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Next year cement prices will significantly higher than this year


Due to the hangzhou and nanjing cement prices 10-20 yuan/ton,The news that November 12 cement shares down sharply.Need to be emphasized,Cement price decline is mainly due to a week before the two cities cement price rise too big and unable to carry out,So there some adjustment.but,By the end of these days,We think that the east China cement price is unlikely to appear trend decline.


South China cement prices or some pressure.South China(Guangdong and guangxi)Cement prices is due in part to guangdong qingyuan explosion accidents causing production disruptions.We think,As the production and tend to be normal,The local cement prices probably have further to fall.


Share price for profits and have dropped,But limited downside risks,The reason is we still of cement industry fundamentals confidence.In 2013 is expected to cement prices will greatly higher than the level of 2012,Future one year cement industry can still run to win the market.In the current level,Our most valued conch A.


(Ubs securities)


Prices analysis regression"bookishness"

  我们提出判断生猪供求、成本有效数据,建议采用生猪及能繁母猪存栏数、“仔猪/生猪价格”指标判断生猪供给变动趋势;采用定点企业累计屠宰量、餐饮消费增速、我国猪肉产量指标判断猪肉需求变动趋势;采用玉米及豆粕拟合饲料成本,并考虑仔猪、人工 、防疫等成本判断生猪养殖成本变动趋势。

We propose a judgment pig supply and demand/Cost effective data,Recommended the live pig and can numerous sow CunLanShu/"Piglet/pig price"Index judgment pig supply change trend;Adopts fixed point and enterprise accumulated slaughter capacity/Food consumption growth/Our country pork production index judgment pork demand change trend;Using corn and soybean meal fitting feed cost,And consider the piglet/artificial /Epidemic prevention etc cost judgment pig breeding cost change trend.


According to judgment,Long-term pork prices central up,Prices keep strong cycle fluctuation scale enterprise exit cost big,Intensifying the live pig supply fluctuation,Adding to prices fluctuation range.In the short run,Prices will fall."Piglet/pig price"Index plunged reflect in July 2012 after pig-producing fill column enthusiasm declined obviously;Our country pork demand in early 2012 is very low,Subsequent gradually restore,But overall low level;Breeding cost remains relatively high.

  预计2013年二季度末是选股时间点,维持畜禽养殖行业“谨慎推荐”评级。 (国信证券)

In 2013 at the end of the second quarter is expected to is choose a point in time,Maintain livestock and poultry breeding industry"Cautious recommendation"rating. (Securities held)


Real estate weak recovery time stretched


Start real estate/Investment weak recovery time stretched:1 - October,New start accumulated finished 1.468 billion square meters,8.5% year-on-year drop,Drop a 1-9 months went down to 0.1%,The new house start by a 1-9 months went down to 0.2%.In 1 - September start new data under the condition of lower than market expectations,In October, improve slightly,At the same time,New start monthly performance last month by a narrow appears,New start data on the whole is also lower than our initial expectations,But the trend we still judgment weak recovery,Only time can spin.

  投资情况与新开工类似,1-10 月份房地产开发投资额5.76万亿元,同比增长15.4%,增速保持平稳。分区域看,东部地区的投资增速继续放缓,中部地区则有回暖迹象,而西部地区的增速继续上升。整体来说,投资依然处于筑底时期,银十销售中规中矩但未能有超预期表现,在一定程度上制约了投资的提速。总体上看,投资数据较为符合我们前期预期,预计2012年全年投资增速在16.5%左右。

Investment situation and new similar to start,1 - in October, real estate development investment of 5.76 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 15.4%,To maintain steady growth.Points area see,The eastern region investment growth continued to slow,The central region is warmer signs,And the western region growth rates continue to rise.overall,Investment is still in the period of building bottom,Silver ten compasses sales but failed to have super expected performance,To a certain extent, restrict the speed of investment.In general speaking,Investment data conform to our initial expectations,In the whole year of 2012 is expected to investment growth at around 16.5%.


Be worth what carry is,All over recent for accumulation fund policy have more adjustment,Basic direction is still just need to care,We believe that these adjustments will be on the real estate market long-term health development play a positive role.


Fund pressure to slow down,Room enterprises still need to be vigilant financial pressure:1 - October,Real estate development enterprises this year in place capital of 7.64 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 11.6%,Growth is 1 - September further increased by 1.5%.Domestic loans and individual mortgage loan accumulated year-on-year growth continued ascension,Further easing the developer fund pressure,This also for us to real estate investment growth weak recovery judgment to provide support.but,We still need to be vigilant development loan increase brought about by the interest expense,The growth of the financial expenses may make the enterprise finally a decline in margins.(Citic securities to build a)
