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交易二手车 先看保值率--亲稳网络舆情监测室

   4S店内专业的二手车保值率评估更靠谱 4 s store professional used car BaoZhiLv evaluation more by spectrum 交易二手车 先看保值率 中国的二手车市场潜力巨大,只有愿意在这个市场下功夫深入耕耘的才能收获成果。 何正清 摄 China's second-hand car market potential is tremendous,Only willing to work hard in this market, further to reap the harvest. HeZhengQing perturbation

  记者 何正清

Reporter HeZhengQing


When buying a car,Two people are 220000 yuan lift car,Three years later at the same time in the same city from hand to hand to sell.Mr. Wang selling price is 150000 yuan,Mr. Chen selling price less than 100000 yuan,Why to have so big gap?What affects the used car to clinch a deal the price?Reporters learned that,BaoZhiLv is lead to two car clinch a deal the price difference final more than 50000 of the most direct reason.


BaoZhiLv =(Second-hand car prices ÷ new car market average quotation)X 100%,If your car after evaluation,BaoZhiLv is 80%,Then you car and eighty percent new.Consumer is buying a car with high BaoZhiLv about how to choose the used car?Sell car how to get the best price?The personage inside course of study points out that,Trust of second-hand car quality/Perfect after-sale service/High efficiency of the used car processing channel,These are used to realize"High BaoZhiLv"The necessary factors.


 “心悦认证”二手车 造就放心高品质 "Heart yue the authentication"Create high quality assured second-hand car


Product quality is the influence BaoZhiLv used car is one of the main factors,In appearance/interior/power/playability/configuration/Safety and good quality used car,The BaoZhiLv relative will be higher.


Currently used car market due to a lack of industry standards and supervision,Used car quality is difficult to guarantee.If a certain brand or models the overall quality is not good,Not only the BaoZhiLv low,Also there will be potential safety problems.According to the present market situation,GuangQi Toyota"Heart yue used car"Introduction of Toyota global standard certification system,Through the strict CheYuan selection and professional official the authentication renovation,Provide consumers with high quality is assured second-hand car.


become"Heart yue the authentication used car"vehicles,You must eliminate cannot assure quality of vehicle/Water immersion car/Assembly car and so on six kind of hidden trouble vehicle;On the basis of,Need to meet"Age of car in less than 5 years/Mileage shall not be more than 100000 kilometers/Vehicle must have complete maintenance record"Etc. Several conditions,And the"Heart yue used car"203 items of professional examination and appraisal,Evaluation rating for the"optimal"or"good".


After selection,GuangQi Toyota will be in accordance with the above conditions used car official the authentication renovation,Through the maintenance and cleaning process such as they make used car have better state.In maintenance by 4 s shop by professional technicians/100% of the use of manufacturers to provide pure components;Cleaning is meticulous,From the exterior to the interior,Even nacelle and indoor seat of the dead Angle were completely clean.The polishing wax,Make its restore such as a new car quality.finally,Then again, for used car standardization of testing,Test results qualified,Can be"Heart yue the authentication used car".


广阔处理渠道 实现高效益 Deal with broad channels to achieve high efficiency


The owner in the selling used cars when they hope to sell a higher price,A higher BaoZhiLv vehicles generally sold its prices are certain security,In addition,Vehicle condition assessment and sale channel will also impact to clinch a deal the price.


GuangQi Toyota for each a used car were performed including skeleton/Mechanical and electrical/appearance/Interior four aspects as high as 203 term used car detection,Appraiser will the test information accurate entry database,And by using the GuangQi Toyota development of mobile phone evaluation terminal evaluation,Automatic generation system"optimal/good/in/under/difference"Five levels of vehicle evaluation.This evaluation terminal can effectively eliminate the man-made vehicle quality evaluation problems such as inconsistent results,Thus can accurately reflect the real condition of second-hand car,And not be underestimated.


In addition,The owner can also through"Heart yue pat"Used car auction business,The vehicle condition to upload"Heart yue pat"Network auction platform,Let all over the country at the same time for buyers,And different bidding used to produce the market value of the maximum.According to introducing,GuangQi Toyota"Heart yue pat"Used car auction business have wide used car processing network,More than thousands of second-hand car sale network all over the country.And the whole auction process integrity transparent,Really help the owner with the most ideal price sell old car.
