才能为下一代适应时代新变化作好准备?如何深化教育领域综合改革,找准那些属于牵一发而动全身的问题并以此作为突破口、成为着力点,取得实质性、历史性的进展?四是到2020年基本实现教育现代化,什么是教育现代化,我们如何制定适合中国国情、具有国际影响力的教育现代化指标体系?什么是基本实现,基本实现教育现代化的薄弱环节有哪些在哪里,需要采取什么样的工作思路和推进策略?各地发展很不平衡,如何制定各省(区市)基本实现教育现代化的时间表、路线图、任务书?五是我国城镇化在加快,人口流动是大势所趋,我们怎样加大统筹力度,推动城乡教育一体化,推进中国农业现代化、基本实现工业化和全面提升服务业水平?怎样解决好进城务工人员子女(随迁子女和留守儿童)平等接受教育,确保教育机会公平?六是我国进入中等收入国家,加之传统文化影响和每个家庭只有一个孩子,人民群众接受优质教育愿望尤为迫切,我们怎样处理普及与提高的关系,全面提高普及率(巩固率),真正把工作重点转到提高质量上来,努力扩大优质教育资源?怎样实现有教无类和因材施教的结合,为每一个孩子提供适合的教育,更多地培养各类拔尖创新人才?怎样优化学校布局结构、学科专业结构、学生素质能力结构,提高教育的贡献力和贡献率?七是经济全球化深入发展,出国留学和来华留学都在增多,如何引导学生和家长正确对待出国留学,做好出国留学服务工作,吸引优秀留学生学成回国、报效祖国?采取怎样的政策措施,调动地方、学校积极性,吸引更多外国学生来华留学?八是4%投入实现后,怎样健全制度,巩固成果,不断扩大教育财政性投入和社会投入?如何把钱用好管好,更多地用于困难群体和优秀群体,更多地用于薄弱环节和重点领域,更好地调动广大干部师生的积极性主动性创造性?九是“四化同步发展”,信息化更加突出,如何进一步加快教育信息化硬件、软件建设,以教育信息化带动教育现代化?如何提高师生信息技术水平,利用信息化促进教育改革发展,提高教育公平质量?十是全民学习已成为潮流,如何推进学习型社会建设,搭建终身学习“立交桥”,完善终身教育体系? 如何持续提高全社会“学有所教”水平,为所有学习者提供多次多样多层的选择机会,满足个人多样化个性化的学习发展需求?面对当前教育的新形势,出现的新问题,我们一定要增强自信心,提高自觉性,紧紧抓住新机遇,充分利用新条件,妥善应对新挑战,努力创造新优势,为实现中国的“教育强国梦”而顽强奋斗、艰苦奋斗、不解奋斗。

In the eighteenth big spirit in the study and implementation of view education,We see clearly,The current,China's education is facing the new situation,Opportunities for development and development problems are unprecedented,Many new situation new problems we face,To research,To think,To solve.One is to the people's satisfactory education is the central requirements/People look forward to,Society pay much attention to the,How to insist on education to serve the people/For national service,Use what means to fully understand/Actively respond to the masses looking thoughts?Satisfaction is a complex phenomenon,Including related important factors,How can we design measure satisfaction comprehensive framework,Do people's education satisfaction evaluation work?How to keep the bottom line/Highlight the key/Perfect system/Guide public opinion,Not only do the best you can and does what one can?The second is khalid ents education is the basic task of the work,The current social environment complex/Ideological and cultural diversity,How to further strengthen and improve the party's construction of school work,How to further strengthen and improve ideological and political education work,Continuously improve teachers especially young teachers' ethics level and professional ability,Enhance teachers impart knowledge and educate people's sense of honor and responsibility,Training students' sense of social responsibility/Innovation spirit/Practice ability?Three is the reform and opening up is to stick to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics of the key decisions,After 30 years of efforts,What are our education system into maturity,What can be the basic finalize the design,What haven't substantial progress,What also didn't go to touch?How we should carry out extensive education teaching reform to adapt to the new changes for the next generation time ready?How to deepen education field comprehensive reform,Find those who belong to domino problems and take it as a breakthrough/Become a point of strength,substantial/Historic progress?The fourth is to realize the basic education modernization in 2020,What is the education modernization,How do we make suitable for China's national conditions/Has the international influence of the education modernization indicator system?What is the basic realization,Basic education to realize the modernization of weak link what in where,Need to take what kind of work ideas and promote strategy?All development is not balanced,How to develop the provinces(Area city)The basic realization of the modernization of education schedule/roadmap/specification?Five is our country urbanization in speed up,Population flow is the trend of The Times,How can we increase the overall strength,To promote the integration of urban and rural education,In order to promote the agricultural modernization/The basic realization of industrialization and improve service level?How to solve migrant workers children(SuiQian children and left-behind children)Equal accept education,To ensure the education fair chance?Six is our country into middle-income countries,Together with traditional culture influence and families have only one child,People accept high quality education is particularly urgent desire,How can we deal with the popularization and enhancement of the relationship,Improve penetration(巩固率),The real focus of our work to improve the quality of the turn up,Make efforts to expand the quality education resources?How to realize the combination of the no child left behind and teach students in accordance with their aptitude,For every child to provide suitable education,More to cultivate all kinds of top creative talents?How to optimize the school layout structure/Structure of academic disciplines/Students' quality and ability structure,Improve education contribution force and contribution?Seven is economic globalization,Study abroad and the students are increasing,How to guide students and parents treat correctly study abroad,To study abroad service work,Attracting students come back from abroad/motherland?How to take the policy measures,Mobilize local/School enthusiasm,To attract more foreign students to study in China?Eight is 4% investment realized,How to improve the system,Consolidate the achievements,Expand education financial investment and social investment?How to manage money,For more difficult groups and outstanding group,For more weak links and key areas,Better to mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and students cadres initiative and creative?Nine is"Four modernizations synchronous development",Information is more outstanding,How to further speed up the education informatization hardware/Software construction,To education informationization to promote education modernization?How to improve the teachers and students information technology level,Use the information to promote education reform and development,Improve the quality of education fairness?Ten is the learning has become a trend,How to promote the construction of a learning society,Build lifelong learning"flyover",Perfect lifelong education system? How to continue to improve the whole society"Taught to learn"level,Many times for all learners various layers of choice,Meet the individual diversity personalized learning development needs?Facing the new situation of the current education,The new problems,We must increase the confidence,Improve consciousness,Seize new opportunities,Make full use of the new conditions,Properly deal with the new challenge,Efforts to create new advantages,For the realization of China's"Education power dream"And struggle/Hard work/Don't understand struggle.

  二、关于2013年教育工作的总体要求和主要任务 two/About 2013 education work of the overall requirements and major tasks


2013 is the comprehensive implementation of the party's eighteen big spirits start year,Is the plan for education and"1025"Planning served in a key,Is to realize the basic education modernization lays solid foundation of important a year.Well this year education has very important meaning,To hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,In-depth study and implement the spirit of the party's eighteen,Adhere to deng xiaoping theory/"The three represents"Important thoughts/The guidance of the scientific development concept,The full implementation of education planning outline,We will fully implement the party's education policy,Comprehensive promotion of quality education,As the fundamental task of virtue,The teachers team construction as the key content,Change the style as the important guarantee,To speed up the education field comprehensive reform,Accelerate transformation of the education development mode,Accelerate the modernization of education,Strive to promote fair justice,To improve the quality and efficiency,And maintain harmony and stability,Do good to the people's satisfactory education,Built for the comprehensive well-off society/Take the new victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in order to offer talented personnel and intellectual support.

  (一)深入学习贯彻党的十八大精神,全面加强教育系统党的建设 (a)In-depth study and implement the spirit of the party's eighteen,Strengthen the education system of the construction of the party


Education system to study and implement the spirit of the eighteen constantly to further,To make unified thought action to eighteen big spirits up,The wisdom to realize power condensed the eighteenth big sure all tasks up,In order to improve the party's construction scientific level,To promote the scientific development of the education career.


The first,A deep understanding of the eighteenth big spirit.Careful study of the eighteenth big reports/Constitution of communist party of China and a series of important speech comrade xi jinping,A deep understanding of eighteen forward the major theoretical perspectives/Major policies/Significant work deployment,To stick to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics as the focus/Point of strength/foothold;Understand thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development to stick to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics has important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance;A deep understanding of the scientific concept of development is the most distinct spirit essence is to emancipate the mind/Seeking truth from facts/Keep pace with The Times/practical.Learning it is from beginning to end,Focuses on practice,Leadership focuses on the,Focuses on promoting the work.


The second,Deepening the eighteenth big spirit preaching activities.To further carry out publicity and education of socialism with Chinese characteristics,The organization carries out the various forms/Content rich"China dream"Propaganda education,In their respective positions to achieve"Education power dream"And struggle,To achieve"China dream"contribute.To give full play to the advantages of the school,Organization experts speak theory/Organization cadre about policy/Teachers and students feel about organization.Rich approach channel,Innovation means,Let a person willing to accept/Easy to understand,Easy to implement the.


The third,Further promote the eighteenth big spirit into teaching in the classroom into the mind.The eighteenth big spirit as school ideological and political education and philosophy social science teaching important content,As a school party class group class/The construction of campus culture is an important content of,Take the organization revise and write embodies the spirit of the eighteen of college ideological and political philosophy and social science teaching material.The eighteenth big spirit and comrade xi jinping a series of important speech spirit into the study and implementation of university philosophy social science teaching and scientific research backbone/Ideological and political theory course teaching backbone/Counselor backbone research and training teaching plan.


The fourth,In-depth study interpretation of important theoretical and practical problem.To the eighteenth big new ideas and new ideas to further study the new judgment,Determine a series of important topic,Concentrate on research,Launched as soon as possible a batch of high quality research results and popular popularizer.To actively participate in marxism theoretical research and construction engineering,Vigorously promote the theoretical innovation based on practice,Promote marxism popularization times change.We should focus on answer deep thinking and understanding and social hot difficult problem,Clarify fuzzy understanding/Distinguish major is,Enhance the cadres and teachers' and students' road confidence/Theory confidence/System confidence.


The fifth,Further promote the education system of the construction of the party.To implement the good 21st national college party construction work to the conference spirit,Around maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity,Improve the party's construction in accordance with the requirements of the scientific level,Strengthen the party's construction of various and of all kinds school work,In the learning service innovative party organization construction walk in the front rank.According to the central deployment,In the education system to further carry out the practical incorruptness as the main contents of the party's mass line education practice,To solve the staff and students reflect strong outstanding problems,To improve the party member cadre service ability level.Key to pay special attention to establish and improve the party member the leading cadre close ties with the masses/All party member based on the position of the long-term mechanism to excel.To strengthen the construction of anti-corruption,Forever communists be honest and upright political nature,Consciously maintain the centralized and unified,To further build the wind is in the air/The education of the heart qi gas environment.
