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  在充斥着冒险、博弈甚至是残酷猎杀的资本市场,女人本就是西装围墙中一缕温情,尤其是那些外貌与智慧兼备的美女,一旦崭露头角,势必成为整个华尔街关注的焦点 In the full of adventure、Game even cruel hunt's capital markets,The woman is a suit of fence warmth,Especially those appearance and wisdom and beauty,Once cut a figure,Certainly will become the focus of the whole Wall Street


In the full of adventure、Game even cruel hunt's capital markets,The woman is a suit of fence warmth,Especially those appearance and wisdom and beauty,Once cut a figure,Certainly will become the focus of the whole Wall Street。

  今年6月,俄罗斯第三大非国有银行OAO Promsvyazbank的固定收益产品销售奥尔加·杰里尼娜(Olga Tselinina)因出众的外貌和性感的身材而风靡华尔街,事实上,近年活跃在华尔街的尤物远不止她一个,从投行到对冲基金,不乏尤物们的身影。她们的出现,给华尔街增添了些许颜色。

In June this year,Russia's third largest non-state owned bank OAO Promsvyazbank fixed income products sales Olga · jerry Nina(Olga Tselinina)Because of the outstanding appearance and sexy figure and hit the Wall Street,In fact,In recent years, active in Wall Street's stunner far more than her a,From the investment Banks to hedge funds,And there is no lack of the figure。The appearance of their,Wall Street to add some color。

  米歇尔·梅耶 Michael myers

  ——美国银行-美林集团高级美国经济学家 - bank of America - merrill lynch senior American economists

米歇尔-梅耶(资料图) Michael myers(Material diagram)

  有着“美女分析师”之称的米歇尔·梅耶(Michelle Meyer)是美国银行-美林集团(Bank of America - Merrill Lynch)的高级美国经济学家,由于对美国房地产市场颇有见地而经常成为CNBC电视台和彭博社的座上宾。

has“Beauty analysts”Said the Michael myers(Michelle Meyer)Is the bank of America - merrill lynch(Bank of America - Merrill Lynch)Senior American economists,Because of the real estate market quite a few books and often become CNBC television and bloomberg brow functions。


Mei "was born in 1983,Graduated from Boston university,And obtained a bachelor's and master's degree of economics。In 2005,,She joined the lehman brothers,Be the body of a economists。In September of 2008,Meyer in the lehman collapse to the barclays capital。Due to the excellent performance,She quickly became a vice chairman of the barclays capital。In 2011,,Meyer job-hopping now for the bank of America - merrill lynch。


By the end of 2009,Meyer to barclays capital American economists identity appeared in CNBC television on,Just 30 seconds,She's handsome face and charming smiles make Wall Street man to fall。time,Google search engine“Michael myers”A sharp rise in the number of search terms,Really open a wave“Meyer boom”。


Three years after,People for the worship of meyer beauty has been the insight to replace。


Meyer in a recent report,The federal reserve this year more and more may wait until December QE3 launch,They confirm economic slowdown and torsional operation is completed。


In addition,She also thinks the eurozone face collapse,European economic encounter overall recession rate is only 15%,But people need more beware of the above the happening of the circumstance,Further control crisis is the urgent matter of the eu leaders。But the euro area obviously lack of political decisions,In a crisis in the quagmire deeper。Italy and Spain's debt situation should attention,The two countries debt and financial status once continue to deteriorate,The most likely will be the debt crisis to“In the worst case”。
