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A股有望掀起回购潮 28只破净股存回购潜力--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  本报讯 安阳钢铁(600569,股吧)昨日早盘冲击涨停板,截止到昨日收盘依然大涨6.36%。就在周二晚间,证监会相关负责人表态坚信股市广阔前景,并鼓励现金条件许可的上市公司回购自家股票。安阳钢铁最新财报显示公司账面持有货币资金总额有54亿,而公司目前总流通市值也就56亿,这也就是说公司确实有这个资金实力。

Report from our correspondent anyang iron and steel(600569,Shares it)Earlier in the impact harden board yesterday,Up to yesterday closing quotation still rose 6.36%。On Tuesday night,The relevant person in charge of CSRC statement believes that the stock market and broad prospects,And encourage cash conditions permit listed company of their stock buyback。Anyang steel latest earnings that book hold monetary amount of capital have 5.4 billion,And the company is current total current market prise. 5.6 billion,This also means that companies do have the financial strength。


 “雪中送炭”暖人心 “Timely help”Warm public


“Regulatory market downturns in comparison to encourage the listed company stock buyback oneself,To market confidence or good。”Nanjing securities, deputy director of institute to ZhouXu《Public stock certificate report》think,And there is strength、The company is willing to buy back shares and once the cancellation,It will not only improve the after-tax profits per share,Valuations and stability of share price all help。


“More important is,The listed company to deliver the buyback investors a confidence-that the company funds were better off,And attention to the capital market investors。This not only can boost investor confidence,More would inspire at this time of the entire market weakness,After all, brocade sincere commendable,Urgently needed a more intimate。”ZhouXu so stressed。


Datong securities(blog,Micro bo)Senior investment advisers LiuYunFeng also recognizes the buyback positive meaning。But he mentioned,At present regulatory listed companies to encourage the buyback is not what policy。“Like in 2008,Regulatory around in order to encourage,Have a series of incentives,Take for example not needed to advance the public announcement,Within a year of no more than 2% of total around without to report for securities。”


“In fact,The buyback phenomenon in the A share market is very rare。”ZhouXu also said,And in mature markets overseas,The company in the stock buyback phenomenon many downturns,Domestic companies listed on overseas stock also had many buybacks behavior,This and the overseas market overall more mature,The company more attention in the sustainability of the capital market。“At present the A share market is more like A circle money market,So the CSRC statement shows the transgressions of regulatory market continues、Health development new consideration。”


“so,In the present market downturn、Confidence of,And a large company appear the net,There should also be some measures,Have the strength and the net more have its power。This can let the market more see regulatory boost confidence and believe that the stock market prospect of determination。and,Once have encouraged policies,No matter size efforts,Weak market is to boost。”LiuYunFeng called for。


 28只破净股存回购潜力 28 the net only save the buyback of potential


So far,Shenzhen city buy back shares in the two companies is not much。LiuYunFeng said its case mainly concentrated in B shares market,Because the share price is relatively more low,And many is the joint venture company,Also have the management consideration。


As to what the company is more likely to buy,LiuYunFeng analysis,First the company needs to have enough money,Shares of the company and the net is more likely,“In addition,For society is not lower than 25% total equity shares for firms,Buy back shares more beneficial。”


Accounting firm deloitte a anonymous certified public accountants to reporters:“From CSRC statement of the relevant person in charge of see only the funds on the strength of the company have might just appear this kind of behavior,Is that some company is the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak。So from a financial table can see that these grandeur,Generally speaking monetary fund says's cash and bank deposit,Use this index to compare with the current market prise can be loosely measure of the strength of the buyback。


specifically,China built into(601800,Shares it)、China ZhongYe(601618,Shares it)、Deep konka A、Songshan shaogang(000717,Shares it)、The China railway construction、China railway、Guangdong high-speed A、High-tech ambitions(600122,Shares it)、Sichuan long rainbow(600839,Shares it)、HuaLing steel(000932,Shares it)、Shares of stocks at 11 only monetary funds are more than the total circulation of total market value。

  记者 徐海峰陈刚

Reporter xu haifeng got Chen just just
