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广西中学被曝发假成绩单骗家长 教育局称理解--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  华声在线2月28日讯(记者 罗浩) “期末考试成绩8分,为何成绩单上变成了65分?”27日,微博出现一则爆料,称广西博白县力文中学因学生期末考试成绩太差,私下将学生成绩单的考试成绩修改提高,发送假成绩单蒙骗家长。事件曝光后,网络一片哗然。但该校校长回应称,成绩单的成绩系整个学期多次考试的平均分,并非只是期末考试成绩。力文中学主管部门博白县教育局也表示,成绩单成绩和实际成绩有一定差距可以理解。

Hua sheng electronic news online on February 28(The reporter Luo Hao) "Final exam grade eight points,Why was 65 points on the report?"27,Weibo appeared a fact,Said BoBaiXian force in guangxi middle school because of poor students in the final exam,Amend the student transcripts test scores increase in private,Send fake transcripts deceive parents.After the event,The network an uproar.But the school principal responded,Transcript of grades is several times throughout the semester exam score,Not just the final examination results.Word power BoBaiXian education bureau also said high school departments,Test result and actual result has a certain gap is understandable.


 学校发假成绩单蒙骗家长 School transcript send false deceive parents


On February 27,,Net friend"Laugh at small niang"In weibo report,According to guangxi BoBaiXian word power average high school sophomore was part of the course the final exam scores only 15 points,To hide the truth,School changes to improve student achievement,Send fake transcripts deceive parents.


"Laugh at small niang"According to,This information is what he is a friend in word power high school let me know.He also provides a force school grade 11 student's transcript.The report shows that,The student's mathematics/The physical/chemical/Biological final exam score was 73 points, respectively/60 points/62 points/65 points.But in fact,The student's mathematics/The physical/chemical/Biological final exam scores 25 points respectively/31 points/27 points/Eight points.


"Laugh at small niang"To question,"School academic transcripts to protect students' parents,No family visit,The teacher to student's result also,So the conscience,What is education in one hundred?"


In order to verify reports coming from the network,Reporter contacted several word power school students,They also said in an interview,"Is it the case that the report card fraud".According to a local media reported,After the start of a few days ago,Teacher put the final exam paper and sheet sent to students in interpretation,The students found that the final exam results have been much lower than the transcript.


Word power middle school a total of six senior grade two class,Have students said,All class appeared this situation.Students said don't know why the school mean to help raise students only on test scores,But everyone's final exam scores are too low,No one dared to parents revealed the truth.


校方解释遭多方质疑 The school explain many question


In view of the Internet,Word power high school principal Chen Mingqin made his own interpretation.Chen Mingqin said,Transcript of grades is several times throughout the semester exam score,Not just the final examination results.


Chen Mingqin said,The school in addition to the mid-term exam and final exam,There are three to four monthly examination and test many times.Since last year the second half of the semester,The transcript of grades throughout the semester to many times the average score of the exam,In order to parents reflect the status of students throughout the semester.


But Chen Mingqin explained by many question.Have students say,They don't have monthly exam,The usual test is mostly an open-book exam,And is a phased examinations,Does not reflect the students throughout the semester for examination and assessment of the situation.


A parent calls were explained too trifling matter,"Stated on the report is the final exam,What has now become a grade point average?If you really want to let our parents know their children grades throughout the semester,Why don't you will be all test scores are listed out?To modify performance on the one hand, there is no scientific basis,On the other hand also didn't inform parents,School of this kind of behavior is too disappointing."


An insider said,Department of the private secondary school,Itself is difficult to recruit students,If let the parents know their children grades so vulnerable,Must be transfer immediately.In order to maintain the interests of the school,Keep students,Is such a farce.

  当地教育局称理解校方行为 Understanding the local education bureau said the school behavior


27th in the afternoon,Reporter contacted competent force BoBaiXian bureau of education of school.But the agency staff said the temporary not know related information,Will be immediately reported to the leadership,"If that is the case,The responsibility shall be investigated for school".


28 in the morning,Reporters once again contact BoBaiXian education bureau.The bureau XinFangShi a li staff said in an interview to understand school of this kind of practice.


Li staff who served as a teacher,And said school a semester transcript of grades in the comprehensive evaluation points,Test result and actual result has a certain gap is normal,You can understand.
