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Once was appointed China minsheng bank(600016,guba)Head office financial marketing general manager,The chairman of the board of directors of the mountain investment YanJunWei earlier is further asset management industry experts,As early as in 2002 he founded the first bank financing studio.He then China is gradually to the asset management industry has its own unique observation.recently,[The new financial]Reporter interviews the YanJunWei.
[The new financial]:With you in the wealth management industry many years of experience,Do you think China is the best wealth management mature time point?
YanJunWei:I think there is no to this time,Industry is still in growth period,Is more active and restless.Current asset management market investors demand is very strong,But investment channels was chocked up,The stock market wealth effect is very poor,Real estate investment demand also suppressed,Money no way out.Mainly to the bank financial institutions began to look for a way out,Through such cooperation,Development finance product asset allocation,But now they are mainly in selling products stage.
[The new financial]:Do you think what contributed to the supervisor in wealth management policy loose completely?
YanJunWei:Trust this years do very well,To realize a certain wealth effect,Scale up,Money and made,Caused the other financial institutions green eyes.And insurance/Brokers and funds as the market reason and restrictions,In recent years is very bad,Investment is limited and lived,Trust the wealth effect of let brokers/insurance/Fund has the excitement.Now everybody. Asset management,And the securities and insurance also see stock market is in bear market for a long time,To seek a way out for them,A series of radical asset management easing policy started mass issued.
[The new financial]:Do you think the financial institutions into comprehensive asset management,The industry what influence?The comprehensive competition will not lead to price war?
YanJunWei:There is no true competition,Everyone at present mainly in the bank for the channel business,But this business do not long,Because not many technical content,Mainly is the regulatory arbitrage.The pool business because maturity mismatch and information disclosure is not transparent,Have greater risk,The supervisor must be standard.The focus of competition in the future should see the real asset allocation ability and the ability of investment banking business,In the technology to produce advantage,To provide the real asset management services.
[The new financial]:The supervisor at present for asset management lack of regulatory means what?
YanJunWei:The biggest problem at present,Is the regulatory standards and regulators do not unified,Even if regulators department and between departments are not unified,This easy to produce market regulatory arbitrage,Also easy to make the mechanism at loose ends.
Such as current bank asset management have very big problem,The bank is actually overdrawn credit.In a foreign country,Bank asset management is independent,A complete risk isolation.In China,Commercial Banks and asset management is confounded together,Asset management is high-risk industry,The risk may be completely spillover to the commercial bank loan business,This will have a great risk.
[The new financial]:Do you think in various financial institutions,Which institution do asset management has more advantages,What are the disadvantages?
YanJunWei:So far,In the asset allocation,The securities assets management ability some better,They are in stock/bonds/Foreign exchange and monetary market investment and development strength more?strong.
But brokers currently do silver-colored card to cooperation business risks.One is the policy risk.Low enclosure such channel business constantly beyond the regulation the bottom line,And bill business/Asset pool business may be called.The second is credit risk.Financing class business team in the system and the lack of experience,Equity pledge financing level below/Can't make up security events frequently.The third is moral hazard.Employees in the trading of risk and regulations fly single and receive commissions.
Insurance asset management company originally policy control is very bad,Now let go of certain to have a adaptive process,But their investment still has its own characteristics,Such as pay attention to configuration and long-term investment.
Before the fund of drought or waterlogging,But fund now set up subsidiaries in fact is the function of the trust company,Is a big open.
The focus of competition in these institutions,I think or talent,Do asset management,By is level and ability,Including product innovation/Customer development and service ability, etc.
As for the future competition,At present is still can't see clearly.But two things are certain:One is the asset management industry regulatory policy must be unified,"A line of three will"Must earnestly policy coordination;The second is along with the interest rate marketization,Deposit-loan ratio regulatory policy loose,Especially the development of asset securitization,A large number of channel business will atrophy.
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