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  [ 新供给主义的政策主张不仅包括减税、破除垄断、反对管制、市场化、民营化等传统供给主义的内容,而且还有新供给创造新需求,抛弃硬财富战略、选择软财富战略等国家战略选择 ]

[new supply of policies not only includes tax cuts/Break the monopoly/Opposed to control/The market/Privatization, such as traditional supply the content of the socialism,And there are new supply to create new demand,Abandon hard wealth strategy/Choose soft strategy of wealth, and other countries strategic choice]


China's economy during the capital investment/Enterprise for inventory under the effect of factors such as the start of the short-term rebound will continue at least until the middle of 2013.after,Do you have any long-term baton?China's economy will turn down again?


Can effectively relieve financial repression?


The credit/The stock market/Real estate financial expansion and expansion in the composition of three forces,Is in the middle of the economic situation of a basic motive force.


So far,Credit is still a relatively tight.Both for spamming currency of criticism/Excessive worries of inflation,Or money school of thought,Will keep the central bank in 2013, the careful control of money and credit.And the various economic rise of China's economy cycle,No one is in the credit expansion under the background of the emergence of.Credit expansion,The development of China's economy will continue to be restrained.


China's stock market in 2013,China might be able to bring a little surprise.And the rise of the stock market,Not only can stimulate the consumption,Can also stimulate investment.However,,Because China's decision-making are affected by the traditional political economics,Not only to the stock market does not pay attention to,And there is a big bias,So expect a lot of market is not reality.


Because the government continued to put the high housing prices as a social problem,And keep the house price control not be moved,So consider real estate or other asset to promote the expansion of the market economy is impossible.


No matter from the government/Enterprises and residents' total savings,Or people talk about amount of M2,China's total money supply and many,However, 20% of the legal deposit reserve rate,And the credit limit/DaiCunBi multiple tight hoop,Let China become the world's most scarce funds.If the central bank/Commercial banking system does not provide enough money flow,The stock market/The real estate market cannot create money again,Most of China's financial resources is still in a state of suppressed.Due to,In 2013 China's real interest rates will remain at a higher level,Small and medium-sized enterprises can get the actual interest rate above 10% of the loan,Even more than 20%,Usury flood situation will still exists.


In the central economic work conference has put forward we need to reduce the financing cost of real economy,Whether it is financial liberalization,Or to relax monetary policy,Any can change the financial repression policy can become China the baton of short-term economic rebound,The potential growth rate of China's economy is far from.


Excess capacity vs inflation starts


The monthly CPI just a slight rebound at the end of 2012,Have some people say that the price inflection point,Even worry about inflation.As a matter of fact,2013 years of inflation is not the main contradiction,The year CPI is expected to not more than 3.5%.


By food,Especially pork prices leading Chinese CPI may be increased in the middle of 2013,And in 2014 the middle reach a stage high.


By the CPI fluctuations in raw material price changes affect factors in 2013 can be neglected.And regardless of Europe and the United States economic downturn inhibition of crude oil/Ore and other raw materials prices.Even as global monetary factors such as flood really have some raw material rises in price,Its impact on China's price is negligible.Such as:Due to downstream from petroleum chemical industry between the long chain contains a lot of manufacturers and production,So the rise in crude oil prices would be dozens of manufacturers share digestion,So each manufacturer as long as a little to improve the labor productivity can keep the price of product is not or less price.

  值得注意的是,中国的制造业劳动力价格仍然以每年10%左右的速度稳步上涨。与原材料的成本可以分摊到整个产业链不同,每个企业都必须独自承担雇员的工资成本,因此劳动力价格上升对物价的冲击相当于上游原材料价格影响的10倍。我们测算得出未来几年中国劳动力成本的趋势性上涨每年将贡献约2%的CPI 增速——在这种背景下,低于或接近2%的CPI 水平,反过来说明整个经济处于需求不足或产能过剩的巨大压力之下。

It is important to note that,China's manufacturing industry labor price still steadily rising at an annual rate of 10%.And the cost of raw materials can be spread to the whole industry chain,Each enterprise must bear the employee wage costs alone,Therefore labor prices on the impact of the price is equivalent to 10 times the influence of the upstream raw material prices.We calculate that the next few years China's labor costs rising trend will contribute about 2% of the CPI growth each year - in this context,Less than or close to 2% of the CPI level,In turn, that the economy is in demand or under the great pressure of excess capacity.


As a matter of fact,China should worry about is obviously not inflation,But the excess capacity and insufficient demand.The iron and steel/The car/cement/coal/Chemical industry/Low-end consumer electronics and other fields of serious excess capacity situation appeared increasingly.If the cost of capital,Enterprise profitability decline further,Transformation and the pressure of employment would be significantly increased.


The urbanization of the"Far water close thirsty"


In the long run,The potential of China's economy is in the urbanization,This judgment there is no doubt that is correct.


China's urban per capita GDP output is more than five times as much as rural per capita GDP output.That is to say,If a person successfully transfer from rural to urban employment,It's contribution to the economy increases nearly 5 times.So the urbanization of the main economic growth potential from the labor productivity in the process of urbanization.Of course,,The premise is employment, if don't have enough jobs created,All the problems will be evolution of the urbanization"Middle-income trap"The problem of.


Such as,New urbanization can not rely on solving the employment of the real estate,Can't rely on over industrialized solving the employment,So if promote economic structure transformation and expand employment?


Again for instance,With the improvement of urbanization rate,The potential impact of the financial crisis will gradually expand.When 7.8 billion people in rural areas,They can return to the countryside during the financial crisis;If the population in the city,Any financial crisis can become social unstable factors.


There are,The gap between rich and poor in the process of urbanization further problems,Will a large slum problem,And new urban population of their social security/Provide for the aged/insurance/Health care/Children, etc,Urban infrastructure bearing problem,And so on.

  显然,城镇化虽然孕育着巨大的潜力,但最好保持现有的节奏,不要人为加速,更不可一哄而起。每年1%的新人口城市化率难道还不够吗? 长远潜力可以用来鼓舞信心,但是并不能转化为短期的增长动力。

obviously,Urbanization although pregnant with huge potential,But it's better to keep the existing rhythm,Don't people to speed up,More is not a fool.Every year 1% of new population urbanization rate is not enough? Long-term potential can be used to inspire confidence,But it cannot be converted into short-term growth.


New supply to soft wealth strategy


In 2013 the global economic situation is still not improved as a whole,Among them,In the United States not under the background of a new round of industrial revolution,Economy it is difficult to have big improvement,But also won't appear the big decline,Annual growth to around 2%;European sustained economic recession and debtor the solvency of a vicious cycle,Family and government departments to leverage determines the European economy in 2013 is still hard to out of the mire;Between the diaoyu island,Japan's economy,Economic growth in 2013 is expected to drop to below 1%.


China's trade surplus narrowed gradually,Foreign trade's contribution to the economy will continue to be negative,Aggregate demand will be more rely on domestic demand,While domestic demand in financial repression/Excess capacity/National inflation under the background of phobia how expansion?


In the Keynesian demand stimulus has come to a dead end,At the same time background of monetarism caused financial repression,China's future economic policy focus will be to supply.After eighteen big except new supply principle of China's economic policy,Have no choice but to.But the new supply policy, not only including tax cuts/Break the monopoly/Opposed to control/The market/Privatization, such as traditional supply the content of the socialism,And there are new supply to create new demand,Abandon hard wealth strategy/Choose soft wealth strategic choice strategy, etc.The transformation of China's economy and reform will choose new supply and soft wealth strategy.
