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  他曾任衍生商品交易员、基金经理人和投资银行家11年之久;20世纪90年代,因看准信息化的趋势,遂进军电讯与软件业,创办和投资数家高科技公司;逾30年的投资经验,靠把握趋势玩转金融衍生品、股票、银行和高科技实业公司;现居瑞士,嗜好滑雪、航海以及收集意大利跑车与葡萄酒。这是拉斯?特维德(Las Tvede),也正是本期《钱经》大投资家栏目的采访的大投资家。

He served the derivatives traders/Fund managers and investment bankers 11 years;In the 1990 s,For be certain informatization trend,Hence the telecommunications and software,Founded several hi-tech companies and investment;More than 30 years of investment experience,Grasp the trend on financial derivatives play/stock/Banks and high-tech industrial companies;Now in Switzerland,Hobby skiing/Navigation and collect the Italian sports car and wine.This is las?, vader(Las Tvede),It is also the current[The money]Big investors column interview big capitalists.


"Between 2010 and 2050,There will be 12 ~ 18 times the financial bubble and crash/1 ~ 3 times global housing market crash/3 ~ 5 times capital expenditure crash,And 8 ~ 10 times inventory cycle""In 2050, the essence of GDP is four times that of 2010,Global wealth will increase 300%"- hear these judgment,You'll feel terrible?


This is a global trend master las?, vader in[Trend investment 50 years]A book of the latest forecast.It must be admitted that is,las?Special vader depend on the accurate judgment to the trend,In terms of investment benefit quite abundant.From his thought of,Perhaps you can find a better investment opportunities.


China's economy is sole,The export of domestic demand is replaced

  谈到趋势首先离不开对中国经济的预测,在这一点上,拉斯?特维德显然看好中国。“中国经济正在这个经济周期中触底,” 不过拉斯?特维德也意识到了这个过程的曲折性,“在未来10~20年中国的自然增长率会慢慢下降。如今中国拥有极高的GDP水平进行资本支出,只要资本被投资在一些产生利润的产品上,这将是十分有效的。例如工厂、港口和机场,拥有自然需求将是很好的投资。然而,随着中国人薪资水平开始接近西方国家水平,将会有更少的以出口为基础的投资获利可能性。这将在之后不得不被对中国消费者的产品和服务投资所替代,并且这种转型将减缓增长速度。中国2040年之前将成为全球最大经济体,之后印度将成为全球经济增长最大的动力来源。”

When it comes to trend is inseparable from the first China's economic forecast,At this point,las?Special vader obviously bullish on the Chinese."China's economy is the economic cycle touch bottom," But las?Special vader is aware of this process of twists,"In the next 10 to 20 years China's natural growth rate will gradually decline.Now China has extremely high GDP level of capital expenditure,As long as the capital invested in some generate profit products,This will be very effective.For example, the factory/Ports and airports,With natural demand will is a good investment.however,Along with the Chinese wages began to close to the level of western countries,There will be less based on exports investment profit possibility.This will then have to be on China's consumer products and service investment has been replaced,And this kind of transformation will slow growth rate.China before 2040 will become the world's largest economy,After India will become global economic growth's largest source of power."

  从Made in China到Made for China

From Made in China to Made for China


According to the recent organization for economic cooperation and development according to a study,Nowadays Europe and North America accounted for about 50% of the world's middle-class consumers,Asia's middle-class consumers amount accounted for 30% of the world.But by 2030,The number of middle-class consumers western will probably only occupies about 20%,At the same time, Asia accounted for 65% of the share.This is a huge change,It shows that more investment to China will aim at the Asian consumer groups,And western consumers are no longer.In China, it also means that more investment will be to the consumer's brand and consumer market within the territory of China.So in las?, vader seems,Foreign companies to invest in China industrial facilities to manufacture sale of consumer goods in the west of the trend,Will tend to be stable.


Over the years in the development of China's economy is a common phenomenon:To attract foreign money built two factories,Products are exported to the United States.These factories make a profit,Use the money to build a third plant.So down,Will create a very high growth rate.This is so far China's economic situation of a big part.


But now another kind of circumstance appeared,China's rapid economic development,Chinese workers pay more and more high,The product can't export to the United States.So foreign investors only build a factory,Rather than two,The other half of the money to the local consumers that they can buy the products from the factory.With the passage of time,The factory makes profit,Foreign investors put half of the profits to local consumers,The other half used to investment to expand half factory.


las?, vader think,The second model is established,But it can only give a slow GDP growth rate."This is a let China had to slow growth of transition,Because if is only investment in infrastructure construction and production capacity,Do not have the market demand.Japan used to use the so-called‘Nowhere construct a’To try to this model,And now was buried in accumulation under a mountain of debt."


To solve the European questions need to be more serious crisis


In las?, vader seems,Some eurozone countries are trapped in two economy of trap.


The first is called the trap"Debt deflation".When the whole society trying to reduce its debt,Economy began to shrink and going to sell assets price fall,This means that income dropped,De-leveraging so impossible or very slowly.And if a weak to its fragile bank lending,People will worry about the country will go bankrupt,This will mean that the government bond prices fall,These bonds to a great extent, belong to those who weaker Banks.And vice versa.Either way like a dog trying to bite their tail.

  第二个陷阱是所谓的 “太阳黑子”问题,它表明,有些事能发生仅仅是因为人们认为它能发生。如果人们认为一个既定的国家能够破产,这个国家的利率将会上升,这个国家的债券将会上升到一个真的可以让其破产的水平。在欧洲,坏的观点目前正在创造着坏的现实。

The second trap is the so-called "sunspots"problems,It shows that,Some things can happen just because people think it can happen.If people think that a given country to bankruptcy,The country's interest rates will rise,The country's debt will rise to a really can make its bankruptcy levels.In Europe,Bad point of view is currently creating bad reality.


These vicious circle how to be broken?The first part is the general solutions to print money to repay its debts and have a lower level of debt.It solves the problem of debt deflation.The second part is weak if take better economic policy,Power can from inside buy bonds,This would solve the"sunspots"problems.


But these solve the debt crisis action now didn't happen.


las?, vader think,First of all, you can't make enough southern countries accept the structural reform,Unless they feel is in extreme danger.So the more powerful country actually need to create a kind of a sense of crisis.In this way they can get concessions,But it will be a need to time gradual process.


Gone with the investment opportunities in where?


Europe and the United States by the financial crisis in the global economic recession,Make the difficulty of increasing investment is also obvious,Especially do empty tool is a shortage of domestic.


But again big crisis can not hide the opportunity.las?, vader think,The national level of investment to see,The next few years,Indonesia/Poland and the Philippines domestic market will have a huge investment opportunities.The same,In the African infrastructure field even the consumption field has a new opportunity,But investment in this need to carefully choose the investment project.An interesting phenomenon is,In the past 25 years Botswana has the world's fastest economic growth rate,And now there are also many other African countries economic growth very quickly.As long as can have honest leader and good government agencies,Many African countries can certainly experience a great economic growth.


las?Special vader think some European company's stock began to become very cheap,"The euro crisis solution begun to take shape,At the same time will appear to European entity enterprise's massive m&a opportunities.Europe has many bad government,But it also has many great company,These companies now it is too cheap".


It industry and sector,las?Vader's promising future huge investment opportunity has the following three topics:(1)Asian consumers growing purchasing power;(2)The global scope the increase of aging population;(3)In IT/biotechnology/The innovation of the new material direction."The theme,Life science/Elderly care/Consumer electronics and luxury is the most attractive investment direction.Also has the real estate market,After the crisis to buy real estate is always good.In the industrial metal industries and new energy industry will have great opportunities,Although the markets for these the best opportunity will appear in a few years later."


I found,I make a best in business investment/Get maximum fun,Happen when I see the bigger picture,Then reverse market mainstream opinions or take the lead in the layout of for a long time.Have fun and success,The light is in his own field performance is not enough -- far more than the important,Is to choose to invest.


Dialogue las?, vader:


China's stock market is becoming quite cheap


[The money]:China will not like Japan into dozens of years of the great depression?


las?, vader:I don't think that China will like Japan into dozens of years of the great depression.First of all,Japan into stagnation is already built a huge financial bubble period,But China has not done.The second,I think China has more flexible work culture,Make it can quickly adapt to the changing environment.The third,China is still a very competitive economies,Has a large scope of business expansion.


[The money]:Do you think the long term whether or not the RMB will continue to rise?Do you think in under the trend of investment should be what kind of assets?


las?, vader:yes,But I prefer to hold China assets rather than China's currency,I like the rate of return.The same,In the yuan a long time without appreciation cases,China's stock market is becoming quite cheap.


[The money]:Dollar currency super hair and currency devaluation would continue?

  拉斯?特维德: 我不确定我能将这两种现象联系起来。美国中央银行正试图通过释放资金来抵消商业信贷的下降。我不认为他们正在创造流动性过剩,进而将导致高通胀。不,他们只是简单地试图阻止相反的一面。所以我不认为美国通过货币刺激使美元贬值。我认为美元兑欧元将在中期内升值而对人民币仍在贬值。

las?, vader: I'm not sure I can put the two kind of phenomenon connected.The U.S. central bank is trying to through the release of funds to offset the decline of commercial credit.I don't think they are creating excess liquidity,Then will lead to higher inflation.Don't,They are simply trying to stop the opposite side.So I don't think the United States through the monetary stimulus to the dollar.I think the dollar against the euro will be in the medium term and appreciation of the yuan is still in the devaluation.


[The money]:How do you think the United States signs the recovery of the economy?


las?, vader:The United States economic recovery has started.The United States real estate prices are very low,And is not stored up sales of real estate price is very low.Now the real estate price rise has started,In view of this,I think the natural business cycles now more and more useful,Thus the American economy could are moving in the right direction.


[The money]:Do you think it is still should buy gold?


las?, vader:A few years later gold prices will fall,May also fall a lot!Can see in a very long period of gold is not a good investment target,Because it does not produce income,And compared with in the past few years,Prices have risen by 500% of gold,For me it is to have a risk.


No matter how to,If a investors like real and tangible assets,At present the German real estate market is a good choice,It is cheap and can generate good cash rate of return.You can even to a certain discount buy German listed real estate company,Less than their net asset value.I don't buy anything,Unless it is cheap,And have strong long-term appreciation potential,Germany or the United States real estate are examples of this,And gold opposite.


[The money]:In the coming 5 ~ 10 years,Whether oil assets remains investment price?


las?, vader:As for oil,There are so many occur in shale gas production rose and new oil exploration form output,I don't think the price of oil in the next 5 ~ 10 years a lot of appreciation potential.For example,The United States will may be true in 2020 with carbohydrate self-sufficiency.Just 3 years ago,No one thought of.So in conclusion aspects,I think the price of oil in the next 5 ~ 10 years should be in 60 ~ 120 dollars a barrel range.


[The money]:China is now a line city house prices have been high,You mentioned in the book"Real estate cycle",Do you think China such as Beijing house price of international metropolis,The next several annual meeting is what kind of situation?


las?, vader:China a line city high house prices will be as Hong Kong over the past few decades have experienced it,In prosperity and depression wavering between.now,They are very expensive,And this means that risk.


[The money]:For ordinary investors,Please you the most important are several investment advice?


las?, vader:Ordinary investors should as far as possible will invest dispersion to different assets and the market,Reasonable feasible investment,In these different assets and the market insist on a fixed assets ratio.Because the exchange of ETF fund management cost lower,Investors had better through the ETF fund to invest.Frequent trading is not advisable,According to the investors shall be scheduled strategy regularly adjust their own asset allocation.


[Investment trends 50 years]--[economist]2012 investment and business the best books


The study of history/Analysis now/Calculate the future trend is the law of investment,Gradually become mainstream assumed to another.As the 1970 s investment market is not willing to accept trend analysis,But the trend analysis also gradually become the mainstream of the same.Current trends analysis theory is still new,A good book is still not much.and[Trend investment 50 years]This is a rare masterpiece.I desire to promote all of trend who is interested to read,Because it is a good book.

  ——香港投资评论家 曹仁超

- Hong Kong investment CaoRenChao critics
