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- 2012 wuhan financial expo BBS


Our country is in the transformation of the mode of economic development and the adjustment of economic institutions accelerating transformation,This is our country economy a profound change.As the core of modern economy,Financial development rooted in service and promote the healthy development of the economy.The current our country banking reform and development and transformation,Are faced with both a rare historical opportunity,Faces many challenges.The banking industry to adhere to the service entity economy the essential requirements,To speed up the transformation development mode centering on the main line,Through the transformation of the development of itself,Make great efforts to improve financial services universality/Diversity and effectiveness.


How to make the virtual economy and real economy to establish a benign interaction relation?By the hubei province people's government/The China banking regulatory commission, and other units co-hosted 2012 wuhan gold fair was held in the BBS of wuhan.This BBS invited the bank of China(601988,guba)Industry experts and scholars/Financial institutions in the banking industry executives and local financial management department manager in wuhan,Discuss the speed up the economic development mode change program.Based on this,This part interiors, speech content,To readers.Layout in order to speak as an example,The selected text system shorthand finishing and become the author without confirmation.


ZhaoBin:To build the regional financial center of wuhan


Hubei is an important provinces in central China region,Is to build up a promote the rise of the central region of the important strategic fulcrum;Wuhan, capital of the state council is to determine the central part of the city center,Are trying to build a.The current,Hubei is catch"Golden decade"Development opportunity,To speed up the promoting scientific development/Great-leap-forward development,The formation of the up and down"in"Gas very/Strong passion across the field,Economic and social present a fast and steady/Vigorous development of good posture.By the end of 2012 and the end of the month,The complete RMB 1.539 trillion in GDP,Year-on-year growth of 11.2%,Rise above the national average of 3.5%;Large-scale industry, realize the added value of 674.413 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 14.6%;Investment in fixed assets 1.134965 trillion yuan has been completed,Year-on-year growth of 28.6%.


meanwhile,Financial and economic realizes the benign interaction/Common development.Hubei provincial party committee/The provincial government has always attached great importance to the development of the financial industry,To build the regional financial center of wuhan,All kinds of financial institutions gradually perfect,Financial organization system has been improved gradually,Constantly optimize the financial ecological environment,Financial markets have grown increasingly active,Financial talents gathered speed,Has formed a bank/insurance/securities/futures/Of trust and,Chinese/Both foreign financial institutions,Function complete/Running stable financial system.By the end of 2012 at the end of October,The local financial institutions the account balance is 2.7631 trillion yuan,348.4 billion yuan more than at the beginning,Year-on-year growth of 18.56%;The loan balance is 1.8803 trillion yuan,247.8 billion yuan more than at the beginning,Year-on-year growth of 19.32%,Above the national average of 3.11%,The central region is higher than average of 1.31%.


The party's eighteen pointed out in the report,To speed up improvement of the socialist market economic system,To speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development.At the same time, emphasize,In order to deepen the reform of the financial system,To promote sound macro economic stability/To support the real economy development in the modern financial system,Make great efforts to enhance the financial service function,Expand service coverage,Strengthen the weak areas of financial support.The financial industry to speed up their pointed out the direction of reform and development,Also to the financial industry support economic transformation and upgrade put forward higher request.Hope all financial institutions can seize the spanning development of hubei province/Accelerate the rise of important opportunities,Through the establishment of offices to hubei/business/Seeking cooperation, etc,Central concern,In hubei,And we share development opportunities,Common to meet a better tomorrow!


(The author is vice governor of hubei province)


DengZhiYi:"Golden decade"Choose the financial


China's future economic development will be more emphasis on transforming the development mode and strengthen innovation driving force,The financial industry how to adapt to the deep change,To better support the real economy,Below about three ideas.


One is the banking will have opportunities and challenges"Golden decade".The next decade will be the country's economic transformation and structure adjustment"Golden decade",Is the integration of urban and rural areas and regional coordinated development"Golden decade",Is the modern service industry and strategic emerging industry vigorous development"Golden decade",Is income multiplier and life/Consumption level significantly improved"Golden decade",This will be for the development of the banking industry to provide broad prospects and huge space.But also want to see clearly,The future of the banking business environment will become more complicated,Performance in the banking industry's survival and the economic base/Policy foundation/Customer base and concept will be great changes.


The second is the banking industry to speed up the transformation of the economic changes around entity.A gentleman's wu Ben,This set and the tao gave birth to.As for the banking industry,this"this"Entity economy is,From the real economy financial will certainly to be the water without a source/The free end of the.so,The current banking should be the starting point and the foothold on how to better meet the real economy needs,To speed up the transformation development mode centering on the main line,Constantly improve the diversity of financial services/Effectiveness and pratt &whitney sex.In the effective support the real economy in the process of transformation,Strengthen the comprehensive strength of the banking industry/The core competitiveness and ability to prevent risks.


First of all to speed up the transformation of development mode,Improve the diversity of financial services.Development strategy transformation is to clear and reasonable market positioning,Actively cultivate the core customer base and profit growth point,To establish the development strategy of differentiation.Such as,In 2012, the banking industry of hubei province is actively explore technology and finance,Test the waters"TouDai"linkage,Open up new business areas,Is a very good development direction;The transformation of business structure is to adapt to the market-oriented interest rate reform,Improve the diversity of financial services,Expand non-interest income channel,Gradually change too dependent on spread profit model;The transformation of organizational structure is according to the principle of intensive,Build business line is clear/Reasonable division of responsibilities/Management operation efficient organizational structure,Optimize business process,Continuously improve business management level of specialization and fine.


Secondly to speed up the credit structure adjustment,Improve the financial service pertinence.2012 the Nobel Prize is awarded to the stability of the matching theory researchers,The banking service entity economy is improving:How to turn the limited credit allocation of resources to economic development need most/Most the place of key.


The third to speed up the risk culture construction,Improve the financial service robustness.In the transformation in the process of development,Prevent risk should always as a banking institution lifeline.Banking institutions must actively building sound risk preference framework,Establish and perfect the comprehensive risk management system,Perfect risk management mechanism and process;To strengthen the information system construction and risk data management,Cultivate good risk culture,Continuously improve the effectiveness of risk management.At the same time,In the future the macro economy into the normal growth of cases,Need bank prospective anticipation economic risk,Grasp the key risk prevention and control,Pay close attention to the trend of all kinds of risk/Directional change,Do risk early detection/Early exposure/Early treatment.


Finally to speed up the social responsibility form,Improve the financial service pratt &whitney sex.Banks don't take corporate social responsibility is only as a kind of burden,But also can see from the corporate social responsibility in the transition out a real chance.The father of American management drucker was pointed out,The social problem is transformed into enterprise development opportunities may not lies in new technology/The new product/The new service,But in the society to the solution of the problem,Namely social innovation.This kind of social innovation can direct and indirect causes the enterprise benefit.Our country banking institutions competition in many ways is completely the homogenization,To really build lasting competitive differentiation,Not only by ordinary business innovation or channels innovation,You have to rely on social innovation.This kind of social innovation well done,Can be converted into a lasting competitive differentiation.


The third is the banking regulators to lead the transformation of science.In banking reform in the process of transformation,Supervision department plays"guide"role.Regulatory policies and the change of direction,Often can have"vane"role,Such as the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) in 2013 the implementation of the new capital management way,Specifically for small micro enterprise loans set up the risk of differentiation weight,The banking industry is helpful to arouse the enthusiasm of help small and micro.Improve the financial supervision prospective/Pertinence and effectiveness,Help to lead the transformation of banking science/Steady development,Especially pay attention to lead the banking institutions grasp three relationships:One is to correctly handle the business development"more"and"a"relationship;The second is the correct processing credit availability"into"and"back"relationship;The third is the correct processing of financial innovation"real"and"virtual"relationship.


(The author is hubei silver inspect bureau chief)


CengKangLin:Focus on financial reform two points


In the eighteenth party congress,About financial reform,There are two special is worth to pay close attention to:One is to establish a"To support the real economy development in the modern financial system";Two is to accelerate the development of private financial institutions.The two new:Before a little emphasis on support"Entity economy",And put it as to establish a modern financial system important content.In another section of the report also includes"Firmly grasp the development of the real economy the solid foundation,A more conducive to the entity economy development and political measures".Later emphasize"To speed up the development of".The two new idea is worth attention.


Support the real economy,Need to regulate"Entity economy"This concept,Entity economy including"manufacturing(Generalized manufacturing have industry/agricultural/construction),Also includes services.How financial support?Financial support is to put money into the manufacturing and service sector.But can enter,Not only depends on the monetary fund RongChu party,More important is depends on the monetary funds into the party.Generally speaking,Into the party must first have the resources,The need to monetary fund.Now Banks are in pay attention to support small and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprise development,Carefully think,A lot of small and medium-sized enterprises and small enterprise lacks the monetary capital,But resources/technology/confidence.so,Financial institutions how to make money into/small/Micro enterprise,It is important to let them get resources/technology,That they have the confidence.


Monetary fund from RongChu party said,To make monetary fund into manufacturing/services,To support the real economy,There are three aspects of work to do:One is to develop new loan customers;The second is to strengthen and financing guarantee company's cooperation;The third is grasp the virtual economy development degree.


Now people all say:Not the enterprise needs to bank,But the bank need to enterprise(See the good customer all attention),Actually not only for and not problem.A good customer to cultivate,The so-called cultivation is to let it take root/germination/flowering/The results,Also is to help it development/growing.


Strengthen and financing guarantee company's cooperation,Is on May 26, 2010, CBRC in the implementation of the state council"Article 36 new"In the opinion of the proposed,"Guide the banking and financing guarantee agencies."How to cooperation?Need to think about research,I only point out:Attention to people.To learn from guangdong hua ding financing guarantee company's lessons.Can't ChenYiBiao out the character of type.cooperation,To investigate the partner relationship/Ideological and moral/Management idea/Business level.


Grasp the virtual economy development degree,Mainly depends on the degree of asset securitization.Can put this"degree"Identified as:Only the physical assets to securitization,Virtual assets securitization can't.Also is to limit a securities derived for another kind of securities.


Accelerate the development of private financial institutions,And encourage private funds into the financial sector is traditional,Only the original said"encourage",Now say is"To speed up the development of".In fact,This is an old problem.In May 2010, the state council issued"Article 36 new"Put forward again to"Allow the folk capital by financial institutions",The article eighteenth clearly pointed out:"Support the folk capital to invest in the existing way of commercial Banks increase endowment spread,Participate in rural credit cooperatives/Urban credit cooperatives reform","Encourage private capital launch or participate in the establishment of village Banks/Loan company/The rural mutual cooperatives, and other financial institutions","Support folk capital start to establish a credit guarantee company","Encourage private capital to launch financial intermediary service agencies,Participate in the/Insurance and other financial institutions of restructuring reform".In order to achieve the above policy goals,Article eighteenth also spoke about relaxing several specific restrictions,And a few word visible door open a little bit more,including"Relax to the financial organ equity ratio limit","The limitation of the lower proportion of capital contribution","Relax appropriately small loan companies single investor shareholding ratio limit","Implementation of small and medium-sized enterprise loan loss reserve for full dial tax policy,Simplify the small and medium-sized financial institutions bad debt verification audit program".This process shows that:Let the folk capital into the financial sector,Is our country government established policy,Now put forward"encourage"Is different from"allow",Emphasize from passive to active.


here,Of greater significance,See know in the unceasing deepening.In August 2005, put forward"allow",In May 2010, put forward"encourage",Put forward in November 2012"To speed up the development of",Encourage -- - from allowed to speed up the development,Is the process of deepening understanding.


Encourage private capital into the financial sector for the sake of what?Or speed up the development of private financial institutions for the sake of what?Answer this question,Can have a variety of:In order to put the financial institutions outside of the fund up,Orderly circulation;In order to spread risk;In order to regulate the financing structure,To solve the problem of micro and small enterprises;In order to break our financial monopoly situation;In order to expand the financing scale,Increase the financing efficiency.Different answer,Are reasonable.I think the main purpose is the second point.


(The author is the southwest university of finance and economics professor)


WangSongJi:China's future ten years of economic growth of the power source


Not long ago,Xi jinping general secretary have a conversation,He said the world now focus on China what start,The national people's,The world is now watching.HuWen ten years is a brilliant ten years,The ten years,I personally think from the economic performance that can use golden decade to describe,In 2002,,China's per capita GDP is only 1132 dollars,By the end of 2011,Our per capita GDP is $5417,In the past ten years,China's per capita GDP turned over to four times,Overall look at,Social stability,Inflation low,Can be regarded as China's golden decade.Xi jinping in the eighteenth big at the meeting after the speech emphasized the two points:The importance of the people's/People the right to pursue happiness;The party's of the gravity of the situation.


Both revealed to be economically more support people's first/The livelihood of the people first this principle,This principle by what implement?The first,By scientific development,By transformation of the mode of economic development.Solve the transformation in the economic development of the problem,With what means and what path to solve the changing of economy development mode is very important.In the past ten years we have been mention transformation of the mode of economic development,But the effect is not so good,Transformation of the mode of economic development effect is not very good,Why not do?There must be the reason behind,A system for,System reason,Policy reason,The reason in well,But the most important reason,We didn't find a simple effective path,To achieve development mode change.Will the past thirty years to rely on investment,Rely on exports the mode of economic growth,The transition to rely mainly on domestic consumption demand pull economic growth up this way.The second,To realize the innovation drive,China's products in the world where ZhongDiDuan market share is very high,Our product single output at the top of the world more than three hundred,But we added value of products is too low."11th five-year plan"Project done very well,But there are three indicators didn't finish:The first is the research and development investment index,According to the plan"11th five-year plan"To realize the r&d investment accounts for 2% of GDP,But we to"11th five-year plan"The final only achieve 1.75%,In addition to energy conservation and emissions reduction index and service sector index never finished.So in the new collective leadership after the start,Our research conclusion is:Export because the global financial crisis,Due to the debt crisis,Now is still working on,But basically don't have much hope;Invest in the future for a long period of time is still China's economic troika of one of the most important driving.Chinese people all over the world's highest savings,China's investment is driving the actual high savings rate as the support,Is not without support condition,The United States almost every family in debt,The Japanese family savings rate is very high,But the national debt more than 200% of GDP,Very amazing.Only the Chinese government money,The central government have,Local government money,People with money in his hand,Enterprise money in his hand,We still have $3.29 trillion of foreign currency reserves.China's rich,Investment in the future is still quite a long time China's rapid economic growth is one of the most important power,Now go to local survey,Everywhere and investment,Doing construction everywhere,China's economic development soon one of the most important mystery,Is the local government in the economic expansion has an instinctive impulse,This kind of impulse should protect.


After the investment to research how to boosting domestic consumption demand.The first is mining consumption potential,From the increase of income,The new collective leadership puts forward ten income doubling plan.2002?In 2012 HuWen ten years turned over to four times,The next 10 years double can easily finish,Maybe the eighteenth forward the double is changed in income distribution structure of the case,Ordinary people can double.The second,How to improve the consumption environment,China's consumption ability actual not weak,Every holiday consumption make foreign gaping,Chinese people how to buy so many things,Go to the United States and Japan to see,How many stores to buy LV bag,A buy ten several general are all Chinese,Go to the airport to queue drawback is Chinese.China itself consumption ability is very strong,Why not buy a home,Want to go to the foreign country buy it?China's domestic consumption is actually bad environment,China is a what society,Is a mutual poisoning society,Farmers the remedy to the case to the city,City people the remedy to the case to the rural people,Eat what all don't trust,Recently a drunkard wine plasticizer storm,Alcoholic liquor production company check store and transportation in each link which link out of the question,But insiders revealed,High-grade liquor have add plasticizer situation,The Chinese liquor industry blow must be deadly.The stock market is the world's first big stock market,The us stock market the highest share price is apple,The price of the stock is about 684 dollars,China's stock market maotai(600519,guba)Wine is the highest share price,About 219 yuan.How many brewing technology high not high?So we should improve the consumption environment.The third is to foster new consumption hotspot.Recently we in the construction of a new socialist countryside subject study found,The real consumption hotspot in where?In the new rural construction.To have a look around the city,In the new countryside construction,Especially in densely populated plain region,The plan and village and village sports are very interesting,Can be said to be has the Chinese characteristic,Is to reflect China's national conditions out of a new type of urban and rural as a whole new type of urbanization has a very important way of a kind of test.The past make new rural,Some of our predecessors sex with dream,Now from the 2006 after no. 1 files,Our new rural after six years after development,All has created some model,I went to henan after very shocked,Ten village and into a village,Then enter the land reclamation,One year after the reclamation can enter the circulation link,Light to ticket index to sell 150000 yuan of above,To make the city a lot of land for construction purposes.Now the rural is a typical shell village,Is the old man women village,All the women alone.Now a new generation of farmers after 80/After 90,Especially after 90 won't sow the land,After graduating from high school to work in the city,No one will want to sow the land the countryside,In a family of yeomen circumstances,Net income is less than RMB - dollars,Basic don't make money.And after the village,Through the agricultural elements of the integration,The land to farm leader to modern company management,Then the farmer the migrant workers,Can go upstairs and the,Can take a bath,Have a decent the toilet,Farmer's quality of life by one step.Henan has a area,In the new rural urbanization in a what degree?Each staircase door choose one"Grid long"Organization is very high,Wedding and funeral,Eat dinner there are four vegetables a soup provisions.For China's farmers natural love comparisons,Wu liang ye you today(000858,guba),I tomorrow maotai,You house five inches foundation than me,The roof than I you a ruler,Farmers are cover house poor.Henan farmers to fifty years old,Lifetime cover three house.The past generation cover three room,Now three generation cover a room.Farmers not to build houses,The purse drum up,Consumption came out,After general moved into the new house,Many people home has the garage,A ping-pong case.Furniture needs,Home appliance demand,Transportation demand all came,This is our first two years under the state council shall make home appliances to the countryside discount activity effective much more.From here looking for consumption hot spots,I think it's a correct way. 


Since the 1997 Asian financial crisis,The central government do wrong one thing is the largest collecting from local financial resources eminent domain,Places to do a lot of things,But disposable financial resources too little,In fact for the local government support platform,The CBRC should lose no time come on stage some measures to classification,For those who JiCi high finance,Project cash flow can complete coverage of the project,Should support,Encourage commercial Banks to lend to them.In addition,I hope that monetary policy transparency some higher.Monetary policy in the past few years,There is a problem is,We always adhere to the prudent monetary policy,No such formulation in foreign textbook,Only familiar with Chinese philosophy man can realize the beauty that anything can be to suit,To speed up the economic growth,Now the main obstacle in monetary policy.In addition, the central bank loan management way in doing enough.In the national banking system,Now there is only one bank, NongFaHang have special construction of new rural business line,Now the new rural construction loan balance has reached more than 8000 yuan,But in 2012 this good situation,Have such abundant market demand,It won't come out,Why not sent out?Because in early 2012,People's bank of NongFaHang only 240 billion yuan of new loans index,Remove and place purchase cotton reserves new farmers(002548,guba)Village support has no spare capacity.So I think our monetary policy to improve and reform.


China to solve the problem of low growth,The most fundamental is money/Monetary policy,In fact the people's bank has is taking some means such as reverse repurchase of frequent use.Need to take with universal effect of loose monetary policy,20% of the deposit reserve rate is a little bit high,In the world,Only South Korea have a period of time than China's high,Now the world without China's high,96 trillion yuan as high as 20% is nearly 20 trillion yuan of money idle useless,Why enterprise inventory on the increase?Mainly it turn not moving,So we should give some money from the source of loose,Do some new adjustment,We want to cooperate with the eighteenth big new leadership collective action economy,China's economic development quick is one of our advantages,Our the new collective leadership can easily lose this advantage.The beginning of 2011,The national 31 provinces autonomous regions for economic growth indicators,Only 6 provinces autonomous regions to below 8%,25 provinces autonomous regions more than 8%,15 provinces have put forward five years to double,Means that the average annual GDP growth of 14.9%,So China's economic growth is the biggest power of local government here,In the enterprise here.We are the new collective leadership should clear ideas,How in the financial resources on eminent domain to place down some.Some good revenue,Economic development speed,Credit environment good area,Can give some regional financial resources eminent domain;About financial institutions to small micro enterprise support,The banking regulatory commission (CBRC) can support policy to intensify the.Now the key is our leaders to explore open a new period of the new way of thinking,In the strengthening of financial supervision at the same time,On the other hand will give the private enterprise more autonomy/Greater freedom.this,In 2012 to 2022,We Chinese will then achievement a new golden decade,The golden decade may be over the golden decade.

  (作者系中国社科院金融研究所党委书记兼副所长 《银行家》主编)

(The author is by the Chinese academy of social sciences financial research institute party committee secretary and deputy director [bankers]editor)

  杜江龙:经济转型 银行求变

Study on modern hotel groups dragon:The transformation of the economic change bank


The current,China's economy once again faced with decisions of the crossing.Stand in the position of the large commercial Banks,We also in thinking,Economic transition,Our bank how to change?How to faster/Better support/To adapt to the economic development of the important way to change?The following I around this one theme,Talk about some personal opinions.


"change"In the field of economic and financial is normal.Throughout history/Looking to the future,I think,Currently this an economic transformation mainly reflects in the following four aspects:


One is the economic development of the market by the overseas market demand to domestic demand change.Wealth is of the people has always been the traditional,Twenty years,We worked hard to the output results for gross national product to become the world's second beautiful result;And in the global economic pattern reconstruction/Under the background of the domestic and foreign environment change,The potential consumer market in China is in feet,Nearly 1/5 of the world's population will undoubtedly have a domestic market for China's future economic provide strong support.


The second is economic industrial structure from the extensive to intensive changes.With extensive industry mainly embodied in the development mode of resource consumption/Environmental damage/Lag in technology/Low efficiency, etc,At this stage to upgrade the industrial structure/from"Made in China"Transformation for"Created in China",The future including the energy conservation and emission reduction work/Green low carbon industry/Technical brand of independent innovation of intensive industry will have wide development space.


The third is the regional economic development by the unbalance to differentiation transformation.Dual economy has been plagued by the balance of China's economic development,The east and parts of the Midwest regional economic gap also distorts the allocation of resources efficiency;Our country has massive land,A model of development may not promotion to all regions,Thus need to find and regional environment matching different development strategy.In the coordinated development of the goals,China's economy will further toward the new urbanization/The modern rural and regional feature differentiation direction change.


The fourth is economic development target by actual power to power the prosperous common people change.In the undeveloped,We speak some people to get rich,To power as the goal banner;Now our country has achieved a total scale in the world,The next step to turn to the prosperous common people take precedence over power development track.


In 2008, the financial crisis has taught us,The other is in danger,Financial cannot break away from the real economy and independent operation,And the financial sector and real economy lubricant;so,In China's economic development mode change process,financial/Especially commercial Banks for the real economy of the smooth transition must bear the responsibility and obligation should be.


First of all,In the management idea on firm service entity economy is the survival and development of commercial bank the necessary foundation.Commercial bank's key economic role is to service industry,Service for the main object is the real economy.The future market,No strong customer base of bank competitiveness will sell at a discount greatly,The entity economy is the only commercial Banks is the most solid customer base;And customer base construction and firm must save for a rainy day/Accumulated for a long time,Such ability accumulation commercial Banks to the long-term development of the deep foundation.


secondly,In the mode of operation on trace the changing of economy development mode to innovate.In the economic development mode change request,inherent/A single bank business channels have unsustainable,To conform to the changes of the market change and innovation.In this,I'd like to make some specific ideas for all communication:One is to expand consumption financial services/Covering multiple service group/Mining potential consumption ability,Therefore, we need to improve financial services initiative,Going to consumers think;The second is to increase the quality emerging industry/High and new technology industries as well as small and medium-sized micro enterprise financial support,Therefore, we need to improve the financial service flexibility,To accurately/Keen grasp the change of the market;Three is to continue to support national key industry and project to cultivate and grow,Therefore, we need to extend the height of the financial services and far degrees,To the national economy further reading strategy;The fourth is steadily promote to the countryside/The Midwest financial services cover,This needs us to set up the differences of financial services,To meticulous research area characteristics and financial needs.


finally,In the development of strategic economic restructuring and integration with internal system/Management and process.The old management mode is difficult to adapt to the changing of the future market,Carry on the survival of traditional bank operation mode will also be unsustainable,Only from the system/Management and process and so on internal origin reintegration commercial bank system resources,Keep it real conditions and future target the correct strategic positioning,To establish the trade differentiation advantage,Can realize to adapt to the change of the mode of economic development/With its own characteristics of the transformation of the commercial Banks.In this,There are two ideas and share:On the one hand,Commercial bank organization management structure reform should uphold the principle of intensive management,Toward the delayering and business to move in the direction of the distance,Which covers accrual rational division of labor/Business line clarity/Management operation efficiency/Improvement innovation agile,And take the customer as the center of business process optimization, etc;On the other hand,Commercial Banks also need by the extensive to intensive management mode change,This needs reform of bank performance appraisal system,From the size of the assessment in quality/Benefit evaluation direction change,Leading commercial bank to long-term stable income to carry out business.


(The author is bank of communications(601328,guba)The secretary of the board of directors)

  邢本秀:携手小微 特色发展

Xing this show:Hand in hand to small micro characteristic development


How to go out with a people's livelihood characteristics of different development road,Is minsheng bank(600016,guba)For a long time to explore diligently the eternal subject.

  一是明确定位,情系民生发展。中国民生银行作为全国第一家以民营企业出资为主设立的全国股份制商业银行,从1996年成立之日起就把服务“民营、中小、高科技”企业作为自己的战略定位。2009年,国际金融危机席卷全球之际,中国的民营企业生存与发展也面临严峻考验。作为与民营企业有着深厚渊源的民生银行,对民营经济和民营企业在发展过程中遇到的各种困难与瓶颈感同身受,“既要锦上添花,更要雪中送炭”。民生银行审时度势,果断提出 “做民营企业的银行”、“做小微企业的银行”的战略定位,把民营企业和小微企业确定为自己的企业服务主体,与广大民营企业、小微企业同成长、共发展,并围绕这一核心理念,在支持地方实体经济发展不断加大金融扶持与资源投入力度,为优化社会资源配置、服务实体经济、促进市场经济的健康发展发挥了积极作用。

A position is clear,Love is the development of people's livelihood.China minsheng bank, as the first private enterprise contributive give priority to the establishment of the national joint-stock commercial Banks,From 1996 years of the date of the establishment of the service"private/Small and medium-sized/high-tech"Enterprise as their strategic positioning.In 2009,,The international financial crisis swept across the world,China's private enterprise's survival and development is facing severe test.As a private enterprise and have deep origin of minsheng bank,The private economy and private enterprises in the development process in the various difficulties and bottleneck empathy,"Should icing on the cake,More to provide timely help".Minsheng bank size up the situation,Decisive put forward "Do private enterprises of the bank"/"Do small micro enterprise bank"Strategic positioning,The private enterprise and small micro enterprise determine for his own enterprise service main body,With the vast number of private enterprises/Small micro enterprise to grow up/Common development,And around the core concept,In the support local economic development entities increasing financial support and resource investment,In order to optimize the allocation of social resources/Service entity economy/To promote the healthy development of the market economy has played a positive role.


The second is the grounding corporation,Service entity economy.For private enterprises,Minsheng bank goal is to support them bigger,The more important thing is to make the brand,Be promoting China's economic development and participate in the international market competition of the main force.

  对成熟期的大中型民营企业,我们提出“化‘融资’为‘融智’”, 做民营企业的“金融管家”。对发展中的中小型民营企业,我们依托民营企业生产交易流程,优化行业产业结构,支持企业做强做大,做民营企业的“金融产品供应商”。

The large and medium-sized private enterprises to maturity,We propose"change‘financing’for‘RongZhi’", Do the private enterprise"Financial housekeeping".In the development of small and medium-sized private enterprises to,We rely on private enterprise production and transaction process,The industrial structure optimization of industry,Support enterprise development,Do the private enterprise"Financial products supplier".


The people's livelihood housekeeper type service,to"Strategic identity/Professional team/Resource integration/Value creation"As the connotation,Change in the past simple"financing"As a comprehensive service"RongZhi"service,Enterprise development strategy in the identity of the premise,Use of the banker's own professional resources comprehensive service,For corporation to provide customized/Comprehensive one-stop financial services,Meet the private enterprises in the strategic development of the different stages in the process/More complex/More diversified financial service needs.


The third is feeling is small micro,City commercial cooperative units.China has 38 million households small micro enterprise,They are in the active market/To increase taxes/Create employment/Maintain social stability and plays an important role,Is the healthy development of the economic and social development and an important force.But for a long time,Small micro enterprise financing,The majority is through the folk lending solution,Get regular system of financial support.


In February 2009,Minsheng bank in the national commercial bank into the first comprehensive small micro enterprise financial services,And in the second half of 2009 puts forward"Do small micro enterprise bank"Strategic positioning.


In three years,Minsheng bank accumulated issue small micro enterprise loans more than 6000 yuan,Small micro enterprise loan balance of more than 250 billion yuan,Small micro enterprise customer number more than 640000 households,More than 180000 households loans,As the world's largest small micro enterprise financial services organisations. 


Minsheng bank little micro financial services have today's achievement,A number of world played a key role:One is for small micro enterprise financial more emphasis on include financing/consulting/Information,"Comprehensive service".The second is through the scale/PiLiangHua solution to bank cost and risk,Three years to develop small micro business district 156,Small micro customer total breakthrough 20000 households,PiLiangHua development accounted for more than 70%,Small micro asset scale nearly one hundred million yuan.The third is specialized operation,To establish professional team/Professional branch.The fourth is resource integration,platform.Minsheng bank is small micro corporation in business circle/Industry association/Chamber of commerce/Area and so on the different combination of well organized,Integration is a small city of cooperatives,You BaoTuan development,Let all/No management/No organization organized into thousands of households/Have management/Self-discipline is the organic whole.


the,"City commercial cooperatives"For small micro enterprise's sustainable development to create a new broad space.The people's livelihood of small micro city commercial cooperation is"Non community/entity/non-profit/non-public"properties,Purpose is to combine government/Chamber of commerce organizations such as,The small micro enterprise composition economies to BaoTuan development/Resist risk.


With the passage of the commercial credit/Alongside chamber of commerce is different,Cooperative mode will integrate multiple chamber of commerce/The high quality business enterprise,With the aid of this model,Minsheng bank and member enterprises set up daily communication mechanism,In order to solve the information asymmetry problem.And based on the cooperative mode,Members of the enterprise can not only more convenient to get loans,Still can obtain minsheng bank provide other financial and non-financial services.


From the actual business model to see,At present domestic Banks do small micro business mostly still adopts the traditional"sweeping"mode,But this way not only the human cost/Low efficiency,Input-output ratio is not ideal.If Banks have good services to small micro enterprise,And to reduce the cost/Improve profit margins,It will need to have better customer acquisition mode.At present the people's livelihood bank to subordinate branch emphasizes a core technology is"Small micro strategy map",The core technical requirements specific to a province/A regional and even the street,To see"Target customers where/Business circle how to constitute".To find fish,Then sent the fishing boat fishing,Is the practice of the people's livelihood.


(The author of China minsheng bank vice President)


XuHaiYan:Take advantage of an opportunity and to the advancement of science and technology financial innovation


I talk from two aspects to promote financial innovation of science and technology/Speed up the economic development mode change experience.


First of all,Roll with the,Strengthen technology and finance service entity economic initiative.


Finance is the core of modern economy,Commercial Banks can actively conform to the third revolution of science and technology and the global tide"To industrialization"trend,Take the lead in their own development mode change,With the science and technology innovation industry carries on the effective fusion,To our country economy development mode change has important significance.


The first,Strengthen the innovation of science and technology to deal with the international financial crisis is the effective measures.European Union and the United States/Japan and other countries,Have adjusted the strategy to deal with crises,With the third revolution of science and technology on the basis of wave successively put forward"To industrialization"strategy,In order to revitalize the real economy by the financial crisis to deal with."To industrialization"The core is to strengthen scientific and technological innovation/Develop strategic emerging industry,This needs a large number of science and technology enterprises responsible for promoting technology research,To take the lead in realizing the important technical breakthrough burden.so,Commercial bank financial business development of science and technology,To support science and technology enterprises is not only active butt national strategy/Service the needs of the development of the real economy,Is to promote economic development mode change,Lower their systemic risk,Keep steady development needs.


The second,To strengthen the scientific and technological innovation to promote China's economic development mode change plays an important role.May 30, 2012,The standing committee of state council meeting to discuss["1025"National strategic emerging industry development planning],Puts forward seven big strategic new industry development direction and the focus of the main task.This means that,Our country will be a strategic emerging industry is the core carrier,By strengthening the scientific and technological innovation accelerate economic development mode change,The commercial bank service innovation entity economic model puts forward new requirements.


The third,The development of science and technology of China's banking industry financial for transforming the development way has the positive role.Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis,Compared with the international banking,China banking outshine others,The scale of the/quality/Structure and benefit index are obtained a good result.This aspect of China's banking industry to enhance the strength of management,On the other hand also to a certain extent, weakening the banking industry to speed up the transformation of the way that crisis consciousness,To strengthen the bank promote transformation of the inert,Lead to competitive banking development.But interest rate marketization/Financial disintermediation in commercial bank's impact has become increasingly evident,Commercial bank to the customer for the resources and fierce,Rely on carry realize the profit of the traditional development mode has been unsustainable.If you want to in the fierce market competition to win,Commercial Banks must speed up the development mode change,Strengthen the innovation,As soon as possible establish differentiated competitive advantage.This objectively requires commercial Banks actively conform to the trend of the upgrading of the industrial structure,Strengthen the strategic emerging industry support,By strengthening the financial service innovation of science and technology,Vigorously develop small and mid-sized enterprise customers,To realize the customer and business mechanism optimization,The transformation development steadily.


secondly,Positive as,Speed up the formation of science and technology financial service characteristics.


The current,Promote financial innovation of science and technology/Practical service strategic emerging industry/To speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development has become the consensus of the government and financial circles.I think,To promote science and technology work of financial innovation,Needs the government/Regulators and commercial Banks further action plan as a whole/Common cooperation.


The first,As science and technology should be financial"a"engineering.Should formulate the technology and finance development planning,Will science and technology from the financial strategy to ascend to the bank important business status;From top to bottom should establish perfect organizational structure system,Clear internal responsibility,Perfect the corresponding performance evaluation mechanism;Should be based on the actual accurate market positioning,Select strategic emerging industry in the specific industry/Specific area/Specific service object steadily;Should the integrated use of debt financing tool/M&a loan/Asset securitization/Financial advisor/Project financing/Syndicated loan/Green credit, and other comprehensive financial service means,Rich technology and finance product system,And in the light of different growth stage of the science and technology enterprises to provide the whole service life cycle.


The second,Shall establish technology and finance professional team.According to the professional person to do professional thing principle of hiring,On the one hand within the system to cultivate understand technology and financial talents,On the other hand, in accordance with the urgent need of the first principle,From colleges and universities/Science and technology management department hiring experts as science and technology personnel and financial letter trial online consultant personnel.Through these professionals/experts,Both science and technology enterprises with technology/financing/information/Consulting service,Also in the service process,Fully grasp the science and technology enterprise products/market/The information technology and management team,To prevent the information asymmetry produce systemic risk/The moral risk and other kinds of risk.


The third,Should strengthen technology financial risk management.Should strengthen and venture capital investment(vc)/Private equity investment(PE)cooperation,Perfect TouDai linkage mechanism,Take follow up strategy,Try to choose vc/PE support technology enterprise loans;For science and technology enterprise with transformable patent technology or other intellectual property rights of the pledged collateral,And in the loan bank clearly in the contract is preferred for vc,Further firm with vc and science and technology enterprise strategic cooperation relations;Through the open accounts receivable/vc investment funds collection only account,Lock technology enterprise cash flow,Set up a strict technology financial risk prevention and control system.


(The author is Shanghai pudong development bank(600000,guba)Vice President)


XuJianHua:Real estate finance innovation and speed up the economic development mode change


Speed up the economic development mode change,No matter for the whole country speaking or a particular industry and enterprise is a important big proposition.In this,I combined with constant big operation practice,Mainly from three aspects and everyone to share: 


Urbanization is a transformation of the mode of economic development is the important content.Urbanization is a commonplace,Everyone knows that China's economy in the past thirty years of development,Thanks to China's whole the industrialization of the economy/Urbanization and globalization,So our future twenty years/Thirty years and longer development,Whether you want to leave? These fundamentals?I think the fundamentals are still can't leave,We still wanted in China of the whole the industrialization of the economy/In the process of urbanization and globalization, the,To talk about our economy is changing the way of.


Vice premier li keqiang has pointed out in a meeting,Urbanization is the modernized the meanings and the basic strategy of.Already modernization countries are industrialized countries,Urbanization rate,Agricultural modernization also achieve a good level.Our country has entered the middle industrialization,As a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion,The realization of modernization in human history without precedent,Need to base on the national conditions,Research on the,Go industrialization/urbanization/The coordinated development of agricultural modernization way.He stressed that,Urbanization is the biggest potential in domestic demand.Our country urbanization rate just more than 50%,According to census register population is only 35%,Was significantly lower than the developed countries and many of the same stage of development of the state level.Gap is potential,The next two hundred and thirty years,Each year more than 1000 people are added to cities,Will continue release huge domestic demand,This is China's long-term economic fast and steady development of the power supply(600405,guba)spring.According to the LongYongTu words,China's urbanization rate of only the United States the level of 1910/Japan the level of 1960/South Korea the level of 1970.so,China's urbanization will still last for 30 years/Forty years or even fifty years,To achieve the developed countries the urbanization rate more than 80% this level.


so,Urbanization is still our economic future development of a very important power,But now I said before the urbanization and the urbanization is different,Now the urbanization is a high quality of urbanization,Is the environment friendly urbanization,Agricultural modernization and industrialization is one of the coordination of the urbanization.With the development of urbanization and industrialization development,Industrialization provides a lot of jobs,Attract farmers to transfer town,Promoted the process of urbanization;And new type of urbanization is not rough from farmers hand over land seizures,But at the same time to let farmers get share of the land revenue,Is beneficial to the development of the scale of rural land,Promote the intensive agriculture and the development of modernization,At the same time, urbanization and created the industrial consumer market,In turn, promote the development of industrialization.The changing of economy development mode is all sorts of internal economic factors,The rapid economic development has led to economic factors including human resource scarcity intensifies,Affordability reduce environment,Require us to change the extensive mode of economic development,The said new urbanization just is accord with the requirement of the change.so,Urbanization is still an important driving force for the development of our future,At the same time also is our economic mode change is an important content.


The second is to realize the real estate financial innovation to speed up the transformation of the real estate has an important significance.The real estate industry is capital intensive sex industry.For large real estate enterprise speaking,Its relative to the development of good for projects,Relative to the economic transformation process to the real estate enterprise project scale/Pay floor fine decoration/Building materials for energy conservation and environmental protection requirements,Money is far from enough.because,All this means that a greater and more long-term capital demand.So far,Real estate construction and development funds basic rely on bank loans to support,Credit elastic has a direct impact on China's real estate market trend of hot and cold.How in the economic transformation of the background to solve real estate face new problems,In the real estate financial innovation as a somewhat,Is real estate enterprise including Banks and financial institutions face many of the common topic.

  三是恒大集团在房地产金融方面所做的一些探索。恒大作为中国精品地产的领导者,在融资渠道的创新上也做了一些探索,除了传统的银行信贷融资以外,恒大积极探索多元化融资渠道。由于我们是在港上市的国内房企,我们可以充分利用境内外金融市场的一些优势, 2009年11月5日,在香港联合所挂牌上市前后,多次在境外发债,累计发债30多亿美元;另外,这几年跟信托公司等非银行金融机构也有较多的合作,包括信托开发贷、信托股权收益权转让和项目股权转让融资等等;在城市“三旧改造”项目和保障房建设方面也得到一些银行的资金支持。

The third is evergrande real estate group in financial do some exploration.Evergrande real estate leader as the high-quality goods,In the innovation of the financing channels also made some exploration,In addition to the traditional bank credit outside financing,Evergrande explore diversified financing channels.Since we are listing in Hong Kong domestic room enterprises,We can make full use of financial market and some of the advantages, On November 5, 2009,In Hong Kong with before and after the listing,Many times in FaZhai abroad,FaZhai accumulated more than $30;In addition,Over the past few years with trust and non-bank financial institutions also have more cooperation,Including trust development credit/Trust equity usufruct transfer and project equity transfer financing and so on;In the city"Three old transformation"Project and security room construction also get some of the bank financial support.


We have recently with some trust and private equity fund in class of real estate funds model discussed.Real estate fund industry has been discussed for many years,Many trust company two years ago to our proposal,But should have the downside of commitment,We can't accept,Now the conditions more mature.From the CBRC perspective,Hope to investors and the issuer shall jointly undertake the risk of equity class trust products,Cannot be entirely trust companies, and other financial institutions to take the risk,Encourage out real equity class trust products;From the perspective of investors,Through the years economic ups and downs,Investors in the securities market no matter or mineral investment,Their earnings are not very ideal,Investors in reducing earnings expectations,As evergrande such leading room to the years of fixed income trust product cash is very good,Also to enhance the confidence of investors.The equity of real estate funds is class to evergrande such leading room to handle nearly.


(The author is evergrande real estate group vice President and general manager of capital marketing)
