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  俄罗斯欲借APEC会议融入亚太 积极吸引投资 Russia to borrow APEC meeting in the asia-pacific actively attract investment


As the APEC is also the APEC presidency,Russia will this year's APEC leaders' informal meeting venue,Fixed in the far east coastal city of Vladivostok,Is for all one's pains.In the current European economic moribund background,The world economic activities in the asia-pacific region center to transfer,Russia will the meeting as a further into the opportunity.


Reporter leap one morning: here is the railway station is located in Vladivostok always,Russia is also the starting point of the trans-siberian railway,In the last century,Lenin once said,To establish a connection London/Moscow/Vladivostok and Beijing high-speed railway.Now a century has passed,Lenin's the idea has not been completely realized,But today,As the summit's host Russia,Hope that through hosting the summit to further consolidate and contact.


For the games of the apec summit,Russian input as much as $21 billion,The construction of the new airport in Vladivostok,highway,bridge,communication,gas,As well as the innovative industrial park.These investment has greatly improved the Vladivostok infrastructure and investment environment.From the location Vladivostok as a venue for the summit,To the large-scale infrastructure construction,They reflect the hope that through Russia into the strategic intention of the summit.


The Russian ambassador razov: we finally to the APEC made a lot of high specification improvement measures,And in order to Vladivostok residents have a better investment environment of the efforts,Personally, I think that is very successful.


Economic development is the major goal of Russia's strategic towards the east.Far east area of Russia in the vast land,energy/forest/mineral/Hydraulic and other natural resources are very rich,Is to realize the Russian"New economic(310358,Fund it)policy"In the hope of target.In may this year,Mr Putin was elected President again,Russia's new established the far east development,Mr Putin in its policy in the program,Will the far east development called Russia"The most important geopolitical task",Requirements in the next 10 to 15 years to improve growth rate,Bridge and Russia other regional economic gap.The far east/East Siberian region's development was promoted to the Russian government priority strategic considerations,As Russian guide the main direction of the investment both at home and abroad.


Russia aluminium group chief executive oleg?Delhi PASCAL: of course Russia hopes to be able to east Siberia and the far east development create opportunities.So for investors,Open investment field will be focused on infrastructure construction/Public facilities construction and railway traffic.In tax revenue and project construction process,There will be some economic stimulus measures.These are all have announced the decision.In addition,Russia also wants to attract more transportation investment,They can make full use of the Russian railway traffic network advantage condition.

  普京:全球仍未度过经济危机 Mr Putin: global is still not through the economic crisis


In apec leaders' informal meeting 20 times before,In commerce summit held 7,This is the apec meeting in the face of this area business elite,Once a year at the routine business BBS.Russian President vladimir putin in yesterday's summit made a speech,He warned,The global economic crisis has not yet been through,High debt and financial market turbulence still hindering the problems such as the world economic recovery.

  俄罗斯总统普京:银行业问题 金融市场动荡依然阻碍着世界经济复苏发达经济体失业率上升同样也是问题

Russian President vladimir putin: banking problems turmoil in financial markets still hinder the world economic recovery in the developed economies are also rising unemployment problem

  普京表示,“世界正在过渡到另一种经济、技术和地缘政治时代,这将是一个长期的、复杂的过渡阶段,对一些国家来说,甚至是痛苦的”。谈到有关能源问题,普京表示,俄罗斯历来重视亚太地区的能源供应与合作,俄方有能力也愿意在确保亚太地区能源供应方面发挥关键作用。第二段俄罗斯总统 普京我们将继续加速发展能源行业我想提醒你们注意俄罗斯的能源系统在不远的将来将成为欧洲和亚太地区的连接通路我们将发展远东地区的能源产业及相关基础设施以便把当地能源更便捷地运输到俄罗斯的欧洲部分并出口到欧洲国家和亚太地区 普京在发言中还表达了改善俄罗斯国内投资环境的决心。他说,吸引外资是俄罗斯政府的重要目标之一,俄政府特别希望私人资本在俄罗斯积极投资,为此俄政府已经制定了保护投资的路线图,目标是力争使俄罗斯成为世界上20个最具投资吸引力的国家之一。为此,俄罗斯力求降低税率、减少行政障碍,以此来切实改善国内的投资环境。借助举办APEC会议的机会,俄罗斯投入数千亿卢布改善符拉迪沃斯托克市及整个远东地区的基础设施,目的就是要增强该地区的投资吸引力。

Mr Putin said,"The world is a kind of economic transition to another/Technology and geopolitical era,This will be a long/Complex transition phase,In some countries it,Even painful".When it comes to the energy problem,Mr Putin said,Russia has always attached great importance to the asia-pacific region energy supply and cooperation,Russia has the ability to also willing to ensure that the asia-pacific region energy supply play a key role.The second section of the Russian President, vladimir putin, we will continue to accelerate the development of energy industry I want to remind you pay attention to Russia's energy systems in the near future will be Europe and the asia-pacific region connecting path we will develop in the far east, energy industry and related infrastructure so that the local energy more convenient to transport to European parts of Russia and export to European countries in the asia-pacific region and Mr Putin in his speech also expressed improve Russian domestic investment environment determination.He said,Absorption of foreign capital is one of the important targets of the Russian government,The government special hope private capital investment in Russia actively,Therefore the government has formulated the protection of investment roadmap,Goal is to strive to make Russia to become one of the world's 20 most investment attraction one of the countries.therefore,Russia makes every effort to reduce the tax rate/Reduce administrative obstacles,In order to effectively improve the domestic investment environment.With the aid of the APEC meeting opportunity,Russia into the billions rubles improve FuLaDiWoSiTuoKeShi and throughout the whole of the far east infrastructure,Purpose is to enhance the regional investment attraction.

  破解物流难题 亚太期望建立可靠供应链 Crack logistics problems asia-pacific expect to establish a reliable and supply chain


"To establish a reliable and supply chain"Is this APEC meeting one of the most important issues,Some experts think the,Logistics chain development lags behind,Have seriously affected the economic development of the asia-pacific region.The organizers Russia put forward"Eurasian Pacific(601099,guba)"Cooperation initiative,Through to between the two countries,Will Asia/Especially with Europe east Asia link,The parties caused extensive concern.


Chinese APEC development chairman of board of directors ZhangLiJun: to establish reliable supply chain,From the two aspects of actual can see,A for corporations,To establish reliable supply chain can reduce cost,Especially to reduce transaction costs,Improve product quality management efficiency,Then will enhance the enterprise the competitive ability.For APEC speaking,To establish reliable industrial chain,To further reduce the APEC trade tariff barriers,Reduce the so-called trade barriers.


Experts say,At present,Global formation of Europe/North America and asia-pacific three big economies,Regional logistics is lower than the other two area.In addition to Japan and South Korea two foreign,Most countries in the asia-pacific region in the logistics cost and efficiency,Has been the European and American countries far left behind.Logistics chain development lags behind,Has the serious influence to the asia-pacific region further economic boom.Establishing stable logistics system is not only the enterprise itself,To establish an effective/The integration of logistics connection,Need to downstream industry chain and government departments can be realized through joint efforts.


Chinese APEC development chairman of board of directors ZhangLiJun: in fact in the global industrial chain,Every country is that it's a link,Then the country's enterprise is on behalf of the state in the level of the link,So I think we actually in some industries,It is possible in the industrial chain of upstream,The key is the government will guide,Entrepreneurs try to.


ZhangLiJun said,Because China's trade is about half of the processing trade,And supply chain problem high correlation,And China in the international supply chain lower-end status,So the supply chain unicom better coordination,Including the rules and standards of coordination will likely is beneficial to the development of the export trade in our country.China should actively participate in the construction of APEC supply chain.

  粮食安全议题成四大优先议题重中之重 Food safety issues into four most important priority issues


This is the theme of the APEC meeting"Integration to promote growth/Innovation to promote the prosperity".Around this one theme,The summit also set up four priority issues,the,To strengthen food safety issues been paid more attention to.


In to ensure that food security,Countries in appealed to the economy through the introduction of innovative technology to increase food production,Timely agricultural crisis made of policy measures,And avoid the extreme climate to agriculture from the negative influence of the targets such as agreed.At the same time,The summit will also make economies open internal market,Boycott of the agricultural areas of trade protection measures,Increase in the department of agriculture investment,To promote the sustainable development of agriculture,To establish an effective global food markets.


Chinese APEC development chairman of board of directors ZhangLiJun: in WTO doha round after pressure,Our agricultural industry chain or supply chain,Had some problems,Become very fragile.International influence the price of agricultural products of various factors alternate function,Make the price of agricultural products,Especially in food prices,Caused the international some important food importing countries seriously inflation,This caused some social instability.These unstable and even caused some regional instability,It should be said that there is a threat to world peace of.


At present,The asia-pacific region multilateral cooperation has just begun,Due to the droughts this year to American agriculture has caused a serious blow,Russia also face for nine years the most serious a poor crop crisis,In the face of the near stage food prices,Especially grain price fluctuations,How to reduce food price fluctuation and reduce the area of agricultural products within transportation problem caused by the problems such as loss,Has become the worldwide common topic be solved.


Justin yifu Lin: alert speculative funds push up food prices


So global grain problem,Our country how to face,Let's listen to the former vice President of Beijing university institute of national development honorary President of the Justin yifu Lin's point of view.


Beijing university institute of national development honorary President of the Justin yifu Lin: North America is drought,May appear,Corn output,Then its prices,May drive the other prices.Domestic to do enough preparation,One thousand a shock came,We can give the better deal with.But our domestic nine straight grain production,It in the Chinese history is also had never seen before,(this)Give us stabilizing food prices,Stable agricultural prices,Stabilize prices provide a good foundation.


Justin yifu Lin said,Due to the current international economic downturn,The developed countries including Europe/The United States/Japan,Will take very loose monetary policy.It's very easy to encourage some short-term investment arbitrage,So these funds may into to the international grain market and the oil market,Thus push high food and oil prices.


Beijing university institute of national development honorary President of the Justin yifu Lin: for the domestic and international various kinds of economic conditions,Of course, we must maintain a high level of concern,The ready,necessary,The use of certain resources by the state,To overcome this kind of external shocks.

  约翰?基:APEC合作机制高效有力 John?Base: APEC cooperation mechanism effectively


In this APEC meeting,How to strengthen China and the asia-pacific trade cooperation between countries and contact,Our financial channel reporter also interview came to New Zealand prime minister John?base,In the interview,John?Base on the apec this cooperative mechanism is also give a high evaluation.


Reporter leap one morning: as today(APEC)One of the summit's spokesman,You to summit expectations is what?


New Zealand prime minister John?Base: we hope we can continue the development in economic liberalization.If you review the history of the development of APEC,You will find,APEC members have been to ensure that how to develop the economy,we(APEC members)Can become more powerful/More competitive/More achievements/More capable to for we each represents people to seek for more opportunities,To ensure the economic development in the asia-pacific region,And have the ability and the European competition.


Reporter leap one morning, for a long time,China and New Zealand in economic and trade exchanges between aspects,Economic and trade relations have harmony.In your opinion,Between the two countries and what new cooperation to explore potential?


New Zealand prime minister John?Base: say to China's economic and trade relations,We always welcome Chinese investors to invest in New Zealand.As for the space of cooperation,I would like to cooperation opportunity is not limited to the right to own land investment,this(Land investment)Is the recent rise of a stock investment boom,Also includes to agriculture as the foundation of the senior baby products/Baby products processing and manufacturing, etc.All of these contain rich investment opportunities.
