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粤台金融合作 东莞挽留台商新筹码--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  本报记者 梁为 发自广东东莞

Our reporter for from guangdong dongguan beam


July 25,,《The pearl river delta of guangdong province construction financial reform and innovation comprehensive experimental district overall scheme》(Said the《scheme》)Obtain the approval of the state council,This is considered as the pearl river delta to curtain will and gold。


Scheme mentioned,“Guangdong-taiwan gradually deepened financial cooperation,In the dongguan carry out pilot financial cooperation”。


The two years,Guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation is often mentioned,And with the taiwan-owned enterprise in guangdong economic situation becomes more and more urgent。


Related analysis says,As wages and raw material costs growth,Demographic dividend、Land of dividends disappear,Enterprise in the request of the transformation and upgrade,Financing difficulties encountered,Many small and medium-sized taiwan-owned enterprise downsizing,Even ready to close factory evacuated。And guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation of experiments,May help keep the dongguan Taiwan。


Following enterprise association secretary-general ZhaoWeiNa said:“Many Taiwanese has in the dongguan based on for many years,A base industry,Won't easily leave,They will conform to the trend,Enterprise business direction to make adjustments,Transformation and upgrading of。”

  在莞台企融资难 Enterprise financing in Taiwan enterprises


July 29,,In the following enterprise town of national highway an electronics factory,Taiwanese ChenMingTai frown。He desperately needs to purchase a batch of five-axis wedm machine for financing。


He said:“We here in Taiwan have no land mortgage,Plant is also hired,It is difficult to bank loans from here。”


And in the past week,He finally made contact with a background of Taiwan lease financing company。This batch of line cutting machine, amounting to $1.47 million,Down 470000 yuan,Need to pay 49000 yuan monthly installments,Two years over insults,This batch of line cutting machine will transfer ownership to his enterprise。


“Month rate not low,But in this way will buy this batch of line cutting machine,Already very lucky。”


Following is the most concentrated taiwan-owned enterprise of the city。According to the following Taiwan affairs 2011 statistical data,In the dongguan operation and in government departments of the registered taiwan-owned enterprise has 4100,The total contract use of foreign capital of $16 billion,The actual use of foreign capital 14.3 billion dollars;In this 4100 home in foreign capital enterprise,More than ninety percent of small and medium-sized enterprises。


Following small and medium-sized enterprise statistics show,Following a financing lease market scale is about 6 billion yuan,But the actual volume dongguan every year is below 50 million yuan。


Now active in the dongguan the financing lease company is not more than 10,Including the far east international leasing、Japanese orix(ORIX)And ZhongLi etc“Shanghai”Lease financing company;Among them,Cities have rich and DongLian for taiwan-owned background。


July 30,,Dongguan exhibition in the hotel lobby,Following enterprise association XieQingYuan to age weekly said:“Now Taiwan enterprises financing is very difficult。In the dongguan of taiwan-owned enterprise‘Two head out’,Whether to the mainland Banks or Taiwan bank loans are very difficult。The economic situation is not good,Orders fell、Performance decline,Even if the loan for the enterprise,The credit amount will be reduced。”


XieQingYuan Taiwanese businessmen to guangdong has more than 20 years,He in the dongguan have a steel company、A hospital and two schools,Most of his time in the mainland。


Xie said taiwan-owned enterprise“Two head out”Refers to,Many Taiwan enterprises headquarters in Taiwan,Downstream sales in the international market,The dongguan assume only part of the processing trade,These small and medium-sized sets of mainland bank enterprise don't understand,Can't easily lending;And Taiwan bank of Taiwan enterprises in the dongguan's state of operation also don't understand,The same can't easily lending。


Thank think,“Taiwan enterprises is not only in financing,And monetary settlement problem。The central set the dongguan for guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation pilot,Can really bring practical change。”

  台商的期待与遗憾 Taiwanese expectation and regret


July,The approval of the state council dongguan as guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation pilot is not abrupt。


January 27, 2010,Beijing,China's association for relations across the Taiwan strait,And Taiwan consortium corporation of the straits exchange foundation signed from 2008 and filed《Cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement》(Said the“ECFA”)。


Article 6 the ECFA“Economic cooperation”The third point,Will have“Financial cooperation”terms。


But this is only a top design,And there is no substantial content and specific implementation measures。


On 30 January 2010,In guangdong province two meetings extemporaneous speech,The following enterprise association YeChunRong grabbed a microphone,A stream of seven out advice,Some of them“Stop infringing,Protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises,Provide financing platform”,“Hope to open the Taiwanese、hospital、Trading companies and other services”etc。


YeChunRong speech to get the attention of the provincial government,soon,The provincial government and in April this year to come《Guangdong further support taiwan-owned enterprise development measures》Supporting Taiwanese。for《measures》There were 13 terms,called“Article 13”。


This article 13 in article 11 and for“Guangdong-taiwan financial exchanges and strengthen cooperation,Vigorously promote guangdong-taiwan trade RMB”。


It is in these measures after coming on stage,Endowment bank“Fubon bank”、“Esb bank”Successively in the dongguan set up the office,Launches relevant business。Some taiwan-owned lease financing company,if“Cities have rich”and“DongLian”,Also began bold in the dongguan expanding business。


But be looking forward to this XieQingYuan still feeling regret,July 30, 2012,He to The Times weekly evaluation:“Whether the ECFA before,or‘Article 13’,Are not specific,The government also have no the implementation for concrete measures,Guangdong-taiwan cities of the financial cooperation never get a great boost。Such as esb bank in the dongguan set up offices have meet in the past two years,Still can't be upgraded to branch。”


In early 2012,The government of guangdong province will“Guangdong-taiwan strengthen financial cooperation”Written into“Financial reform and development in guangdong province‘1025’planning”,And will the dongguan、Shantou as guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation pilot areas。


In July of this year,Shantou was eventually removed,The central reply“The dongguan for guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation pilot”。

  东莞接下来怎么做? The dongguan next do?


July 25,,Following the financial bureau chief YeHaoPeng disclosure to the media:“now,dongguan《scheme》Positioning for guangdong-taiwan financial cooperation in the pilot(city),The next,The dongguan will continue in Taiwanese enterprise financing、RMB exchange business with nt $、Opening of the background of the Taiwan lease financing company、Financing guarantee company actively trying to。”


then,Following the financial bureau of the people's bank of China is joint dongguan center branch、The dongguan silver branch implementation scheme for prison。


“《scheme》Set out,Still need to wait for the department for approval,Not so fast to come。”Following the financial bureau a staff said。


July 30,,In the dongguan exhibition hotel,In an era XieQingYuan reporters weekly said:“Approved by guangdong-taiwan dongguan as the central financial cooperation news of the pilot,I heard the。now,There is the open guarantee companies and financing lease this piece,But the leasing company(business)Now only limited in mechanical equipment this piece。But in the present transformation and upgrading of the small and medium-sized enterprises in business,The capital turnover is the most important。”


XieQingYuan think,“The dongguan if can open regional bank,To Taiwan investment,That is the best。this,Can use on the two sides of the credit、Guarantee, etc. Various kinds of means loans to Taiwan。”


The people's bank of China the dongguan central subbranch of disclosure figures show,By the end of 2012 to the end of June,Following the balance of local 719.69 billion yuan,Than last year the corresponding period grows 10.8%,One RMB deposit balance is 691.32 billion yuan;The loan balance of local 417.06 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 12.9%。


“This large amount of funds don't make good use of in the industry is very regrettable。”Zhongshan university lingnan college financial tax the dean Lin jiang to times weekly analysis:“This reflects a,The dongguan in the development of private financial still lagging behind the Yangtze river delta region,But the flipside is,Nearly a year to,The dongguan small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems become more prominent,Among them the taiwan-owned enterprise financing problem is more serious。”


Lin jiang think,Taiwan's financial institutions to introduce dongguan very meaningful,But only depend upon the endowment bank to the dongguan branches,Still can't effectively solve the problems of financing difficulties of the Taiwanese。Or should the taiwan-owned enterprise into local Banks,Endowment bank and the local bank cooperation,The breakthrough is very good。


Note the,According to the current policy,Endowment bank shares at the bank of China,Equity limit of 20%,Does not have the right。


this,Guangdong financial do director weeks geohiong (kaohsiung) has said:“The mainland firms and Banks cooperation,There are still some obstacles,But if by Taiwan capital to set up a special service of Taiwanese Banks,Line not line?Perhaps the dongguan can do it。”


And YeHaoPeng also has said:“The idea is,in‘1025’Introduction of 3-5 home during the endowment bank or with the background of the Taiwan international financial institutions,But also need to look at both sides of the policy。”

  难产的玉山银行东莞分行 Dongguan branch of difficult labor esb bank


In the following south city-and road huakai buliding a layer,Mt. Jade dongguan branch bank has finished decorating,But the signs are GongChou parcel,Identify carefully to ambiguously see“Esb bank”Four words。


Mt. Jade dongguan branch bank has two appearance,The right of the business hall the door shut,The left iron gate has pulled up half,So that employees in and out。now,Inside the office staff is not much,Asked how many employees,A staff said:“We are now of adjustment。”


As early as in 2003,Mt. Jade bank gets the Taiwan authorities approval to enter the mainland to establish branches,But until April 28, 2010,Just in the dongguan established its office。Reason is,“The dongguan 4100 have taiwan-owned enterprise,Mt. Jade bank in Taiwan and small and medium-sized enterprises to service is good at”。


But in the dongguan established its office of more than a year,Mt. Jade bank can only do simple to taiwan-owned enterprise for public deposit、The foreign exchange remittance and credit business,Can't issue union pay card、Credit card,More can't do RMB storage business。


According to the effective January 1, the provisions of the ECFA,Set up the office from within,Endowment bank set up representative offices in mainland area full a year,Can apply for the establishment of a branch;At the same time,Endowment bank cannot be engaged in the RMB business deadline,From 2 years reduced to 1 year。


One-year full,Mt. Jade bank to the management department proposed upgrades to branch,Get approved by China banking regulatory commission,In April this year plan was founded branch。But the bureau of prison dongguan silver not,Wasn't,The march had hired more than 20 employees,Also has most of the dismissal。


“originally,Mt. Jade bank plans to open a branch in years,Attract deposits of $50 million,But now can only wait。”


“Mt. Jade bank at the end of the approval letter for the China banking regulatory commission after the branch,Have to mention the prison precinct dongguan silver application,Now is not approved,May be waiting for the best time。In June of this year was scheduled at the eighth‘From Chen jiang will’,ECFA will open talks,Will involve Taiwan bank was established in the mainland of the branch,And bank of China(601988,Shares it)The problem in Taiwan is prohibited。Mt. Jade dongguan branch bank when approved,Might want to see the results of the talks。”In June this year,Following enterprise association, vice President of Zhai gets said。


In the huakai buliding 1209 room,The other is a taiwan-funded background of fubon bank bank。The bank than esb come more early,As early as 3 December 2009 and in the dongguan set up offices。But now,What they can only continue to wait。

