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  最近,在一档电视节目中,与专家们谈论美国QE3对全球经济的影响时,笔者认为,如果说QE1是救市(将濒临崩盘的大宗商品市场从悬崖边拉回来);QE2就是造势 (将大宗商品市场再一次推向高峰);QE3就是托市。

recently,On a television program,And experts talk about the United States QE3 when impact on the global economy,The author thinks that,If QE1 is to rescue the city(Will be on the verge of collapse commodity market pull back from the edge of the cliff);QE2 is ascribed (The commodity market once again to the peak);QE3 is UK.


to"UK"A word,Many people do not understand,Think the fed there is no need to UK.And the author has been worried about,In the debt crisis endless background,In emerging markets, including China, national economy are appear under the background of ebb tide,Commodity markets could once again big ebb tide?And in commodity markets after the ebb,By huge losses and who would it be?


The author in the study of the international three big iron ore giant after equity structure,Found that Goldman sachs and Morgan Stanley and other international financial giant crocodile of equity by more than 60%;In the international crude oil market,Whether it is engaged in exploration or trade,The vast majority of the company's controlling interest are the United States financial croc complete control;The international financial giant crocodile position more and the debt,Due to the large amount of position,Is also difficult to quit.obviously,If the international commodities market slump,The debt slump,Lose the biggest must be America's financial giant crocodile.therefore,"UK"Is the background of the,Is accord with the United States in the U.S. interests, especially the interests of the financial giant crocodile.


The fed's equity though not international financial giant crocodile control,But there are a lot of people and the international financial giant crocodile exist countless ties.According to this reasoning,There is a great relationship between QE3 and UK,The fed through the announced that the future will unrestrainedly to buy Treasury bonds,The heart is one of the world's major central Banks have to drive the super loose,Loose monetary,International bulk commodity market price will be able to maintain in relatively high,The United States financial giant crocodile can profit,Super loose monetary,A weaker dollar will be long,The euro can maintain in"Time high",Even high,The United States financial giant crocodile can quietly retreat.


If the expected by the market believe that,Plus emerging market economic countries by the central bank"flicker"Or be"DaoBi"Have to follow up to relax monetary policy,Will further aggravate global monetary market is expected to increase loose,This is expected to cover the international financial giant crocodile retreat best smoke bomb.In fact,The international financial giant crocodile do not look good commodity markets,Do not expect the debt market,But they want to retreat,Who will flange?This is QE3 role.Who believe QE3,Who would buy commodity/Buy crude oil/Buy European debt.Now look at,Believe that the person many,therefore,The future of results must be,The international financial giant crocodile ran,And global investors, especially in emerging market economies investors,Will quilt cover in high.

  笔者现在的观点是,对大宗商品市场近期的反弹不能追,对欧元更不能再抱幻想,欧元兑美元现在仍然徘徊在1:1.30左右,这正是美联储和欧洲央行共同“托市”的结果。国际金融巨鳄希望欧元兑美元能够反弹到1:1.30,因此我们在这个点位上做空或者止损最好。现在许多分析师还认为,如果本月西班牙能够主动申请援助,欧债危机将大大趋缓,欧元兑美元可能有更大的上涨空间,比如在站稳1:1.30后,会再升至1:1.33。而笔者的看法恰恰相反,首先笔者绝对不相信欧洲央行有那么多钱,它也无法筹集这么多钱,即使有2000亿欧元,很快也会用完,如果它真的开始买西班牙债券,该国国债一定会遭遇卖盘,意大利国债的卖盘则会更凶 (因为欧洲央行不买),两国国债收益率都会很快回升至7%以上。因为市场一定会发现:欧洲央行的钱很快就没有了,如果靠印钞票,欧元将暴跌。

The author's point of view is now,For commodity markets recent rebound can't chase,The euro more can't illusions,The euro against the dollar is still hovering in 1:1.30 or so,This is what the federal reserve and the European central bank common"UK"results.The international financial giant crocodile hope the euro against the dollar could rebound to 1:1.30,So we at this point on empty or stop the best.Now many analysts also believe that,If this month Spain can active application aid,The debt crisis will greatly slowed,The euro against the dollar could have more rise space,For example, in stand 1:After 1.30,Will further to 1:1.33.And the author's view on the contrary,First of all the author absolute don't believe that the European central bank has so much money,It also can't raise so much money,Even if a 200 billion euro,Soon will run out,If it really started to buy Spanish bonds,The country's national debt will encounter selling,Italian national debt of selling will be more fierce (Because the European central bank do not buy),The two countries bond yields will soon picked up to more than 7%.Because the market must be found:The European central bank money soon have no,If, by printing money,Euro will crash.


Key points in,The European central bank debt purchase behavior is difficult to drive the global buyers buy together,The result is very possible instead,European central bank debt in to buy,Several countries in central bank carefully follow up,The international financial giant crocodile was massive shipment,Those who once for the European central bank purchase debt decided to applaud/1 vigorously agitated the fed QE3 launched the international financial giant crocodile,Will again put on successfully"Escape from victory".

  “订悦2013” 《每日经济新闻(博客,微博)》大征订活动,订报有礼。http://www.nbd.com.cn/corp/2013dingyue/index.html

"Order yue 2013" [Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)]Big to subscribe to the activities,DingBao polite.http://www.nbd.com.cn/corp/2013dingyue/index.html
