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Citic bank(601998,guba)Vice President


China people's university international monetary institute associate director




China people's university researcher at the institute of international currency


The state council development research center, international technology economic research institute assistant researcher


Song ShuangShi


Slightly milder


- the United States the financial situation review


In August,The American economy is still showed tired legs,But slightly milder.


GDP aspects,The us department of commerce data display,The second quarter GDP in America link annualised growth rate of 1.5%,Although 1.2% of the higher than expected,But for the third quarter in 2011 to its lowest level.


employment,The United States department of labor non-agricultural employment report,Although July, the United States non-agricultural employment link an increase of 163000,Greatly exceed market expectations of $100000,Gen five months to new highs,But the unemployment rate in July and small rose 0.1%,To 8.3% from 8.2%.The United States department of labor data show,In July 150000 people left the Labour market,Labor participation rate fell by 0.1% to 63.7%,In 30 years near the lows.By the us department of commerce according to 60000 families survey samples containing lose job search the edge of the confidence of the labor force"U - 6 unemployment",July is climbed to 15% of high,Show that more people for dispirited and discouraged and chose to give up to find a job or direct retirement.


Consumer spending,The us department of commerce data display,In July the United States retail sales growth of 0.8% annulus,Big than expected,And since February this year record.Regardless of the car/gasoline/The core of building materials retail sales growth of 0.9% annulus,And since January this year record;The university of Michigan and townsend Reuters group issued jointly by the consumer confidence report shows,Thanks to the consumer to economic situation view more hasten is optimistic,In August the United States consumer confidence index initial value is 73.6,More than the July issue of the final value of 72.3,Farther than expected 71.8,And since may of this year record.but,The index is still in a historical low.

  制造业方面,美国供应管理协会制造业报告显示,7月份美国制造业指数为49.8点,略高于6月的49.7点,但低于预期的50.1点,为该指数连续两个月低于50,意味着制造业持续萎缩;美国商务部工厂订单报告显示, 6月份美国制造业订单环比下滑0.5%,为该数据连续第三个月环比下降,完全出乎市场意料,表明美国制造业疲软程度进一步加深。

Manufacturing aspects,The institute for supply management showed manufacturing report,In July the United States manufacturing index for 49.8 points,Slightly higher than June 49.7 points,But lower than expected 50.1 points,The index for two consecutive months less than 50,Means that manufacturing continuous atrophy;The us department of commerce factory orders report shows, June the United States manufacturing order chain fell 0.5%,The data for a third consecutive decline y/y,Entirely unexpected,That the United States is a weak industry degree deepen.

  服务业方面,美国供应管理协会服务业报告显示, 7月份美国服务业指数环比小幅增至52.6点,超出市场预期,但雇佣子指数环比重跌3个点至49.3点,为去年12月以来首次跌破50,表明服务业雇佣量出现环比萎缩。

The service industry,The institute for supply management service report, In July the services index link slightly to 52.6 points,Exceed market expectations,But employment son index ring proportion fell three points to 49.3 points,For the first time since last December below 50,Show that service industry employment quantity appear link atrophy.


Real estate,The us department of commerce data display,In June a new American house sales chain fell 8.4% to 350000 a,Gen five months to new lows,Drop of last year the biggest since February;In June new house price 3.2% year-on-year drop in value;In July the seasonal adjustment of the new house open built quantity annualised value chain fell 1.1% to 746000 a,Less than the 757000 expected building.The United States real estate brokers association data display,June the second-hand house sign pin index accident fell 1.4% to 99.3,Growth of less than 0.2% of the market expectations.


Despite recent signs of recovery of the real estate industry has not strong continue,But still there is reason to think that the property market has been in a wandering building bottom stage;One is the United States government through the continuous huge amount to buy mortgage-backed securities and bonds, and other means down market interest rates.According to Freddie MAC disclosure,The end of July,The United States 30 year fixed mortgage interest rate has decreased from 3.53% to 3.49%,15 10-year fixed mortgage rate from 2.83% to 2.8%;The second is the United States employment markets continue to improve the team and make possible.Although the unemployment rate in July small back up to 8.3%,But he is still 1.7% lower than 2009 peak.New non-agricultural employment in July 163000,And since February this year, the largest increase.


In the economic situation under the background of such ankylosis,Although the market on the voice of QE3 waves surging,But the fed in early August member of interest in the meeting is still just will be 0 ~ 0.25% of ultra-low interest rates unchanged to the end of 2014,Not to extend to the end of distortion operation for further adjustment,No will launch further quantitative easing policy hint.


The fed is still do not move,Mainly based on the following consideration:One is although the United States the present economic data and this year compared to open years deterioration,But did not serious to need to take radical measures point,Even some data and better than expected;The second is the United States to immediately face presidential election,Once the fed in at this time to take another round of quantitative easing policy,Will be republicans slamming,The question is to run for a second term as President Obama paving;The third is the United States the present economic situation is not entirely domestic reasons,To a large extent from the debt crisis over and over,Can not solve.In other words,The federal reserve separate take measures utility is not big;The fourth is the first two wheel QE have demonstrated quantitative easing policy on economic boost effect is not obvious,And continue to take quantitative easing policy I'm afraid will only make further diminishing marginal utility.

  德国开始令人担忧 Germany began worrying


- the European financial situation review


By the debt crisis drag,The European economy continued to sag,The German economy began to deteriorate,European central bank made by Germany,Difficult to have as.


Eurostat data display,The second quarter eurozone GDP chain fell 0.2%,Fell 0.4% year-on-year.One of the leaders of France,The second quarter GDP link zero growth,For continuous three quarters failed to achieve positive growth.Finland as the euro area with only a few AAA grade one of the countries,The second quarter year-on-year GDP contraction of 0.7%,For the first time since 2010.And as the debt crisis storm center,Greek second quarter year-on-year GDP shrinking 6.2%,Make international creditors required financial goals more elusive.In addition,European central bank slashed in the next two years the economic performance of the eurozone growth prospects,In 2012 the euro zone economy will shrink range from 0.2% to 0.3% increase,Will be in 2013 the euro zone economic growth rate from 1.0% down to 0.6%.


Market research institutions Markit data display,In July the eurozone manufacturing PMI index fell to 44.0 from 45.1,Gen 37 months to the lowest level.In addition to the Irish,The eurozone almost all members of the PMI is lower than 50 vicissitude demarcation line.


In the economic situation in a piece of vile weather,Germany's status start worrying.German GDP growth of 0.3% in the second quarter of annulus/Year-on-year growth of 1.0%,Although are better than expected,But less than 0.5% growth in the first quarter of the link/Year-on-year growth of 1.7%;In July the German comprehensive PMI fell to 47.3 from 48.1,Manufacturing PMI by 45 down to 43.3,Gen 37 months its lowest level since;June the German industrial production chain fell 0.9%,At the same time, import nosedive,For 3 months to the second,Export also dropped;In August the German ZEW economic boom index fell to 19.6 from 25.5,Gen 2011 to its lowest level since December.


obviously,Is the debt crisis around the German difficult to possess.Although for a long time Germany because of its low debt levels/High employment rate is considered the debt crisis has certain immunity,But the German economy depend mainly on exports,And at present the European internal and external economic growth slowdown in common,To reduce the demand for German export commodities,And the debt crisis of confidence to the market weakening effect will ultimately affect the Germany.Moody's has even will Germany sovereign credit rating by"stable"Down to"negative".


In the face of serious economic situation,European central bank to take positive subjective means.Although its on August 2, member of the interest in the selection will benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0.75%,But considering on July 5, has cut interest rates by 25 basis points,So the choice is not surprising.More important is,European central bank on many occasions displayed on torsional economic and debt situation is very positive attitude,Such as Della auspicious comment will be"To defend the euro at all costs",And is to consider intervention bond market to buy debt save city activities.


but,The ECB's subjective desire by the various objective of the political reality constraints,Especially the German central bank a tough stance.In the German central bank looks,European central bank intervention bond market is a direct subsidy relevant countries,And it[Lisbon treaty]Has forbidden,And can make the related national government no longer have the power of the reform.besides,European central bank such as large-scale to the market capital injection,May increase the risk of inflation,And curb inflation is the main task of the European central bank.therefore,The German central bank governors WeiDeMan become the only against the ECB to buy debt board member of the central bank.The ECB and the contradiction between the German central bank,Also make investors again questioned the ECB to defend the euro currency system from the disintegration of the ability.


Greek reform progress difficult to make the international community satisfaction,Ask its exit the eurozone call remain high.


Since two years ago began to accept external since the financial aid,Greek in the recipient condition performance aspects hard to live up to expectations,For two reasons:One is the Greek domestic people to austerity measures extremely antipathy,Has set up a file in the domestic many times a wave of protests;The second is the Greek domestic economy in a great mess,Fiscal income hopeless.At present the Greek has already entered in the 2008 years of the fifth recession years,This year is expected to decline 7%,The unemployment rate climbed to a record 22.5%.Although the two years the Greek government to combat tax evasion,Improve the business environment and state-owned enterprises on a private efforts,But had little effect.The Greek reality has shown that the country is almost impossible to true in 2020 will total debt as a share of GDP control within 120% target.


At present,The Greek international creditors will undoubtedly need more help,The latest goal is to further reduce the debt will be 70 billion to 100 billion euros,The use of public debt to GDP of the gradient to 100% of the sustainable level.however,Whether the central bank or to the eurozone any one country government,Never again told Greek debt restructuring.therefore,Greek can only seek the international community will its financial targets implement period postponed back two years.


Although Greece was unable to complete the reform target largely from reality restrictions,But the international community has the lose patience,More and more people think,Blindly rescue Greece will be in vain,Let the exit is necessary for.Recent request Greek take the time to exit the euro area or said Greek exit the eurozone consequences controlled voice constantly,There is no lack of among them the eurozone group chairman RongKe/German deputy prime minister and minister of economic Ross's right-hand man, etc.therefore,"troika"(The European commission/The ECB/IMF)Will be released in September to salvage the Greek goal on the implementation of the evaluation report will be crucial,The or for Greece will buy more time and space,Or will become overwhelmed the Greek the last straw.


The Spanish local government gathers together to seek help,It seeks comprehensive aid will not fear,Instead the Italian or will be following its lead.


In August the rapid upgrade local debt crisis become a Spanish debt crisis new detonating point.At present,Valencia local governments to the central government has for 3.5 billion euros ($) loan aid,Murcia local government also said may apply for 2 to 300 million euro relief funds,Of the Spanish economy 1/5/This year has more than 13 billion euros due debt Catalan local government also said,Are studying whether application with the central government aid.In addition there are four local government may following its lead,Including castilla - Raman just/Balearic islands/Canary islands and Andalusia.As Spain each local government ShenYuan increased risk,The government financing cost to surge,Spain the 10-year Treasury yield once soared to 7.8% nearby,Refresh the euro area since the establishment of the highest record.


Although the central Spanish government established scale for 18 billion euros of local government rescue fund(fla),But if the local government stampede for help,I'm afraid the fund are powerless.At the same time,Since the Spanish banking is the country's local debt main creditor,therefore,Banking crisis has and local debt crisis a vicious cycle.The Spanish central bank data display,June the bank bad debt rate close to 10%,Gen 50 years high.The Spanish bank holdings of non-performing loans grew 8.4 billion euro between 164.4 billion euro.


therefore,In the central government financing cost reached record high/Banking crisis immortalization/The local government financing difficulties in the case,Spain for comprehensive rescue fear in the near future.It is estimated that,Once the Spanish government seeking comprehensive aid,Will need to 300 billion euros funds,At the appointed time EFSF and ESM will face great pressure.


The Spanish bring market unease conduction apart,With the eurozone countries belong to the DaTiLiang Italian or will be following its lead.By the end of June,The Italian government debt chain add 6.6 billion euro 1.9729 trillion euros,And the record.Its current debt to GDP ratio as high as 123.3%,In the euro zone ranked second,After Greece.The second quarter Italian economic link shrinkage 0.7%,Fell 2.5% year-on-year,For 2009 years the largest decline since.If the Italian economy a serious recession,The banking industry may lead to Italy in the next two years problem asset scale higher than previously expected,And higher than those of other European countries banking.Standard &poor's expects,To the end of 2013,Italian banking problem asset scale will rise to 218 billion euros.Although the Italian government has been very resist to the European Union aid application,But if the debt problems fester forever,Fear of its final had to bow to reality.

  出口深受打击 Export deeply shocked by


- Japan's financial situation review


In August,Japan's economy is still kept wandering repeated pattern.


The Japanese cabinet office data display,The second quarter Japan real GDP growth of 0.3% annulus,Reduced 1.4% annual rate,Although for the fourth consecutive season achieve positive growth,But at an annual rate of 5.5% in the first quarter of this year compared to increase speed obviously,Also far lower than expected 2.2%.May the Japanese machinery orders frontal link has decreased by 14.8% to 671.9 billion yen,The manufacturing order amount reduced by 8%,chemical/oil/Coal products industry is particularly obvious drop.


Japan's finance ministry data display,In the first half of this year a Japanese trade deficit of 2.9158 trillion yen,Gen 1979 years have comparable data since the semi-annual record.For two reasons:One is for nuclear power plant in the first half to stop operation for thermal power liquefied natural gas and crude oil imports rose 50% and 16% respectively;The second is the debt crisis and the yen currency historic surge lead to export growth lack of power,In the first half of this year Japan to the eu regional trade surplus fell to the lowest level in history.


The future,Japan's economy will face the dilemma:One is the debt crisis is still the Japanese economy's biggest to external threats,The cause of the hedge funds into makes the yen against the dollar and the euro facing the pressure of appreciation of synchronization,Export to Japan with the entity economy serious blow;The second is the Japanese economy mainly relying on government stimulus measures,Lack of sustained growth power,Once the stimulus disappear,Japan's economy will be weak.And environmental protection car subsidy policy early September is about to expire,Post-disaster reconstruction bring public investment growth in the next few months will also continue to decrease;The third is energy prices rebound will make post-disaster closed nuclear energy increase the cost of oil imports climbed;The fourth is the United States and other overseas economies is still not get rid of the economic slowdown,Together with China's economic growth momentum decreased slightly lead to global demand downturn on the Japanese export influence rather serious.Data display,June from Japan to China exports fell 7.3% to 1.03 trillion yen,Exports to Europe suddenly fell 21.3% to 519.4 billion yen.


Although the bank of Japan is still wait-and-see attitude to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged 0 ~ 0.1%,At the same time maintain asset purchase scale 70 trillion yen unchanged,But if the fed introduce more quantitative easing policy GaoRiYuan push,Thus threat to Japan's export and economic recovery,Believe that the bank of Japan will also take responsive measures.

  国内资本加速外流 Domestic capital outflow of acceleration


- RMB internationalization process review


The RMB against the us dollar devaluation in stages,Domestic capital outflow of signs is accelerated.


Since July,The dollar index climbed all the way,Multiple station in the more than 83 high,Accordingly it is the exchange rate for the renminbi devaluation appears the trend and expected,The RMB against the us dollar exchange rate the middle price continual create year low.On July 31, dollars for RMB 6.3320 middle rate calculation,The RMB against the us dollar in July small devaluation 0.11%,For the fourth time this year in odd-numbered months devaluation.Forward exchange rate in,July 31 NDF market overseas,The us dollar to RMB 1 10-year NDF exchange trading in near 6.4350,Shows that overseas investors expected a year later the yuan against the dollar will appear 1.60% of devaluation.From the monthly mean to see,July 1 years reflects the us dollar depreciation expected was an average of 1.51%,In June and the average 1.55% compared with difference,Shows that foreign investors to RMB forward depreciation of the expected gradually become a consensus.

  究其原因,首先在美国经济数据利好和欧洲经济数据利空的双重因素影响下,避险资金流入美国导致美元走强,人民币被动贬值。 数据显示,5月份美国国际资本净流入突破1000亿美元,达1017亿美元。而在4月份,此一数据还是净流出82亿美元;其次,随着外需弱化、各生产要素及劳动力成本上升,也导致中国出口能力的下降。今年上半年,我国经常项目顺差832亿美元,同比下降5%,经常项目顺差与GDP之比为2.3%,较上年下降0.5个百分点。资本和金融项目在一季度出现511亿美元顺差后,二季度再现净流出714亿美元,上半年逆差额达203亿美元。

Investigate its reason,First of all in the economic data in the us is good and the European economic data bad double under the influence factors,Hedge funds into the United States lead to stronger dollar,RMB passive devaluation. Data display,May the United States international inflows has exceeded 100 billion us dollars,Us $101.7 billion.In April,The data or net outflows of $8.2 billion;secondly,Along with the overseas market demand weakening/Various factors of production and labor costs rose,Also leads to a reduction in the ability to China's export.In the first half of this year,Our country current account surplus of $83.2 billion,5% year-on-year drop,A current account surplus and the ratio of GDP is 2.3%,A last year dropped 0.5%.Capital and financial project in quarter appear $51.1 billion after the surplus,The second quarter reproduce net outflows of $71.4 billion,In the first half of the deficit amounted to $20.3 billion.


But need to pay attention to is,RMB devaluation stage only relative to the dollar,But for the majority of the currency is still going strong.The bank for international settlements data display,In the first half of the RMB nominal and real effective exchange rate appreciation of 1.6% and 0.9% respectively.And other emerging market currencies against the us dollar depreciation range compared,The depreciation of the RMB amplitude is still relatively small.


Hong Kong many measures to promote an offshore RMB market development,To promote the internationalization of RMB accelerating speed.


One is from August 1,The Hong Kong residents in Hong Kong Banks to open the account,And can use this account for the exchange RMB and Hong Kong dollars,And the yuan stock/Funds and bonds investment,and,The daily exchange RMB and the number of an inter-bank transfer is the limit.


The move means that RMB internationalization and taken a big step.First of all,Mainland residents will be RMB funds in the Hong Kong market benefit,Help to increase the number of Hong Kong;secondly,Hong Kong Banks can enlarge the scope of services,Strengthen product innovation,Promote the RMB off-shore market development;The third,Help to RMB at the personal level from Hong Kong to go into the international.


however,The measure also helps to the Hong Kong people in the market(CNY)And Hong Kong offshore market(CNH)The exchange rate between arbitrage,In the mainland's exchange rate formation mechanism and foreign exchange capital controls formation challenge.


The second is from August 6, up to expand"Testimony of witness hk trading pass"Coverage of,By now only applies to the extended to stock in RMB trading equity related exchange-traded fund and real estate investment trust fund.It is beneficial to the listing in Hong Kong securities of long-term development,To speed up the formation of an offshore RMB Hong Kong market.however,Since the Hong Kong market first only RMB stock has not appeared,Therefore the move of the actual effect is yet to be observed.
