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  国务院办公厅18日发布的《国民休闲旅游纲要》提出,在放假时间总量不变的情况下,高等学校可结合实际调整寒、暑假时间,地方政府可以探索安排中小学放春假或秋假。这将使父母带薪休假与在校子女放假更有整合性。(2月19日《京华时报》) 国务院办公厅18日发布的[National leisure tourism programs]Put forward,Under the condition of total amount of vacation time,Institutions of higher learning can be combined with the actual adjustment cold/Summer vacation time,The local government can explore the arrangement of primary and secondary school spring break or fall off.This will make the parents paid vacation with the children in school holiday is more integrated.(On February 19,[Beijing times])


要设置好春秋假,I'm afraid you will first need to understand is,With the spring and autumn period and the false why?From the overall perspective,Primary and secondary schools during the spring and autumn is false as part of the national leisure tourism planning,That is to say,For small and medium-sized students put the spring and autumn period and the false is to ensure students leisure needs.But unlike the worker paid leave,Add the spring and autumn period and the false is a premise of primary and secondary schools,It is school holiday time total amount.In other words,Increasing the spring and autumn period and the false,Its value is"mass"Rather than"The amount".


具体来讲,Whether it is now two long term benefit of children concentrate on study,Is split into four more conducive to mix a short term/Improve the effect of learning,Head cannot simply make decisions,And more in need of professional research,As to the child's learning psychology research/Consideration on factors of learning burnout,And so on.That is to say,How to determine the spring and autumn period and the false,You must comply with the laws of education itself.Vice versa,If just for simple study of tourism products,To increase the spring and autumn period and the fake for promoting holiday economy alone,It is no doubt putting the cart before the horse,Make holiday sure and education become subservient to the economy.


当然,Studies also have very positive meaning,Organizes the student to study using the spring and autumn period and the false is not yet to travel,The key lies in,Travelling itself positive value to get fully embody,Not for travel and travel.In fact,,Judging from some developed countries abroad,The spring and autumn period and the false is not completely synonymous with summer and winter vacations,Should not be simply lets the student at home rest,But more emphasis on a vacation and travel/With the combination of all kinds of social practice.so,How to plan the spring and autumn period and the false,How to make the valuable is equally important to the spring and autumn period and the false.


此外,Also need to consider geographic and climatic factors.The difference between east and west, south and north in our country,Spring in the south have joy,The north may be cold,In fact the north winter holiday this is longer than the south,So whether it is necessary to set the spring and autumn period and the false/How to set up,It is worth thinking about, too.Set the spring and autumn period and the false,We don't want to rush around,Don't want to negative.Adjust measures to local conditions will be worth.(LiuChuHan)
