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Developed economies of the new currency"loose"wave,CPI has rebounded in China,Cause the market to future imported inflation pressure increasing concerns.At the same time,Upstream of CPI/By the economic trend influence more direct PPI(Industrial producers ex-factory price index)But in the reverse operation,By the end of 2012 on August has continuous 6 months down,Fall and continues to expand.


Seemingly distorted data,Refraction is China's domestic demand weak situation is still no improvement.Enterprise to inventory turn hard and field capacity comprehensive surplus dilemma,Increased industrial production field of deflation malaises.


In business club chief analyst LiuXinTian looks,QE3 for commodities after market good have been digestion,Now has begun to turn back the,"Commodity market most remarkable is in crude oil,This occurs in the QE3 launch soon,Not many people accident".


LiuXinTian think,Crude oil is the earliest QE3 reaction to the most direct,Market outlook will have other varieties can follow QE3 role and extinction"Vanity do faded".


Professional investors Yang hide one's view agree.He thinks,QE3 is actually reduce the Treasury bonds,Equal to the rate cut in disguised form,Makes us dollars funds/Loans more,Led to a dollar denominated commodity prices,"This does not exist inevitable relationship,Decide the final price of raw materials or the demand for them,And for China,At present needs obvious deficiency".


Yang hide one's judgment is not no basis.


As the first index of operation of macro economy,September HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers' index of preview(PMI)47.8,Already continuous 11 months in atrophy.PMI output index was 47.0,Up to 10 months minimum level.That Chinese manufacturing is still faced with a difficult situation.

  发电量也不乐观。电监会9月17日公布数据显示,8月份全社会用电量4495亿千瓦时,同比增长3.58%。增速创出今年2月公布用电量数据以来的新低。 狭义货币供给量M1增速一直被视为反映企业资金状况和经济景气度的重要信号。8月末M1同比增速只有4.5%,虽比4、5月份的历史低点有所上升,但依然处于极低水平。

Power generation is not optimistic.Electric prison will be September 17 released data show,August 449.5 billion kilowatt-hours power consumption in the whole society,Year-on-year growth of 3.58%.Growth this year makes February since power consumption data low. Narrow money supply M1 growth has been regarded as reflecting enterprise capital position and economic boom of important signal.Late August M1 only 4.5% year-on-year growth,Is more than 4/The history of the may low increased,But still at a very low level.


Anxi senior fixed income securities analyst pointed out that JingXiao reach,If the real economy refers to the industrial enterprise or manufacturing enterprise situation,The Chinese economy is very early in deflation and excess capacity of the state.


however,At present CPI and PPI movements deviation,No doubt increased the difficulty of policy judgment.


Reporter found that comparative historical data,Nearly 10 years,CPI and PPI trend very consistent,The PPI for negative growth,Can bring CPI subsequent negative growth.A recent is December 2008 to November 2009,PPI continuous appeared 12 months of negative growth,CPI is in two months later,From February 2009 to October 2009 continuous nine months of negative growth.


"At present it is difficult to CPI and PPI together into deflation state reason is there are many structural problems,These structural problems embodied in labor costs and related project price under a lot of pressure."JingXiao reach to[Financial country weekly]reporters.


By the Chinese academy of social sciences financial key laboratory director/Huatai securities(601688,guba)Chief economist LiuYuHui put forward a new proposition:Asset deflation and price inflation can steady state long time existence?In his view,This is a kind of unstable state.The final trend or price deflation."We speak debt risk actually finally growth out of the question,Income growth couldn't keep up with the speed of debt expansion,Inflation expectations upgrade eventually lead to bubble burst."


Issued by the people's university of China[In the third quarter of 2012 China's macro economic situation analysis and forecast report]Pointed out that,The government is taking the market as the leading,Through the adjustable structure to ensure steady economic sustainable growth,Should be the primary choice of policy objectives.The report recommends that the,The government needs to further advance the industrialization and urbanization."Further industrialization and urbanization is not only a great demand for the release/Stable short-term growth effective means,Is also the point of structural adjustment and important way of realizing."


In China people's university, vice President of the school of economics LiuYuanChun looks,Construction project investment to stable economic growth will have certain effect,But this effect is not stimulating.Now the next step will also see China in economic decline,The central bank and/In October, will be in a state of wait-and-see.Basically see 9/In October, the strength of the rebound inflation,CPI back to 3% of the words,If the central bank to cut interest rates further,Back to the era of budget,On asset price reversal is a stimulus.


He thinks,In the global take positive monetary policy,For reversal of capital should also have some prospective judgment,May be because of the fluctuation of exchange rate will be moderately increasing,Monetary authorities can moderate increase currency loose degree."At present monetary policy should intensify the entity economic penetration and support,Rather than simply release liquidity."
