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  1. 为保护投资者合法权益和社会公共利益,1993年4月22日,备受瞩目的《股票发行与交易管理( )》正式颁布实施。

1. To protect investors' legitimate rights and interests and social public interests,On April 22, 1993,high-profile《Administration of the issuing and trading of stocks( )》Formal promulgation and implementation of the。

  A.实施细则 B.暂行条例

A. the detailed rules for the implementation of b. provisional regulation

  C.管理办法 D.规范文件

C. The measures for the administration of the d. standard file

  2. 1995年2月23日,上海国债市场发生“3·27风波”,直接导致后来万国证券倒闭和( )试点暂停。

2. February 23, 1995,Shanghai national debt market happen“3 · 27 storm”,Led directly to the later all the nations securities collapse and( )Pilot suspended。


A. Treasury futures b. stock index futures


C. Financial futures d. soybean futures

  3. 1996年9月24日,上交所决定对证券交易方式作出重大调整,即由原来的( )席位交易方式改为“有形无形相结合,并以无形为主”的交易方式。

3. On September 24, 1996,ShangJiaoSuo decided to securities trading mode made a major adjustment,Namely by original( )Seat instead of way to trade“Intangible tangible combination,And with intangible give priority to”transactions。

  A.有形 B.无形 C.现场 D.电子

A. tangible b. intangible cristiano field d. electronic

  4. 1997年4月10日,我国融资渠道有了新的突破,发行( )公司债券试点拉开序幕。

4. April 10, 1997,The financing channels in China have a new breakthrough,issue( )Corporate bonds pilot began。

  A.可转换 B.保值 C.分红 D.上市

A. convertible b. value C. Bonus d. listed

  5. 1997年6月6日,中国人民银行发文禁止( )资金违规流入股票市场。

5. June 6, 1997,The people's bank of China outgoing mail banned( )Fund illegal into the stock market。

  A.贷款 B.银行 C.民间 D.企业

A. loan b. bank cristiano folk d. enterprise

  6. 1998年3月23日,金泰、开元、兴华、裕阳、安信等5大证券投资基金相继登场,成为( )投资扩大的标志。

6. On March 23, 1998,jintai、kaiyuan、xinghua、Yu Yang、Anxi, and five major securities investment funds have appearance,become( )Investment expanded mark。

  A.国债 B.期货 C.股票 D.机构

A. national debt b. futures cristiano stock d. mechanism

  7. 2001年2月,境内居民获准可投资( )市场。

7. February 2001,Domestic residents were allowed to be allowed to invest in( )market。

  A.国有股 B.法人股 C.A股 D.B股

A. the state-owned b. legal person share C.A shares D.B shares

  8. 2004年4月14日,市场著名“庄股”——新疆屯河、湘火炬、合金投资等3只股票开始连续跌停,多年来纵横市场的( )瓦解。

8. April 14, 2004,Market famous“Chong shares”- xinjiang tuen、Xiang torch、Alloy investment and 3 stock began to continuous drop stop,For many years aspect market( )collapse。

  A.德隆系 B.新疆系

A. deron series b. xinjiang system

  C.明天系 D.华夏系

C. Tomorrow is d. cathaysian

  9.( )年6月1日,《中华人民共和国证券投资基金法》施行。

9.( )June 1,,《The territory of the People's Republic of China on securities investment funds》and。

  A.2001 B.2002 C.2003 D.2004

A. 2001 B. 2002 C. 2003 D. 2004

  10. 2005年8月30日,由国务院独资设立的( )在国家工商管理总局登记成立。

On August 30, 2005,Wholly owned by the state council set up( )In the national industry and commerce administration of registration and establishment。


A. the China securities depository and clearing co., LTD


B. the China futures association


C. China securities industry association


D. the China securities investor protection fund limited liability company

  11. 2006年10月,中国工商银行(601398,股吧)在上海和我国香港同时上市,首次将稳定大盘股上市后价格的“( )”机制引入国内A股发行。

11. In October 2006,The industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,guba)In Shanghai and China's Hong Kong listed at the same time,For the first time will be stable after the bulk lots stock listed price“( )”Mechanism in the domestic a-share issuance。

  A.绿鞋 B.红鞋 C.白鞋 D.蓝鞋

A. green shoes b. red shoes C. White shoes d. blue shoes

  12. 2008年4月20日,《上市公司解除限售存量股份转让指导意见》出台,中国证监会规定大小非减持超过总股本( )%的,须通过大宗交易系统转让,大小非减持情况在中登公司网站定期披露。

12. On April 20, 2008,《Listed company to remove the limited sales stock share transfer instruction opinion》issued,The China securities regulatory commission regulations size not reduce held more than the total share capital( )%,Must be through the block trading system transfer,Size is not a reduction in the company's web site regularly disclosure。

  A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5 D.2

A 0.5 B. 1 C 1.5 D. 2

  13. 2008年8月27日,中国证监会正式发布了修改后的《上市公司( )管理办法》,为大股东增持打开方便之门。

13. August 27, 2008,The China securities regulatory commission formally issued revised《Listed companies( )Management measures》,For big shareholders open door said。

  A.重组 B.交易 C.股东 D.收购

A. restructuring b. trading C. Shareholders d. acquisition

  14. 1993年5月3日,上证所分类股价指数首日公布,共分为工业、商业、地产业等( )大类。

14. On May 3, 1993,Sse infonet classification stock index released the first,Is divided into industrial、business、Real estate, etc( )categories。

  A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10

A. 3 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10

  15. 2008年11月4日,证券期货市场统一( )档案正式启动。

15. On November 4, 2008,Securities and futures market integration( )Archives official start。

  A.诚信 B.信用 C.资质 D.审核

A. good faith b. credit cristiano qualification d. audit

  16. 1998年4月7日,第一批上市的封闭式证券投资基金,基金( )和基金开元发行。

16. April 7, 1998,The first to appear on the market is enclosed securities investment funds,fund( )And fund kaiyuan issue。

  A.金泰 B.景宏 C.安信 D.同盛

A. jintai b. JingHong cristiano anxi d. filled with

  17. 证券投资技术分析主要解决的问题是( )。

17. The securities investment technical analysis mainly solves the problem of( )。


A. what to buy securities


B. to buy the number of securities


C. when buying and selling securities


D. structure which type portfolio

  18. 一般情况下,公司股票价格变化与公司盈利变化的关系为( )。

18. Usually,The company stock price changes and the correlation with the change of the corporate earnings for( )。


A. share price change synchronous reflect the changes in profits


B. share price changes reflect the changes in profits in advance


C. Share price change lag reflect the changes in profits


D. share price changes and the changes in profits, have nothing to do

  19. 下列表述不正确的是( )。

19. The following expression is not correct( )。


A.E TF is essentially passive managed fund


B.E TF is essentially a exponential type open mode fund


C.L OF passive management is the fund


D.L OF can be passive managed fund,Also can be actively managed funds

  20. 影响证券市场长期走势的因素是( )。

20. The securities market influence long-term trends factor is( )。

  A.企业经济效益 B.宏观经济状况

A. enterprise economic benefit b. macro economic situation

  C.投资者对股价的预期 D.居民收入

C. The stock investors expected d. residents income

  21. 在通货膨胀条件下,固定收益证券的风险一般要比变动收益证券( )。

21. In inflation conditions,Fixed income securities risk than change income securities( )。

  A.大 B.小 C.差不多 D.不确定

A. great b. small C. Almost D. Not sure

  22. 根据投资理论,关于利率调整对证券价格的影响,下列说法不正确的是( )。

22. According to the investment theory,About the interest rate adjustment of stock price influence,The following statement is not correct( )。


A. interest rates rose,Share prices generally will go up


B. interest rates rose,Share prices generally will fall


C. Interest rates fall to price does not influence


D. the effects of interest rate to stock price is compared commonly obviously

  23. 关于融资融券制度,下列说法不正确的有( )。

23. About margin system,The following statement incorrect have( )。


A. margin system is helpful to perfect the market price discovery mechanism


B. margin trading is a kind of trade credit,The earnest money system


Cristiano margin business has the leverage effect


D. margin business will increase the financial system of systemic risk

  24. 中国证监会2001年公布的《上市公司行业分类指引》的分类原则是( )。

24. 2001 published by the China securities regulatory commission《The listed company industry classification guide》The classification principle of is( )。


A. to total assets of classification criteria


B. to net assets for classification criteria


C. to advocate business wu income for classification criteria


D. to net profit for classification criteria

  25. 下列各项中,属于损害上市公司利益的关联交易是( )。

25. In the following,Belong to damage the interests of the listed company related transaction is( )。


A. affiliates to the market prices of listed companies to provide logistics services


B. big shareholders at market prices listed companies to provide raw materials


Cristiano listed companies as big shareholder loan to provide security


D. the listed company through the shareholders' sales company to international marketing products

  26. 按照上海证券交易所上市公司行业分类,下列说法中错误的是( )。

26. According to the Shanghai stock exchange listed company industry classification,The following statements are wrong( )。


A. car belongs to the optional consumption


B. airlines belongs to industry


C. Architectural and engineering belongs to finance real estate


D. drink belong to main consumption

  27. 下列属于周期性行业的是( )。

27. The following belongs to the cyclical industry is( )。

  A.公用事业 B.海运业

A. utilities b. shipping industry

  C.医药卫生行业 D.信息技术

C. Medical and health industry d. information technology

  28. 如果RSI值大于80,证券分析人员通常会建议投资者( )。

28. If RSI value more than 80,Securities analyst would normally suggest investors( )。


A. market overselling,Buying lotto


B. market super buy,Shall sell


C. Buy FangLi strong,Heavy warehouse buy


D. position wait-and-see

  29. 下列属于防守型行业的是( )。

29. The following defensive industry is( )。

  A.汽车 B.公用事业

A. car b. utilities

  C.能源 D.房地产

Cristiano energy D. Real estate

  30. 投资者进行证券投资分析有利于( )。

30. Investors in securities investment analysis is helpful to( )。

  A.分散系统风险 B.减少市场波动

Disperse system risk b. reduce market volatility

  C.避免盲目投资 D.降低公司成本

C. Avoid blind investment d. reducing a company's costs
