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Editor's note:After the financial crisis,Reform the global financial system call soaring,And in some countries or regions pay of the practice.Although the reform in advance,But for some involved in financial system operation evaluation and analysis of basic problems,Still not been very well understand and solve,And this will be decided to reform the process and the effect.In these problems,On the financial system to their own economic development and the role of specific measure,Remains controversial.The purpose of this paper is to the bank of England deputy President Andrew?Haldane on July 14, 2010 in"The future of the financial system"Conference speech,Although written for a period of time,But the views and talk to specific technology and methods of evaluation of interface,Since the crisis to understand until today's financial regulatory reform,Still is beneficial.


For the past three years,The cost of financial crisis in any terms are huge.As in all previous financial crisis which happens,Many countries public sector rising debt levels,To achieve the national income twice as much.In the current and future output the present value of the estimated losses,Crisis cost as high as the world average GDP 1 ~ 5 times.No matter from which perspective,This crisis brings pain will accompany for a generation.


At present,World is on a heated discussion financial reform this topic.Some reform measures is the extension of the existing regulatory thinking or expansion, such as more high quality capital and liquidity requirements.Others put forward to the existing regulatory system to adjust, such as in the prudent policy to consider countercyclical adjustment.There are proposed to the financial industry to structure, such as constraint banking scale and scope limits.


Evaluate these reform Suggestions,Not only should pay attention to the cost of the financial crisis,Still should weigh the financial continued income.This needs to understand and to measure the financial sector to the real contribution to economic development.Understanding and measure the contribution of the financial system to understand the past(The role of the financial industry to enhance)And future(The role of financial may contraction)Very important.


Easier said than done..Recent events show that it is a difficult problem.In September of 2008,Lehman brothers bankruptcy triggered a financial market a series of reaction,Have made the financial system and many of the world's largest financial institutions on the verge of collapse.In the fourth quarter of 2008,The main global bank stock average fell 50%,Market value loss of us $640 billion,Lead to global GDP and trade volume decreased by 6% and 25% respectively compared to the.The bank system to a certain extent, have initiated the wheel from"depression"The worst downturn since the.


however,Utilizing the official data estimation of financial department contribution but vary widely.According to the national accounts accounting,In the fourth quarter of 2008,Britain's financial department name always added value(GVA)With unprecedented speed growth,Britain's financial department to the total economic output value increase to 9% of the direct contribution.Financial company's operating earnings(GVA deduct staff salary and other production tax)Growth for 5 billion pounds,To reach 20 billion pound,For present unprecedented growth.As people think that banking for economic contribution is since the 1930 s when the worst,The national accounts accounting results suggests,The financial departments to economic contribution is since the 1980 s the most prominent.


The purpose of this paper is to explain the paradox.This paper will study the added value of the financial sector has the traditional measurement method and its evolution,Analysis the driving force of economic growth, the elements of Labour and capital input,And these elements of the rate of return.In fact,At least from the data point of view,The bank in the past few years has experienced a"Productivity miracle".then,To explore the detailed bank be rewarded with high returns for the quantitative factors,And explore relevant bank business activities.We found,The financial industry of high income from risk"illusion"not"Productivity miracle",The bank is the incident of experience at the same time full of"illusion"and"miracle".


How to measure the financial sector output


Total added value(GVA)


Total added value(GVA)Is the measure of a department of economic output of contribution to the standard method.GVA defined as a department or industry production value minus the intermediate consumption(The production process of loss of goods and services),The index calculation only a particular department of economic direct contribution.Of course,The financial departments of the direct contribution, such as for start a business or start new investment projects with capital so as to improve productivity, is also very important,But we can through the observation of the evolution of the GVA to obtain preliminary information.


Figure 1 represents since since the mid 19th century,Britain's financial department and economic output of the actual GVA changes(Constant price level and in 1975 index for reference number).Table 1 will financial growth and economic output is divided into three stages:A war/From the first world war to the early 1970 s/Since the early 1970 s.The financial departments GVA the change tendency of the conspicuous.


In the past 160 years,The financial departments in a year on average than overall economic more than two percentage points speed growth.In other words,Since 1850,The added value of the financial sector growth is the overall growth of economic value added (Eva) more than twice.This is not surprising,In the past more than one century,Most developed countries and developing economies experienced the process of financial deepening,The financial departments of the structural trend rise to the whole economic growth have a positive role.


however,Different periods of data show that the trend is not linear.A pre-war financial deepening very quickly,Also produced the joint-stock Banks,In order to meet the needs of the non-financial department rapid growth.This period,The financial sector to the real economy growth rate almost four times.


The second period(From the first world war to the early 1970 s)They show the contrary trend.The financial sector growth lag behind other economic sector growth.This, to a certain extent, reflects the financial departments to strengthen quantitative control and the influence of government supervision.


From the 1970 s to 2007 have a new twist.Under the influence of the financial liberalization,The financial departments to average more than non-financial economy department rate of 1.5% growth,This trend began in the early 1980 s accelerated.1980 ~ 2008,Financial intermediary departments of the added value of the actual expand 3 times,Over the same period, the overall economic output increased only two times.


In 2007,,Financial intermediary to economy accounted for 8% of China's total added value,Compared to 5% in 1970.Financial intermediary total operating surplus show more obvious growth,Between 1948 and 1978,Financial intermediary profit average accounts for 1.5% of the overall economic profit,By 2008,This ratio is as high as 15%,For the original 10 times.


In the global scope,Other countries have shown a similar trend.The United States"depression"period,The financial departments of the added value decreased obviously,After the second world war began to continue to rise.The United States financial department GVA the proportion of GDP from the 1950 s to the present 2% 8%,Increased four times.Europe and Asia is in a similar situation.According to the British[bankers]Magazine data,The world's largest 1000 Banks in 2007 ~ 2008 fiscal year total pre-tax profit nearly $800 billion,More than 2000 ~ 150% higher than the 2001 fiscal year,Bank average yield nearly 15%.


The financial departments of the added value and profit change,Especially in the recent trend of explosive growth,Also reflected in financial company(Compared with non-financial enterprises)In the market value of the estimated.Between 2002 and 2007,British/The United States and the euro area's each big bank shareholders' earnings accumulated rose by 150%,More than the non-financial department and some high risk financial department(Such as hedge funds)earnings.


To better illustrate this point,Hypothesis in 1900 to buy 100 pounds to sell the same amount of financial and non-financial shares as a hedge.Figure 2 shows that carry out the hedge strategy income.From 1900 to the 1970 s,Income very little,Financial and non-financial department income rising and falling overall synchronization;The 1970 s to 2007,On the financial departments of the accumulation of investment profits have soared,Until the financial crisis happened,After the bubble burst slashed earnings.


GVA measure


In order to understand these trends,First of all to evaluate current financial departments of the added value of measuring method,And measure the financial departments on the economy when contribution,Calculation method may lead to problems.


Most of the department to provide products or services are clearly charge,And for the purchase of raw materials to pay the cost of the clear,therefore,Added value can be directly calculated.For example,A used car dealers are worked out according to the vehicle can sell cash calculation,Its added value can pass from output minus the cost of middle - buy vehicle value, to calculate.


The financial departments provide some service can also in this way to calculate.For example,Investment bank is engaged in merger and acquisition of consultation to the customer plain code marks a price,In developing the underwriting or do city business will also to customer for a fee or commission,But these direct costs account for only part of the total revenue financial system.The financial departments - especially commercial bank, depend on the interest rates as the service charges and expenses for standard.Banks rely on earn interest margin to provide intermediary services.


In order to measure through the interest margin and produce financial service value,Global universal adopted"Indirect measurement of financial intermediary services(FISIM)"concept.This concept is the 1993 UN national account system(SNA)When the update is introduced.SNA display,Financial intermediaries for consumers/enterprise/The government provide the following services but no clear charges.These services include:accept/Management and transfer deposit/Provide flexible payment mechanism(Such as debit card)/Providing loans or other investment/Provide financial advisory and other business services.


FISIM only measure loan and deposit.Estimates based on the effective interest rate(Payable and receivable)and"reference"Interest rate differential,Multiplied by the balance of the loan.Based on SNA provisions,"Reference interest rates on behalf of the borrowed funds of pure cost - in which maximum except risk premium,Do not include any intermediate service".For example,A loan of 1000 francs,Accounts receivable interest rate is 9%,Reference interest rate is 4%,The indirect measurement of financial intermediary services for the current value"1000 x(9% - 4%)= 50 pounds".A sum of 1000 pounds in savings,Deal with interest rate is 3%,Reference interest rate is 4%,The indirect measurement of financial intermediary services for the current value"1000 x(4% - 3%)= 10 pounds".


FISIM measures face concept and calculation in the double difficulty.In the second hand car dealer example,Statisticians can use car sale quantity as the general output index.But for the financial sector is,But no similar measurement index,To the same customer issue two pen 50 pounds worth of loans,To see if it is better than issuing a sum of 100 pounds of loan of higher volume?The traditional approach is by constant price calculation FISIM.In Britain,The actual FISIM equal to benchmark year interest margin multiplied by the appropriate deposit-loan quantitative index.Deposit-loan quantitative index estimates need to pass to inflation effect to deal with.This method means,By the spread to change the current price of the FISIM fluctuation does not affect the actual FISIM.


Redefine FISIM


Although will FISIM into national accounting is a big progress,But this method in the calculation of the financial sector to economic rate may also existing problems.The key lies in,The function of risk bearing should be in to what extent is considered as the banking system to provide productive service.


Risk adjusted FISIM.FISIM current measuring methods no risk policy interest rates to measure reference interest rates,Because the bank risk gain by name belongs to a part of the output.This may bring some unexpected results.For example,Assumptions like 2008 happens,Default risk and liquidity risk present the overall upward trend,The bank will rationally by increasing interest rates to deal with the increase of the expected loss.In the framework of FISIM,Which has led to interest income increase are regarded as output growth.In other words,When risk increases,The financial sector to the real economy contribution may be overvalued.It is explained in the fourth quarter 2008 national account in accounting,The financial departments to nominal GDP contribution unexpectedly rapid growth this paradox.


Of course,The financial departments responsible for economies the risk of other departments.Bank for family and enterprise bear maturity mismatch or liquidity risk.Bank through the debt issue risky loans,Thus face or the default risk.however,We are still not sure whether take the risk itself belongs to a kind of productive activities.If the family or company investment have risk bonds,They also take credit and liquidity risk.Investment risk assets capital market behavior is one of the basic characteristics,Not only exist in the bank activities.therefore,Theoretically to see,Still cannot determine whether based on risk income should be included in the bank output.


The measurement and pricing credit risk and liquidity risk,As of the effective operation of the bank system provides/Has the productive activities,May be more appropriate.For example,When the bank lending, evaluation/Screening the borrower's credit rating,Thus plays the role of the regulators,And through the financial operation to manage liquidity risk,Then play a finance executive role.Bank to the client through charge interest rate implicit way to get risk pricing service fee.


If due to eliminate the risk and the profits,May better reflect the financial departments of services,There are several different calculation methods.Can use reserve as expected damage index to adjust FISIM,Also it is suggested that no longer the risk-free interest rate as FISIM reference interest rates.For example,The oecd(OECD)National account group have suggested,FISIM calculation should be adopted and loan time limit and credit risk matching benchmark interest rate.This will also avoid and current national account framework inconsistent problems.If the bank for a loan to a company's risk,Work out financial intermediary output will increase,But if a family with this company is to issue bonds and bear the same risk,Output will be the same.


The following case is used to explain the mechanism how to run.A bank to annual rate 7% loan 100 pounds to a company,Period 1 year,The risk free rate is 5%.The bank can accurately evaluate the company's credit risk for A level,Due date for 1 year class A loan market risk rate exceeds the risk-free interest rate 1%.The current FISIM estimate the bank output to 2 pounds(Table 2),And risk adjusted FISIM estimated output bank for pound.


According to these principles FISIM to adjust may have a significant impact.For the eurozone countries simulation analysis shows that,According to this method,In the years 2003 ~ 2007 risk adjusted FISIM only for current method to calculate FISIM of 60%.


Measure risk.Risk adjusted FISIM better describe the financial sector to the whole economic contribution.but,The first problem is that,Risk itself cannot be observed in advance.The above method to a relatively way to measure risk,That is the assumption is that if the bank rate deviates from the market interest rates,This deviation is to bank for borrower and depositor service compensation.but,But we can't accurate assessment of the risk of financial system pricing power.This may not be statisticians statistical output when the target,But to measure the financial departments of the contribution of economic output is important.


The following case more clearly explain the view(Table 3).A company issuing bank to £ 100 loan,The company actual credit ratings for BB level,But bank mistakenly will be the company's credit rating set to A level.Assume that the company know its credit risk is higher than A level,And are prepared to pay A level higher than the risk of credit spread(Such as 2%).A level and BB level market price difference were 1% and 2% respectively.Compared with the current methods of estimation FISIM,The measurement of risk adjustment FISIM after improved,But with"real"Risk adjusted FISIM compared,The bank is still overvalued output value.


This is equivalent to the used car dealers continued to sell inferior vehicle,But the tricky sell cars people will soon be found,Risk is observable.Car dealers constantly fixed wrong price,Will be out of the market,The buyer may choose to trade on the net.


Can't the risks to accurate assessment and pricing of bank system for economy contribution limited.The risk of buyers and sellers can directly in the capital market transaction -- -- just as the crisis happens.Different from the automobile trade,In the process of bank transaction risk is not observed.therefore,mispricing/Error estimation bank as the entity economy do contribution may last.Like a few years before the outbreak of the crisis,Market for risk pricing appeared systemic is low.In this period,Use risk market pricing will cause statisticians systematic overestimate the financial departments of the potential contribution.


Through the change of the FISIM reference interest rates,To bank output method of calculating of the risk adjustment,The current method is a kind of improvement.But the risk adjusted FISIM still cannot ensure that the financial sector to the risk of accurate pricing,So it is still difficult to assess bank as the economy to provide the true value of the services.Unless the price of risk can be metric,Otherwise the accurate estimates the financial departments to economic contribution seems to be impossible.


Decomposition financial sector contribution --"Productivity miracle"


Another look at financial department contribution way is through the investigation into the production process.This could better reveal the root cause of the financial rapid growth.The expansion of the financial sector because of the financial departments use than any other department more resources?Or input of production elements have unusual high yield?This section will discuss these problems.


Growth accounting decomposition


The growth accounting basic framework will economic growth is decomposed into put all kinds of factors of production(Capital and labor)contribution.This will GDP growth and labor input growth and various capital service(building/transport/Computer and other sources)Growth combined.These factors are taken into account,The rest of the economic growth is caused by the technology changes - the so-called solow residual value.


Over the past 40 years,Britain's financial intermediary departments relatively overall economic use of labor and capital ratio,Present the same trend,The financial departments production inputs than overall economic growth average level.From 1977 to 1990,The financial departments labor investment proportion increased by 50%,And the proportion of capital investment to 12% from 4%.In the period of the financial liberalization,Cause quite a large-scale production elements into the financial sector.


however,Remarkably,In the 21st century has not continued the trend.After a period of time,The financial departments of labor and capital investment share experienced gentle decline.The financial departments use labor and capital moderate growth,Below the overall economy labor and capital growth.Production inputs share drop,Work out financial department but the added value of significant growth,The financial sector productivity sure has changed violently - solow residual value.


In the growth accounting sense,Measuring residual reflects the investment of the total factor productivity(TFP)improve.The growth accounting decomposition show,From 1995 to 2007 years to calculate financial department total factor productivity achieve at 2.2% per year,Over the same period the overall economic total factor productivity(At an average annual rate of 0.5% ~ 1.0%)Levels of the growth.In other words,At least from the surface to see,There is evidence to show that the financial sector in this century has experienced"Productivity miracle",And not only occurs in the UK.1995 ~ 2007,Many developed countries measure of financial department total factor productivity growth than the overall economic growth rate,The trend in 2003 ~ 2007"foam"Formation has been accelerating period.


Factors of production rate of return


Growth framework of the total factor productivity is calculated according to the residual value,Cannot explain the financial department"Productivity miracle".A related problem is,observed"Productivity miracle"If you can truly reflect the financial departments the production elements of the rate of return.GVA can be decomposed to flow to the labor force(Defined as only includes worker)Income and flow to the capital income.In a broad sense,GVA growth can divide for labor return(Employee compensation)And capital returns(Total operating surplus).this"miracle"If not reflected in the use of production factor in number,You should reflect on the labor force and capital in return.


On labor,High return at the same time in the cross section data and time series data show.Comparison in 2007 the English different industry average weekly wage,Financial sector highest,The average weekly income of about overall economic median two times.In the 21st century,Both gap,Generally reflected the financial department leverage accumulated.


Time series data more conspicuous.In the American financial industry relative to the benchmark wage"excess"Wage study,In the early 1980 s"excess"Wage began to rise significantly,The 90 s and a surge.Before that only a similar wage explosion situation,Happened in"depression"before.This research will wage explosion due to the financial control and relax.


Compared with the labor return,Returns on capital situation roughly the same.In the 1950 s,The financial departments of the total capital profit and other economic sectors are basically the same.Since then,Especially in the past 10 years,The financial departments of the capital return far more than the average level of the whole economy.


Chart 3 shows the British banking 1920 years of rate of return on equity(ROE).Although the rate of return on equity from another Angle measure returns on capital,But the message roughly the same.Rate of return on equity changes trend obviously divided into two periods.1970 years ago,The bank rate of return on equity has been remained steady at around 7%.In other words,The financial departments returns and the overall economic situation roughly the same,And figure 2 executive hedge fund strategies of cumulative income with the experimental results.In the 1970 s there had been structural transformation,After the bank rate of return on equity growth for the original three times,Up to 20%.Capital and labor are cumulative the excess returns.


Other countries have experienced a similar situation.Figure 4 describes the 21st century,The United States and European main international active bank rate of return on equity(ROE).There are two features very conspicuous:One is,Before the crisis rate of return on equity has been maintained at 20% or above,And showed a rising trend,About non-financial department rate of return on equity two times;The second is,Different countries financial sector rate of return on equity trend there is a striking similarity.This is not a coincidence.In this period,World bank to obtain a higher rate of return on equity.It also partly explains the banking sector Labour and capital gains a high return.


(To be continued)


(translator:China banking regulatory commission (CBRC) international department,WangShengBang/YuJing)
