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In the eighteenth big determine the new leaders before very long period of time,"The reform"As many people do not want to mention of the word.Don't want to mention why not willing to change,But for the long-term stagnation initiation"tired"state.


Generally speaking,,People will look forward to in the reform"CPPCC"/The government leadership shift time window.In the spring of 2012"CPPCC"During the period,The author has asked a group of Chinese people's political consultative conference committee for promoting economic reform proposals,The smile helpless,To ask for so many years,What did you carry out.The more than 30 years since reform started in 1978,First two thirds of the time in the reform,A third of the time after the reform.Stagnant long more than ten years,What to change,How to change,Including political/economic/Culture, the social from all walks of life have been many Suggestions.


In the reform"tired"State to the eighteenth big party and the government's new leader,Will change.The new leaders,To arouse the people to the reform of the eager and confidence.Ten years a rotation of the political cycle,Can usher in new opportunities for the reform?Someone to restart reform are full of confidence,Is more pessimistic,Think history but wheel back to origin,To a great change.


We have reason to believe that,Reform of the policy makers also eager to restart.The central ministries are submitted,Many policymakers to obtain information.But the current social contradictions and,The urgent to reform the content of the multifarious.much,Should not be"Eyebrow beard delight".


Starting from how to reform?Before decision maker is the real problem.Researchers of the think-tank, the official and folk all kinds of research is not much.The state council advisors/Before the central bank's monetary policy committee/Under the state council development research center of the financial research institute XiaBin comb multifarious content after reform,From the perspective of economic theory,Combined with its many years in the bank/China securities regulatory commission and other regulators and shenzhen exchange experience of Marketing Department, etc,Eight years of economic reform in the future road map is given.


Our reporter to interview XiaBin on December 25.He thought that,Looking for reform"The breach"Is to catch a cold"swelling".This force to tear non-market economy operation,Back to promote economy structure adjustment for the distortion,Can forward DaoBi reforms.XiaBin said,This kind of"The breach"There are two points.The first,On the reform of the unfair distribution.The reform of the second catch factor prices.this"Two core"The reform,DaoBi and promote land system/Social safety net/Fiscal and taxation system/Countries from China"The four key"The reform of the.


 上篇:求解经济改革“题眼” Effects: to solve the economic reforms"Is eye"


The top design urgency


[In the 21 st century]:There is a saying,The present economic reform can change almost all changed,If political reform to promote,Economic reform is difficult to continue.What is your view?


XiaBin:Some in the field of economic reform will inevitably involved in political field,But also can not completely cover the whole content in the reform of the political field,Such as democratic elections.I is the basic attitude,In what political issues encountered in speeding up the further economic reform,Don't walk around,What the solution to solve.But said political reform must be to economic reforms,The principle understanding too,simple.


[In the 21 st century]:In the past ten years the stagnation of the economic reform,Previously fragmented,Where is easy to push,Lack of system"Top design"The reform of the mode,Whether one big reason?At the present stage reform whether top design is needed?

  夏斌:过去改革的缓慢,并不仅仅是没有顶层设计所致。我在《中国金融战略 2020》一书中就金融改革滞后问题谈了几点认识,改革缓慢有决策体系问题,还有决策者认知问题,也有方方面面改革的复杂性,导致顶层设计的滞后问题。

XiaBin:The reform of the past,It is not just not top design.I am in[China's financial strategy. 2020]In the book is financial reform lags behind some knowledge about these problems,Slow reform has decision-making system problems,And decision makers cognitive problems,And in face of the complexity of the reform,Result in the lagging of top-level design problem.


Since last year,There are signs that,China's economy began to enter the structural adjustment period,Foreign demand weakened,Economic growth slowed.If you don't reform,Meet social risks in the future will be more outstanding than ever before.From this perspective,Urgent need to have a conceptual design.If like the past,By each department,classify,Lacking in initiative and overcautious to change,Has been more difficult,And will delay the big picture.


The breach:The income distribution/Factors of price reform


[In the 21 st century]:Need to reform the content of the lot,Much don't"Eyebrow beard delight".At this stage to push economic reforms,Do you think where is the breakthrough?


XiaBin:To find the point,First need to see the specific change what.China's economy is now a lot of a lot of problems,There is the income distribution/Financial lag/Structural imbalances/Small and medium-sized enterprise development difficulties, etc. Various kinds of problems.Among the thread of the how to sort out?I think,According to the method of expenditure in the gross national product/The production method/Income and payments,These four angles to clinching the analysis of the various problems in the national economy as well as the causes of the problem.So looking for reform breakthrough,Will find out the relationship between these four.Through the


Recent research and analysis,I think the four independent structural imbalances,And contact with each other.Some have happens.Each structure from different levels reflect this in China"unsustainable"Economies of the specific economic relations and economic category.


For instance,From the cost method of GDP,See the problem is,investment/consumption/Net export ratio imbalance.Consumption is relatively insufficient.And what is the cause of the insufficient consumption?Lies in the low income,The core problem is the problem of income gap,It involves the structure of income distribution problems.Residents' why can't consumption?In the current under the background of rising prices,To worry about the future child education/Medical treatment, etc. Various kinds of problems,It involves the social security system reform.


From the viewpoint of production method,The second industry development fast,Service economy development is slow.Secundiparity monopoly of personal factors such as access control of the government,Led to the project of a large number of high investment capital organic composition.And monopoly and can move a lot of financial capital,Natural development fast.Production factors of capital structure decision labor income distribution pattern.Natural government high corporate profits,Residents of labor income is low.Some repeat investment/High energy consumption of the investment is able to development,There is a big factor,Is the factor price reform does not reach the designated position.water/oil/gas/Electricity prices in the reform,Cheap resources by monopoly.Interest rate marketization reform didn't.These factors from suppliers' stimulated regardless of the cost/The problem of repetitive construction.Of course,,From the income method/International payments method can also be analysis.When you put these structural imbalances and the reasons for the context after clear,Looking for reform breakthrough would be easier.Personally, I think,Breakthrough to catch"Two core"The problem.


The so-called"The core",Is to catch a cold"swelling",To be able to tear non-market economy operation of the nets of the bulge.Through this kind of"swelling"The reform of the,Should be to look forward,It can promote the distortion of the economic structure adjustment;Looking back,It can DaoBi other reforms.Under such train of thought,After study,I think there are"Two core",The first grasp the reform of the unfair distribution,The reform of the second catch factor prices.


[In the 21 st century]:The path along the income distribution reform,How the reform,How to promote?


XiaBin:On income distribution reform,To improve the income level of resident.In the countryside,To DaoBi land increment income return to the reform of the farmers.Land value increment income distribution is changed in accordance with the administrative idea of magnification,I mean,,Should be highlighted to handle affairs according to law.

  按照市场运作,该怎么办就怎么办。 更重要的是要突出“依法补偿”,而不是“公平补偿”。讲“公平补偿”,这个“经”容易被地方政府“和尚”念歪了。

According to the market operation,What to do and how to do. More important is to should be highlighted"In accordance with the compensation",Rather than"Fair compensation".speak"Fair compensation",this"By the"Easy to local government"The monk"Read out.


This reform if further,At present situation,37% of the land to farmers income,The vast majority of the local governments to take.If a reform,The land income of local government immediately will be greatly reduced,Urban infrastructure funds will appear a large hole.What to do?He DaoBi fiscal reform.Central and local financial and personnel relationship must have a big reform.This is the land system reform of the financial DaoBi.To improve residents' income and think solve local financing platform risk,The financial hole will occur,This is not the past.In the city,If we improve tax threshold/To speed up the construction of social security system,To improve medical support level,Will inevitably make financial and come to a big reform.


This is along the income distribution reform this context thinking,Land income distribution system reform,Construction of the social safety net to reform,The two eventually DaoBi financial reform to reform.When financial reform meet capital hole to not bottom go to,Will inevitably cause"Countries from China"The reform of the,To guide the development of the private economy.


[In the 21 st century]:Down the prices of resources and capital elements of reform of the path,Other reform how to promote?


XiaBin:In general,If the interest rate reform going further,Must be market-oriented interest rate,Core is to let go of the interest rates on deposits.After interest rate marketization,Interest rates gradually reflect market supply and demand of funds,Of renmin state-owned enterprises cheap money supply is a kind of suppression.After interest rate marketization,To further accelerate the reform of the exchange rate flexibility is good.So this will be for internal and external balance of payments equilibrium play a good role in promoting.


After interest rate marketization,Means the bank loan interest,Bank competition.The result is,Poor management of some Banks will go bankrupt.This will force the government to have discussed the deposit insurance system of 10 years,To take out.


Another Angle is water/electricity/oil/gas/Mineral resource elements as the reform of the price.The reform of factor prices,In the adjustment of industrial structure/To develop labor-intensive industries,Will play a good role in catalysis.


I predict,As long as unswervingly promote reform,through"Two core"The reform of the,In the countryside,The key is land income distribution reform,In the city,We will accelerate reform of the social security system,Seize this two point,When financial must not be weak surplus or deficit of now,But there will be big hole.This will force financial reform,Will force the government to sell stakes in state-owned enterprises,Is full of people.In the"Two core,The four key"Reform is really difficult in four key reform,Finally will meet ideology/The aspects of political resistance.




[In the 21 st century]:Urbanization can become comprehensive/Radical economic reform"The breach"and"The breakthrough point"?


XiaBin:Urbanization mean?Means that the first,The farmer to the city.Reform of the household registration right now,The direction is right.But is not only a simple problem of census register.After the farmers into the city,Provide for the aged/Medical treatment/Children education problem will be solved.Behind this funds is a series of problems,Is the local fiscal expenditure.Development and reform commission to calculate,A migrant to spending 80000 yuan.How much it would cost if 100 million migrant workers into the city?This is a big payout.


The second,After the farmers into the city to live down,Must have the room,House to be equipped with water/electricity/gas,Outside to have a road construction/Sewage treatment, etc.That means a lot of infrastructure investment,Who take money?After land distribution system reform,"Land finance"Income and there will be unexpected degree is reduced.Who can provide these investments need of funds?Will reform the present all kinds of investment threshold,To think of some way to introduce private capital.


The third,After the farmers into the city to live for a long time,Want to have a long-term income,Means to obtain employment.Enterprise who is going to create?Renmin is difficult to go to the small and medium-sized cities and towns,That is about to attract small and medium-sized enterprises.It involves the investment threshold/Lower taxes/To carry out"In this article 36"Such as the reform.


In addition,Urban residents consumption are farmers consumption of three times,China is boosting domestic demand/Raising the ability of consumption.The discussion of urbanization policy does not cover the expansion of urban residents consumption/Income distribution reform in a series of policy content.


so,From the conclusion that,Urbanization in promoting China's economic growth is indeed a lot of space.but,This is the result,Is not a reason.Urbanization is the result of a series of policy adjustment system evolution,Is the final historical mission and goals.Only seize the ie one pays special attention to the reform of the first,To improve the level of urbanization,Therefore urbanization itself cannot constitute a reform directly"pupils".

  下篇:构画金融改革路线图 Next: outline financial reform road map


The breakthrough point:Interest rate marketization


[In the 21 st century]:Do you think of financial reform"The breakthrough point"What is the?Why the form"The breakthrough point"?


XiaBin:I think"The breakthrough point"Or interest rate marketization.Financial or financial system,Relative to the real economy,The core problem is capital and price.Why begin with interest rate liberalization?Because after interest rate marketization,It's good to establish the stability of the financial system.To establish stable/Effective financial system,Requires a competition.Interest rates a market,Competition will intensify,Some Banks may go bankrupt,This requires to establish deposit insurance system.The system has been discussed for more than ten years.Remember I left before the people's bank of China head office in 2002,Began to discuss establishing deposit insurance system.


After interest rate marketization,Exchange rate will further accelerate the speed of the elastic,Floating space will be more and more big.Exchange rate and capital management,Is the relationship between price and quantity,On the control relationship between internal and external capital,Is actually a problem of two aspects.One is the price point of view,One is a number of angles.When prices are not completely let go,Capital controls will be severe.When the price let go,There is a risk to bear ability,Natural control of restrictions on the number can be less.


I believe that China will go to the floating exchange rate system,This is the direction.Because there is no a big country economy,Its exchange rate regime is not into the mainstream of international exchange rate system,Especially when China's economy gradually approaching the first largest economy in the United States.Today's mainstream international exchange rate system is floating exchange rate system,China's exchange rate reform direction must be will let go.In the process, of course,If the exchange rate today,Short-term exchange rate fluctuations decided by many factors.The trend,The central bank intervention will be less and less.


With interest rates/The marketization of exchange rate,The central bank's regulation way will be more flexible/More effective,More respect the market rules.So on the whole,A series of changes caused by interest rate liberalization of the financial system,Will be beneficial to more reasonable allocation of funds,Thus more conducive to promoting the development of the real economy.


[In the 21 st century]:Interest rate reform/Exchange rate reform/Open capital account whether to order?


XiaBin:From the basic procedures,Is very simple,Domestic financial did not do well,A financial abroad will be burst open.Southeast Asian financial crisis is a lesson.In this sense,Is the order of,There is a basic principle.But in the concrete in the reform,After have master the basic principles,The exchange rate/The interest rate/Capital controls,Now also add a RMB internationalization,Which one to put a little first,Which one put a little more,This is mainly speak policy coordination and balance between.Can't fine/A quantitative,Also have no a good formula or pattern.The western world also have no experience.


[In the 21 st century]:What do you think of the whole financial reform path is top-down,Or from bottom to top?


XiaBin:China 30 years ago the first financial reform basic is top-down.Such as,The district of shenzhen financial innovation,The national inter-bank market innovation,The innovation of financial market products, etc.Of course,,Reform is the basis of the inherent dynamics for economic growth.But the design of the scheme is still on it.After 20 years after the reform,Intrinsic motivation is more and more big market.The financial industry to make money,Nature will have innovation and reform,Should believe bottom-up appeal.


From the current,,The reform of the real power comes from the development of the banking industry,The reform of the bottom-up pressure is very big,Because of the reform.But a certain reform can change,Now the national financial markets unified form,Also want to consider the stability of the national market.In this sense,And need to have the design.


If you must strictly distinguish between top-down and bottom-up,Meaning is not very big.From the national level,Reform needs to have overall consideration,But the main impetus for reform comes from the contradiction of the financial industry itself/The pursuit of interests,This is top down.Of course,,From a certain does not affect the overall operation of reform,Can also be bottom-up first,First reform pilot.


Unified financial markets"There is no technical difficulties"


[In the 21 st century]:The bond market"Multiple management/Market segmentation"The serious influence the development and efficiency,How to promote the unity of the bond market?


XiaBin:About the unity of the Chinese bond market,The current has been led by the central bank in coordination.But I am the general opinion is,Two organizations form the unity on the market,Increase the size of the market,Definitely helps improve market efficiency.But it's a pity that,No one under the determined to decision making.


[In the 21 st century]:How to improve the over-the-counter market/The trust market/Financial markets, and other various financial markets?


XiaBin:I always think that,Unified around/Each department over-the-counter market,There is no theory/The technical difficulties.Technology is very simple,Unified market was good after the rational allocation of resources.


The key is the central government will resolutely,Clear instructions.To establish a national unified electronic offer platform market than scattered market.


For the trust/Financial market,The first,Is the deepening of financial markets,Who also can not hold up against.The second,The development of the financial market is helpful to DaoBi interest rate marketization,Is helpful for the improvement of the financing structure.


Looking for reform breakthrough to catch a cold"swelling"


The third,Since is the marketization of financial management,Risk is inevitable,Don't panic,Just like the bank non-performing loans.The fourth,On the risk problem,For investors to strengthen risk education,To education over and over again,This is not deposit.


Of course,,Education is not everything. There's mastercard.Individual lessons is inevitable to experience.5.,The trust company should strengthen the regulation of risk,Disclosure of information to the legal compliance/True in an all-round way,Operation of the due diligence,Have consciously safeguard the long-term concept of the brand,Could not a lot.


Currency markets within the territory open to overseas the holder,In terms of RMB internationalization,The bond market is to be able to speed up the release.Shanghai market used to make the international board,I have said,And make the international board,As to speed up China's bond market opening to the outside world.Bond interest rate basically stable,How is the institutional investors participating in.And now the bond custody amount has been as high as more than one trillion yuan.If let go 5% or even 10% investment to outside people,Is don't panic.


The folk finance:Commodities market


[In the 21 st century]:Refer to financial reform,Macro level of the elements of the price reform is the key.Micro folk financial reform also discussed a lot,What is your advice for the folk financial reform?


XiaBin:Financial reform is on financial institutions/Financial markets/Financial regulation and supervision in three aspects.What is called"The folk financial reform"?Is there any"The official financial reform"?I have different meanings of the word itself.


[In the 21 st century]:Perfect the small and medium-sized enterprise financing system,Guide the folk capital into the existing some advance.Market access restrictions to let go,What do you think?


XiaBin:To carry out"New article 36"The rules of,Big Banks holding village and town bank rate decreased from 25% to 25%.My opinion is to be able to completely let go,Don't have rules must be big bank holding company.


The reason is that,The first,State-owned Banks have no interest in going to,This is asking for trouble.The second,As a bank,Now set up any bank,Senior executives have qualifications management constraints,Must have experience, and other qualifications,Not any shareholders can direct management of the bank.The third,Even if the private capital as a shareholder,In the daily operation,There are many supervision procedure and supervision.How much more,Now private capital is also a risk of consciousness.


Now speak to private capital open bank,Key a numerous media not to discuss.Now if there are ten big private capital,Each took out 1 billion yuan,Can set up a $10 billion capital bank?Is obviously can't.Why can't?This is really dare to put the problem.


[In the 21 st century]:How to guide the development of small loan company?


XiaBin:There are a lot of restrictions to small loans company now,Itself also has a lot of non-standard place,This is the reality.What regulation?Haven't".By the central regulatory,Or local regulatory?Now is the place.What are the main points supervision?Do you want to unity?Is not very clear.


The core problems of the development of small loan companies,Is to solve the problem of the identity of the non-financial institutions.Small loan company is currently the industry and commerce enterprise,So developing a lot of policies are restricted.


My suggestion is that,To the small loan company to the identity of the non-bank financial institutions.Like a trust company/Financial leasing companies/Financial companies,No debt sources,Can't absorb public deposits,But it is a financial institution.If the positioning for financial institutions,Its debt problems/Financial leverage is good to solve the problem.But the regulation in order to keep up with,Regulatory norms to uniform throughout the country.As for local regulation or the central regulation,This is the government internal can coordinate the up and down.


Of course,,Will speak comprehensive financial reform of the roadmap,In addition to the above said some of the,There are a lot of problems.Such as,Financial state-owned assets management problems/Policy Banks standard problem/Perfect rural financial system/Comprehensive management and financial holdings/Macro prudent management and supervision coordination problems,Even the central bank region do not crush this reform of window paper problem,And so on.Because of the time relationship,He said is opened.
