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  本报记者 唐玮 北京报道

Our reporter TangWei reports from Beijing


Smoke is still in the diffuse.Although the economy is still weak/Unemployment of nearly 8% of is not easy to win re-election,"CIA scandal"and"independent"Event bubbling with noise,But President Obama has won re-election.For the United States and the world,Now more important question is,In the new four years in office,He how to rebuild economy?


Four years ago,Cried out"change"slogan,Huaichuai the American dream,Obama won a majority of americans favor to the White House,Become the nation's first black President.however,His luck is not good.This four years,The United States did not from the international financial crisis in the shadow go out,But involvement in European debt crisis,Weak economic growth,Employment status deterioration.the,At the beginning of the new term,Stand in the breach is"Financial cliff"weight.The congressional budget office(CongressionalBudgetOffice)think,If Washington policymakers years not to take action,In 2013 the United States economy will shrink 0.5%;By the end of 2013,Unemployment will from the current 7.9% to 9.1%.


The trouble is not only the re-election of the President.In the era of financial crisis,The world financial system is still not peace.As Japan is still looking for robust economic performance way,Like regimes in the prime minister.In Europe by a blood transfusion for help,But the unemployment rate is the highest level in decades,Growth has fact stasis(Even if Germany is also so).meanwhile,Trapped in southern Europe economy recession mire.In addition,Greece has been unable to maintain social stability,The complete collapse that is likely to cause serious in other parts of the negative financial and psychological effect.


Now it looks,Global emerging market economy condition relatively better,But still impossible periodic decoupling.The world economy is an interrelated whole:An important part of any trouble will infect the global.This is also the reason of international financial BBS held.

  “货币洪水”肆虐 "Monetary flood"Wreak havoc


July 24, 2012 before,The euro zone in the debt crisis/The bank crisis and political crisis triple factors problems,Spent in recent years the most difficult period of time,And caused the global financial market serious panic,International capital safe harbor effect a record.


In this critical moment,The euro area financial contract/Banking alliance and the European central bank bear a lender of last resort to major reform and rescue measures have issued,Finally in 2012 after the end of July turn the situation.At present,The disintegration of the eurozone short-term risk already receding,Its economic integration process has made great progress.


but,The world economic slow recovery,Global central bank liquidity loose,In the eurozone and crisis management of the protracted nature and complexity,Makes the international financial market is still fragile and change the situation.


At this time,In order to get out of trouble,The central bank is western,Almost without exception, choose to spam money policy,In an attempt to stimulate growth.


On September 6,,The European central bank issued bath type direct currency trading scheme,The European central bank entered the unrestricted buy Treasury bonds of ranks.The OMT policy,For stable financial markets play a immediate effect,The second day of the OMT plan,Spain and Italy 10-year yield of all appeared significant decline,At the same time, the modest rise of the euro.


On September 13,The fed on the third round of quantitative easing policy QE3.


On September 19,The bank of Japan announced that it would buy assets scale increase 10 trillion yen,The new Japanese national debt 5 trillion yen,New discount Treasury 5 trillion yen.


Three big economies monetary policy loose original intention each have different,The fed's asset purchase plan is to stimulate the U.S. economic recovery,Especially for the support of the real estate market;The European central bank take the bath type asset purchase plan is mainly in order to stabilize the financial market turmoil,Defend the euro;The bank of Japan asset purchase plan on one hand is to stimulate economic recovery,On the other hand is also alleviate the fed a new round of quantitative easing policy on the Japanese yen appreciation bring pressure.


Fortunately in three big economies monetary authority to intervene,Global financial markets tend to be stable,International capital risk aversion was significantly reduced.


But the problem is not solved,As dust settles the U.S. presidential election,But the global capital still walk to and fro.Election setbacks will increase the republican in the future"Financial cliff"The problem with the democratic opposition mood,Global capital worry comeback,The main stock market poor performance,The global fund selection"In the fixed income of risk".


Eyes Obama the main trouble is"Financial cliff".The international monetary fund(IMF)Officials have been sent to the g20(G20)Finance ministers in the report to the global finance ministers have warned,The United States government has moderate probability will be unable to reach an agreement in the next year to prevent start mass in order and increase tax measures,The so-called financial cliff.


The IMF says,If the United States congress could not improve the debt ceiling to reach an agreement,May prompted speculation that the outside world financial market will appear vibrations substantially,Or even the United States occurred technical default.The IMF said,The lack of relevant plan will cause the dollar's status as a reserve currency gradually reduce,The United States and push their borrowing costs.


And the benefits of reelection is,The fed face political environment and maintain consistent before.Monie tower company's view is,The federal reserve is likely to be at present based on the OT buy 45 billion national debt delays,And shall be included in the QE3 of.That is,The December meeting,The fed may increase in the size of the QE3 40 billion to 85 billion.At the same time,The fed will probably continue to explore how to interest rate policy and macro target hook thing.But the market's is more about,Bernanke in January 2014 after the end of his term,Who will succeed to the fed chairman?


For immoderate quantitative easing,Emerging market countries is a vigilant.The Chinese academy of ShiJingSuo issue is stressed,To watch the western"Monetary flood".


"The European and American countries crisis in the final analysis is the debt crisis.Solve the debt crisis method nothing more than three:Promote growth/To tighten and repudiate a debt.And repudiate a debt and can be divided into:Breach of contract/Inflation and make debt devaluation."Issue analysis said,In the future a long time,Western countries with an average annual growth rate have only about 2%.This rate are afraid to get rid of the debt crisis.And at present,Because financial institutions are in pits currency,People are generally not dare mess to borrow money and disorderly spend money,The possibility of inflation is not yet,But after but it's hard to say.But the fed but insisted,Then it will be able to dry up excess liquidity.Under the condition of without inflation,The fed will probably come up with ways to make the United States out of the debt burden,Especially for foreign creditors debt burden.


China as the world's largest one of creditors,Especially as the largest foreign creditor us treasuries,Must save for a rainy day,To make plans,In order to reduce possible future losses.

  呼吁国际金融体系改革 Called on the international financial system reform


"The dollar is our money,Your trouble."This famous statement,Without reservation to remind the world,In the existing international financial system,Dollar as the global reserve currency of the supremacy.And the federal ChuBeiFa provisions,The fed implement monetary policy has two big main obligation:Maintain a high level employment,Maintain price stability.obviously,Quantitative easing policy is the fed to reach their legal obligation and take the,This has nothing to do with the United States government,More need not scruple to other countries they produce spillover effect.


Facing more and more integration of global economic system,Great economic policy will influence on other economic system,Continue to promote reform of the international financial system calls is also increased.


The state council premier wen jiabao on November 5, in vientiane, Laos, attend the 9th asem summit first leaders speaking at the meeting said:


The first,free/open/Fair international trade is the important power to the world economic growth.International trade and stable development can promote social division of labor,Expand the size of the market,Increase employment opportunity,Conform to the common interests of all countries.We should take more sincerity and determined to expand the market open,With a more distinct attitude and actions to counter trade and investment protectionism,With a more rational way to properly handle the trade friction.Stick to this group of 20 summit commitment,In the 2014 years ago not to take new protectionist measures.


The second,To strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination is still an important task at present.Countries should take to promote world economic strong/sustainable/Balanced growth as a common goal,Adhere to the growth/To promote employment macro policy direction not be moved,Further boost market confidence,Accelerate the economic benign interaction.High attention major developed economies of a new round of quantitative easing monetary policy of the potential impact,Prevent the international commodity price fluctuations/Global cross-border capital flow disorder and more developing countries inflation pressure.Continue to constructive ways to support the European solve debt problems efforts.The European countries should correctly handle the financial reorganization/Financial stability/The relationship between the economic recovery.The main economies should soon come clear/Reliable medium-term financial reorganization plan,Properly solve the government debt problem.


The third,Improve the global economic governance system is the system guarantee of the world economic growth.Over the past few years the global economic governance mechanism reform achieved remarkable results,But construction fair/justice/inclusive/Orderly international economic order still shoulder heavy responsibilities.To further promote reform of the international financial system,The urgent task is to implement the international monetary fund 2010 share and management reform plan,Increase the emerging market countries and developing countries representative and voice;Steadily promote the development of the international monetary system reform,Establish the currency stable/Supply orderly/Total adjustable international reserve currency system;Promote the financial sector reform,Reduce the international financial system of systemic risk.We will promote the doha round negotiations to achieve substantial results,Construction of a free and open multilateral trading system.Promote the formation of reasonable transparent commodity pricing and regulation mechanism,Ensure global energy security and food security.


And it is early in March 2009,China's central bank governor zhou xiaochuan suggest that create a and sovereign state decoupling and can keep the currency long-term stability of the international reserve currency,To avoid sovereign credit currency as a reserve currency of the inner defects,Is the international monetary system reform of the ideal goal.Most think that western media,This is against the us dollar supremacy counterattack.


Yi gang, vice governor of China's central bank in October to the IMF and the world bank annual meeting, said,The international community should continue to promote reform of the international financial system,Perfect international economic governance mechanism,Set up a fair/justice/inclusive/Order of the international financial order,To realize the global common development and prosperity.Should further promote the international monetary fund and the world bank governance structure reform work,Continue to improve developing country representative and voice,Better to perform the functions of the two institutions.

  历届论坛嘉宾精彩言论回顾 Successive BBS guest wonderful speech review


Raja DE international monetary fund President(2011 annual meeting)


From the fundamental sense,China is being in the economic development of rising channel,IMF very much hope to see a stable financial system and financial system in the emergence of China.


Paul volcker, a former chairman of the federal reserve board(2010 annual meeting)


The federal reserve recently launched QE2 has caused the global excess liquidity to worry about.The United States to deal with domestic economic problems take responsibility,And at present the United States hopes to increase domestic economic activities.I hope that economic growth appear constructive change.


Robert mundell"The father of the euro"/The Nobel Prize winner of economics(2009 annual meeting)


After the international financial crisis,The international monetary system reform put on the agenda.There are six kinds of realization methods of international ideal currency:Leading monetary method/Evolutionary approach/The method of the regional currency/The method of Special Drawing Rights,RMB to join the method of Special Drawing Rights/Stable monetary anchor(SolidAnchor)system.


UN secretary general ban ki-moon(2008 annual meeting)


We can't let the global financial crisis worsen,Make our previous achievements auburn,Let more people into poverty.We must protect the livelihood of the people is at stake.China has an important role.China issued a package of fiscal stimulus measures will help ease the world economic downturn on the impact of China's domestic economy.
