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北京大学发展研究院的名誉院长、教授林毅夫 Beijing university institute of honorary President of the development/Professor Lin

  和讯网消息 第四届张培刚发展经济学论坛于12月1日在北京举行,和讯网全程播报。北京大学发展研究院的名誉院长、教授林毅夫发表主题演讲,他表示,虽然中国从改革开放到现在30多年时间,它的经济增长9.9%,但收入分配越来越低,老百姓还是很不满意。

HeXunWang news the fourth ZhangPeiGang development economics BBS on December 1, held in Beijing,HeXunWang full report.Beijing university institute of honorary President of the development/Professor Lin lecture published,He said,Although the Chinese from the reform and opening up to now more than 30 years time,Its economy grew by 9.9%,But more and more low income distribution,Common people is still not satisfied.


以下为文字实录: The following is a text memoir:


Justin yifu Lin:Recently attended a lot of meeting,Some places repeat,But today face are experts,So put the same question threw out to everyone to discuss and debate.


My personal view,From China's reform and opening up to now more than 30 years time,Its economy grew by 9.9%,This is the economic and social opportunity,Achievement is very big.But if the society to come up to ask,People still have many not satisfied,The reason is not satisfied with many of reality are not satisfied,Is everybody income level is very high,But more and more low income distribution,From the reform and opening up is the early we compare average social income distribution,Now about 0.3,But now the income distribution common view more than 0.4,And in society corruption phenomenon is very common,Some case expose come out later let us feel very shocked.As a county in shanxi local bureau of the director,Control come out later his asset more than 700 million yuan.This kind of income distribution and corrupt the society revolve around together,Original Chinese society will not equal situation,China's social people all hope that we are a better society wishes,That would give even the reform and opening up 30 years of achievement is the miracle of the world economic history,But people dissatisfaction is quite common.


Of course this dissatisfaction not only in China appeared,In the other developed countries have,These dissatisfaction often causing political/Social instability,That I think China from the economic development level of speaking,There should be a maintain 8%,Then two vows(sound)potential,That's Mr. ZhangPeiGang with your research is related.In fact a national economic and social development must be the labor productivity must improve,Income level to improve.Labor productivity is the premise of technology continuously upgrade,Plus can put the allocation of labor resources to add value higher productivity,This is the most important economic development potential of source and problems,Other but said the potential can play out,But it does not affect the potential.


From this perspective words,We are now even if 32 years of rapid development,But our stage of development is equivalent to our national 5 is near/60 s,They can keep 20 years 8% of growth,But in China, the situation,They are real growth.In the home also has the dispute,Everyone has a lot of problems to the society,corruption/Income distribution,Political instability,Even if the 32 years of development,Like just li yining teacher said,We are middle-income countries,To achieve the developed countries pass 20/30 years of hard work,Hard problem is not solve it is no good.


Now in the face of the unequal distribution of income phenomenon,And often the uneven distribution of income with corruption put together,The Chinese government does have many rights redistribution,So most of the idea say should limit the government rights,As comparing social reform,Political reform,Use this to limit the rights of the government,To reduce the generation of corruption.I think this theory is the basis of the facts,Also easy to have theoretical model.The fact is the basis of developed countries they are now better,They corruption phenomenon how to implement,They income distribution situation of course not all good,Of course there are also some countries in the north of Europe,If the right to restrict government,How resources configuration,Eliminate the source of corruption,At the same time the income distribution also will be solved.Have developed country's economy,Also have very beautiful theory model,According to this idea problems in developing countries is to reform the,Because we issue for constitutional reform,In Britain at the time of the system according to their constitutional system as a whole social and political operation specification,He British corruption/Income distribution and so on in China even dare not say.


The present situation of the Latin America is completely copy the constitution of the United States,But Latin America corruption/Income distribution situation with China than even the same.Countries of the former Soviet union is not from system to go up,According to the western system is set to make a thorough social reform,Now the situation,Including the United Nations world development research institute made a large number of empirical research,Found that the Soviet union/Eastern Europe in complete according to constitutional system after reform,It not only slow development,Income distribution compared with China without much good,Corruption phenomenon is very much also,In fact the United States than our high income distribution,The United States is more than 0.5%,Of course Nordic countries is also very high,This case,We must face this challenge,If we can't improve the income distribution,We can't solve the problem of corruption is indeed China's future development one of the most important question,It may affect the social problems,We may affect of confidence in the future,But the problem is said,We now see the way isn't really help us solve the problem.


From the existing experience,Along this to do will get worse,I think these ideas many no FuDeChouXin.Limit the government after the right will control the corruption,Because of limited government after right does not mean can be other rights of kidnapping.In Latin America the problem is to reform them,Later the government is interest group kidnapped,Interest groups have seek funds more than the original.I can give some examples,Now the world's richest man is Mexico's telecommunication industry boss,The original Mexican telecoms is state-owned,Later reform privatisation,Then he kidnapped the government/monopoly,Mexico or small country,The income of it than Bill Gates higher,How come?Is the government get kidnapping.


Russia all change,But eight oligopoly group,From the Russian government to rent,Repeatedly proved more than the original,Visible corruption phenomenon more,It to fund bribe government officials.


Have another extreme,The government is populism kidnapping,When corruption to an extreme political stability after,Political department after stable government to common people open a lot of commitment,After a lot of commitment,A kind of the original commitment to forget,Another layer to do so,To do so will constantly do distribution,A lot of people with tax bureau,Unemployment and high,In the words of the bad economy, the higher rate of unemployment,Vicious cycle.


The original 4/50 s right socialist,Is not put forward a very good goal,The developing countries in middle-income traps.Mainly is the only see representation,This requires that we are behind the careful analysis of the problem of what is real reason?I think I should we understand why China's economic development so fast,Income distribution is more and more change,As truth said we after the reform and opening up development model should be that everyone can get benefit,And get the benefit of process in income distribution is improved,Because we know that before reform and opening up most of the labor force into rural surplus labor force,Not share the fruits of economic development.After the reform and opening up,We labor-intensive is developing very fast,Create a lot of employment opportunities,A large number of rural surplus labor transfer to city to come in,His income or even better than the countryside inside high,And the development mode is competitive,So we only have 30 years of economic growth.Growth process has obtain employment,A corporate income,And corporate income than the original high income,And we know this kind of development mode capital accumulation is very fast,Especially say we take surplus labor after absorption,In the economic development process of rising income level,And capital accumulation after the change,Capital declining.We know that the main source of income is laborer,Laborer is becoming more and more valuable,Capital becomes more and more cheap,We know the company employees more and more cheap.


But in fact the east Asia economic,Japan they are what kind of?They are the rapid economic development,Does economic development is very slow/Constantly improve the income distribution,Reason is that just describe process.But why do we so development did not succeed,We mainly is the double track system,The original development of the industry if you want to keep it,Like Mexico as kidnapping government,Give priority to the development of the original enterprise necessary protection,This should speak of the transformation is very important innovation,Even if the innovation in 80/In the 90 s has been criticized,No matter in foreign/Some people think that domestic all planned economy into market economy,The worst of it is double track system economy.But the double track system to the original subsidies to heavy industry,These subsidies included financial example,With big Banks/The stock market is given priority to example,Resource price most desperately,Get money will get subsidies,Putting money in inside the system.This process so that the poor to subsidies large enterprises or the rich development of enterprise,Income distribution nationalization.


Taxation is close to zero,Taxation is national,This will lead to a county of Shanxi Province said the director of a departmental accumulate 700 million yuan of wealth,Because it underground mine to millions,But the assets are billions/Billions of.


Some more industry monopoly,For example the financial/telecom,This monopoly not only cause deterioration of income distribution,And there will be many rent a large number of rent-seeking behavior,A far play a far get,This is the problem of income distribution.If you don't give the reasons behind the elimination,In order to keep the advantage industry,If the industry can't let it fall,For example the Soviet union/Russia.No matter state or private will subsidies,No matter what kind of constitutional system as long as there will be subsidies it.


So I think this problem is to solve,But how should solve?I think that the solution is to eliminate the distortion,Because in the early reform and opening up our capital is extremely scarce country,If you don't give those subsidies words,If you don't give those enterprise subsidies,Today we is 6000 dollars income countries,As there are some industry has the competitive,The policy has the necessity,In fact its role and historical mission has been completed,If let it existence becomes our historical burden,Should be like in the eighteenth big speak to eliminate all kinds of distortion,Deepen market system,Let us have the perfect market system.


In the process I'd like to make a little,The government can't do,Like some people say not to intervene in,A do-nothing government,I think need a promising government.Why need a promising government?Because of rapid economic development is the process of structural change,It need to industrial structure/Infrastructure all kinds of arrangement,Structure need to have a lot of external coordination,If no government help coordinate,And, as some might think just do what is wrong,Even with the perfect market,But the economic development can't create give you,Such as Latin America/intelligence,But 30 years without new industry,No good employment opportunity,The results that situation,Populist stage,Populism kidnapped the government,In the unemployment, etc,So we know what the real reason is what?With FuDeChouXin way to adjust,At the same time let different institutional arrangements including have market is the allocation of resources,In the industry of resource allocation is needed,But the economic development structure constantly change process government is needed,Like in the past to resources too much intervention,Because if according to the market economy way,Do catch up things,The government's intervention in reducing deal,Not to rent to the enterprise,Since not to rent words,Rent-seeking capital is less.


Of course even with this,I think that emphasis on constitutional reform is also important,Because no matter how for the government of its behavior must also have standard,But the constitutional reform should be in this foundation,To achieve its purpose,thank you.
