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September,Three big stock exchange, Shanghai stock exchange/Shanghai futures exchange/China financial futures exchange the position of general manager is done replacement.


adjusted,ZhangYuJun back after 12 years of securities regulatory commission chairman assistant.ZhangYuJun is in 2000 from CSRC to ShenZhengSuo,Let ShenZhengSuo deputy secretary of the party committee/The general manager,From February 2008, vice secretary of party sse infonet availability/The general manager.


Take ZhangYuJun is yellow, yuan,Interesting is,Yellow, yuan in 4 years ago had held now take over the position,After transfer securities regulatory commission zang jingfan, director of institutions.Yellow, yuan have been at the CSRC international department is responsible for enterprise overseas listing work,Because have strong international background,The former is considered yellow yuan good sse infonet international board launch.


recent,And yellow ShenZhengSuo SongLiPing general manager and the deputy general manager LiZhengJiang zhongjin standing, to each big overseas market will carry out the global road shows,Introduce QFII mechanism to attract more investors entering the domestic capital market.


The new general manager by the previous LiuNengYuan replaced the original Yang mai army.Prior period had planned launch task of crude oil futures,Should fall on LiuNengYuan shoulders.


LiuNengYuan had RenTianJin securities regulatory bureau chief,Then for financial innovation has specially set up to work across the room"Financial innovation support and supervision work group".


After a hired,ZhuYuChen was appointed to superintend the Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,guba)President,Take him to become zhongjin the secretary of the party committee/The general manager is in the securities regulatory commission do audit work ZhangShenFeng.


ZhangShenFeng in 2007 up to participate in the China securities law enforcement system reform,As securities regulatory commission inspection corps ZongDuiChang first,In October 2011,ZhangShenFeng advancements audit director.


- XiaoYan shavings


Fund to constitute


Expansion dig Angle war


With the expansion of the fund company,Fund industry talent shortage are called-are,So fund committee to each other between dig Angle phenomenon appeared.


Since 2010, the new fund company since breaking again for examination and approval,Thirteen home new fund company established,JiangXin/The east China sea, etc and companies are waiting for the examination and approval.In addition,There are a number of agencies in waiting for the first time the CSRC written feedback.Industry rapid arms expansion,Hematopoietic function is relatively limited,Talents come from?


[lujiazui(600663,guba)]The reporter learns,Some funds between each other to constitute began to dig Angle.


Generally speaking,Fund company to constitute the core members mostly from the securities industry old man.In addition,Shareholders will also provide some support,But talent shortage is still hard to avoid.


"Preparatory group from other people to constitute dig,I think that is next three abuse,To a certain extent is stealing."A fund company preparatory group leader in with this reporter exchanges dig Angle problem,Don't hide his anger.


In his view,Preparatory group in the mature fund company who dig fair understanding.Preparatory group will give new members provide will be on a higher level of the platform.


however,Preparatory group members have from fund company for a period of time,Between constitute dig Angle is no baseline behavior.Loss of personnel to interfere with the operation preparatory group,More deadly is,Many of whom get poached personnel constitute the hand some of the core secrets,Such as the train of thought of product innovation and investment research direction,To constitute to cause serious damage.


A fund industry to senior headhunting[lujiazui]Reporter confirmed,Recent do exist between constitute the personnel flow.


Prepare and plan to constitute member induction to sign the agreement,Have the obligation to keep confidential.And according to the preparatory group leader is introduced,In fact,Confidentiality agreement is difficult to form effective constraint,Most of the time are on old parchment.


- NingPeng


Harmony in the trust




Crazy ordos(600295,guba)Is for the impulse of the foam type economic pay a painful price.Since this year,Ordos banking bad debt surge,And once depth to participate in the region real estate/Mineral such as part of the project financing and trust company,Also falls into the passive situation.


Statistics found that,Common involved six trust company and product,Which expires this year's trust scale up to 2.564 billion yuan,Casting used for real estate product scale accounted for more than 50%;And since this year issue of trust product scale is still more than 2 billion yuan.


It melt in the trust has 1.16 billion yuan trust products expires this year,Accounts for nearly 50% of total plan than.


May 10, 2011,It melt in the trust issue of the one called"Ordos ejin horo banner shantytowns renovation project trust plans of assembled funds"products,Trust scale is 1.164 billion yuan,Term 18 months,A full year can end in advance,Annual return of 9.5% ~ 12%,Be in ordos issued such as the largest trust products.


In recent years,It melt in trust expand rapidly.From 2008 to 2011,It melt in the trust assets management scale is 70.8 billion yuan respectively/132.3 billion yuan/182 billion yuan/178.4 billion yuan(The trust assets scale is 174.2 billion yuan,Self-owned assets of 4.2 billion yuan);By the end of 2011 the company net assets 3.321 billion yuan.


Although expansion mode sometimes in the industry by the question,But performance keep sharp increase.By the end of 2011,It melt in trust realize all kinds of business income is 2.926 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 66.94%;Realize after-tax net profit of 1.053 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 51.55%.


- ZhanChen


Banks fierce business


To deposit/Lend money/Purchases of resale consisting of the trade assets is becoming bank assets is one of leading role.Banks in the first half of the rapid development of the business,A certain degree to make up for the credit scale restricted and narrow spreads the negative effect.


2012 listed Banks center daily news show,16 listed Banks assets the year-on-year growth rate more than 50% of up to 11,Far more than the same period listed bank asset growth.


Because of the credit control the market funds rate is higher,Since last year listed Banks more choice through the trade business to rapid expansion of asset scale,Even through the trade business innovation increasing credit scale.


In the first half of,Societe generale(601166,guba)Trade asset scale ranked top of listed Banks,Trade business income contribution to a new high.By the end of June,Societe generale trade asset scale up to 1.1017 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 75.6%;The proportion of the total assets of 39.62%,Becomes the first trade asset exceeds the bank of loan.


Earlier positioning on the development of trade and capital business societe generale,It may be said innovation trade business of beneficiaries.Industrial bank opened in 2007 silver silver platform,To small and medium-sized Banks output technology and management,And like to take this opportunity to expand the network/Absorption trade deposit.Societe generale again through purchases of resale channels to achieve trade assets such as using,For trade business spread income.


but,CBRC formally issued in recently[On regulating trade pay for another business management of the notice],Provisions Banks trade pay for another business must follow"Three real"principle.This or to trade business growth impact.


- YangSiYuan


Trust account to restart,Private enthusiastically


The end of August,China securities depository and clearing co., LTD. Published a notice,Trust company can open a securities account to participate in securities trading.


This means that,In 2009 in order to prevent the trust company abuse, open account temporarily suspended play new shares of the securities investment trust companies to open an account to breaking the.


Due to the above ban,Trust account for less than for led to account costs high,In the market good time,Need to trust platform hair products sunshine private can regardless of the cost;But the markets continue to slump,Private products is also so poor performance,And trust securities account to restart,Should be able to reduce the private in the account the costs.


By this news stimulation,Part of the sunshine private already in and trust company to negotiate the opening securities account things,Only wait for the ripe for entering the market copy the bottom.Media survey,In a trust account after the restart,Nearly two-thirds of private said intend to release new products.


Wind data display,The first week of September 10 only sunshine was private,Six of them only for fixed income class sunshine private products,3 for stock direction sunshine private products,1 for innovative products.


It is important to note that,Close to a period of time a lot of sunshine private products is on the verge of liquidation,The personage inside course of study thinks market performance improvement is the key to the development of private equity.


- XiaoYan shavings
