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On September 5,,"Sovereign wealth funds international BBS"The fourth meeting held in Mexico City,BBS chairman JinLiQun from five years old birthday is about to usher in the China investment co., LTD(said"cic").
As China's only sovereign wealth funds - cic supervisors long,JinLiQun was appointed to superintend BBS chairman in addition to have the strength of a country's endorsement,To a great extent, also reflects the international society to cic recognized gradually.
then,Sovereign wealth funds to the rapid growth,Is becoming the international financial market and an important force in international investment.According to the international monetary fund prediction,In 2013,,Global sovereign wealth fund management of the assets will reach $3.4 trillion to $5.8 trillion scale.
but,Although sovereign-wealth fund scale and influence are increasing,But in recent years,The international capital market character its cloud,Financial crisis on the global economic and financial market caused huge impact.As China's only sovereign wealth funds - initial registered capital of $200 billion of cic,The asset allocation and investment activities also met with severe challenges.
Five years,Cic is in such an environment to load and the self evolution.In the process,Cic every small action all can affect the public opinion at home and abroad sensitive nerve,And it has always been low-key prudent style,To the outside world and leave infinite imagination.
“积极的少数投资者” "Positive minority investors"
The international society for cic acceptance and recognition don't come easy.
As the government own or control of investment tools,Sovereign wealth funds are not new things.The investment from Kuwait(KIA)Since the establishment of 1953,The existence of sovereign wealth funds for half a century.With the 2007 cic and Russian sovereign wealth funds and the establishment of the development of overseas investment,Europe and the United States and other countries protectionism looked up,To cross-border capital have doubts,Think that they not only the pursuit of economic interests,Still has certain geopolitical purpose,And so on foreign investment set all kinds of difficulties,Also hope that through formulating the international economic rules for the sovereign wealth fund behavior and activity to restrict and constraint.
October 17, 2007,Cic was founded in less than a month's time,Western group of seven summit communique issued,For the international community to establish as soon as possible sovereign wealth fund operation specification,And in the international monetary fund(IMF)And the world bank's annual meeting for authorized IMF to regulation and constraint sovereign wealth fund behavior of so-called"Best code of conduct".No doubt,Western powers were mainly in the point/Russia two emerging economies.
In order to alleviate the pressure from investment recipient country,At the same time also to strive for greater voice,The cic attended the sovereign wealth fund international group and sovereign wealth funds[San Diego principle]Drafting group work,And the other emerging market sovereign wealth funds and the us and Europe and other western countries in equal dialogue,Effectively won the rules of the dominant right.
2008年10月, 《圣地亚哥原则》在美国华盛顿于IMF和世界银行年会期间正式颁布;在2011年5月于北京召开的第三次主权财富基金国际论坛年会上,中投公司监事长金立群当选为论坛主席。
In October 2008, [San Diego principle]In Washington in the IMF and the world bank during the annual meeting was formally promulgated;In May 2011 held in Beijing's third sovereign wealth fund international BBS annual meeting,Cic supervisors long JinLiQun was elected chairman of the BBS.
At present,In the oecd's push down,Some investment recipient country the government has taken measures to welcome and attract foreign investment,And with including sovereign wealth funds, foreign investors to establish a good relationship of mutual trust and cooperation.however,In other countries,Foreign investors/Especially the sovereign wealth fund investment still faces all sorts of obstacles and too strict regulatory constraints.Especially in the current global economic recovery continued weakness,Trade and investment protectionism have looked up,This would impact global investment environment,Also can give cic such long-term institutional investors caused great pressure.
Cic GaoXiQing general manager this points out:"In the development of foreign investments,On the one hand to make the best use of local laws/tax/Accounting professional consultants,Avoid making stupid gauge.On the other hand we should particularly exquisite propulsion trading methods,Pay attention to and regulators clear/Barrier-free communication,And pay attention to and investment recipient country legislation/Administrative institutions and related items involved in the industry and the social group for effective government relations/Public relations work."
In the past five years of investment practice,Cic to more than 100 countries/More than 70 segments of the industry"Foreign investment access and regulatory policy"The inductive research,And of the investment policy guidelines,To be familiar with and to abide by the investment recipient country and regional laws and regulations with declare obligations.meanwhile,Cic active with international financial institutions and the host country regulators communication propaganda work.Not only pay attention to and global financial community/Relevant international organizations/Investment recipient country government and supervision department and so on various aspects maintain constant contact and dialogue,Also through the hold and take part in all kinds of Chinese and foreign high-end international conferences and more important/Bilateral dialogue and consultation activities,Promote and safeguard the interests of the company,Propaganda company investment policy and idea,Promote global financial stability and capital and investment cross-border free flow.
"[San Diego principle]Promulgated since four years,Cic to perform the principle,To carry out commercial operation,Pursuit of financial returns,timely/Transparent publishing audited annual report cic,The international community has extensive understanding and recognition.We do not seek to control the investment of enterprise,But beg do positive with minority investors.this‘positive’Refers to help the investment enterprises realize the value growth,"Cic chairman and chief executive officer LouJiWei when being interviewed by the media said.
In April 2012,Special responsible for cic overseas investment for an international co., LTD. Is a wholly owned subsidiary of through spend about $425 million m,The way to private placement acquisition of Russia's largest gold producer pulis about 5% of the equity,Is do"Positive minority investors"The typical cases of.
5% of the equity investment seems to be not worth too much attention.Little imagine,The Russian government to similar gold mine, etc"Strategic assets"Implement strict protection,Foreign capital especially foreign sovereign capital penetration ratio is extremely low.Cic's investment,No doubt landmark significance.
Central university of finance and economics institute of finance professor wen to into in accepting[Financial country weekly]A reporter to interview said,"5% of the equity investment ratio is not high,(cic)More is from‘Go out’To develop the market need,Also reflected the state-owned enterprise strategic consideration."
And China's foreign exchange investment research institute President TanYaLing more from the market's perspective to[Financial country weekly]Reporter analysis,"The current market capital common focus on energy resources field,With a certain sense also belong to common investment company,Also consider the market hot spot.Cannot because cic government background is simple to understand for its investment behavior must be implied a national strategic thinking."
捐赠基金模式 Donated fund mode
In addition to the international community and investment recipient country recognition,Cic still need to face comes from external especially the media attention to its performance.
Cic talked about the performance of pressure,LouJiWei said,"Compared with foreign investment for institutions,Cic has its own difficulties.Cic capital cost is high,At the beginning of its establishment,Every working day required a 300 million yuan RMB profits,Just enough to cover the cost expenditure and the requirements of the shareholder's return on investment".
Another heavy pressure is from external expectations,TanYaLing told this reporter interview said,"After all,consensus,The national level of investment is the best.The government background for the public's imagination."
Cic of insiders[Financial country weekly]reporters,Each year, the company to foreign disclosure of annual report,Led directly to the outside excessive pay close attention to its short-term gains.Report disclosure short-term earnings is a time to reflect on node,In fact,Short-term rate of return is always changing,And can't take place of long-term investment value.
Also because of this,Through the asset allocation to realize long-term goals and short-term fluctuations in coordination,Cic become in the investment strategy of the biggest problems.
According to the reporter learned from the investment company,For cic such large institutional investors speaking,Asset allocation is the top priority of the investment activities,Usually decide portfolio risk and income characteristics.From the asset allocation of international experience to look at,The traditional mode to use 60% allocation in stock/40% of the configuration in bonds"60/40"mode,To open market investment primarily.The model based on the stocks and bonds of the prospective earnings/Risk characteristics and correlation,To optimize the portfolio,Given the risk level, realizes the income maximization,Or given the expected earning goal pursued portfolio risk minimum.
Since the 1980 s,Investors come to realize the market also exists some can bring excess return assets,The excess returns from the non-traditional sense of some of the characteristics,Such as assets shall not BianXianXing/Long investment horizon and nontransparent market valuations factors.
In the United States Yale university and Harvard University endowments as a representative of donated fund in the traditional asset allocation on the basis of the model of,A large number of private equity fund increased/infrastructure/Real estate/Hedge funds and alternative assets,Aims to obtain high equity beta open by inflation adjusted long-term real income,And based on assets decentralization to realize the combination of risk decentralization,Greatly reduced combination of volatility and downside risks.The current,"Donated fund mode"Has become the mainstream of the international large fund configuration mode,Alternative asset allocation portfolio reached 30%.To 2008 before the international financial crisis,"Donated fund mode"Made in comparison with the traditional asset allocation model better returns.
With insiders say,After the establishment of cic,to"Donated fund mode"As a frame,According to the characteristics and China's national conditions,Develop their own diversified asset allocation model.As long-term investors,Cic alternative assets investment has comparative advantage,Can play their own investment cycle long advantage,Through the long-term holding get higher investment income.At present,Cic's asset class is divided into five categories:cash/stock/Fixed income/Absolute returns and long-term assets.the,Cic will flood industry straight investment/Extensive private equity industry/Of resource and energy/Real estate and infrastructure to for long-term investment,And give the high allocation proportion.
meanwhile,Cic in overseas investment also pay special attention to some back China factors of direct investment.China is the world's fastest growing economies,Its continuing/Rapid growth become the global many corporate income and profit growth and source,Cic can through the investment companies share the results of economic growth in China.For example,Cic long-term assets configuration has a larger percentage of resource and energy investment,Hope that through increased investment in emerging market access,Especially China sustainable economic development of exposure.
By the end of June 2012,Cic overseas investment business annualised yield up to 3.9%,Higher than international donated fund annualised rate of return in value,In the turbulent global economic and financial market,Have a better way to realize the value of the state foreign exchange assets.
投资策略演进 Investment strategy evolution
With insiders also said,Achievement is a joy,But the financial crisis in the asset allocation model exposed some problems also cannot ignore."Donated fund mode"Under the framework of most of the assets by growth factors drive,And growth factors related assets contributed more than 90% of the risk,Seemingly diversified asset allocation,The risk in high concentration.Crisis between different asset classes and the relationship between regional assets increased significantly,mine,Investment portfolio in the short term appear larger fluctuation,And faced with large depth impairment risk.In addition,Cic's long-term asset allocation proportion is higher,Especially have more energy and financial resources, such as periodic industry investment,These assets fluctuation rate than the whole combination,Increases the control the difficulty of short-term volatility.
The current,Global investors are to explore more effective asset allocation model.the,Based on risk factors rather than asset classes in a portfolio diversification risk factor configuration/Risk parity configuration received more attention.
For example,Some institutions will asset income of the main driving factor is divided into economic risks/Real interest rates/inflation/credit/liquidity/Political risk six big kinds,And sure to six kind of factor risk allocation proportion and the corresponding asset allocation proportion.Denmark pension funds/The United States Alaska the permanent fund/California civil service pension fund institution, etc are actively practice the model.
Another to explore more improvement direction in asset allocation is introduced into the policy mix,According to middle(Three years)Economic situation and asset valuation,Combined with long-term assets investment progress to strategic asset allocation scheme for correction,The future of the formation of 1-3 years of combined constructing target,And every year in review,This configuration mode relative can accommodate more long-term assets.Ontario teacher fund/Australia's future fund/California civil servants funds and Texas teacher fund, a number of other agencies have adopted the mode.
No doubt,Any kind of asset allocation models need to accept the test of time,Need to pass different economic cycle and market environment to fully reflects its investment effect.February,Cic invited teachers Texas retirement fund,California civil service pension fund/Singapore investment administration/Canada pension plan administration and other international trade institutions in China,As to how to better asset allocation/Combination construct and illiquid assets and hedge fund investment were discussed.
In addition,Cic improvement investment strategy is an important direction is more risk dimensions from knowledge assets and carry out configuration.Cic has established many assets operating combination,Practice risk parity configuration mode,This combination operation since its establishment in good condition.In the long-term assets,Cic increased infrastructure/Real estate stable income kind asset allocation proportion,With the core class physical assets investment primarily,Pay attention to the quality of project cash flow.Cic has set up a file in the UK/Australia and other countries carried out infrastructure investment,February spend £ 276 million to buy the British times water 8.68% of the company equity.
meanwhile,In early 2011, cic will investment cycle extended to 10 years,The rolling annual return of investment performance evaluation as an important index.At present,Cic basically achieved ManCang operation.In the investment area also have to be adjusted,Cic relative reduced in North America and Latin America the proportion of the investment,The increase in the Asia Pacific/The proportion of the investment in Europe and Africa.
According to investment scale expands unceasingly/Investment products has become increasingly rich and colorful/Investment strategy with each passing day diversity, etc,Cic further strengthening the risk management system construction,To risk management functions integration,Realize the market risk/Credit risk/Concentration risk/Liquidity risk/Operational risk of unified management,And the legal risk/Reputation risk and so on more strict control.
"From the case,Do due diligence is very important",LouJiWei interviewed by the media said,"In addition,With the local funds or joint investors cooperation is also good wind control measures,They are more familiar with the local resources,Or in a professional and industry have more experience,Joint investment,Disperse investment risk."
自我进化 Self evolution
To better capture the message get capital market,Cic is in itself a management structure of adjustment and change.
In September of 2011,Cic will YuanGuoJi business spin-off to new established an international co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"An international"),And the central huijin investment co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"The central huijin company")And cic listed as a wholly owned subsidiary,Independently carry out relevant business.
According to the adjustment scheme,An international fully inherited the original cic overseas investment business and its operating principle and operation mode,Huijin company is to continue to perform the important state-owned financial institutions equity investment,In the exercise of the right to investors and to perform its obligations and duties.
The restructuring, the most important significance lies in,Cic of overseas investment main body is its independent subsidiary,No longer is the central huijin company as the government financial platform and bank holding company qualitative problems.
在中投公司作为资本金的2000亿美元中,包括此前央行通过中央汇金公司向国有银行注资的670亿美元。这部分由财政部通过发行特别国债,以债权换取央行在中央汇金公司的股权的形式,将中央汇金公司整体并入了中投公司。 中央汇金公司为中投公司的业绩贡献突出。2008年和2009年,中投公司的全球投资组合回报率为-2.1%和11.7%,而同期合并中央汇金公司业绩后的资本回报率立刻大增,分别为6.8%和12.9%,这一比例至2010年升至13.7%。
In the cic as the capital of $200 billion,Including after the central bank through the central huijin company of state-owned bank transfers to $67 billion.This part by issuing special bonds by the ministry of finance,In exchange for the central bank creditor's rights in the central huijin company in the form of equity,Will the central huijin company whole into cic. The central huijin company for cic performance outstanding contribution.In 2008 and 2009,Cic global portfolio returns for - 2.1% and 11.7%,Over the same period, the central huijin company merger after the performance of a return on capital immediately,Were 6.8% and 12.9% respectively,This proportion to 2010 to 13.7%.
Cic said in the annual report,"The central huijin company has independent board of directors/The board of supervisors and management team.Cic's global investment business and central huijin company on behalf of the state of a state-owned financial institutions between equity investment,strict‘firewall’measures."
Even so,Outside the cic performance, rely on the central huijin company says still talking.The establishment of an international,Make this a trouble to eliminate:An international future in the overseas investments,Will no longer have repeated explanation and the relationship between the central huijin company,The commercial principle is more effective play.
Greater change maybe in the future.A recent period of time,The market of the central huijin company's future is independent and whether merge financial problems such as the sasac all sorts of rumors narrative.
"Cic now place very passive,The book was written losses for huge deficit,And profit and is said to be huijin contribution.If huijin stripping out,But an international is really ripe moment."A person familiar with cic said people.
Let the commercial principle in cic effectively play there are another disorder,That is the board of directors is existing strong administrative color.The people's bank of China/The national development and reform commission/The sasac of the state council/The ministry of commerce are sent directors or supervisors of power,The company and the directors have 10 is deputy ministry class above officials.
"Officials is the most adept at grasp the macro economic situation,Lack of economic management experience.From the market point of view,Attract talents should lay particular emphasis on practical experience and experience",TanYaLing also said,"Cic as a special have‘Chinese characteristics’Investment institutions,In the development in the market and the dilemma,I can pretty much understand."
From the current overseas investment to see,Talent is still a bottleneck.Cic also admits,In the face of great talent competition pressure,The company has committed to the human resource management system construction.
Five years,Cic through the sovereign wealth fund orientation,International investment platform and market operation mechanism attracted a large number of overseas financial talent back to China development.By June 2012,Cic overseas investment part has 405 employees,165 of them have overseas working experience,Chinese of foreign nationality 44 people,There is no lack of among them in the international large investment Banks or fund for many years/Has rich experience in investment top talents.
But in the face of financial industry talents highly competitive real,To keep the talented not only need the support platform,An need in the enterprise culture and incentive system on further.
At present the company is devoting to build an"Team with"Enterprise culture,Hope to make under the different culture background staff can form the common values and behavior criterion,To improve the company's sense of trust/Loyalty and cohesion.
meanwhile,Cic has gradually set up with the company development strategy phase matching/multi-level/Multidimensional incentive mechanism,Give full play to the performance bonus of incentive and constraint function,Make it become the motivation and keep backbone talents effective means.
主权财富基金 Sovereign wealth funds
It is to point to by the government have/Used for special purpose of investment funds or institutional arrangements.The established by the government,Service in macroeconomic goals,Hold and manage assets,And using a set of investment strategy to achieve financial goals.
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