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  部门隔离,加强专业性,减少操作风险 (1)将小微企业贷款部门与大中企业贷款部门分离,小微企业客户经理不得叙做大中企业业务、也不能调往大中企业信贷部门,以此增强小微企业客户经理的稳定性和专业性;(2)前中后台分离:贷前调查、贷款审批、出帐中心分离,贷款达到审批条件后出帐中心才统一出帐。

Department isolation,Strengthen professional,Reduce operating risk (1)Will the small business loans department and big in small business loans department separation,The enterprise customer manager shall not small medium-sized enterprise business to Syria、Also cannot adjust to large and medium-sized enterprise credit department,To enhance the enterprise customer manager of small stability and professional;(2)In the background before separation:Credit investigation before、Approving loans、Out of his center separation,Loans to the examination and approval conditions after a bill to a unified center bill。

  风险控制节点前移 (1)“两人四眼”:风险管理人员与客户经理同时开展尽职调查,通过风险管理人员的提前介入,确保调查的真实全面、严谨合规。(2)对各分行派驻归属总行直接管理的风险总监,贷款审核要先到分行风险总监,才到分行长。

The risk control node moved forward (1)“Two people four eyes”:Risk management personnel and customer manager and carry out due diligence,Through the risk management personnel's prior intervention,Ensure that the real comprehensive survey、Rigorous compliance。(2)Each branch of ownership in the risk of head office direct management director,Loan review going to risk director branch,To FenHangChang。

  眼见为实,据实核贷,深度了解客户 “三看三查”:(1)看生活:申请人有无违法的不良嗜好、工作是否敬业、家庭是否和睦、人际关系是否和谐等;(2)看生产:看厂容厂貌、看加班加点、看员工状态等;(3)看生意:店面位置好不好、面积大不大、顾客多不多等;(4)查银行对账单,了解经营状况和现金流;(5)查欠款,了解资产负债情况;(6)查罚款,了解经营合法合规情况。

Seeing is believing,Truthful nuclear loan,Depth understanding customer “Three see three check”:(1)Watching life:The applicant for illegal bad habits、Work is dedicated、Whether family peace、Interpersonal relationship is harmonious, etc;(2)Look at the production:See ChangRong ChangMao、See work overtime、See state employees;(3)See business:Store location is good or not、Area of big、More than a few customers;(4)Check the bank statements,Understand operating condition and cash flow;(5)Check owed,Understand the assets and liabilities;(6)Check a fine,Understand operating legal compliance。

  形成客户群,掌握行业信息 银行与客户之间的信息不对称是重要的风险源,通过将单一客户发展为客户群,汇总各可比客户信息,既能更深入地了解单一客户,也能更好把握行业动向,控制资产配置风险。

Form customer base,Master industry information the bank and the customers the information asymmetry between the risk source is important,Through a single customer development as the customer base will be,Collect the comparable customer information,Can learn more about a single customer,Also can better grasp the industry trend,Control risk asset allocation。

  以现金流为本+灵活的抵押担保方式 小微企业贷款方案主要是依据借款人现金流情况确定,在此基础上,也尽可能获得抵押担保等信用增级:(1)不动产抵押:以客户自有房地产、商铺等抵押;(2)动产质押:以水产、服装、汽车等库存商品质押,必要时采取“质押+保证金+联保”的方式,即以库存商品进行质押,多家商户提供联保,如有必要,则由联保客户之间每人存入一定比例的保证金,而且合计保证金至少可以覆盖一位借款人的贷款本金;(3)权利质押:以商铺租赁权等质押;(4)未来收益权质押:如应收账款质押、出口退税质押;(5)商标专利等创新类质押;(6)股东保证或商会联保:家族企业贷款追加法定代表人或主要股东及其妻儿保证,变企业有限责任为法定代表人或股东家族的无限责任,或依托商会、行业协会等平台发放联保贷款;(7)公务员担保等第三方担保:常见于农户贷款等涉农贷款中。

By taking cash flow for the + flexible mortgage guarantee the loan scheme way small enterprises are mainly on the basis of the borrower cash flow conditions,Based on this,Also try to get mortgage guarantee and credit enhancement:(1)Real estate mortgage:Customer own real estate、Shops and mortgage;(2)Chattel pledge:To aquatic、clothing、Car inventory goods such as the pledge,When necessary to take“Pledge + + LianBao deposit”way,Namely to inventory goods pledge,Several LianBao heartily providing,If necessary,By the LianBao between customers in a certain proportion of each deposit,And total margin at least can cover a borrower's loan principal;(3)Right impawn:To shops such as tenant pledged;(4)The future earnings of the pledge:Such as accounts receivable pledge、Export tax refund pledge;(5)Trademark patent innovation such as kind of the pledge;(6)Shareholders LianBao guarantee or chamber of commerce:Family business loans additional legal representative or major shareholders and their wife and children guarantee,Become enterprise limited liability for the legal representative or shareholders the unlimited liability of the family,Or rely on the chamber of commerce、Industry associations, and other platform LianBao issue loans;(7)Civil servants guarantee third parties guarantee:Common agricultural loans such as farmers loans。

  灵活的用款和还款安排 根据借款人的经营和回款特点,灵活采用多种提款方式和本息偿还方式,如等额本息、按月付息到期一次还本、按月付息按季还本等,既不影响客户的正常经营,又能保障银行利益。

Flexible cash and reimbursement arrangement according to the borrower and the business of characteristic collection,Flexible USES the many kinds of ways and repay the principal and interest withdrawal way,Such as the principal and interest waiting for the forehead、Monthly payments due a debt、Monthly payments by season debt, etc,Not only does not affect the normal operation of the customer,And to guarantee bank interests。

  授信用途监控,授信总量控制 为规避由于客户盲目扩张带来的风险,通常规定客户只能将信贷资金用于主营业务。此外还采取“饥饿供应资金”策略,严格测算客户的资金需求以确定授信额度,防止客户盲目扩张,对主营业务造成不利影响。

Credit USES monitoring,Credit for avoiding the total amount control by providing the risks of blind expansion,Usually only will credit funds customers provisions for main business。In addition, it also take“Hunger supply funds”strategy,Strict measure capital requirements of customers to make sure the forehead,Prevent reckless expansion of the customer,Main business of adverse effects。

  适当放宽风险容忍度 在建立“尽职免责、失职问责”考核机制后,适当提高小微企业贷款风险容忍度

Relax appropriately in establishing risk tolerance“Exemption due diligence、Dereliction of accountability”After examination system,An appropriate increase in small micro enterprise loan risk tolerance

  激励约束并举,促使客户自选择 对按时还本付息、综合价值大的客户采取增加额度、延长期限、优惠利率、延伸服务等激励措施;对恶意拖欠的客户零容忍,采取多种清收措施并列入贷款黑名单。

Incentive and restraint and,To the choice of the customer on time servicing、Comprehensive value big client to take increase quotas、Extend the deadline、Preferential interest rate、Extension services incentive measures;For malicious default customer zero tolerance,Take various measures and included in a great loan blacklist。


source:According to the research data


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