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Looking forward to opportunities and challenges of China's capital market in 2013,Might as well from the domestic and foreign economy/Financial monetary policy/By synthetically considering all kinds of liquidity and credit/assets, such as dimensions.


In the first place,From the global economic development,Although the European debt crisis is far from over,But tell us in the past 2012 years,It is America's economy makes the recovery of the global economy is in relatively stable,so,In 2013 the U.S. economy is still will be the global economy"barometer".Although in the short term the United States"Fiscal cliff"Crisis has not yet been thoroughly removes,But the science and technology advantages of shale gas as a representative of the United States in the future will be self-sufficient in energy,Advanced manufacturing industry in the United States are represented by 3 d print comeback,With Facdbook as a representative of the rapid development of social media is that social media is expected to become the future service can trade an important carrier of the,This also means that the U.S. economy in 2013 maximum overall,The global economy"Black swan"There is little probability of.Especially in the United States/The English/Under the background of, such as the central bank are loose,Recent international gold market price is falling fast and then nearly four months,It could mean a lot,Global economy under the stimulation of the central bank has begun to restore vitality,The stock market and bond era is coming,Gold is expected to curtain call.In 2013,,One of the biggest global market"The risk"Most likely faster appreciation of the dollar,For investors,Over the past eight years the pattern of the height of the connection between categories of assets is expected to change,It focus on one kind of assets for investors is a good thing,Because they don't have to worry about from the interference of external forces.


With the improvement of the peripheral market,In 2013 domestic macroeconomic environment better in 2012,Also makes has rebounded stabilising the domestic economy during the first quarter of this year to maintain the stability of the situation,In addition to the base effect,Though inflation has set up a file in the proceedings,But this year the rebound of the space is not big,For a moderate rebound trend of higher probability,It also determines the year China's economy as a whole better than last year.Considering profits of listed companies tend to lag behind economic stabilising around in the first quarter,So in the first quarter of this year's a-share market will be the economy stabilises and profit recovery"resonance"The expected,At least on"Half wave"The possibility of an option.


The second,From management policy is expected to consider,This year"CPPCC"After the,Macro economic departments of personnel adjustment will be basically in place,It also means that China's macro economic policy since the second quarter will be officially entered a new round of cycle.From already the end of the central economic work conference of this year's economic labeling and zhou xiaochuan, the latest comments,Keep the steady moderate and continue to implement monetary policy"The growth"Policy for years of capital market formation must be positive policy expectations.At the same time,The new management attention to the development of urbanization,Also means that benefit from"urbanization"The industry chain will be further development and the government policy.so,For investors in a-share market,Urbanization is expected to become important thematic investment theme throughout the year,For the quarter of the cement/Chemical industry/Agricultural industries sector,Low valuation is expected to make these industries to the attraction of the capital began to strengthen.


On the other hand,This year is"The eighteenth big"The proposed"Double double"Target of the start of the year,Central and governments at all levels to implement the residents growth will launch a series of measures,So for fiscal policy"Double double"Target of policy TuoDe orientation will be more obvious,To increase"The people's livelihood"Subsidies will be a big probability event.For consumer industries,These policies of good is expected in the third quarter this year.


Once again,,Looking forward to this year's bond market and monetary market,Although this peculiar to the lack of bond market in 2012"Low base"basis,But in the economy stabilises/The price pressure is not big/Market liquidity relatively loose and low global interest rates are still driven by emotions of benefit expectations,Bond market remain all the year round"Balance of the city"The possibility of a larger.It also shows that,Although bond market in 2013 for the difficulty of the capital gains in 2012,But get stable interest will be the mainstream investment institutions of the basic investment strategy,For fixed income"High yield"The chase,Such as low rating for the city of debt market will still thering is no lack of opportunities.Currency markets,Considering the premise of interest rate marketization background remain unchanged,Money market interest rates is difficult to return to the past is low under market conditions,Monetary fund, and other fields still has good yields.For investors,Choose monetary market fund is contact and experience the importance of the capital market into the channel.


As a whole,Outlook 2013 years of China's capital market,Products with different risk preference income due to the improvement of the macroeconomic environment is expected to achieve good earnings expectations.Compared with 2012,Capital market is expected to achieve better than economic performance.
