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People participate in the stock market has two kinds of behavior,That investment and speculative.Distinguish between investment and speculation,Has a very important significance."The father of modern securities analysis"Benjamin graham attaches great importance to distinguish between investment and speculation,Its theory through the distinguish,According to the learning experience,Outline the major difference between investment and speculation.
Investment is to find and share value,Speculation is anticipation and bet in price change
Graham given investment and speculation is defined:"Investment refers to according to the detailed analysis,The principal safety and satisfaction guaranteed return of the operation.Does not conform to the standard operating is speculative."At the same time defines the investment and speculative,Emphasizes the essential difference between both exist.
This investment is the key of the definition"safety".Do not conform to the standards of speculative investment,Inevitable lack of"safety"."Margin of safety"Thought is graham investment theory of central idea.Margin of safety is mainly refers to the stock market price is lower than the intrinsic value of the balance.He put forward:"We propose to use margin of safety this concept as a standard to distinguish between business investment and speculative business."
The intrinsic value of the stock is more essential thing,The main market price"comparison"role,Therefore investment"safety"The real source of the is"value",The real goal is to invest"value"."Value investment"A word,Directly express the meaning.investment"The principal safety and satisfactory returns",Is to share the results of value.In order to share value,First to find/Find value,the"Detailed analysis of".so,Investment is to find and share value.
speculation,Judgment is the market trends, and take appropriate action,That is rising to do more,Put to empty,In essence is with opposing views and action"spread-betting".so,Speculation is anticipation and bet in price change.
投资的策略是估值,投机的策略是预测 Investment strategy is valuation,Speculative strategy is forecast
Investment strategy is stock valuation,That is the intrinsic value of evaluation securities and margin of safety,Act accordingly.Speculative strategy is market forecast,That is the market direction,Act accordingly.Graham it clear description:"What we call an election,Refers to try to predict the behavior of the stock market, that the future trend is rising,Buy or hold stock;That the future trend is fall,Sell or stop buying stock.What we call valuation refers to try our best to do it:The stock price is less than the fair value when buying,Higher than the fair value of the sale.Another requirement is not too high valuation method is,Make sure you buy the price of the stock will not be too high...We are sure that,No matter use what kind of valuation methods,Smart investors can obtain satisfactory results.We also sure,If investors choose to predict basis emphasis on the transaction,Then he will eventually become a speculator,And in the face of speculative bring financial results."
The evaluation and prediction is more reasonable combination?Graham answer is negative,For investors and speculators exists fundamental differences:"Speculators a fundamental feature is:He went to buy the stock,Because he felt the stock are going up,Not think a stock cheap;And vice versa.So speculators and securities analysts view have fundamental differences."
投资运用基本分析法,投机运用市场分析法 Investment using basic analysis method,Speculation the market analysis
Investment using basic analysis method,Analysis of securities investment value,Aims to"Stock selection".Speculation the market analysis,Predict the market price trend,Aims to"timing"(trading).
Graham to securities analysis(Namely basic analysis)The paper on the system,Also criticized the market analysis.He pointed out that:"There are two kinds of different market analysis method:One is pure from the stock market performance history of mining material forecast;Another is to consider all kinds of economic factors,Such as the general and specific business environment/Currency rate/Political prospects of."The first is a technical analysis,He pointed out that,Its logical foundation, according to the history of stock prices of some of the characteristics that the market future direction,According to the similar to horse racing(History record)Chart prediction racing results - is not perfect;Because the market and buy/Because the market fell and the main principle to sell to the normal business principles,ridiculous.The second is through the whole economic outlook forecast to predict the market's direction method,If according to funds rate/Such as the change of freight volume indicators to predict the market change,He pointed out that,Take it for granted that the accident happened a few times of delay or coincidence,In the future also happen - not convincing,So is also a kind of pseudoscience.
Today's a popular idea,Is trying to put the basic analysis and market analysis,namely"Stock selection"and"timing"combined,Reflected in"From the fundamentals look at...From the technical surface look at..."This popular analysis model,and"Value + trend"The operation method and so on.Graham had pointed out that this"Combined with"Can't established:"Any combination of the two efforts fundamentally is illogical and confusing...If the trading operations into investment practice,The stability of investment capital gains will be destroyed,And will make investor interest transfer to speculative aspects."
投资一般是长期持有,投机一般是频繁交易 Investment is generally held for a long time,Speculation is generally frequent trading
Investment is mainly buy and hold by market undervalued securities,Waiting for prices to return value,The regression process is usually long,Need patience to wait for;Share enterprise to create new value,Also need the patience to wait.Investment is like kind of crops,To have the patience to wait for crop growth.
Speculative activity mainly through the transaction to,Market forecast technology used frequently appearing a sale"signal",Economic outlook forecast will continue to bring all kinds of"bullish"/"bad",Drives people to action.Speculation is like surfing,To keep the busy.
Graham summary way:"Market analysts main rule is to reduce loss and guarantee profits(In the early fall to sell),This leads to market transaction active...But by securities analysis as the foundation of the operation is usually belong to the type of investment,Will not bring active trading."
投资总体上有良好回报,投机总体上要亏损 Investment in general have good returns,Speculation on the whole to loss
Investment and value of marriage,There will be a good result.Speculation is a zero-sum game,After deduction of the transaction cost is negative and games,Most people will lose.Long term investors will result in overall profit,Speculators overall losses.Graham that,"The stock market speculators, on the whole, almost lost money","Loss of speculators to gain more than speculators is almost a mathematical law".
Speculation is not illegal,But speculative risk is too big,Must be vigilant.Graham told the world:"If you want to speculative word,Please with their own eyes,Know that in the end may lose money."Of course,choose,Himself responsible for.
(The author for investors)
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