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  欧阳晓红 杨思柳

OuYangXiaoGong YangSiLiu


Previously seems to be a lot of the signs are in the show,Cash flow is greatly from China to overseas runoff.Side immigration overseas people increase let feel more apparent,And the state administration of foreign exchange announced foreign exchange balance in the data,Capital and financial account deficit seems to have evidence to this point.


But in fact,"Escape from"China's capital is far less than the market condition of imagination.The secret in the safe on September 13 release in the second quarter of the balance of payments"revealed"out.

  从其他投资项上来看,今年上半年依然呈现较大净流出。2012 年上半年,其他投资项下净流出 979亿美元,这比2011年同期净流入798亿美元有很大的增加。但是,二季度国际收支平衡表有一个数据显示,其他投资项下的货币和存款净流出639亿美元。

Other investment from a point of view,In the first half of this year is still present large net outflow.In the first half of 2012,Other investment captioned net outflows of $97.9 billion,This than the same period in 2011 $79.8 billion net has a great increase.but,The second quarter balance of payments have a data display,Other investment captioned currency and deposit net outflows of $63.9 billion.


Other investment item is refers to,Direct investment and securities investment outside,One country and other countries between capital and assets exchanges,Including trade credit/loan/deposit."The secret is here."Foreign economic and trade university part-time professor ZhaoQing speaking plainly,"Domestic Banks more out of the foreign exchange deposit with out,Mainly deposited overseas trade and to foreign lending."therefore,The $63.9 billion is not the real capital flight.To know the occupied in the second quarter of this year other investment project assets net outflows of $121.4 billion more than half.


And the central bank data shows,August foreign exchange deposit form has quietly happen - foreign exchange deposit growth relatively slow,Foreign exchange loan speed-up,Change before"Assets change foreign currency,Liabilities currencies change"trend.

  “秘密” "secret"

  事实上,上半年国际收支报告中表明,证券投资资金的流入在快速增长。今年上半年,证券投资项下净流入 204 亿美元,同比增长 1.4 倍。但证券类投资的特征是稳定性不强,即“来得快去得快”。

In fact,International balance of payments during the first half report shows that,Securities investment fund inflows in rapid growth.In the first half of this year,A net inflow of securities investment under $20.4 billion,Year-on-year growth of 1.4 times.But securities investment is characterized by the stability is not strong,namely"Go faster".


In addition,Balance shows that the second quarter,In the capital and financial projects of other investment,Trade credit for $33.6 billion -, -,This is the second quarter assets net outflows of $121.4 billion a quarter.

  赵庆明说,这不难理解,稳出口,想让老外买东西,有时候还要向其提供信贷支持。也不乏境内银行将外汇存放于境外同业。此外是贷款项-251亿美元。事实上,这缘于自2012年以来,银行外汇存款的增长迅速——央行数据显示,上半年累计增加 1301亿美元,同比多增 994 亿美元。“人民币升值预期改变,外币资产、贸易信贷、存贷款等三重因素构成流出的主因。”赵庆明解释说,银行有大量外汇存款,但境内又缺乏合适的外汇投资渠道,因此,即便利差很小,也不得不存放境外同业。于是,在国际收支平衡表上的639亿美元体现为流出。但这并非真正的资金出逃。

ZhaoQing testified,It is not difficult to understand,Steady export,Want to let foreigners to buy things,Sometimes also to supply the credit support.Also there is no lack of domestic foreign exchange bank will be deposited in the foreign trade.In addition is DaiKuanXiang - $25.1 billion.In fact,This is due to since 2012,The rapid growth of foreign exchange deposit bank - the bank data display,The accumulated increase in the first half of 130.1 billion dollars,More than $99.4 billion year-on-year increase."The appreciation of the renminbi is expected to change,Foreign currency assets/Trade credit/Triple factors such as loan outflow cause."ZhaoQingMing explained,Banks have a large number of foreign exchange deposit,But the lack of appropriate domestic and foreign exchange investment channels,therefore,Even if carry small,Also had to be kept outside trade.so,In the balance of payments of $63.9 billion embodied in outflow.But this is not the real capital run away.


This is also not long ago bank of China/Agriculture bank/Icbc foreign exchange deposit interest rate cut one of the reasons.Bank of China governor LiLiHui in the center daily news conference,In the first half of this year to reduce bank net spreads the important factor is the international market change,A large number of hedge funds into the banking system,The bank's foreign exchange capital increase more,And put some money in the central bank,Returns is low,It also down central interest margin level.therefore,Adjusted the foreign currency deposit pricing policy.


Hongyuan securities(000562,guba)Fixed income chief analysis for teachers(blog,Micro bo)with"Residual method"In the first quarter 150 billion measure out.He said,According to the currency area total wealth theory/Purchasing power parity/Exchange psychology/Exchange rate target zone theory,Indicate that the yuan is no longer be underestimated.The background of the asset allocation from the past"The yuan is undervalued"Conversion for"RMB at least already in the equilibrium exchange rate".


"In the equilibrium state of the renminbi in the next as risk currency will appear in the global market."Fan said for.


In addition,Safe analysis report,The appreciation of the renminbi is expected after weakened,Enterprise adjust financial operations is the main reason,Simple accumulation of foreign currency assets/See empty RMB phenomenon is not obvious.

  数据显示,2012 年上半年我国资本和金融项目顺差 149亿美元,其中第二季度为逆差412 亿美元。外管局认为,这主要是受国内外因素的共同影响,但不等于外资大规模集中撤离。理论上,经常项目顺差大于外汇储备增加额,意味着我国境内机构和个人资本呈现净输出(即国际收支平衡表中资本项目逆差)、对外净资产增多。

Data display,In the first half of 2012 China's capital and financial account surplus of $14.9 billion,In the second quarter of 41.2 billion dollars for the deficit.Safe think,This is mainly by the common influence factors at home and abroad,But is not equal to the mass concentration of foreign evacuation.In theory,A current account surplus is greater than the foreign exchange reserve accrual,Means within the territory of China institutions and personal capital present net output(That is in the balance of payments capital account deficit)/More foreign net assets.

  尤其是 “2012年4月份进一步扩大人民币汇率浮动区间,大幅减少央行外汇干预以后,更加强化了这种经常项目顺差、资本项目逆差的国际收支自主平衡格局。”报告称。

especially "April 2012 to further expand the range of floating exchange rate,The central bank sharply reduce foreign exchange after intervention,Reinforce the current-account surplus/Capital account deficit balance of payments independent balance pattern."The report says.


but,The central bank the latest data display,August foreign currency deposit is only $2.6 billion,But loans increased by 11.7 billion dollars,Monetary form seems to be reversed,A change to the end of this year in July"Assets change foreign currency,Liabilities currencies change"situation."This have foreign currency loan form again to sign."ZhaoQing testified.

  流动性拐点 Liquidity inflection point


Microscopic aspects,Growing immigrant tide but the shows funds in the outflow.A man worth 1 billion yuan of private entrepreneurs to XuShaoHua distributed in its assets,Ready to immigration Australia.He is going to within a year through the legal way to transfer 5 exit.The so-called legal means including investment Australian mining,At the appointed time will surely achieve the safe quota.Support for enterprise"Go out"Is the national strategy.


In fact,XuShaoHua brother has one step ahead,In the several years ago investment Australia,Rely on its own ability and strength and become a local the prestigious academicjournals business elite,And has certain social status.Like hui brother such immigration story happen every day.


In this,Peng sea Calvin immigration study abroad consulting company general manager said,This is the trend,Is trend.Money and life resources/Education resources are in a broader range reconfiguration and circulation.


But increasingly behind of immigration may be China's liquidity inflection point has to reality.The report shows that,The second quarter of 2012,Our country current account surplus of $53.7 billion;Capital and financial account deficit of $41.2 billion, etc,the,Direct investment $41.1 billion net,Securities investment net inflow of $11.1 billion,Other net investment outflows of $94.4 billion.International reserve assets to reduce 11.8 billion dollars(Does not contain the exchange rate/Price not trade value change influence),the,Foreign exchange reserve assets to reduce 11.2 billion dollars.

  国际收支保持“双顺差”。2012 年上半年,经常项目顺差 772 亿美元,同比下降 12%;资本和金融项目顺差 149 亿美元,下降 92%。

Balance of payments to keep"Double surplus".In the first half of 2012,A current account surplus of $77.2 billion,12% year-on-year drop;Capital and financial account surplus of $14.9 billion,Fell by 92%.


although,International balance of payment is still"Double surplus",But this is since the 2006 years of 7 years,The surplus for the first time reduced to three digits,In the past are four digits.Often project of GDP proportion also makes the lowest 7-2.1%.


In fact,Always be international capital sought after the Chinese market,Including RMB has a little by"disesteem".But will tend to improve the balance of payments in the present,This is not necessarily a bad thing.


Safe think,The RMB exchange rate trend at present reasonable equilibrium level.In the central bank sharply reduce foreign exchange after intervention,The market supply and demand decided to exchange rate/Exchange rate to regulate the market supply and demand independent mechanism more solid.In the first half of,Forward market both at home and abroad, the RMB against the us dollar exchange rate rise when those when/Weak or strong,The report shows that,The current RMB exchange rate at a reasonable level of market acceptance,Does not exist large-scale look empty RMB.


In addition,Safe think,China's capital inflows has strong stability.The report says,Foreign direct investment is"Nuggets countries"The main capital inflow channels,Particularly in our country.The flow in,2005-2011,Cumulative net inflow of foreign direct investment of $1.15 trillion,The same period accounted for 120% of the net inflow of capital in China,More than India/Russia/Brazil into the sum;The foreign securities investment cumulative net inflow of $169.6 billion,Accounted for only 18% of the net inflow of capital the same period in China,India/Brazil were 31%/47%.In the stock,By the end of 2011 foreign direct investment in China accounted for 61% of all foreign liabilities,Is obviously higher than that of India/Russia/Brazil(Were 32%/41%/44%),And the proportion of securities investment is only 8%,Far below the above three kingdoms(Were 24%/21%/44%)."Cross-border capital inflows to high stability of foreign direct investment primarily,Means that even if the external environmental deterioration,The most sensitive to risk/Volatility big securities investment evacuated the influence of our country is lower than other emerging market."Safe said.

  不过,对此不能过于乐观。数据显示,上半年证券类投资增长加快,同比增1.4 倍。似乎暗示流入中国的资金中,不稳定“分子”的比重正在增加。但这也可能与外管局稳步推进资本项目开放有关。

but,It cannot be too optimistic.Data display,In the first half of the securities investment growth speeded up,Year-on-year increase of 1.4 times.Seems to imply that into China in the capital,unstable"molecular"The proportion is increasing.But it could also be safe and steadily on the open of capital items.


Tsinghua university school of economy and management, an associate professor at finance HePing think,Securities investment is a short-term investment behavior,Higher liquidity,And direct investment is a long-term investment,Including trade credit/currency/Deposit are also short-term,Believe that a lot of people is expected that the devaluation of RMB,Through the loan form and means,In the short-term oversold RMB.


"We may need to worry is, if direct investment appeared in long-term outflow."HePingShui.
