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How to the outlook for the 2013 entity economic growth prospects/Financial reform how to underpin the next stage economic territory change?


"2012 the first financial conference · financial summit"Recently held in Beijing,The convergence of financial supervision policy makers/Economists and financial circles elite,The theory of a total of China's financial reform and opening a new chapter,GongHua future China's new prospect.

  围绕“中国金融2013:如何承托实体经济增长”,独立经济学家谢国忠、中国社科院金融研究所副所长殷剑峰、中金公司首席经济学家彭文生、美银美林大中华区首席经济学家陆挺、INET董事局成员Peter Jungen纷纷献计献策,思辨了金融业如何助力乃至推动实体经济增长、怎样的机制设计可以让“促增长”与“控风险”兼容、如何推动非正规金融的进一步发展等重要课题。

around"China's financial 2013:How to retainer entity economic growth",Independent economist Andy xie/By the Chinese academy of social sciences financial YanJianFeng deputy director of the institute/Cicc's chief economist PengWenSheng/Bank of America merrill lynch chief economist LiuTing the greater China region/INET member of the board Peter Jungen contribute in succession,Speculative the finance to how to help and promote the entity economic growth/What kind of mechanism design can make"Promote growth"and"Control risk"compatible/How to promote the further development of informal finance such important topic.

  谢国忠: xie:

  增长继续依赖投资将致金融危机 Growth continues to rely on investment will cause financial crisis


Independent economist Andy xie said,Over the past ten years,China's GDP rose by four times,And considering the component change,Stock index is actually the decline.Economic growth faster but stock market investors lost money phenomenon,Policy concern that China center is growth and employment,Rather than investors return,As a financial system is to help the economy system achieve this goal,Cause capital is for policy leading distribution.


Xie think,This is also in line with China's financial system closely related.China's exchange rate system has not been open,That China joined WTO exports substantially increased,Cause the appreciation of the RMB expected,But under the control of the exchange rate appreciation always behind the market rhythm,This caused speculative.


"A large number of capital accumulation in China's financial system,Cause the cost of capital dropped substantially,Then formed the foam,In 2005-2006 China's economy will face a comprehensive foam,From the stock market began to conduction to real estate,To other aspects assets,Formation overinvestment,This is also the root of excess capacity this year."Xie said.


In xie seems,For a long time economic present high growth/Low return on investment trend,Formed a serious overinvestment,But today we see excess capacity/Corporate earnings decline/Real estate development lead,Are the consequences of this process.


For the next phase of the situation,Xie warning,Foam will begin to fracture,But this is a gradual process.Because our country banking system are owned by the state,So the bank has no liability enterprise dun,This and Japan 1992 the situation is similar.From this point of view,China's economy and Japan is annual growth should be declining,Monetary growth will also decline,This is a big trend.


In addition,Xie also pointed out that,China's population dividend is disappearing,Urbanization is nearly complete,Over the past ten years China's economy has remained low rate of return on investment/High economic growth rate,The extensive growth in the economies is possible,But the next stage,If China continues to maintain this kind of mode,It is caused by the scale of the financial crisis.


"Japan after 1992 family and enterprise's debt began to decline significantly,And the government debt levels began to rise,Two aspects begins incline to equilibrium,But this process can't as a development,Just a closing,Debt the focus from folk gradually turned to the government,This means that the economy has entered a middle-income trap,Economic development will be very difficult."He says.


"The current,The investment had explained 50% economic growth,Experience from other countries,This index to 30% began to the financial crisis,China's special reason is that the government tax subsidies investment,In addition the state-owned bank's financial system,Think suppress interest rates."Xie said.

  Peter Jungen: Peter Jungen:

  希腊退出欧元区不会是灾难 Greek exit the euro zone will not be disaster

  对于影响中国经济的最大外围因素,即欧债问题,INET董事局成员Peter Jungen认为希腊可能在明年秋天就会退出欧元区,但这不会是一场灾难,反而会为新成员加入铺平道路,更能强化欧元区。

China's economy to influence the maximum peripheral factors,Namely the debt problem,INET member of the board Peter Jungen think Greece may be in next year autumn will exit the euro area,But this is not a disaster,It will pave the way for new members to join,More can strengthen the euro area.

  “我们看到了亚洲的崛起,尤其是中国崛起,中国正在实现伟大复兴。” Peter说,“19世纪中国曾是世界最大经济体,10~15年后我们会再次看到中国重返世界第一大经济体的地位。”

"We saw the rise of Asia,Especially the rise of China,China is realizing the great revival." Peter said,"The 19th century China was the world's largest economy,10 ~ 15 years later we will again see China to return to the world's largest economy status."


In the past thirty years,The world economy has made great development,European economic growth is relatively weak,But instead of a sharp increase debt.Peter pointed out that,Europe and there is no currency crisis,Crisis is not the euro,But in debt,Especially some southern Europe country debt has risen to the level of the intolerable."Debt surge is economic imbalances and loss of competitiveness performance.Not only is the European internal,Between Europe and emerging market competitiveness are crossed,Especially in China.therefore,Some European countries structural deficit is not by expanding spending to solve,Finally we see that expanded deficit can improve the economic growth point of view is just an illusion.This is the European crisis a big lesson."

  Peter认为希腊退出反而能强化欧元区的功能,“希腊已经破产了,而且会继续破产。无论欧元区给出的救助方案如何,是无法解决问题的。” 但他认为这并不会是一场灾难,毕竟希腊经济的重要性不高。

Peter think Greece exit instead can strengthen the function of the euro area,"Greece has been bankrupt,And will continue to bankruptcy.No matter the eurozone given rescue plan,Is unable to solve the problem." But he says this will not be a disaster,After all, the importance of the Greek economy is not high.


Peter believe,If the Greek really exit,It to Europe and the world send a signal:"European finally began to respect their own in 20 years ago the signing of the treaty and the rules,Then they would believe,The world will respect the rules of Europe.so,Even if the Greek exit,Poland/Bulgaria/Latvia/Lithuania,Even the Czech republic,And Denmark and Sweden,Could consider joining the euro area,So the euro zone will become more powerful than it is now."

  殷剑峰:中国经济面临三大挑战 YanJianFeng:China's economy faces three big challenges


The industry have a common point of view,Is China's economic growth down from China's population aging and the arrival of lewis inflection point.But also some people don't think so,YanJianFeng is pointed out that,China's population aging really very obvious,But mention lewis inflection point's arrival.


"Lewis inflection point has two mark phenomenon,A is a wage rise faster,The second is the countryside surplus labor force depletion.China accounts for the proportion of non-agricultural employment population only about 40%,While the United States/Japan/Germany is more than 60%,So China can transfer of surplus labor force and 20%,According to the past transfer speed can maintain to 2019 years."YanJianFeng says.


YanJianFeng think,China's economic real challenge has three:Savings rate decline/Excessive credit availability,And real estate market in the leading development.


"China's savings rate in the savings account for a significant proportion,And the government savings structure is mainly land financial income,If the real estate market out of the question,This part of the savings is impact,So hard to sustain the past investment growth."He said.


For the real estate market,YanJianFeng think,According to the housing completion area to calculate,Have far greater than demand completion,If add security room number,China's housing has greater than demand.In addition,China's urbanization slower than industrialization index phenomenon,In the developed country has existence,This shows that urbanization potential limited.


For investment prospects,YanJianFeng gives and xie different answers,He pointed out that China's investment prospect is very good,The key is investment is who will drive."China's per capita investment in 2010, only half of the United States,Capital yield less,From the incremental capital output than to see China is four times the left and right sides,Lower than America/Japan 10 times/20 times the left and right sides level,Thus the investment must be a growth."

  彭文生:预计明年经济增长8.1% PengWenSheng:Next year is expected to economic growth of about 8.1%


For the consistent good at from the data on estimated macroeconomic zhongjin chief economist for PengWenSheng,Next year the economy will have a mild rise.

  他预计今年经济增长7.7%、明年小幅反弹到8.1%,考虑到明年可能推出的政策组合,短期增长无需担心。彭文生判断明年还将持续当前的宽财政、稳货币的政策格局,财政赤字会比今年有所增加,从而GDP 0.4%左右,M2增长维持今年14%的水平。

He is expected to 7.7% economic growth this year/Small rebound next year to 8.1%,Considering the next year may launch of the policy mix,Short-term growth do not have to worry about.PengWenSheng judgment next year we will continue to the current wide financial/Stable monetary policy pattern,The financial deficit will be increased more than this year,Thus GDP around 0.4%,M2 growth this year to maintain the level of 14%.


"Wide financial,Stable monetary policy combinations on short-term steady growth effect is obvious,Because our country the financial expenditure usually need to local government supporting funds,So fiscal policy on infrastructure investment pulled the effect was very obvious,Therefore do not have to worry about the growth of the short period."PengWenSheng says.


But PengWenSheng said at the same time,Through fiscal expansion form growth will increase government departments to the private sector extrusion,Will also increase the local debt pressure,Finally make structural problems become more prominent and deterioration.

  陆挺:不因监管扼杀金融创新 LiuTing:Not by the regulatory stifle financial innovation


For economic growth next year,Bank of America merrill lynch chief economist in the greater China region LiuTing think,Now the economic growth in the next few quarters year-on-year calculation in the will to rise,Around 8.3% in the year after next will slow down,Present long-term decline.


"Why the next few quarter economic growth speed will be faster,The first is to European exports to the next stage will tend to be stable,The second is fill inventory cycle will open."LiuTing said,"There is a technical reason is the national bureau of statistics sharply cut the end of last year and early this year the number of annulus,Make carryover effect be amplified,Before the formation of economic growth after high low trend."


Next year the economy for possible risks,LiuTing think,The primary risk comes from inflation and inflation attitude.Inflation this year the situation below market expectations,May cause the second half of next year vegetables food prices rising explosive.


For China's economic/Financial reform and growth for the long term,LiuTing pointed out that,China's financial industry the biggest problem lies in the control,But not the number of our bank too little,A lies in us to deposit interest rate control,There is a credit to the total amount control.

  “因此我认为对目前一些突破管制的金融创新要有一定的容忍度,大家现在视理财产品、信托贷款为洪水猛兽、庞氏骗局、中国式的次贷。应该看到,尽管过去十几年全球金融问题很多,但并不能因为全世界有很多这样的金融问题,就阻止中国进行任何突破管制的金融创新。”陆挺称。摄影记者/吴军 王晓东

"So I think the present some breakthrough control of financial innovation it is certain to should have tolerance,We now see financial products/Trust loans for a great disaster/Ponzi scheme/The Chinese subprime mortgage.Should see,Although the past more than ten years global financial problems,But not all over the world because there are many such financial problems,China will stop any breakthrough control of financial innovation."LiuTing says.Photographers/Mr Wu jun
