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Krugman's this book,To end the global financial crisis Keynes put forward policy Suggestions of color,For us to grasp the global economic situation,And the corresponding countermeasure provides a reference,But also for China to deal with the crisis policy choice provides a reference。

  从全球经济史,以及经济思想史的发展脉络看,经济金融危机往往会引发对现有经济金融理论与政策体系的激烈争论,其中既可能会有对传统经济金融理论的激烈批评,也可能是原有理论体系对批评的回应和改进,还可能是尝试提出新的分析框架。由美国2007年的次贷危机所引发的全球金融危机对世界经济产生了广泛而深刻的影响,对经济金融理论体系的影响也同样显著。《End This Depression Now!(马上结束这场萧条)》一书可以视为是此次危机中关于凯恩斯主义争论的代表性著作之一,作者则是凯恩斯主义的代表人物克鲁格曼。

From the global economic,The development of the history and the economic context look,Economic and financial crisis will often lead to the existing economic and financial theory and the policy system of controversy,Among them is as likely will have to the traditional economic and financial theory of fierce criticism,Also may be the original theory system and improve the response to criticism,Also may be trying to put forward the new analysis framework。The United States in 2007 by the subprime crisis caused by the global financial crisis on the world economy has had a broad and profound influence,The financial and economic theory to the influence of the system is also significant。《End This Depression Now!(Immediately end the depression)》A book can be regarded as the crisis of Keynesian representative works of debate,The author is the representative figure of Keynesian krugman。

  在经济学界,克鲁格曼是一个富有争议的著名学者,他在国际贸易、国际金融、货币危机与汇率变化理论等研究中颇有建树, 2008年10月13日,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会由于他在“贸易模式上所做的分析工作和对经济活动的定位”的突出研究而将当年的诺奖颁发给他,同时他也撰写了大量财经专栏文章。早在1991年,年仅38年的克鲁格曼就获得了被视为诺贝尔奖重要指针的美国经济学会克拉克奖。他也曾经直接参与了一系列的经济政策研究,而不仅仅是一位书斋中的学者,1983年美国的总统经济报告就是由克鲁格曼主笔的。更让克鲁格曼获得巨大声望的,是他1996年出版的《流行国际主义》大胆预言了亚洲金融危机,该书在短短两年内重印了8次,总印数达120万,他在书中提出所谓的“亚洲奇迹”无非是建立“在浮沙之上,迟早幻灭”,很难说是什么奇迹。

In economics,Krugman is a controversial famous scholars,He in international trade、The international financial、Currency crisis and the exchange rate changes theory study a career, October 13, 2008,The royal Swedish academy of sciences on the Nobel committee“Trade on the analysis of the model and work on the orientation of economic activity”The outstanding research and the year Nobel awarded to him,He also wrote a column of finance and economics。As early as in 1991,Only 38 years of krugman have be regarded as the Nobel Prize of the American economic association important pointer clark award。He also once directly involved in a series of economic policy research,And not just a den of scholars,In 1983, the economic report is the President of the United States by krugman was。More let a huge popularity of krugman,Is he published in 1996《Popular international socialist》Bold predictions of the financial crisis,The book in just two years come to 8 times,The total amount of 1.2 million,In his book, put forward the so-called“The Asian miracle”It is built“In FuSha above,Disillusionment sooner or later”,It's hard to say what miracles。


This time the global financial crisis,Krugman is still very active,And the answer of the financial crisis in a series of theories,And puts forward some policy Suggestions,There are many is reflected in this book。

  颇具争议的凯恩斯主义代表人 Controversial Keynesian representative


As a representative of the new Keynes economics,Krugman strongly support Keynesian economic claims。Krugman think,Market is not perfect,So the government intervention is necessary。The financial crisis and a recession caused the output gap,That is the potential of the economy and the difference between the actual output,It is the demand of the shortage of great design。He thinks,When consumer and enterprise spending hard to move on,Will only be a gap to fill:The government must take action,For stimulating spending,The fed must push inflation to the monetary policy,To give the economy a first driving force。


In many areas of economics krugman,Especially the international economics field of research on the effects of the rich。In international trade,He established the new trade theory,Think of the trade between countries,Especially the economic features of similar countries of similar products trade,Represents the state, according to the principle of increasing return to scale and development of professional results,And the national production factor endowments differences concern is not big;In the economic activities in the location,He created the new economy(310358,Fund it)geography,Put forward his core-periphery model,The manufacturers and consumers' location choice inside was born in model,Better explain a two regional economic how to form the core industrial and agricultural edge model;In the international financial aspects,He established a standard model of exchange rate target zone theory,Make exchange rate target zone beyond the original only as the plan to fluctuate per day either way of the existence of category,Form a distinctive theoretical framework;In the macro economic aspects,He put forward the first generation of currency crisis theory,A well explain the before the 1980 s most of the developing countries in the currency crisis,For the 1998 Russian monetary crisis also has to some extent。2008 years,Krugman was founded by the new trade theory and create a new economic geography research field and won the Nobel Prize in economics。

  经济学界的争议永远是存在的。一些学者对克鲁格曼的理论和观点一直就有质疑。如,克鲁格曼认为当前的美国失业并非结构性的;而国际货币基金组织等的研究报告则认为,美国的长期失业人口中有40%属于结构性失业。克鲁格曼认为是经济增长的迟缓导致了债务水平的增加,而不是相反;而雷恩哈特(Carmen Reinhart)和罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)的研究显示,当一个国家的债务相对于国民生产总值的比例过高(达到或者超过90%左右),经济增长速度就会减缓。尽管在一些观点上有不同的质疑,但克鲁格曼对于经济学理论的发展,尤其是在新贸易理论和新经济地理学等方面所做的许多有价值的贡献,却是有目共睹的。克鲁格曼在财经媒体领域也十分活跃,在一些财经媒体经常撰写专栏来呼吁自己的政策建议,并有不少广受关注的著作出版,本书就是克鲁格曼对应对当前危机的一系列带有十分鲜明凯恩斯主义色彩的建议和看法。

The dispute is always the economic circle of existence。Some scholars to krugman theories and views have been have questioned。if,Krugman think the current us unemployment is not structural;And the international monetary fund in the study of the report is considered,America's long-term unemployed population 40% belong to structural unemployment。Krugman think is slow economic growth led to increased debt levels,And not the other way around;And Ryan hart(Carmen Reinhart)And Jacques rogge husband(Kenneth Rogoff)Research shows that,When a country debt relative to GDP of the compilation of high proportion(At or more than 90% or so),Economic growth will slow。Although in some point on a different question,But krugman for the development of the theory of economics,Especially in the new trade theory and new economic geography of many valuable contribution,It is obvious to all。Krugman financial media sector in is very active,In some financial media often writes a column to calls for his policy Suggestions,And there are many controversial publications,This book is to deal with the current crisis krugman a series of very bright with Keynes colour Suggestions and views。

  寻找金融危机中的免费午餐 Looking for a free lunch in the financial crisis

  在经济学中有一句名言:“世界上没有免费的午餐”,不过,在克鲁格曼看来,在大衰退和金融危机冲击下“只要我们伸出手来,就有免费午餐,因为这时候大量的闲置资源就有用武之地了。” 这是典型的克鲁格曼的政策基调。

There is a famous in economics:“The world is no free lunch”,but,In krugman seems,In a recession and the impact of the financial crisis“As long as we hold out your hand,Will have a free lunch,Because by this time a lot of idle resources will be useful。” This is typical of the krueman's policy fundamental key。


Originated in the U.S. credit crisis sweeping the globe,Countries to actively respond to。


overall,The world's major developed economies in different degree of Keynesian under the influence of the flag,Launched a series of policies and measures,Also produced a certain effect。but,For these Keynesian colorful crisis response measures,All sorts of criticism has also been continuously,This book can be regarded as some of the criticism of krugman response。


For example,There are criticisms that,Expansionary fiscal policy to promote Europe and the United States and other advanced economies to the recovery has an obvious effect,Because the major developed economies relatively perfect infrastructure,In this respect further increasing public investment opportunities are relatively few;Major developed economies for a high unemployment rate,Residents of future income expected increasingly pessimistic,Tax cuts to spending the stimulating effect of the limited。Stimulus plan will be generated“extrusion”effect,That government spending can lead to resources from private enterprise outflow,And expansionary fiscal policy will lead to financial deficit countries continue to increase,Then increase the pressure of the debt crisis。


The same wide concern is,Critics think,Expansionary monetary policy could lead to inflation looked up。In the short term,Quantity loose policy didn't bring the inflation pressure,Although a large increase in the base currency,But the money multiplier in decline,So broad money and no increased significantly。But in the long term,Some researchers worry about coping with crisis in the hair of currency significantly will bring inflation pressure。


In addition,The researchers also have criticized the developed countries of releasing all kinds of industry development policy effect is still uncertain。if,The development of new energy by the influence of the traditional energy price fluctuations,Once the oil prices fell,For new energy investment will be obvious blow。And environmental protection and other emerging industry development,All depend on technical standards、Consumer preferences、Legal system、International cooperation appeared substantial changes,The short term commercial prospects。

  中国应对危机的政策选择 China should crisis of policy choice


The impact of the financial crisis in the external and internal economic growth fell under the pressure,China's current into the economic transformation of the key time。Outside the debt crisis external factors such as the increase of the uncertainty of the world economy,The developed economies of central or already phased growth folding;Internal with higher labor costs,China's population bonus gradually decreases。so,In dealing with the impact of the financial crisis in the process,Launch the certain scale boost domestic demand to respond to economic policy back periodically is necessary,But more key or promote economic transformation,Prompted China's future economic growth momentum to endogenous、The release of the institutional bonus of the economic system and structural change。Roughly speaking,Include at least the following several aspects of content:


One is the elements price forming mechanism reform。In the process of China's market always face capital、land、energy、Mineral resources elements such as the bottleneck of chronic price controls,This caused the public facilities、Environmental protection and safety of the high cost,And lead to investment impulse、Resources mismatch、Unbalanced structure、Quality of growth phenomenon such as poor,To some extent increase the income gap of residents,Labor intensive development of the service industry are conditioned。Promote elements price reform,That is, from control the distortion、The price for market changes to underestimate the equilibrium price,Will make investment and production costs、More real return,National the distribution of wealth is more reasonable,Market mechanism of reasonable use of further incentive to promote China's economic growth mode transformation。


2 it is system reform of release of the dividend。first,Income distribution reform。The direction of the reform on tax cuts、Perfect social security measures such as raising people especially low income income,To increase social security、medical、Employment and people's field of investment,And increasing the farmers' income,Expanding domestic demand,Increase consumption。second,Investment and financing system reform。The direction of the reform on private capital is open monopoly industries,Break the monopoly,Promote the social factors in different industries of the marketing of the flow。moreover,Promote structural tax cuts,Gradually reduce financial income in GDP than up,Lead optimization of the economic structure,Release the will of the people and enterprise consumption and improve residents and enterprise spending power。


3 it is the labor productivity bonus。China's current economic growth is still on a large amount of inputs,Especially push capital formation。so,Improve labor productivity,Through the technical progress and human resources to improve the endogenous growth will realize gradually become China's economic future development theme,And at the same time a key to encourage the resources allocation efficiency of the marketing of the growth of the higher enterprise,Through the deregulation to promote the elements of the market moves to improve labor productivity。


Krugman's this book,To end the global financial crisis Keynes put forward policy Suggestions of color,For us to grasp the global economic situation,And the corresponding countermeasure provides a reference,But also for China to deal with the crisis policy choice provides a reference,I think that is a theory and the application value。

  (本文系作者为《End This Depression Now!》一书所作的序言。原文有删减,标题系编者所加)

(This article is for the author《End This Depression Now!》The preface of the book。Have cut the original,Title is editor added)
