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In the international macro situation is unknown/The domestic economy situation appeared down the time,Financial reform than any period can appear more urgent.On September 17,"A line of three will"And jointly compiled by the ministry of foreign exchange bureau[The financial industry development and reform"1025"planning](Hereinafter referred to as[planning])release,Cause the strong concern.[China business newspaper(blog,Micro bo)]Reporters many industry experts,Try to determine[planning]Breakthrough and regret,to"keywords"Form delineate the future of China's financial market reform is the roadmap.




Deposit insurance system




On the[Deposit insurance act,]


Establish suitable for China's national conditions of financial institutions bankruptcy legal system,Standard financial institutions market withdrawal program,Strengthen administrative exit and judicial bankruptcy effective connection between,is[planning]One of the highlight of.


[planning]Put forward,To strengthen supervision maintain financial stability and security.including,Establish and improve the deposit insurance system and financial institutions market withdrawal mechanism.On the[Deposit insurance act,],Clear the deposit insurance system, the essential function and the organization mode.


Ba shusong analysis,this"1025"Need to promote during a series of financial reform directly related,Such as interest rate marketization and more financial institutions to small and medium-sized enterprises and agriculture, etc/Banking with each passing day diversity, etc,All requires multi-level financial risk prevention system.Deposit insurance system is one of the representative a part.


The anonymous official said,Sound deposit insurance system establishment,To establish financial institutions bankruptcy legal system,Standardize market exit program,What is undoubtedly and guide into financial services,Participate in financial restructuring phase auxiliary matrixes.


[planning]Pointed out that,In the premise of risks are controllable,Encourage and guide the folk capital to participate in the bank/securities/Insurance of the financial orgnaization such as restructuring and increase endowment spread.Support the folk capital to participate in village bank set up/Loan company/The rural mutual cooperatives and so on the new rural financial institutions and petty loan company,To increase"Agriculture, countryside and farmers"And small micro enterprise financial service ability.


Tsinghua university of China and the world economic research center researchers YuanGang Ming Suggestions:The future should further encourage more private capital private bank was established,In the risk can be controlled within the scope of promoting financial development.




RMB settlement of cross-border




There is no clear timetable


As China's financial reform in the most crucial step,RMB convertible once take,China's financial market and international financial markets will greatly enhance the integration of.this,Capital project open has become the focus of concern.


but,RMB capital project is completely let go is a long-term process,Need to interest rate and exchange rate marketization to fit.therefore,[planning]Did not give a clear expected schedule,This reform for left a larger space.


but,Be worth what carry is,this[planning]Not mentioned"RMB internationalization",Only mention"RMB settlement of cross-border".This undoubtedly lasted for the central bank to had been"RMB internationalization"The expression of the take"careful"attitude,And to"RMB cross-border use"Instead of always come ideas.


[planning]Emphasis is,to"Further study to establish the yuan to emerging market currencies bilateral direct exchange rate formation mechanism,Actively promote the yuan to emerging market economies and neighboring countries currency exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market listing."


"Pegging the emerging market economies significance lies in,The development in the regional market advantage."AnBang consulting researcher LiuXiao analysis,"In the currency was not realized a free exchange before,The yuan is not possible to achieve a truly international,Because there is no clear backflow channel."


Since since December 2008,The people's bank and South Korea/Japan/Middle East/Australia/Asean and other countries and regions after signed currency swap,RMB currency swap scale rapid growth.


This also helps to reduce the trade cost/Promote RMB cross-border use and circulation,At the same time also helps to strengthen market on further strengthening the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform of the action.




Monetary policy




Steering price regulation model


"1025"period,Currency regulation will be more outstanding price stability target.As the macroeconomic regulation and control policy,The starting point of the policy to ranked[planning]One of the eight major policy put forward the first.


Has been,China's monetary policy are many targeting management,Among them maintain economic growth/Maintain price stability is the most important two goals.the[planning]Stressed in the currency regulation more outstanding price stability target,Means that the inflation target in the central bank monetary policy than ever before the weight is increased.


Societe generale(601166,guba)Chief economist lu zhengwei analysis think,It contains two aspects of meaning:On the one hand is the mature market economy countries inflation targeting the summed up the experience of and reference,But also to promote market-oriented interest rate more smoothly;On the other hand,More extensive meaning of the overall price level stability,Means not only pay attention to, such as the stability of the CPI commodity prices,The status of the asset prices will also be included in the scope of attention.


An anonymous officials think,The deposit reserve rate is expected to use frequency will be reduced.


but,He stressed that:"Monetary policy is the premise of successful transformation,The deepening of interest rate marketization bring financial market efficiently,Plus the financial enterprise bankruptcy exit mechanism consummation,Otherwise not only control invalid,And the risk will be infinite sweep economy."


Be worth what carry is,In addition to the aim of monetary policies will focus on outside of inflation,Also puts forward more widely attention to the meaning of the overall price level stability,For example,Goods and services,stock/bonds,And real estate price fluctuation.


This may mean that the central bank monetary policy in the future when,May consider asset prices as a important reference.




Insurance rate marketization




There is no mention


The personage inside course of study summarizes,Can be[planning]Involved in the contents of the insurance industry for induction"Three a widening":Diversification of market/Insurance institutions specialization/Operation management marketization and broaden the field of insurance service.And the corresponding policies are mostly made in research.


First of all,In the market diversification of aspects,[planning]Talked about"The normalized development of mutual insurance organization,The pilot set up holding company."


In addition,[planning]Again mentioned"Support to meet the conditions of the state-owned capital/The folk capital and foreign capital investment insurance company."And since 2010 the insurance license since breaking again,All kinds of capital into insurance market,Insurance market main body increased rapidly,At present there is no also slowing trend.


But the new batch of insurance company began to regional/Professional insurance company transformation,[planning]Is in the encourage market diversification is in to encourage insurance institutions specialization.


In addition to the market main body diversification/Insurance institutions other than professional,Operation management is market[planning]The implicit another big policy direction,Mainly manifests in the corporate governance and capital using two big aspects.


the,Corporate governance,The China insurance regulatory commission at the beginning of the study insurance exit mechanism as this year's three big one of the focus.On the other hand,[planning]In many times to mention is insurance funds utilization marketization reform.Including support for qualified small and medium-sized insurance companies set up perfect corporate governance/Equity structure reasonable/Market-oriented operation insurance asset management company,Also includes encouraged asset management product innovation,The steady development of insurance fund investment in real estate and not listed enterprise equity.At present the China insurance regulatory commission plan new 13 new investment comes on stage in succession,Insurance company PE/Real estate licence also in intensive approved.


"but,In the marketization in,[planning]And did not mention rate marketization,The content of free competition,And this is to decide whether or not the key to the insurance market."An insurance company strategy development of them think.




trust/Financial leasing




Become planning blind area


In the interview,Many experts on[planning]For the trust and financial leasing industry lack said don't understand.


Our reporter also noticed that,this[planning]For a bank/insurance/brokers/fund/Futures are made more clear rules,Even as"irregulars"Micro-credit company/Guarantee agencies and pawn lines are mentioned,But less"Financial four pillar"Trust industry, one of the,Pages in the report no"trust"word.


And in"11th five-year plan"planning,For the trust/Leasing company are mentioned."11th five-year plan"Planning made it clear that,will"The trust and investment companies be provide asset management/Financial advisers and other services professional financial institutions.Play a financial leasing company in enterprise technology update/Equipment transformation and small and medium-sized enterprise financing, such as positive role,Encourage commercial bank shares or to set up financial leasing company."


With the rapid expansion of the scale of trust industry,Its importance also gradually revealed.Up to present,The trust assets scale has close to 6 trillion yuan RMB,the,Such cooperation business accounts for more than thirty percent ratio,In addition there are a lot of other channel kind of business.


PuYi wealth related analysts believe,Lack of trust is the direct cause of the other financial institutions of business development,The asset management business has spread to open completely,To trust company business produce extrusion effect.


At present,The bank/brokers/fund/insurance/Futures companies are vigorously develop their own asset management business,Both in the choice of quality products or in the race for the customer,All the trust company competition.


In addition,Trust company independent management ability is not high,"Financing tool"There is no fundamental change roles,Has not yet become typical financial institutions,Is also the marginalization of the internal cause.




Interest rate marketization




There is no quantitative target


Interest rate marketization/The RMB exchange rate formation mechanism is always the focal place of the financial reform,however,the[planning]For the above-mentioned two aspects in the reform of the description and without too much new idea.


"Not only the expression without too much new formulation,and,Also did not give reform key elements clear schedule and quantitative target."An anonymous official told reporters,"Time has just call measures[planning],At present[planning]Or to reform as the main line,Rather than take development as the main line."


In fact,Our country in 1996, realize the interbank lending market interest rate marketization,And in the next ten years,Money market interest rate marketization of continuously perfect.


However today,As an important step of market-oriented interest rate reform,"When lift the ceiling on deposit interest rates/Loan interest rate lower limit,By the commercial bank independent pricing,[planning]Is no clear."


Industrial bank chief economist,Market research director lu zhengwei also point out,The relationship between the reform and promote the harmony and order still failed to clear display,"Interest rate marketization and the coordination between the comprehensive management;Basel agreement and asset securitization/Comprehensive management promote the coordination between the"problems.Lu zhengwei suggestion is,Should further on clarifying the rules.otherwise,Interest rate marketization toward[planning]in"Put to open,workable,Adjustable got"Direction or difficult orderly propulsion.


but,from[planning]That in,Shanghai interbank market interbank lending rates in interest rate marketization will play an important role.


This means that,With the interest rate marketization process of the expansion,Financial products off-balance sheet business development,And commercial Banks to compete for deposit to benchmark deposit rate to rise,Market interest rates and the difference between the benchmark interest rate has been very clear,To SHIBOR as the importance of market benchmark interest rate will continue to improve.




Proportion of direct financing




This paper proposes for the first time quantization index


And different,[planning]This paper first puts forward the development of financial quantitative index:One is the financial services sector accounted for the proportion of GDP remain at around 5%,Second is financial enterprises of our country direct financing accounted for the proportion of social financing scale increased to more than 15%.


"The quantitative target no suspense can finish."Tsinghua university of China and the world economic research center researchers YuanGang Ming think,Index set too low.


The central bank public data display,In 2011, the financial industry sector accounted for more than 5.09%,Direct financing accounted for more than 14%,Has been basically achieve the above targets.


A fact is beyond doubt,Our country direct financing proportion is on the high side is an indisputable fact.


however,This year in credit growth slowdown in the future for a long time,The stock market under the condition of relatively low,Corporate bond financing may be for quite a long time gradually become the main mode of enterprise financing,Its importance will gradually over credit and equity financing.


By the end of August this year,Social financing total scale for 1.24 trillion yuan,The QiYeZhai(258.4 billion yuan)Plus stock financing(20.8 billion yuan)Specific gravity has more than 22%.


so,Raise the proportion of direct financing,Focus on the positive development of the bond market,Rather than the stock market."But it is a pity that,Compared to the stock market reach every aspect of a matter,[planning]The wording of the reform for the bond market is still ambiguous,It's hard to see the determination to reform."AnBang consulting researcher LiuXiao says.


In fact,With the development of China's bond market the main bottleneck is market segmentation and long supervision.[planning]In reference to the bond market development,The bond market is still avoid unified proposition,instead"To strengthen the department coordination",Implication is,"Unified the bond market is not"1025"The major goal of during the financial reform,This means that,Bond market"Many dragon water conservancy"Vested interests pattern is very difficult to be broken."


This article in addition to sign outside all by our reporter XiaXin collection &composition
