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Policy unknown,Mode is not clear,Wenzhou financial comprehensive reform ineffective.

  《金融世界》记者 孙弢/文

[Financial world]Reporter SunTao/wen


In March 2012, and day,The state council premier wen jiabao presided the state council executive meeting,Decide to establish a wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area,For approval[Zhejiang wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area overall scheme],To determine the wenzhou financial comprehensive reform 12 main task(Hereinafter referred to as"Article 12").


time,Wenzhou has become a country of attention,People more than hope reform can solve the crisis of wenzhou,More hope that through wenzhou gold change,Find a national financial reform mode.


soon,Financial reform and innovation and the news of a barrage of re-understanding from wenzhou,Content in almost"Article 12"Each field is put forward.


however,With the passage of time,People gradually by up to down,because"Progress will be slow/Begin well but end badly"Almost became the"Gold to the New Deal"Common label.


"This year than last year financing more difficult,And there is no see how much financing cost reduction."Wenzhou FangXing guarantee company chairman of the board of directors FangPeiLin said.


"No substantive breakthrough,To mess up a large number of small and medium-sized businesses,Don't feel gold to bring change."Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise development promotion association President ZhouDeWen such evaluation.


Some people think of,Gold change is slow,The reason is that the reform of the key rules can't come.


Until November 23, 2012,Is looking forward to[Zhejiang wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot implementation plan](Hereinafter referred to as"[Implementation plan]")To officially announced.the,distance"Article 12"Come have in the past eight months to spare.


Even so,"Compared with the previous expected,[Implementation plan]What in the/Participation in the reform of financial institutions is still not too big breakthrough."ZhouDeWen pointed out that,[Implementation plan]To what extent did not improve"Article 12"maneuverability.


meanwhile,for"Article 12"Involved in the change of gold content,The industry, there are also many question.


"Gold did not change the key."The Chinese academy of social sciences financial research institute financial market research director Yang tao said,"Core target fuzzy,Make reform path become dispersion,Difficult to focus policy resources to do the most important folk financial innovation problems."


Yang tao think,"Article 12"in,Most is the existing financial policy thinking to describe,And for the future direction of financial reform of the description.Really has the meaning of financial innovation,is"To encourage and support the folk capital to participate in the local financial institution reform","Formulate standard folk financing management measures,Establish record folk financing management system,Establish and perfect the folk financing monitoring system",and"Research in the overseas investment of personal pilot,Explore to establish a standardized convenient direct investment channels"Three aspects.


And these three aspects,How the progress?


The bank reform encounters obstacles


"Once again we march to financial institutions in due time."Gold change approved test day,With industry colleagues in a dinner party on drank some"high"The wenzhou people to YangJiaXing initiative way.


Founded in the first a private bank is"incorporated"After the financial YangJiaXing is out,Once again, with the hope of creating a what bank.Just five days,YangJiaXing called dozens of interested subscription party,Subscribe amounted to 875 million strands.


however,To his unexpected is,He submitted[Wenzhou agricultural development bank establishment requisition]But four days later in the report by the local financial departments refused."They called me and said:‘YangJiaXing you don't messing about,The state council document is to encourage guide private capital into the banking industry,Not encourage private capital to do bank’."


"Article 12"Not understand in written‘Encourage what was established according to law or equity town bank’??"For the relevant departments explanation,YangJiaXing feel some"Make any sense".


this,Wenzhou silver inspect bureau officials said,"About the folk capital whether it can be as the main sponsors,And the current banking regulatory commission policy have conflict."


"No clear allowed private capital to construct the private bank,This is a big regret."ZhouDeWen when accepting a reporter to interview the truth,As early as in 2010 promulgated by the state council[About encourage and guide the healthy development of the private investment in some opinions]("Article 36 new")in,Have allowed private capital by financial institutions similar provisions,but"Article 36 new"The detailed rules for the implementation of the has not been issued,Private capital into the pace of the financial sector has been very hard.


meanwhile,"Article 12"Clearly stated"Meet the conditions of the small loan companies can be reorganized into a town bank"A is also in the implementation difficulties.


"Small loan companies turn town bank's enthusiasm is not high.So far,Wenzhou have 30 small loan companies,The registered capital of nearly 8 billion yuan RMB,Is the preparation of 22 home.But only 2 small loan companies(Cangnan federal and yueqing chengtai)Submit the application for conversion."Anxi securities issued a research report shows,Small loan companies are not willing to,The reason is after the transformation will be more supervision.


"In fact,The main difficulties in policy."Lucheng district a small loan company controller when accepting a reporter to interview revealed,The existing policy actually what into the financial sector set obstacles.


Such as,According to the[Town bank management interim provisions],The originator or contributor should at least have a banking financial institution.and"Article 12"Although pointed out that,Conditional small loan companies can into town bank,But for specific what conditions can conversion,Is not specified.


"If, in accordance with the[Town bank management interim provisions],Small loan companies turn village bank and prospect."The small credit company officials said.


According to the close to wenzhou financial do informed sources,Cangnan federal and yueqing chengtai turn up town after the bank will have a banking institutions participation."In the process of villages and towns to the bank,Small loan company's major shareholders as as the main sponsors,And in conformity with the provisions of the banking regulatory commission (CBRC),so,Need to introduce commercial Banks as the main role."


"In equity participation in proportion,We hope that the bank accounts for 33% of the shares unilaterally,We accounted for 67% of the shares,But haven't finalized.The shareholding ratio,With the bank through consultation,And finally to the CBRC for examination and approval."Cangnan federal ZhuJianLiang general manager said.


And yueqing chengtai factory.the scheme is still in being negotiated.


For this kind of transformation model,Several of small credit company officials say not very satisfied."We have a big company,But in the village after the bank to issue lost."


As a result of the present regulations on what is a small loan company or bank as the main sponsors of the stalemate,Make small credit company turned the village bank was no progress.


In fact,For small loan companies become the conversion of the commercial Banks,The industry has always been different voice.


"The folk capital to it,Small loan company is a good way,And small credit the company will play a positive role in the folk.Such as,The company has more than 5000 small loans,Loans has more than 5000 yuan,And no significant increase in the risk of the problem."ZhouDeWen think,As for the government level,Deal with small credit company for relax,Relax its business power and scope of business.even,In business good small loan companies,Should be encouraged,The folk capital accumulation is also good.


The National People's Congress vice director of CaiJingWei WuXiaoLing previously had said,"Town bank is not small loan companies in a way out,And should be developed for financial firms."


Intriguing is,As of November 23, 2012,[Implementation plan]Issued the day,Wenzhou silver inspect bureau held on for the first time in foreign revealed:"Is double main promoter system effectiveness evaluation and feasibility study."


For foreign direct"Only smell stair ring"


"Article 12"Put forward:"The foreign direct investment in the individual pilot",This means wenzhou gold to the most innovative pilot were allowed to enter the overseas straight shots"Try to carry out"stage.


In fact,Foreign direct investment pilot can not only for the wenzhou folk capital to open a new export,More is seen as a"China's capital project is an important step in the open".


Haitong securities(600837,guba)Chief economist LiXunLei also think,Individual foreign direct investment can reduce China's foreign assets and liabilities structure unbalanced situation."Channel than‘pool’More useful."He thinks,Improve the deposit reserve rate is built"pool",But if"pool"More and more money,Is also a problem,3 trillion foreign currency reserves will increase 23 trillion yuan reserves,In the home is to form the inflation."As channelization drain,Release out."


Test site approved the second day,As one of the pilot straight investment wenzhou folk capital investment service center in is heavy traffic,Packed with overseas investment projects to look for the wenzhou businessmen.

  事实上,个人境外直投的动议并非始于金改。“早在四年前,温州已开始酝酿个人直接投资试点。当时的背景是,温州企业境外直接投资和个人外汇收支双向增长,而欧美经济的萎靡不振更为温州企业海外收购兼并提供了绝佳时机。” 浙江大学社会科学学部主任史晋川介绍说。

In fact,Individual foreign direct put motion is not began to gold."As early as four years ago,Wenzhou has started to ferment personal direct investment pilot.The background is,Wenzhou enterprise overseas direct investment and personal foreign exchange payments two-way growth,And Europe and the United States economic slump in more wenzhou enterprise overseas merger and acquisition provides a good opportunity." Zhejiang university social science division director ShiJinChuan said.


In January 2011,Wenzhou city business bureau in its official website officially released[Wenzhou individual foreign direct investment pilot scheme].Plan clearly,Eighteen years old and above all/With full capacity for civil conduct/Have the registered permanent residence of wenzhou individual,Has the qualification to apply for foreign direct investment is put forward.


In the line,The scheme within trial period,Individual foreign direct investment total annual no more than $200 million/Single not more than $3 million.If it is more investors to implement a foreign direct investment,The total amount of investment not more than the equivalent of 10 million us dollars.


however,Because have not obtained the approval of the state administration of foreign exchange,Less than half a year,Pilot work is forced to stop.


"There are many people who come to counseling,Also have a lot of the material,Has been received by the relevant departments,But can not reply.Foreign investment projects will not wait for a year,And there is no clear under the condition of the reply,Investors want to negotiations also unable to."Wenzhou city business bureau chief Sue to green said.


After a year,By borrow gold change"dongfeng",Shout for four years of personal overseas investment pilot finally approved.


Foreign economic and trade university financial, dean of the college of DingZhiJie think,In the past,China's foreign exchange management system characteristic is wide into severe out,Non-resident relatively loose,And on the residents' relatively strict.In order to correct this asymmetry,Relaxing capital controls should be to meet the domestic organizations/Enterprise, the individual and other residents of the normal and reasonable demands cross-border capital flows.Wenzhou individual foreign direct investment pilot reflect this guide,Help to realize general equilibrium/Two-way cross-border capital flow pattern.


however,In the state council executive meeting of the resolution passed by the,About overseas straight investment pilot related statement is only"Research carried out",And the detailed rules for the implementation of the scheme of concern after a little more than half a year after the study design stage,Has not yet officially announced.


"Wenzhou are preparing the rules,And almost no difference between a year ago,But in the end, to carry out individual overseas straight investment amount/Project specific limit how much will be,Still have to wait for the results."Sue to green said,Wenzhou had many times in solution,But the detailed rules for the implementation has not been issued.


therefore,Reporter toss linked to the relevant person in charge of the business hall of zhejiang province,Response said,And previous try different,Wenzhou gold changed from the fields"agriculture-related"Folk capital,Whether because of this approach"sea"Quick and increase the risk,Parties disagree with each other/Dispute is bigger.


The reporter understands,A relatively concentrated concern is that,Investment facilitation will bring huge capital outflow?


"Although at present only plan in wenzhou open overseas straight investment,But it's also a possibility that the funds through the export to overseas direct cast,To the number of overseas may be more than expected."Financial commentators leaf wingceltis pointed out.


"Be argued that the,At present only its wenzhou overseas investment privileges,Hard to avoid can form funnel effect,All the money to exit in wenzhou,Lead to surge in risk."Sue to green revealed.


But there are also some experts say,Similar concerns don't need to.


Zhejiang university school of economics professor HuangXian sea think,Although China's economy is facing the reality of the growth is slowing,But foreign investment environment is not necessarily good than China,For capital outflows don't need to worry,But must be strictly to strengthen supervision of the investment approval.


The national development and reform commission of foreign economic research institute ZhangYanSheng think,In the past,Domestic capital control is wide into severe out,The most worried about the flight of capital,For foreign investment outflow of capital is the reduction of GDP.But from China's current capital debt situation,Of the $3 trillion under the foreign currency reserves,For individual foreign direct throw only put more wide.


In the face of all Suggestions,The zhejiang business hall in response to say:"From now expected to see,Need more attention is facing the risk of overseas investment,Will be officially announced the detailed rules for the implementation of overseas straight investment will be in the final straight investment allowed scale/Total amount and investment field to make specific provision."


"The sun change"Dot and carry one


Wenzhou folk capital amount how much?So far there is no authority official statistics.In the interview,Reporter heard the multiple statistical version,the,High reliability of a version is 6000 ~ 800 billion yuan,And every year by increasing at the rate of 14%.


Such a huge amount of money to hide the folk is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.In ShiJinChuan seems,The folk capital such as not guide rational,Will form confused situation.Began in 2011 in the second half of the year"Run road tide"Is evidence.


this,How to guide the undercurrent of folk capital out of the gray area,Make sunshine change/standardization,In a sense,Wenzhou gold become the breach of the change.


On April 26, 2012,Is located in wenzhou lucheng east road of the wenzhou private lending registration service center(Hereinafter referred to as"Registration center")Formally operation,This is the first company in wenzhou private lending registration service center.


According to the registration center general manager XuZhiQian is introduced,Center to form of company operations,By 14 home legal person/Eight natural person investment to set up,"The original intention is established for the folk lending to provide security/Reliable platform,The people's bank reference system by providing credit inquiry/Format contract,And intermediary organizations/Legal professional support,To minimize the risk of folk loan."


At present,For nine butt lending financing intermediaries in free,Including Banks/Insurance company/Law firm/Notary office/Assessment center, etc.It is understood,Folk lending the information in the center after the summary,From all kinds of institutions will bring together for them"The custom of",And to provide third-party verification/Credit evaluation,And legal/Insurance and other supporting services,Final lending practices,And in the service center for registration.


"Local financial supervision service center for all parties conduct supervision and management,But can't direct contact with the money and take on all things."According to XuZhiQian revealed,At present,Through the registration center a lending mainstream monthly interest level in 1 minute 2 to 1 points between 5,Far below guarantee company or small loan companies.


And early in the registration center listed in the first two months of operation,Wenzhou first a folk capital management company, ouhai XinTong co., LTD. Has soft opening it.


"The company's main business is to invest,In the form of private companies,To raise funds,What was the standard and industrial capital spread channel,All funds all by the government for the whole supervision."Assistant to the general manager SunXiaoXiang ouhai XinTong introduces to the reporter said,In accordance with the notice issued by wenzhou financial do,The folk capital management center not XiChu/Don't lend,Only through the capital investment projects to realize capital appreciation.


SunXiaoXiang on phone construe the three"The sun change"To summarize the characteristics of folk capital management center:"Capital source sunshine change/Use the sun change/Income sunshine change."


Wenzhou financial do provide related statistical data display,So far,Within the jurisdiction of wenzhou, there have been three folk capital management company listed opening,The first of the wenzhou private lending registration service center opened 5 months,A total of 1244 pen loan registration,Amount of 940 million yuan.


Although is the start,But since there is no mature management and operation method,With the deepening of degree of intervention,Once full of confidence on two pilot enterprises in heart began to surge up a huge question mark.


Data display,At present,Wenzhou folk lending registration center to only 16 pen/37.31 million yuan to clinch a deal."An average of two or three genius will have a deal."XuZhiQian think,"Wenzhou after the crisis,People for the loan risk control is very strict,Reluctant to easily to borrowed money."


however,The reporter learned,That was not the case."The real reason is,A lot of enterprise is not willing to public finances.As lenders by some of the small and medium-sized micro enterprise,If you want to come here to registration borrowing,The equivalent of the financial situation of enterprises exposure."One does not wish to disclose the name to participate in the pilot work of the people familiar with the matter told reporters,"Wenzhou a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises in the financial crisis,Even if the government has the funds can't use,Is afraid to be bank after know is listed as concern,Broken in the future the way from bank loans."


As a lending side of the individual,If you go to the registration,Is to open his own interest income."FangDaiRen most afraid show one's riches,And once have interest income,According to the national laws,Shall pay individual income tax."Say the.


"If did not give FangDaiRen security,And don't give discount to the borrower,Why did you come here to register?Rely on the registration of the model to achieve the folk capital‘The sun change’,Complete operation can't get up."FangPeiLin pointed out that.


"Registration center is neither government departments,Also not institutions,Does not provide any guarantee,Once the loan defaults,Don't assume responsibility.Which come of credibility?"YangJiaXing more direct questions.


Folk asset management company faces a similar development mode confusion.According to the requirements of financial services office:For a single investment object of the total amount of investment is no more than 5% of the total net capital,In other words,Is TouZiKuan each shall not be more than 5 million yuan.


In ouhai XinTong who refused to give his name seems to big shareholders,In the long run,Ouhai may fall into dilemma."If industrial investment,5 million yuan a sum of investment,so,The amount of one hundred million yuan and investment need to throw out,It takes a lot of energy,The human cost and financial cost is higher;If to become a shareholder approach to investing,Owing to the wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise shareholding system reform is quite sufficient,Risk is bigger."The people said.


He thinks,If can make sure the other side to industrial capital investment after,The parties have agreed fixed return on investment,It is also a kind of capital investment industrial innovation mode."This kind of mode and the traditional money lending and usury completely different,But these ideas need to get the government to the approval of the market operation."


"Objectively said,Local governments to promote reform sincerity is there,But the pace is too slow/Amplitude small."FangPeiLin think.


"Due to the financial turmoil before,now,Management department is very afraid of reappear folk capital risk."YangJiaXing think.
