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Beautiful beautiful economic data hidden behind three big worries:The global economic slowdown/The debt crisis/"Financial cliff",the"Financial cliff"Has become the number one problem investors worry.In front of the,The federal reserve has alone helpless,To solve the,At least need to drag to after the election.Once the congress of the United States fail to reach an agreement avoid automatic taxes and government spending cuts,Next year will be about $600 billion fund outflow the United States,Or cause the economy into a recession and round
Citic bank(601998,guba)Vice President
China people's university international monetary institute associate director
■ 曹彤
S CaoTong
China people's university researcher at the institute of international currency
The state council development research center, international technology economic research institute assistant researcher
■ 曲双石
S song ShuangShi
The United States financial situation review
Since the launch of QE3,Economic data in the us is large area milder,Part of the important economic data strong.
The first performance in employment.The United States department of labor data show,The United States in September new non-agricultural employment post 114000,Slightly more than market expectations,But unemployment link fell sharply by 0.3% to 7.8%,Less than 8% of the"Term as President critical point",And a new low since January 2009.and,0.3% of the decline is in more americans to return to the employment market in search of work conditions obtained.At the same time,7/August 86000 the total amount raised the whole employment.
Second performance in real estate.Second-hand housing sales,The United States real estate brokers association data display,In August the second-hand housing sales growth of 7.8% annulus,Years after the turn to 4.82 million building sales,Gen since May 2010 highs,Far more than the 4.55 million expected building.Benefit in low-cost housing reduction(August ultra low-cost housing in all sales of second-hand housing in more than 22%,Far less than 31% a year ago),The price of second-hand housing a value to $187400,Year-on-year growth of 9.5%;The new house in,The us department of commerce housing sales report,Although the United States the season in August is adjustable and annualised new house sales for 373000 building,Link fell by 0.3%,But the new house price median value chain rose 11.2% to $256900,Link or and statistics history high.New house open building and construction license report shows,September new house open built link rose 15%,The adjustable and season in the amount of change to 872000 a,Far more than the 770000 expected building,Since July 2008 and the most.
In addition,Freddie MAC data display,QE3 due to put interest rates downward pressure,As of October 18 week,The United States fixed mortgage rates all the way down,Compared with QE3 introduced before,This week the United States for 30 years/15 10-year fixed rate mortgage average interest rate were down by 0.18%/0.19%,In history are near the lowest,Will further stimulate the real estate business.
Data show that,In 2008 the subprime crisis crash of American real estate already before the U.S. economy into a sustained recovery channel.
Consumer spending,The us department of commerce data display,Season after adjustment in September the United States retail and catering services sales growth of 1.1% to $412.94 billion,More than 0.7% of the expected growth,For the third consecutive month growth;Townsend Reuters group and the university of Michigan consumer confidence report issued jointly by the display,Consumers benefit from the overall economic improve optimistic position,In October, the United States consumer confidence index initial value is 83.1,Far above September 78.3 final value and the expected 78,Gen highest since September 2007 record.In addition,The current state of the economy index to 88.6,More than September 85.7 final value and 86 expected.Consumer expectations index climbed to 79.5 from 73.5,Higher than the 74 expected,At the same time also set a since July 2007 record.
Manufacturing aspects,The institute for supply management data display,In September the United States manufacturing index link to 51.5,More than eight months of 49.6 and 49.7 expected,Get rid of the previous three consecutive months atrophy in games,And for this year for the first time since may beyond 50 this vicissitude demarcation line.The first important temper index aspects,New orders index from 47.1 to 52.3,And since may of this year record.At the same time,Employment index also from 51.6 to 54.7.
but,Beautiful beautiful economic data hidden behind three big worries:The global economic slowdown/The debt crisis/"Financial cliff",the"Financial cliff"Has become the number one problem investors worry.In front of the,The federal reserve has alone helpless,To solve the,At least need to drag to after the election.Once the congress of the United States fail to reach an agreement avoid automatic taxes and government spending cuts,Next year will be about $600 billion fund outflow the United States,Or cause the economy into a recession and round.
In addition,Although in QE3 stimulating economic data in the us is performance grab an eye,But it is still in the various concerns caused by people from all walks of life:
One is to put the QE3 and exact unemployment index hook can bring risk.Unemployment data unstable,May be some mistake reason and appear fluctuation,Poor index significance.
The second is the federal reserve QE3 can be such as to stimulate consumption is still unknown.Although Mr Bernanke hope that QE3 brings asset prices caused by increased the wealth effect encourages consumers to increase consumption,But once QE3 led to the American inflation looked up,Many families because worry about wage slower than price increases speed will only increase savings,Increase consumption desire fear will burst.
The third is QE3 down long-term interest rates,Although can stimulate mortgage loan demand let benefit bank,But certainly will influence the loan interest margin,Weaken the bank profitability,To mainly depends on the loan business of small Banks is even more so.
The fourth is QE3 will give emerging economies development overshadowed,They will be for the fed and the U.S. government exert huge political pressure.First of all,After QE3 launch,Cheap money will flow to the rapid growth of emerging countries,Pushing up the stock market and commodity prices,From the imported inflation and asset bubbles in the inflation pressure;secondly,QE3 give emerging economies monetary brought great appreciation pressure,Weaken the numerous developing countries export competitiveness,Further intensifies the global recession.At present,Suffered from quantitative easing policy bitter Brazil has started to strongly opposed to QE3.
欧洲金融形势评论 European financial situation review
By the debt crisis and global economic development underpowered influence,The eurozone economy growth prospects dark,But ESM formal operation is in a certain extent boost investor confidence.
European central bank announced that since the OMT,Although some data have improve signs,But it is still difficult to reverse the economic situation.
employment,Eurostat data display,With the debt crisis will economy into a recession and promote the enterprise layoffs,The unemployment rate rose to 11.4% in August the euro area,In June and July unemployment rate was also rise to 11.4%,And the data in 1995 since the advent of the highest level.
Entity economy,Markit survey,In September the euro zone comprehensive PMI fell to 46.1 from 46.3,For 2009 years the lowest since may,And for the past 13 months 12 months less than 50 vicissitude demarcation line.the,New business index fell to 43.8 from 44.4,For 2009 years the lowest since June.In addition,In September the eurozone services PMI appear large area/Has greatly decreased,The euro zone fell to 46.1 from 47.2,For the lowest since July 2009.The commercial expectations index fell to 49.4 from 53.6,For 2009 years the lowest since march.Spain by 44 fell to 40.2,For since November 2011 minimum.overall,PMI data show that the ECB new purchase debt plan has not been effectively boost the real economy,The fourth quarter the eurozone recovery is likely to have grown very little.
Although the euro zone economic growth pace totter,But ESM official start became a needle stimulants,Help to abate the debt crisis of the deterioration of the risk,The eurozone restore market confidence.
ESM preliminary operation ability for 200 billion euros,Then three years will gradually achieve the 500 billion euros.The next year,ESM and EFSF will also operation,But any new programs are made by ESM burden.EFSF and ESM can be in 12 buy bonds market/For the eurozone member sovereign bonds to provide security,And to provide comprehensive rescue.Since it has higher capital ratio,High quality and strong liquidity assets,With preferred creditor status,Management state strong,Enjoy strong political support and has the prudent investment guidelines,Just a launch that won the moody's and fitch"aaa"Level rating.
In addition,The eurozone another big benefit is the ECB and beauty/Days still has cut interest rates than space.If they think the eurozone inflation will not rise sharply,Can be further cut benchmark interest rate to stimulate the economy.
The Spanish financial situation continued to worsen,Whether the application for aid problem"drag"Word pledge,Serious damage the market stability.
The Spanish government data show,In August the Spanish fiscal deficit amount to 50.132 billion euros,Surged 23.8% year-on-year,And the ratio of GDP to 4.77% from 4.62%.See from the receipts and expenditures,In August the Spanish financial income decreased by 1.7%,Spending has increased by 8.5%;The Spanish central bank data display,Its public debt breakthrough 800 billion euros,GDP75.9 % of,Hit a record high.In July the Spanish financial institutions bad debt rate was 9.86%,Refresh record;On October 19,The balearic islands and asturias become the latest batch of request the central government rescue autonomous regions.So far,For eight areas for aid,Used to help pay the debt in the funds are used funds has more than 17 billion euros,Deal with other areas fund demand of resource has very limited.
In addition,Spain's political uncertainty buildup.The Spanish government is promoting the local governments to limit excessive expenditure activity has prompted the catalonian autonomous region caused independent boom.It is the country's richest regions,Of the Spanish 20% of GDP.
On September 27,,The Spanish government announced the detailed economic reform schedule,And submit a main to cut back on spending as the foundation of the 2013 budget plan.The plan is beyond the European commission to Spain's requirements,Marks the country in the economic reform have made an important step forward.But the plan has four defect:First of all,For the 2013 economic contraction 0.5% of macroeconomic expected I'm afraid too optimistic.Once the target unable to realize,The government further cut back on spending;secondly,For this has been a crisis of national bring greater pressure,Is likely to trigger more violent street protests,Make budget cut in the implementation of link face more difficulties;The third,The plan of the lack of details of the implementation measures,Such as how to improve the grants and pension/How to pension reserve fund loan to meet part of the Treasury needs etc.;The fourth,Or make the Spanish economy appear"implosion"And greatly reduce the tax,Unable to realize minus red goal.
therefore,Rating agencies to its do not recognize,Egan - Jones/S&p cut in Spanish sovereign credit rating and the area/Bank credit rating.
Considering the Spanish economic situation and the debt burden,It seeks comprehensive rescue seems to have unavoidable.If the lingering appeal is put forward,OMT plan will not useful,Will serious blow the eurozone faith from all walks of life.At the same time,Including France/Belgium, the creditor country domestic economy also highly boom,If the debt crisis is not stable as soon as possible,They will be difficult to itself.But Spain on this issue all show hesitate to wander,The Spanish government internal and within the euro area in this problem and even often spread completely opposite expression.
Spain is in this display"drag"Word tactic,Mainly by three factors:One is not willing to stand the harsh conditions of aid.According to the OMT plan,One country must apply for assistance to ESM,And accept more harsh terms,Later in the secondary market will participate in purchase debt;The second is the Italian.Italy is now for the debt crisis"Times center",Once the Spain for rescue,Italy will the secondary center to center,The only under great pressure in the relevant reform under the condition of domestic economy.In addition,The Spanish government would apply for assistance,Also with the Italian coordination position,Joint bargaining;The third is Germany.The Spanish hope that the German economy worse,Make their own in the negotiation in a more favorable and flexible position.In addition,Merkel also worry that Germany's parliament to multiple salvage feel tired.
But at present to Spain's time is not much.Goldman sachs pointed out that,The end of October Spain will have 30 billion euros debt maturity,By the end of the year a total of 74 billion euros to repay the debt,The cost of their funds has more than Spain to bear ability.The Spanish government the longer delay,The market confidence and the Spanish economic and banking the damage.
日本金融形势评论 Japan's financial situation review
Japan entity economy remains weak,Deflation lingering shadow,The bank of Japan or take further measures to loose.
In the debt crisis dark clouds do not come loose,Emerging market economic growth to slow down,Especially in China under the background of economic slowdown,Japan's economy suffered from shock,Exports and industrial output weakening.
Japan's finance ministry data display,In August for the second straight month Japan a trade deficit,Deficit of 754.1 billion yen.The exports fell 5.8% year-on-year,For three consecutive months down;The Japanese economy ministry data display,Season after adjustment,August Japan GongKuangYe production index chain fell 1.3% to 90.5.From the industry to see,Electronic components and equipment/Information communication mechanical/Chemical production decline significantly.Based on this,Japan multiparity provinces will be August GongKuangYe production from fundamental key judgment"Consolidation tendency"Cut for"Weak tendency".In addition,August Japan industrial output correction month rate fell 1.6%,Annual rate fell by 4.3%.
At the same time,Japan's deflation state is still not changed.Japanese ministry data display,Remove price change larger after fresh food,August Japan core consumer price index is 99.6,0.3% year-on-year drop,For four consecutive months year-on-year decline.month,Including fresh food, the composite consumer price index is 99.4,0.4% year-on-year drop.In addition,As prices of leading indicators Tokyo and area,September core consumer price index is 99.3,0.4% year-on-year drop.
On this fundamental next,The bank of Japan or in October 30, monetary policy meeting down economic growth estimate,And consider easing monetary policy,Buy ETF REITs and.
In Japan the diaoyu islands in the dispute is suffering from a severe economic losses,And at the same time,The Japanese economy are also accelerating"To Chinese"process.
The diaoyu islands dispute that Japan's economy down,Automobile industry/Home appliances/Tourism is particularly heavy losses.
Automobile industry in,The Chinese public protests occurred in succession in Japanese damaged event seriously affected the Japanese sales.Japanese three giant Toyota/nissan/Honda September in China auto sales data display,Toyota sales in China fell sharply by 48.9% compared to 44100 vehicles,Nissan auto sales year-on-year reduced by 35.3% to 76066 vehicles,Honda car sales decreased by 40.5% to 33931 vehicles.meanwhile,German cars/American cars/Korean cars, takes advantage of a favorable situation on.If the diaoyu islands dispute cannot be settled as soon as possible,Japanese car enterprise profit will be long time pressure,Japanese car brand will gradually lose Chinese market share.
In home appliances,Mr D consulting published by the National Day Mid-Autumn festival double festival monitoring data shows,Chinese color TV market brand pattern appear bigger change,skyworth/Such as TCL native brand share the same period last year by 59% to 67%,While SONY/Sharp, eight day system brand is decreased from 30% to less than 18%.
tourism,Jpmorgan chase is expected to,Four quarter in China, the number of visitors will decline 70%,Japanese tourist income will be reduced from 67 billion yen,Japan is expected to account for 38% of exports quarter loss.
meanwhile,According to China nearly two months of anti-japanese tide,China's cheap labor and resources declining,The Japanese domestic claims"To Chinese"/The voice of the southeast Asia gradually rise,Day look forward to evacuate the Chinese market and reduce investment in China, the trend is more obvious.
Japan's finance ministry data display,2011 year,Japan in southeast Asia direct investment amount link increased 2.4 times,Up to 1.5 trillion yen,And direct investment in China is only 1 trillion yen,For continuous 2 years appear"The southeast Asia investment more than China"phenomenon.This year 4 ~ 6 months,Japan to southeast Asia investment year-on-year increase 4 into,Up to 380 billion yen;7 ~ 8 month direct investment amount is more than 180 billion yen,More than 150 billion yen investment in China.Japan to southeast Asia investment has already by the original processing manufacturing industry expanded to automotive industry and business/Catering industry,Investment countries concentrate in Indonesia/Vietnam/Thailand and the Philippines.
But as a result of southeast Asian countries exist political unrest/Labor disputes and problems, such as corruption,Manufacturing industry in Japan that return to the sound of the increasingly strong,So part of the day enterprises will also high added value product return domestic production.
In addition,Japan also try to get rid of the dependence on rare earth in China.The Japanese government and enterprise at present is stepping up and Malaysia/Kazakhstan and north American countries can work together to ensure that rare earth resources supply.
but,"To Chinese"Will be a long process,And will take huge cost.China is not only the workshop of the world,Also has become a very important market.To Japanese companies for operators,China is still the most mature production base and one of the most important markets,True to get rid of the dependence of China's economy,Out of the Chinese market at present is not reality.
人民币国际化进程评论 RMB internationalization process review
The us dollar to regain uptrend,But come back to unilateral rise less likely to orbit.
Since mid-september,The us dollar exchange rate obviously going strong,Continuous breakthrough more important passes,A devaluation of the sweep"haze".September financial institutions funding of foreign exchange also increased by 130.68 billion yuan,Gen 8 months to new highs.The dollar is to regain uptrend,From the two aspects to carry on the analysis:
China,First of all,After the devaluation of RMB mainly based on export/Economic growth concerns about lack of power,Now this worries are easing.At present,China's economy is built bottom stabilises,Especially in September export data much more than expected;secondly,Foreign trade enterprise early settlement of exchange intend to weaker,Accumulated a large number of dollars position,With the end of the year is near,RMB settlement demand increase,Foreign exchange settlement will also appear seasonal rebound,For the performance of the September foreign currency deposit for the first time in years appeared net reduce;The third,The mainland quasi relaxing QFII funds access restrictions,Short term bullish the appreciation of the renminbi.
The United States,One is the American presidential election still hold the RMB exchange rate not to put,Mr Romney several emphasized his China policy will be very tough,The first day of term will be announced for China"Currency manipulator",Accuse China of for many years do not abide by the trade rules,Through the acquisition of export advantage of manipulating its currency.Although this kind of view is only"bounced",But still to bring the quite big pressure;The second is the federal reserve will us rates in low,And in September QE3 launch,The United States and improving economic data,Show signs of recovery,Capital began to flow to the emerging market.
For the Chinese,The appreciation of the renminbi can reduce imports of raw materials and the cost of industrial technology,And can bring against Europe and the quantitative easing monetary inflow pressure.but,The appreciation of the renminbi will produce unfavorable effects on exports,And the linked exchange rate system in Hong Kong has greater impact.
but,Recently the dollar go strong does not mean that a new round of unilateral appreciation cycle start.
In the short run,First of all,Although spot market RMB exchange rate appears high,But the forward market did not eliminate the devaluation of RMB is expected;secondly,Experience after recent gains,Bargain buy dollars who think the dollar price already very low,Will limit the further gains;The third,The recent strong RMB exchange rate to a large extent worship the U.S. presidential election has given,Once the dust settles the election,These external factors will be eliminate;The fourth,In the face of economic growth fundamentals,China's monetary policy is still relaxing way.Although September trade surplus remain high,But the/Beauty the two China's largest export market has not yet significant rebound,Overseas market demand uncertainty still higher.
From the long run,In the past several years the appreciation of the renminbi's basic condition has altered obviously.First of all,By the global financial crisis,The future for a long period of time in western countries domestic demand can restore;secondly,China's potential economic growth rate down/Capital long-term rate of return drop pressure is more and more big,Determines the future appreciation of the yuan would greatly reduce the pressure.
but,Because China is still a policy operation space,Economic growth should be able to maintain in more than 7%,Foreign exchange reserves abundance,Can withstand external shocks,Together with Europe and the United States continues to take loose policy,The exchange rate for the renminbi will not be sustained/The substantial depreciation of,The future two-way fluctuation characteristics will be more obvious.
In the securities regulatory commission under a major boost,QFII recapture the great progress.
First of all,The QFII institution qualification number hit a record high.Securities regulatory commission data show,September 7 agencies were the QFII qualification,So far this year 53 agencies were the QFII qualification,Since 2003 since the QFII open business,A total of 188 agencies allowed to admission.
secondly,QFII overseas seminar a warm response.To attract more overseas long-term capital entering the market,Since September,Shanghai and shenzhen exchange/China financial futures exchange and many large-scale fund will carry out the global road shows,Foreign institutional investors to introduce China's economy and the capital market and the development of the QFII system,Encourage more foreign long-term capital investment domestic capital market,Repercussions warm,Foreign investors generally show strong willingness to investment,Think that although the Chinese economic growth slowdown trend,But China's economy has long-term growth potential.Preliminary statistics show that,Only in Europe and the United States have 32 agencies to apply or increase investment,ZongEDu about $11.1 billion.
In addition,Securities regulatory commission or it will launch a QFII for domestic investment income tax policy,QFII to domestic investment income collection of 10% of the income tax.The move is A share development as the mature capital market should have the condition,Will greatly improve the transparency of QFII mechanism,Enhance predictability,Thus eliminate trouble overseas institutions invest A large A major system obstacles.
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