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February 5, 4, 'xinhua Japanese and published comments,With China,College entrance examination is the way the Japanese high school students,called"The university of concentrated test".therefore,Parents will let the child to go to all kinds of cram school/They learn outside of the life sticks badly,Often this is known:"Emperor isn't nasty eunuch nasty".
This paper provided as follows:
"Someone beginning,Someone has come to the end".Use this sentence to describe China's college entrance examination is very appropriate.College entrance examination,By many parents defined as before children eighteen years goal in life,Think successfully after this"crossing",After that to go all the way high.therefore,Parents will let the child to go to all kinds of cram school/They learn outside of the life sticks badly,Often this is known:"Emperor isn't nasty eunuch nasty".
With China,College entrance examination is the way the Japanese high school students,called"The university of concentrated test".In addition to part of the sports special immortal and unripe outside,The rest of the candidates have to take the test result,To get to each school to attend the entrance exam.Japan high candidates to university is not limited,No unified registration or"a"/"2"cent.Each university has symbol of difficulty"Deviation value",Candidates through several simulation test,Could probably know they can enter school.
now,Because the Japanese employment situation more and more nervous,High school students parents began to hurry up.Although admitted to a good university doesn't mean to find a good job,But parents urged children learn the strength but a year full.River close private/Into there/Waseda private/Jun table/Moved eastward/Z will wait for the national chain cram school recruit students fall over each other,Solve the powerful parents have no place to make trouble.
Of course,Because the cram school more and more,School recruitment of students has become a big problem.In order to show their competitiveness,In addition to the university of Tokyo/Kyoto university/Kyushu university so"Difficulty big"Graduation rates beyond talking,The school also natural won't pass the college entrance examination the display stage.On January 19,/Twenty days and two days is 2013 years, the college entrance examination,The 21st the cram school will have posted the exam answer and problem analysis.
Due to the cram school competition is becoming increasingly fierce,This year also appeared for the first time in the history of Japanese college entrance examination the papers in advance,The examination questions out of the examination room.On January 19,,A 19-year-old girl in ChangQiShi running water women's university during the test,Just answer the question papers requires 30 minutes,And will WenZong families(geographic?history?citizens)Questions out of the examination room.After investigation that,She is affected by the cram school teacher of the holder,In order to make the school posted the standard answer.
In fact,Japan's college entrance examination questions will in all after the test printed,And the cram school but even a day can't wait for.Later learned that after investigation,The teacher also has another student to him with questions,Subject covers mandarin/Foreign language/Subjects such as mathematics.What makes cram school teacher,Sacrificing their students' future,Will one day in advance posted standard answer it?In the final analysis or in order to expand influence,Easy to recruit students.
In recent years due to the Japanese society and continually against the loose education,At present, only in this high school and reduce the burden of education mode.However severe employment environment to let the parents had to rely on cram school,To fill the child's learning time.High school students don't cram school is almost unimaginable things.Participate in college entrance examination this year of high school only about 600000 people,Cram school can hold the number of students who were far more than the current students.
A few months before the college entrance examination,Has been to see a lot of carrying bag full of high school students,And workers to be squeezed together at 9/The ten o 'clock trolley.Many countries public school students,In the cram school to time even more than the school.Not only the students parents worry,Cram school teachers it seems is not easy.This let a person remember China implement education alleviate the burden on the popular word,"Add is equal to alleviate the burden on".(JiangFeng)
(China news network)
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