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History for more concentrated guarantee of zhejiang、shandong、Henan province,This once again become the focus of the listed company external security area。
Among them,The each other between enterprises listed room guarantee for zhejiang area still guarantee circle the most obvious characteristics。According to the straight flush(300033,Shares it)IFIND data statistics show,What happened in 2011 is the forehead of 43 security home in zhejiang,For real estate enterprises with 10,Total amount guarantee happen about 3.263 billion yuan,More than thirty percent of the total amount of guarantee。
In addition to single pen guarantee outside a large amount,Zhejiang local enterprises still adopt the room“BaoTuan heating”Against the regulation of the real estate way of winter。Among them,By the end of 2011,Green city group fund chain in crisis,City room binjiang group listed enterprises(002244,Shares it)Speeding emergency,For the 430 million yuan entrust loan to provide security。And in September 2011,The new lake treasure(600208,Shares it)Also with green city on the China signed a mutual as high as 300 million yuan of the agreement。
In addition,Many not yet on the market in succession and local real estate enterprise also signed the agreement listed enterprises each other mutual support,One fairy Ju pharmaceutical(002332,Shares it)And zhejiang yaojiang river industrial group(Said the“Yao river industrial”)、The sublimation of the holding company each signed for 200 million yuan and 80 million yuan each other the agreement,And the more the shares(600387,Shares it)And the sea bright group and Stanley river industrial each signed for 250 million yuan and 80 million yuan for the mutual agreement。
“Now the economic situation is not good,From the solid economic to credit face,There are many uncertainty risk,We do to external security company is always distrust,Ask its guarantee amount in general not more than five times the capital。”A state-owned bank in zhejiang province people has revealed。
“Continued economic downturn since the first half of this year,In the real economy is also making the Banks to risk more aware of their bad loans,Bank is the risk of type conservative institution,So people are watching。”It said。
And shandong aspects,The chemical and cotton spinning around two big industry extensions of the huge guarantee、Mutual the crisis。Among them,Located in weifang * ST the dragon and the ST's cotton in Texas,Become a local two big guarantee circle crisis fuse。
But this,Texas a local state-owned Banks to reporters who are,Recent have several enterprise existence capital chain conditions,Will face the risk of collapse,But Texas local enterprise the guarantee is not like talk outside so serious。
“We have been according to ranking bank executive departments and the relevant supervision requirements of loans,The individual feels since this year with loan as ever,And not trying to shrink borrowing money。”The state-owned Banks to reporters who,“But recent Texas have two processing enterprises for their business problem is serious,This caused the shortage of capital,Make this two enterprises relatively serious problems,But Texas enterprise capital or more normal。”
And in henan,By the enterprise management to the resource sluggish performance downturn,Operation of a debt under insufficient funds,Finally the downstream enterprises gradually above the vertical、The enterprise of each horizontal two directions conduction。
山东:化工纺织行业下行 倒逼企业担保链 shandong:Chemical textile industry DaoBi downlink enterprise guarantee chain
In fact,And a lot of guarantee each other different is BaoTuan circle,Shandong guarantee circle has always been relatively loose。
According to the statistical data straight flush,A total of 18 in shandong province in 2011 companies listed on the forehead to happen is external security,* * * * ST sea dragons respectively、JiangQuan industrial(600212,Shares it)、Bohai piston(600960,Shares it)、Soft holding a(002073,Shares it)、Qingdao binary(000599,Shares it)、Victory shares(000407,Shares it)、Tong yu heavy industry(300185,Shares it)、ST demian、Qingdao JianYe(600229,Shares it)、Trendy industrial(600777,Shares it)、China shares spinning(600448,Shares it)、The sun paper(002078,Shares it)、Shandong ore machine(002526,Shares it)、Shore shares of(601678,Shares it)、East China CNC(002248,Shares it)、Yaxing chemical(600319,Shares it)、Shandong flexibly(002193,Shares it)And * ST dacheng。
And from the city to see,The above 18 companies are quite separate,Involved in weifang、linyi、binzhou、Qingdao、jinan、yucheng、liaocheng、Texas、yantai、yanzhou、weihai、jining、Zibo 13 cities。
Reporter in an interview to understand,Due to the enterprise financing loans around the district government support policies are different,Shandong subordinate cities own guarantee circle there is also rather different culture。
“Yantai although is an important industrial city of shandong subordinates,But guarantee fund fracture problem is few circle happen。The main reason is because the local larger several security companies are all government holding inspected the enterprise,In choosing a guaranteed loans to the requirements of the customer risk degree is higher,In a lower risk of bad loans。”A local security company of yantai people told reporters。
And the people said,Yantai government is in the early portion of the finances,With several large local security companies,To the local small and medium-sized enterprises provide“Bridge funds”,The urgent need for funds provide millions of enterprise around small loans,Ease financial pressures。
And reporters noticed,The * ST sea dragons guarantee the location of the circle shandong weifang,Is history“Security crisis”takes。
Note the,As early as in * ST sea dragons an accident seven years ago in 2005,In another around in weifang prefecture * ST listed company can have formed around as high as 500 million yuan of the guarantee of the circle,Involves shandong sea dragons、Hua birds "and weifang a number of large enterprises。
In order to prevent the collapse of security circles,Endanger the local economy,Weifang government,* * * * ST contributed to the restructuring of the can,What is now“Weichai juki(000880,Shares it)(000880)”。And seven years a rebirth,The foregoing is affected the involvement of shandong dragon again guarantee circle crisis,But has become lens protagonist。
“With local state-owned enterprises may be related background,* ST sea dragons to control the actual human weifang state-owned assets supervision,May administrative intervention larger efforts,Linked not foreign guaranty frequently。But good enterprise burden is relatively small,After all is state-owned enterprise,The government certainly had through inaction。”The personage analysis to the reporter。
浙鲁豫上市公司对外担保调查:三地“大不同” Zhejiang luyu listed company external security investigation:three“different”
Besides policy factors besides,In the industry,Due to insufficient with foreign demand,The continued growth of the prices of raw materials,In shandong province as a representative of a group of chemical enterprise general performance to slide。In the first quarter of this year,Shandong province 28 companies listed company in chemical industry,There were 18 year-on-year decline in home net profit,The most serious three for Qingdao JianYe respectively、Yaxing chemical and * ST yellow sea,Respectively compared to the 103.53 times decline、4.23 times and 2.83 times。
But the decline in performance,“Itself would”At the same time,The above several chemical enterprise also take significant foreign guaranty amount。According to the statistical data IFND straight flush,2011 * ST sea dragons、Qingdao binary、Victory shares、Qingdao JianYe、Shore shares of、Yaxing chemical six chemical enterprise in the composition of the guarantee amounting to $1.566 billion,Account for over of the region and the share of total external security by 31.58%。
In addition the entity a recession,Banks on the bad debt risk control and improve loan threshold,Become public listed companies and enterprises have greatly between the direct stimulation causes such lending。
“Shandong about bad credit management department of local control badly,In fact the bank collection wrist also is very severe,Various methods will use,So we here in debt defaults, actually control better。”The local state-owned Banks to reporters who pointed out。
河南:资源大省核心工业受冲击下的脆弱担保圈 henan:Resources province impact of core industrial fragile security circles
As part of the 2011 GDP the fifth column、The first big economic province,Since the last quarter of last year to the real economy and an accelerated decline a direct impact on many industrial enterprises in henan province。
As resources and heavy industry of henan province,The local steel、non-ferrous、Cement, and other heavy industry undoubtedly hit。Along with the economic downturn and entity for commodities prices have plunged,Enveloped in the enterprise head guarantee chain finally began to break down。
Among them,With part of the steel enterprise steel demand,Shutdown cut directly affect the number of small and medium-sized enterprise bonds。“Steel enterprise although business revenue and profit is very poor,But they are backed by the government's large state-owned enterprises,The actual capital problem was not that serious,Really exist the crisis is our financing these small and medium-sized private enterprises。”July 20,,A local's main refractories luoyang medium scale enterprise the chairman has revealed。
According to the chairman is introduced,The company produces the GuiZhuan refractory material such as perennial sold to pangang group、Clad steel group and subordinate listed enterprises。“Since this year,Steel and other heavy industry upstream of the enterprise all very difficult,Because of the economic downturn,Industrial production cut constantly to stop,A direct impact on the enterprise product demand,Capital chain is broken chains situation happen from time to tome。”
The reporter from inside to understand,In private capital of refractory industry cluster,Financing itself is rather difficult。In the industry downturns,In order to solve the shortage of capital problem,The enterprise can only get through each other between the bank loan,Or get a guarantee。
“At present,In luoyang,Even the henan enterprise circles,Numerous security situation exists。Recently because the economy bad again and again,The boss is not in a few run road。”The above the chairman takes helplessly told reporters。
The other side,Large steel enterprise capital chain than the more difficult is that local non-ferrous metals enterprise。At the beginning of this year,The old state-owned enterprise zhengzhou aluminium 2.4 billion yuan guarantee crisis takes the lead in surface,Henan involved many famous enterprises and local over guarantee company,Down very wide。
Among them,Local listed companies more fluorine(002407,Shares it)And too dragon pharmaceutical(600222,Shares it)As the long-term mutual the aluminum zhengzhou enterprise,Quickly hit。Zhengzhou aluminium debt burden liquidity crisis,Much more to zhengzhou fluorine can only 25 million yuan of aluminum guarantee recognized as an estimated debts and non-operating expenditures。
Unexpected is,Relative to many more fluorine had provides a guaranty,Zhengzhou aluminium a rather beautiful issued by the financial data,By the company to provide creditors by another November of 2011 by relevant accounting firm to zhengzhou aluminium make audit reports, whose startling originality greatly。
According to the November 2011 much more disclosure announcement fluorine,By September 2011,Aluminum zhengzhou total business income is 1.36 billion yuan realization,Net profit of 85.8 million yuan,Total assets of 1.26 billion yuan,Net assets of 760 million yuan,The asset-liability ratio is only 39.37%。
however,According to the follow-up of the firm to provide creditors of the auditing reports issued by the aluminum zhengzhou,By September of 2011,Zhengzhou aluminium liabilities have as high as 1.46 billion yuan,Had insolvency。
Compared with the aluminum zhengzhou around the loan,Another main product production of aluminum industry company zhongfu industrial(600595,Shares it)The company constantly linked not to provide loan guarantees。
March 24,,Zhongfu industrial issued announcement said,【 introduction 】 silver lake aluminium for year 2012 will provide RMB 465 million yuan of the mortgage guarantee amount,And by December 31, 2011,【 introduction 】 silver lake for aluminum company accumulated guarantee the actual value of RMB 160 million,This means that,More than last year
165 million yuan credit guarantee loans,【 introduction 】 silver lake to the aluminium industry zhongfu guaranteed amount for a sharp increase of 190.625%。
The same day,,Zhongfu industrial also to the kay industry、LinFeng aluminium、Zhongshan holding three subsidiary companies which provide up to $1.03 billion of respectively、$788 million、The guarantee of the $620 million amount。
In addition to the subsidiary company of high guarantee,Since the first half of this year,Zhongfu industrial and its holding company for two unrelated enterprise henan jinfeng coal group Co., LTD and henan bo Olympic construction Co., LTD,Provide the highest total external security for $70 million。
but,With the increasing linked not foreign guaranty amount relative,The company this year performance is gone from bad to worse。Zhongfu industrial is still in the last year the industry downturn case closed up 0.23% net profit reluctantly,But the first quarter of this year,Net profit is the kui 113 million yuan,Plunged 337.53% compared to the same period last year。
In fact,Performance behind the decline,The increase of the rolling external security force companies to increase borrowing limit undoubtedly,Increase financial expenditure of money。By December 31, 2011,Zhongfu industrial and its subsidiary actual guarantee volume has happened as high as 4.136 billion yuan,A recent issue of the audited account for 60.41% of the net assets。
In the first quarter of this year,Zhongfu industrial financial costs than the same period last year increased by 53.57% to 230 million yuan,And the reason is for“Financing scale increases and lending rates by improving”。Over the same period, the company also has the asset-liability ratio as high as 72.73%。
In fact,To provide loans to the generosity is not zhongfu industrial a,2011 years,Including zhongfu industrial, new item of textile(002087,Shares it),Too dragon pharmaceutical,Zhongyuan high-speed(600020,Shares it),Shares insight(002560,Shares it),Much more fluorine,In central plains with(002448,Shares it),Silver pigeons investment(600069,Shares it),Tongli cement(000885,Shares it),Boasts photoelectric(002189,Shares it)10 the enterprise all provide large foreign guaranty,The total amount of guarantee as high as 1.648 billion yuan。
浙江:房企互担依旧 光伏企业危机袭来 zhejiang:Each room enterprises are still photovoltaic enterprise crisis by storm
In fact,In zhejiang listed company circle,In addition to the old mutual insurance guarantee high room problem still serious outside,By photovoltaic industry itself by recession capital chain crisis also began to spark set the prairie ablaze。
On photovoltaic industry for the company,The industry is a serious surplus production capacity,Under unbalanced supply and demand of the product price has plummeted,The other side is facing the enthusiasm of a capital faded,The industry is facing fund chain tight even the risk of fracture。
Zhejiang "is just a case of dimensional existence,In the first half of 2012,Two other with shaoxing of photovoltaic enterprise sunflowers and fine work and science and technology(002006,Shares it)In the first half is expected to appear first losses。To sunflower for example,The company announced the latest of the first half performance forecast fixed announcement,The first half of the year is expected to loss 160 million yuan to 170 million yuan,Compared to the same period last year profit of 130 million yuan to a 221.25% decline from 228.83% to。And in April 25, a quarterly reports,Sunflower had been expected to net profit fell 50% in the first half or more。
Note the,In addition to the two companies,Super day the sun(002506,Shares it)、Group-based operations(600152,Shares it)The performance is fixed,And all for the downward revision。
Along with the product prices and a sharp decline in profits,Photovoltaic enterprise cash flow problems more prominence。WIND statistics show,In the first quarter of this year,A shares photovoltaic industry of 79 listed companies operating activities generated cash flow from the fourth quarter of last year 11.7 billion yuan sharply reduce to 295 million yuan,Over the same period, the inventory is from last year at the end of the fourth quarter of 58.7 billion yuan to 62.8 billion yuan rise further。
but,Despite a sharp decline in performance、Cash flow of the growing tension,But two listed companies are huge foreign itself guarantee。Among them,2011 foreign guarantee for 192 million yuan sunflowers,Fine work external security for 185 million yuan of science and technology。In addition,In the first half of this year,Fine work to subsidiary of science and technology of zhejiang reactive new energy to provide up to $50 million of financial aid。
记者注意到,在向日葵1.92亿元的对外担保中, 为非关联企业浙江古纤道新材料股份有限公司(以下简称为“浙江古纤道”)担保的金额高达1亿元。根据相关资料显示,浙江古纤道注册资本4.5亿,截至2011年6月30日,公司总资产375422.161429万元,净资产达125050.510675万元,2011年度上半年营业收入190382.260567万元,净利润达15667.314978万元。
Reporters noticed that,In the sunflower 192 million yuan of foreign guaranty, For the associated enterprises zhejiang ancient fiber way new material Co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the“Zhejiang ancient fine way”)The amount of guarantee as high as 100 million yuan。According to relevant data shows,Zhejiang ancient fine way registered capital 450 million,By June 30, 2011,The total assets of $3754221614.29,Net assets of 1250505106.75 yuan,In the first half of 2011 annual revenues of 1903822605.67 yuan,Net profit of 156673149.78 yuan。
事实上,向日葵为浙江古纤道提供担保历史可追溯到2009年,此外 2011年,另一家上市公司新湖中宝还对其增持3000万股权,成为浙江古纤道的新股东。
In fact,Sunflower for zhejiang ancient fine way to provide security history can be traced back to 2009,In addition in 2011,The other a listed company of its xinhu zhongbao around 30 million equity,Become the new way of zhejiang foreign shareholder。
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