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  ■主持人 沐 籽

S host soak up the seed

  基建投资“井喷 银行服务风险

Infrastructure investment"Blowout banking risk


Year-on-year growth of 111%

  据《经济参考报》报道,铁路基建投资已开始朝着近5000亿元的年度目标发力。10日,铁道部官方网站公布了9月份铁路基建投资数据,数据显示,9月份全国铁路基本建设投资642 .7亿元,相比去年同期的304 .1亿元,同比增长111.3%;相比今年8月的393.3亿元,环比增长了63%。

According to[Economic reference to]reports,Railway construction investment has begun in nearly 500 billion yuan of annual target hair force.10,The ministry of railways official website announced the September railway infrastructure investment data,Data display,In September the national railway basic construction investment 642. 700 million yuan,Compared with the same period last year 304. 100 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 111.3%;This year compared to August 39.33 billion yuan,Link increased by 63%.

  ◎ 为完成年度目标,铁路基建自9月份呈现“井喷”态势。在剩下的三个月的时间里,铁路基建投资要完成2040亿元,平均每月完成投资680亿元,铁路基建投资的“井喷”将贯穿至年底。每年年末前保障房开工量的大跃进,与铁路基建的井喷一样,都属于在年底到来前抢工开工。如何有条理有秩序地安排工程进度,保质保量完成工程,才是基建最重要的问题。

Money to complete the annual target,Railway infrastructure present since September"blowout"situation.In the rest of the three months,Railway infrastructure investment to complete 204 billion yuan,The average monthly completed investment of 68 billion yuan,Railway construction investment"blowout"Will run through to the end of the year.At the end of each year ago safeguard room starts of the great leap forward,With the railway infrastructure as the blowout,All belong to come at the end of the year before start the work.How to organized orderly arrangement work progress,Accomplishing engineering,Infrastructure is the most important issue.


Shanghai pudong development ATM machine frequency now system failure


According to Chinese JingJiWang reports,Recently had the customer complaint said,In the use of Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,guba)ATM machine time,Screen appeared"According to the access scan news"Dialog box,The contents of the dialog is displayed as"Trojan or(virus)deleted"".Two people worry about their own information will being stolen,Thus affecting the use card safety.

  ◎ 浦发银行解释称,为保证客户交易数据的安全,该行一直采用专业的防病毒软件在交易非繁忙时段定期自动对各台自助设备进行扫描,保障自助设备的安全性。在机器进行病毒扫描时,应该显示暂停服务,但是出现问题的机器一边扫描病毒一遍提供客户自主服务,着实让用户担忧。随着网银、ATM机等自助服务的日益增多,银行应该抓紧完善自助服务。

Shanghai pudong development bank money explanation says,In order to ensure the safety of the clients' transaction data,The bank has been using professional anti-virus software in trading day time than regular automatic on the table self-service equipment scanning,Ensure the safety of self-service equipment.In the machine for virus scan,Should display suspended service,But problems of machine side virus scanning again provide independent service,Really allow the user to worry.Along with the net/ATM machine self-service of growing,The bank should take the perfect self-service.


Xian quasi sign lease tax ease financial strain


According to[Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)]reports,October 8,Xian government convened board of managing directors,Principle through the[Xi an integrated ZhiShui work implementation opinions].The meeting,Dong jun xian city mayor for finance/The tax authorities to carry out investigation,Can work out the xian housing rental tax collection and administration measures.In fact,As early as in 2010,The local financial department had to xi an NPC standing committee report revealed,Pilot house lease tax collection as soon as possible,But as a result of private rental market is more dispersive and chaos,Collection cost is too high,Collection work progressed slowly.

  ◎ 经济增速大幅放缓,土地财政几近断炊。在财政收入普遍吃紧的情况下,增税似乎成了地方政府用以“解渴”的不二法门。其实,房屋租赁税占财政收入的比例并不高,但是它作为地方税种,在政府土地财政困难、财政收入压力加大时,地方政府就会对此类税种加强征管以增加税收。

Money growth slowed sharply,Land financial nearly go hungry.In the financial income generally a tight circumstances,Tax increases seems to become used to the local government"quench"The one and only way of.In fact,Housing rental tax accounted for the proportion of financial income is not high,But it as a local taxes,On government land financial difficulties/Fiscal revenue increased pressure when,Local governments will strengthen such taxes to increase the tax collection and management.


Haagen-dazs and other international brand


Referred to the double standards in China


According to[Yang cheng evening news]reports,In Beijing and Shanghai,Haagen-dazs single ball or double ball ice cream teem below the mark of weight,As a multinational brand,This kind of behavior obviously belongs to the good faith does not.Haagen-dazs in Britain only a third of the domestic price less than.

  ◎ 哈根达斯现象只是众多国际品牌在中国市场与海外市场上演两面派的一个典型代表。造成当前这种情况的因素很多,一方面国际品牌长期以来在中国都享受着超国民待遇,很多在国外并非奢侈品的品牌,来到中国都不好意思卖低价。另一方面,这种现象也跟国内消费者普遍存在崇洋媚外的不成熟消费心理有关。

Money haagen-dazs phenomenon just many international brand in the Chinese market and overseas market stage double-dealing a typical representative.The situation caused by the current many factors,On one hand the international brand for a long time in China are enjoying the super national treatment,A lot of abroad is not luxury brand,Come to China are embarrassed to sell at a low price.On the other hand,This phenomenon also exists with domestic consumer...... what is not mature consumer psychology related.


The report will be Beijing and Shanghai as the economic influence of the world's top five strong city


According to China news agency reported,According to the pricewaterhousecoopers and New York cooperation organization issued jointly by the 11[The opportunity is 2012]study,Beijing and Shanghai in the economic influence and gateway cities in two indexes,Already and London,Paris,New York city ranks among the world's major cities with the first five strong.The report forecasts,In the 2025 years ago,Shanghai will achieve sustainable growth,Become diversified employment base,And with the world developed city in per capita production efficiency and concentration of wealth in neck and neck,The Shanghai city status between London and Tokyo between.

  ◎ 经济影响力的提升或意味着城市“宜商”,但对于普通民众来说,更需要的还是“宜居”。在生活水平提升的同时,城市如何满足人们所需要的幸福感与归属感,是个需要思考的问题。

Money economic influential ascension or means that city"Appropriate business",But for ordinary people speaking,Need more or"livable".In the life level at the same time,City people how to satisfy the need of happiness and sense of belonging,Is a need thought.

