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Since 2012,The China securities regulatory commission actively introduced a series of important reform measures,These policies and measures to get the market actively respond to,The policy effect is gradually revealed,Market investment attraction is improving.At present,Whether from the market valuation levels/Performance of listed companies and dividends level of Chinese and foreign history comparison to see,Or the investor's long-term shareholding income to see,Domestic blue chip company has good long-term investment value.


a/Market valuation level of Chinese and foreign history comparison shows the China securities market has long-term investment value


Whether China's securities market has investment value,From the longitudinal and transverse the two dimensions of investigation.


First of all,From the historical comparative dimension to see,At present, China securities market has long-term investment value.


On October 26, 2012,The Shanghai composite index closed at 2066 points average p/e ratio of 11.16 times,The first two were lower than history outsole,That is on June 6, 2005, the Shanghai composite index 998 point of 16.52 times and on October 28th, 2008, 1664 point 12.25 times.Currently Shanghai city net rate 1.5 times also lower than June 6, 2005, 1.64 times and on October 28th, 2008, 1.96 times.

  表1 国内主要指数市盈率和市净率历史比较

Table 1 domestic main index p/e ratio and city net rate of history comparison


Data sources:Bloomberg.


secondly,Compared with the international main stock market transverse comparison,The Shanghai composite index is dynamic p/e ratio is 10.95 times,In the global main markets than Hong Kong's hang seng index only 10.34 times,Dynamic city net rate 1.5 times,In the global market at a lower level.

  图1 国际主要证券市场市盈率比较

Figure 1 international main stock market p/e ratio comparison


Data sources:Shanghai stock exchange development research center,wind.


As the typical blue chip combination of the Shanghai and shenzhen 300 index,Recent p/e ratio is only 10.9 times/City net rate 1.5 times,Compared with previous Shanghai composite index 998 points and 1664 points when the p/e ratio and city net rate,Has been in a very low level.By October 2012,Shanghai and shenzhen 300 index total market value of A share market 68%;According to the 2012 NianZhongBao data,Shanghai and shenzhen 300 index the company's operating income accounted for 75.49% of all listed companies,Net profit of 88.30%,These data show,Blue chip constitutes the mainstay of the Chinese securities market,Embodies the stock market investment value in the real.


two/Listed companies' profit level and dividend rate level highlight at present, China securities market investment value


The quality of listed companies is the foundation of the securities market investment value.With China's sustained economic growth and stock market system construction is increasingly perfect,The listed company profit level and investment attraction increased significantly.


To the listed company's microscopic level in terms of financial data,By the middle of 2012,Shanghai a-share average earnings per share and net asset per share were 0.16 yuan and 3.53 yuan,The same period in 2005 is 1.6 times and 1.3 times,The average return on equity ROE and return on assets ROA is better than the same period in 2005 increased by 38.8% and 1.9%.In the listed company in dividends,By the middle of 2012 a total of 590 companies share out bonus,More than 2005 years of 430,Share out bonus amounted to 529.78 billion yuan,Is 8.5 times that of 2005.

  表2 沪市A股上市公司微观层面财务数据

Table 2 Shanghai a-share listed company micro financial data




From the listed company dividend rate perspective,Our country securities market also showed a higher long-term investment value.In recent years,Shanghai whole dividend rate present rise significantly,Bonus increase not only further popularization and strengthen the value investment idea,Also further for the perfection of the corporate governance of listed company bring effective external governance constraints.In the Shanghai composite index as an example,Dividend rate level up from 1.01% in 2001 to 1.86% in 2011,The listed company average dividends from 2001 041 million yuan/home increased to 2011 yuan/home,The increase rate up to 10 times more.From the different types of companies dividend rate comparison to see,Large blue-chip companies share out bonus is the main force,the,In 2011, the Shanghai 50 constituent stock dividend rate reached 2.46%,The Shanghai 180 constituent stock dividend rate reached 1.91%,The Shanghai 380 constituent stock dividend rate was 1.38%.

  表3 上海证券市场历年分红

Table 3 Shanghai stock market the share out bonus

  数据来源: WIND。

Data sources: wind.


In addition,From our country securities market dividend rate of history comparison to see,With 2005 and 2008 two times than historic lows,At present,Shanghai dividend rate can reach the highest level,Is 2.87%.With the international main index dividend rate of transverse comparison also found,Shanghai A share market dividend rate is higher than the standard &poor's 500 index 2.08%/The nasdaq composite index of 1.17% and 2.26% of the nikkei 225 index.

  表4 国际主要证券市场股息率水平对比

Table 4 international main stock market dividend rate level contrast


Data sources:Bloomberg.


three/Investors long-term shareholding income shows that buy low/Long-term investment is a good profit model


Investors in a-share market from the long-term investment income to see,If investors can be rational,Don't chase after go up to industrial,In the market have significant investment value when buying,Will have the chance to get a good return on investment,Share the entity economic growth to bring the investment value.


Assume that investors in the stock listing to buy first closing price,And has been holding to 2012 the end of July,In considering ex-rights/Under the condition of share out bonus,Analyze each stock of all income situation.According to the calculation,In the Shanghai a-share market,About of all the number listed A shares 72.68% of its shares to obtain positive income,the,Income of more than 100% of the number of shares of 45.04%.


Further to the blue-chip Shanghai 180 all income index for sample,Investigation in 2003 to 2011 during the long-term investors holding the whole income.Research shows that,In the end of 2011,The Shanghai 180 all income index of accumulative total yield reached 122.22%,Annualised yield 9.28%.


Thus it can be seen,For the investors,Shanghai A share market has significant long-term investment value,Especially the Shanghai 50 or the Shanghai 180 constituent stock such a blue chip stock,Its long-term investment value is more significant.

  图2 沪深市场个股长期回报率分布

Figure 2 Shanghai and shenzhen stock market long-term rate of return distribution


note:Calculation sample from 1993 onwards listed stock,Holding time as of the end of July 2012.


Data sources:Shanghai stock exchange financial innovation laboratory,wind information.

  表5 上证180全收益指数2003到2011年年化收益率

Table 5 Shanghai 180 all income index 2003 to 2011 year by year change rate of return


Data sources:wind information.

  图3 蓝筹股长期回报率分布(单位:只)

Figure 3 blue chip long-term rate of return distribution(unit:only)


note:Calculation sample since 1993 listing of the blue chip stock(The Shanghai 50 index and the Shanghai 180 strands),Holding time as of the end of July 2012.


Data sources:Shanghai stock exchange financial innovation laboratory,wind information.


Further investors from the strategy point of view,In the first listed in the closing price to buy each year IPO stock and holding to 2012 the end of July,Can get the following conclusion:


(1)In the 2007 years ago,Every year the first IPO shares to buy long-term return on investment is significant,Especially in 1995/1996 and 2003 listed stock,Can get grew an average of about 350% returns.


(2)In the 2007 years later,Every year the first IPO buy stock average income is negative.but,If new shares relatively reasonable pricing,Or can give investors bring long-term return on investment.Thus it can be seen,As long as investors in the stock market entry crazy period,Keep rational,Can to a certain extent avoid investment risk,Reduce investment loss.


(3)If according to plate classification,Shanghai and shenzhen 300 plate Shanghai part has a 72.1% stock obtained positive income,Show that investment blue chip get positive earnings probability is very high.


therefore,If investors can be rational,Don't chase after go up to industrial,In the market have significant investment value when buying,Will have the chance to get a good return on investment.Special need to point out,Investors can be as csi 300 plate"Value investment"Hold the post sample,And there is no need to participate in new media and performance difference stock investment,Can get a relatively stable investment income.

  图4 沪深市场股票全收益变化趋势

Figure 4 Shanghai and shenzhen stock market all income change trend


note:Calculation sample from 1993 onwards listed stock,Holding time as of the end of July 2012.


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