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工行湖南衡山支行违规放贷 数千万贷款或成坏账--亲稳舆论引导监测室


【财经网(博客,微博)专稿】记者 高欣 [Financial network(blog,Micro bo)feature]reporter GaoXin


In the bank wind control increasingly tightens the present,There are still part of the bank internal control is still confusion,Part of the business is still on the supervision on the red line.

  近日,记者收到一封举报文件,材料为关于中国工商银行湖南衡山支行 (以下简称“工行衡山支行)和衡阳兆基铜业有限公司(以下简称“兆基铜业”)以及其股东的融资担保纠纷案。而在这个案件背后,却隐藏着不为人知的秘密。据材料显示,在公司停产、担保合同签字、债务人办理贷款的公章均为伪造的情况下,工商银行依旧为其发放近4000万元贷款

recently,Reporter received a report file,Material is about the industrial and commercial bank of China hunan hengshan subbranch of a bank (Hereinafter referred to as"Icbc hengshan subbranch of a bank)And hengyang mega base copper co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as"Mega base copper")And the shareholder's financing guarantee.And behind in this case,But hidden skeletons in the closet.According to the material shows,The company production/Guarantee contract signed/Deal with the official seal of the loans are for fake cases,Commercial bank still extend for its nearly $40 million loan.


However, with the signs base copper production,Tens of millions of loans or into bad loans.


虚构贸易融资下放贷 Fictitious trade financing lending


According to public information display,Hengyang mega base copper co., LTD. Is a sign of hengyang base copper co., LTD. Is the government of hunan province/Hengyang city development and reform commission approved sino-foreign joint venture enterprise,The two RuanZhaoHong zheshang and XieShanLiang and Hong Kong Canaan co., LTD. Is a joint investment 40 million yuan.


By the end of 2006 the company investment and construction,In October 2007, put into production,Realized total output value of nearly 1 billion yuan,Cumulative pay tax 150 million yuan,Is hengyang and HengShanXian tax leader,At the same time is also the non-ferrous metal industry in hunan province before fifty strong enterprise.


however,At the beginning of 2011,Along with the country the nonferrous metals renewable resources industry policy gradually adjusted,To eliminate the drawback policy in 2011,And adjust the export trade deficit,Market copper vibrations substantially,Raw material supplies,Tax and cost increase,Caused the company to the production and business operation greatly losses.


In the middle of September 2011,The company capital chain rupture,Was forced to suspend production.


It is important to note that in mega base copper appear management difficulties,The creditor hengshan icbc branch are still on the land and real estate mortgage loans to mega base copper 25 million yuan,Then mega base copper and to accounts receivable to pledge,Icbc's loan to 17 million yuan.


However it is important to note that,Icbc branch hengshan issued by the 25 million loan is in August 30, 2011,And then the company has entered the idling condition and have obvious signal cannot be sustained operation.


In addition to the outside circumstances,According to the report material says,At that time because there is no trade financing need enough accounts receivable to pledge,Will forge a and hangzhou fuchun river smelting co., LTD. Deal with(Hereinafter referred to as"Fuchun river")To mega base copper 32 million yuan buying and selling contract,Without permission of the official seal and inscription fuchun river.Through the fictitious trade background,And forge trade financing need trade contract,With the fuchun river happen accounts receivable to icbc hengshan subbranch of a bank to apply for a loan,However icbc branch in hengshan not verify trade background the authenticity of the case,Still to mega base copper issued 17 million yuan in loans.And hangzhou fuchun river smelting co., LTD. Has also admitted that mega base copper to bank provides trade background are all fake.


In addition,According to the blog said,Natural person guarantee contract nor I face sign,No verification procedures,No guarantor sign spouse,Hengshan branch also be acquiesce.


But no matter from the contract and bank loan business operation procedures with the provisions of the watch,Ensure trade background/bill/The authenticity of the signature is Banks to issue loans the most basic requirements.


Reporters from mega base copper and icbc signed hengshan subbranch of a bank[Domestic factoring business contract]see,Accounts receivable refers to the transfer of party b to party a with the buyer in the real/Legal transactions and creditor-debtor relationship of the only/specific/Specific and exclusive no dispute legal claims.


According to[Small bank credit center"Accounts receivable pledge loan"Operational rules]display,Quasi pledge receivables must conform to the requirements of the conditions,Trade basis under the contract of commodity traders are true and legal trade background/Trading main body and trading legal.


In addition,In the loan in the survey,"Accounts receivable basis the authenticity of the business contract"/"Accounts receivable claim documents such as transport documents/Proof of delivery/Bill of lading according to/Certificate of receipt and already issued by the commodity sales invoice/The VAT invoice, is reasonable"etc.


However icbc branch in hengshan but party b fiction trade background to provide all of the false documents of the case,No fuchun river to/Mega base copper of background check and issue the loan.


A bank relevant personage told reporters,Icbc hengshan branch fiction trade background to help enterprise by forging materials for trade financing behavior is not the case,The bank internal control link is out of control,Business personnel to achieve personal interests would break the bank related business management regulations and regulatory requirements,Help enterprises in the distressed circumstances can still show the bank credit funds.At the same time also can see,Local silver prison department control is lax,To banking fraud left a lot of space.


兆基铜业与工行发生大笔非业务金钱往来 Mega base copper and icbc occur large FeiYeWu money exchanges


According to the report material display,These loans,Icbc hengshan branch leadership and loan handling charge per capita in't,According to the record in mega base copper account costs look,January 2007 to August,To deal with bank loan recovery entertaining cost about $1.2 million.


According to accounts show,Mega base copper all happened with icbc current accounts as many as dozens of,The bank leadership to father dying in hospital gifts/Purchase tea gifts/ChuGuoYou/President's move as many as thousands of yuan, such as a gift to tens of thousands of dollars.


In addition to the mega base copper accounts outside the record,According to the big shareholders RuanZhaoHong provide"Personal recovery cost"Material said,From June 2006 to August 2011 in place during the cost,In May 2007 to June 2011,Reception tourism recovery fees as high as $1 million,But in January 2007 to August 2011,To deal with bank loan recovery entertaining cost about $1.2 million.In September 2006 to August,for"dotting"relationship,Buy louie 13 more than twenty bottle(The unit price 20000 yuan/bottle),A total of ten thousand yuan more than forty;High-grade tea more than fifty jin(The unit price 2200 yuan/jin),Total 220000 yuan;High-grade brand teapot over sixty(Unit 1-30000 yuan/a),Meter of 80 yuan;Bird's nest/MingYan wines hundreds of/bottle,Meter 1 million yuan,Accumulative total recovery cost 2.42 million yuan;In October 2006 to August 2011 period,For the company to deal with all kinds of matters,In cash packing accumulative total recovery of 280 yuan.Total cost is 9.72 million yuan.And above all is not to company financial reimbursement of the cost.


It is understood,Currently icbc hengshan branch and mega base copper big shareholders domestic factoring financing disputes/Order financing disputes already by hengyang city intermediate people's court accepts the.And in the case of the MinErTing wife system icbc hengshan subbranch of a bank worker,And just responsible for competent the legal affairs.


According to the icbc hengshan subbranch of a bank employee said,No matter how the verdict,Loans have become the possibility of bad loans,Bank related leadership or will be affected by the corresponding punishment.There are some handling personnel already left.


(Securities market weekly contributors)
