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  同学关系 classmates

  同窗之谊是人们在人生经历中极为珍贵的一部分,同学之间的关系既单纯又复杂。一个是大学毕业的崔永元,一个是小学毕业的周立波,两人各自的同学关系又会是怎样的呢?崔永元和周立波同时竞选班干部,谁会笑到最后?两人走向社会后,同学关系与以前又发生了哪些变化?多年后再见,又会演绎出什么样的新故事? CCTV-2央视财经频道9月28日周五晚21:20播出的《小崔说立波秀》敬请收看!

Show me the friendship of people is in the life experience is extremely precious part,The relationship between the students both simple and complex.One is to graduate from the university of cui always dollar,A primary school is the zhou libo,Two people their classmates and will be what kind of?Cui always dollar and zhou libo campaign the class cadre at the same time,Who will be the last laugh?Two people to society after,Classmates before he and what are the changes?After years of goodbye,And will deduce what kind of new story? CCTV - 2 CCTV financial channel on September 28 Friday night broadcast was[Small cui said made wave show]Please watch!


  买卖关系 Business relationship

  商品社会,有买就有卖,生活中最离不开的就是买卖关系。小到衣食住行,大到安居乐业,商家与消费者之间的纠葛也是趣事不断。小崔和波波将如何用幽默的方式解读中国人当下最切身的买卖关系?周立波又是如何扮演奸商?买卖关系之间有哪些不为人知的秘密与智慧?敬请收看CCTV-2 财经频道 《小崔说立波秀》。CCTV-2央视财经频道9月29日周六晚21:20播出的《小崔说立波秀》敬请收看!

Commodity society,Have buy have sell,In the life most cannot leave is business relationship.Small to basic necessities,To live and work in peace and contentment,The tangle between business and consumers is also fun constantly.Small cui and bobo will how to use humor way reading Chinese the most intimate relationship between buying and selling?Zhou libo is how to play profiteer?Trading relationship between what unknown secret and wisdom?Please watch CCTV - 2 Financial channel [Small cui said made wave show].CCTV - 2 CCTV financial channel on September 29 was Saturday night broadcast[Small cui said made wave show]Please watch!


  职场关系 Workplace relations


The so-called workplace like battlefield,How to survive in the workplace,How to better communicate with colleagues and fit,All is a very big science.Leadership and subordinate relationship has always been very complex and full of beauty and significance,How to cut a figure in the job,In addition to their own hard work,And leadership relations are inseparable.Private enterprise from the state-owned enterprises to a foreign company,The relationship between the superior and the subordinate what interesting change it?as"Independent artists"Zhou libo of neither superior nor inferior,So how did he look at the Chinese hierarchy?Name the mouth cui always dollar is how to deal with the relationship between oneself and the superior?CCTV - 2 CCTV financial channel on September 30th was Sunday evening broadcast[Small cui said made wave show]Please watch!


  师生关系 Teacher-student relationship

  师生之情是一项非常值得怀念的情谊,老师教给我们知识和做人,我们回馈老师尊重与感恩。 谁是崔永元和周立波记忆最深刻的老师?他们之间又有着怎样的故事?周立波的童子功练到何种境界?这童子功又有怎样的痛苦回忆?如果让小崔与波波当老师,他们又会怎样去教学生?在故事接龙环节,现场观众又会写出怎样出人意料的话语?CCTV-2央视财经频道10月1日周一晚21:20播出的《小崔说立波秀》敬请收看!

The teachers and students emotion is a very memorable friendship,The teacher teach us knowledge and person,Our teacher feedback respect and gratitude. Who is cui always dollar and zhou libo the deepest memory teacher?They have between what kind of story?Zhou libo's the boy work practice to what kind of state?The lad work and how painful memories?If let small cui and wave when the teacher,And they will be how to teach students?In the story solitaire link,The audience and how to write unexpected words?CCTV - 2 financial channel CCTV on October 1,; the Monday night broadcast[Small cui said made wave show]Please watch!
