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追星买基金 七成要踏空(附表)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

去年股基前三甲 今年排名跌出200名 Last year, stock base before this year dropped out of the top ranked 200
At the beginning of this,Fund performance charts are fresh,The front of the performance of the company and began to speak with rankings,A selling their star fund.And base civilian has habit eyes bank outlets performance charts/Hand fund rating,chase"star"fund.But according to the measure,The last five years,Base civilian"Make track for a star",The next year the star fund products similar funds ranked third before the probability of an average of only 31.55%.
文/表 本报记者 吴倩
Wen/table WuQian our reporter
"Look at the market good,Bought last year performance ranked in the top 3 a stock fund,Recent stock market rise so much,The fund to earn less than a point.It is pit dad...!"Investors have online complaint way.Asked for a fund performance stability is not sit in front of the reality,But this"Rollercoaster ride"Performance really let investors suffered.
华夏大盘 Huaxia plate跑输指数 Run lose index
Star fund performance before and after head so big setback investors is not special case.Last year the top three standard stock funds in this year to open the market rebound in the rankings have slipped.
According to public information,As of Tuesday,Last year, the stock fund performance crown and third place JingShun core competitiveness of the Great Wall/Small central/Xinhua industry since this year the net growth rate was 3.05%/1.46% and 0.16%,But in 333 only comparable similar funds,Ranking has dropped to 225 respectively/The 321th and 332th,Only three of the Great Wall JingShun core competitiveness beat csi 300 index during the same period.
Didn't WangYaWei of public offering runescape,Seems to have more difficult to ordinary - general,now,Chase star fund huaxia plate and the strategy of Chinese investors,Also the WangYaWei left a bitter pill.For many years after the performance of the top ranks,In 2012 the performance of the rankings,The Chinese market and Chinese strategy has fallen to the middle level.
过去5年 Over the past five years“追星”胜率最高57% "Make track for a star"Losing the highest 57%
See rankings and rating choose funds/Chase star products are many base people the most simple way to invest,The law failure?
Our reporter study shows,The last five years,Base civilian"Make track for a star"The next year the star product in similar funds before a third of the proportion is 25% in turn/57%/33%/4.76% and 38%.that,Chase star fund in the second year the probability of winning an average of only 31.55%.
According to the straight flush(300033,guba)IFinD market comprehensive evaluation data,In December of 2007,There are four fund product market comprehensive rating for 5 minutes,But in the year 2008 only galaxy income this only bond fund performance ranking pile in similar 1/3 before,Losing 25%.
By the end of 2008,Market comprehensive evaluation and the fund only there are 7 only,Including the time of great XingQuan trend/In the core optimization of mail(590001,Fund it)/Huaxia return/Abundant fund and.In 2009,,In the core optimization of mail/Fund anshun respectively by 105.09%/77.62% of the rate of return in the colleague front row,But the Chinese return/Abundant fund and star product ranking in the fall after,The losing 57%.
By the end of 2009,Only 6 product market comprehensive rating 5 points,There are 5 for partial shares fund direction.In the 2010 years,The only WangYaWei huaxia plate into the top ten,The losing 33%.By the end of 2010,Market comprehensive rating 5 points of fund up to 21 only,But the 2011 performance outstanding only citic stability of the double(288102,Fund it)The bond fund,Huaxia dividend/Fine fruit growth/XingQuan global vision and respected fund returns are similar in after a third,When losing only 4.76%.
By the end of 2011 have 34 fund get 5 points market comprehensive rating.Including the Chinese WangYaWei/Fine fruit ShaoJian/Industrial global(340006,Fund it)WangXiaoMing/Morgan JHNCC HeBin many star fund managers and fund now,however,In the 2012 years,This only 34 in the top one-third performance rankings are only 13 only,Accounts for more than about 38%.
投资建议 Investment advice看排名选基金季度业绩更靠谱 See more in picking fund quarterly results by spectrum
"Geomantic turn by turns"This sentence on the star on fund again appropriate nevertheless."The performance of the fund products,Especially the stock fund,And basic market has very close connection,If a product portfolio is just the hot market,So the fund's performance will be very prominent,Ranking will naturally in a certain period of time rise within soon.But the market hot change too fast,It is difficult to total step to hot,So the stock fund rare ever-victorious generals."Have the personage inside course of study says.
"Investors should according to their investment demand reasonable allocation of their fund investment,Rather than simply follow the so-called year the top ten."Good buy fund research center CengLingHua analysts suggest,Investment fund is to look at their own risk to bear ability.
The second is to see fund company investment style,Each fund management companies have their own good at style,Some fund companies style radical,Its rights products stretch and dye-in-the-wood;Some fund companies robust,Although not MaoJian,But also won't appear big losses.
The third,To observe the long-term performance,Want to have continuous profitability to just go,Some companies a year outstanding performance,After they cannot recover after a setback,So the company had better run a mile.
For those used to choose according to the ranking of fund investors,According to good buy fund research center in 2005 ~ 2010 fund performance research,Fund quarterly performance continuity is relatively good,Monthly times,The continuity of the annual minimum.means,If investors see the annual rankings to select the fund,Choose to the next year"Optimal fund performance"The success rate is low.
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